#mlm textpost


there’s this boy with really pretty hair that i, for lack of a tamer word, am infatuated with. am i gonna do anything about it? absolutely fucking not-

Not to push my problems onto other people or anything, but I (and I’m sure other people who struggle with reading) would appreciate if y’all broke your posts into bits, so we’re not looking at walls of text

I’m not saying to make several posts or anything, but breaking up text into short paragraphs or even long paragraphs is much easier to read than a huge wall of words

I love this community, I just wish it weren’t hard to find posts I relate to that aren’t difficult to read :(

I want to read people’s nb/mlm/nb posts but it’s hard when they’re not broken up at all

/nm /srs

I can’t even begin to imagine the impact she ra has on lgbt rep in the media. healthy wlw and mlm love. lgbt poc rep. and because she ra is aimed towards kids, this has so much influence on how future generations will perceive the lgbt community. she ra is so so important. thank you noelle stevenson.


boyliking is a full time job, and brother, I’m doing overtime

mlm textpost


I have such a long weekend and I’m bored as all hell :/. Like I don’t have homework due until Thursday, and I can’t hangout with any of my friends cause they’re not free :|. Man if he lived here, we could get coffee and just walk around, I know this really nice crystal shop in town we could go to.

Main street is nice this time of year, and it’s like the PERFECT walking temperature :/. We could go to thrift stores and just look at all the random things, and there’s this great coffee/sweets shop on main street that a lot of people recommended to me :///.

We could also go to a store that just sells these handmade paintings, wind chimes, and dream catchers. It’s run by a sweet old woman who’s really nice, I hope she’s doing okay :///. There’s also a lot of statues and art pieces I know about, and I know the history of around 2/3 of them.

There’s also a great shop that you can go to where almost all of those statues were made in, and it has a bronze bear in it I think. We could even paint some pottery and grab snow cones :((, I KNOW WHERE ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE IT’S NOT FAIR :(((((((!!!!!!

I also know this really cute park and it’s just :((((((, WHY DOESN’T HE LIVE HERE IT’S HOMOPHOBIC :((((((!!!!!! I mean yea he wouldn’t be allowed to come over or stay the night, but that’s okay :(. We could always go to the park and talk :((((, PLUS BEING OUTSIDE IS MORE HEALTHY THAN BEING INSIDE :((((!!!

Yea my mom would defo hate him but we’re nOT THINKING ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes he does get spammed with snaps about my dreams, no, I do not feel remorse. And yes, he also gets spammed with drawings I made while bored, and no, I do not feel remorse for that either. HE CHOSE THIS LIFE AND THIS LIFE CHOSE HIM, IT IS WHAT IT IS >:((!!!!!!!!


Actually it’s MUCH safer to sleep with a “boyfriend belt” :/, like it’s actually been proven that like, you can die without one :/. A boyfriend belt helps you NOT fall off the bed, and it helps like, keep you warm, which is probably pretty important :/.

So since he’s (my bf) NOT sleeping with a boyfriend belt, like, ever, he’s seriously risking his health :/. And as a person TRAINING TO BE IN THE MEDICAL FIELD, I can’t LET him DIE, so I OBVIOUSLY need to help :/. So, in order to make sure people are safe, I will give a public service awareness about how to be, and use, a boyfriend belt :).

In order to properly get into the boyfriend belt position, you need to do another technique doctors like to call “big spoon little spoon”, now obviously the boyfriend belt is going to be the “big spoon” and the one being buckled in is the “little spoon”, ya still with me?

Now, once in your proper roles, the boyfriend belt must then wrap one arm around the ribcage of whichever side they’re on, and the other arm will then scoop UNDER the neck and properly secure itself on top of the “little spoons” chest or shoulder. The “little spoon” then can lay on top of the arm of the “big spoon”, as if it is a oddly hard and uncomfortable pillow far too small for ones head.

Once these tasks are completed, the boyfriend belt must then pull the “little spoon” into the desired, or required, tightness. The required tightness is anything of or above “crush the soul out”. But this can change depending on disabilities, comfort, and preference :). Adjust your boyfriend belt to your comfort, and be safe :).

If not sleeping with a boyfriend belt, be aware that falling off the bed to your inevitable demise is a real possibility hundreds encounter around the globe :/. Sleep at your own risk :/.

A boyfriend belt is used to crush the second, third, etc, sleeping party into oblivion so that they are saved from falling off of the dangerous edge of the bed. They are also used as emotional support, and can be used as a source of heat if needed :). Boyfriend belts are often recharged as they are used as well, for the most obvious reasons :).

Studies show those who do not have a boyfriend belt are more likely to die day to day, some studies even suggesting that BREATHING without a boyfriend belt can be a serious health risk one needs to urgently address :). If you fear you are suffering from the well known condition “no boyfriend belt syndrome”, seek treatment out immediately :).

Anyway, /j /lh :). Have a great day gay wads


K hear me out. I wanna kiss all over his face, do a skincare routine on him, put face masks on him (honestly I don’t care if I have the same shit I don’t care this is about HIM RN LET ME LIVE), and just make him laugh about some stupid joke, still just kissing his face and holding his cheeks.

While he’s laughing and just, HAPPY and shit, giving him hickeys all around his neck and lower jaw. Making a point to bite down harder when he breathes in, calling him dumb for getting worked up over nothing :), kissing him and pulling out when he gets to into it just to piss him off :).

Just trailing down as low as I can go without scooting down, biting harder if he doesn’t make enough noise :). Kissing over a few painful ones, hovering over his lips, moving back if he actually TRIES to kiss, for fun :). Doing that a few times over and holding his face, rubbing his cheek with my thumb, drawing my hand back when he’s distracted and slapping him lightly.

Going harder or lighter depending on what I feel he deserves :), going until his eyes are watery and his face is covered in red marks. Rubbing his sour cheeks and asking if he’s okay, kissing at his eyes and down his nose. Telling him he did a fantastic job and that I’m proud of him :). Pulling his mouth open with my thumb and spitting into it, telling him to shut and swallow, holding his jaw and tilting his head back to make sure he does :).

Putting cream on his face to try and lessen the pain, and saying that he gets a present for doing so well :). Letting him pick but giving him options, either I could

1) Actually kiss him, for as long as he wants and I won’t complain or be allowed to call it off. BUT, it can’t be anything other than kissing, and nothing besides the lips.

2) We can just watch a show he likes, cuddle up, and take a nap. BUT, this also means he’s not allowed to get off that night, or any other night unless I feel like he can :). It doesn’t matter whether he wants to, if he was close, if he already fucked up his pants, he’s not allowed to actually get off :). Or.

3) I could suck him off, and he gets to control what happens :). He could hold me down and choke me on his dick, he could make me cry and run out of breath, literally whatever he wants. He can even choose where he wants to cum, whether that’s on my face, or down my throat :). BUT, he doesn’t get kissed the entire time, and won’t be until I feel like it :). Whether that be a few minutes or a few hours or a few days, he doesn’t get them :).

Aftercare is just making sure he’s comfortable, basically cocooning him and shoving pillows around him, making sure he’s not in pain (or the pain he IS in he’s fine with), putting lotion on his neck and chest and making sure not to press on the hickeys, putting cream on his face again (for safe measure), taking a God awful amount of pictures of him because he’s just AHHHH ya know.

Bringing him water and a hydrating snack (for obvious reasons), not letting him MOVE because he need to REST and moving isn’t RESTING DUDE, putting on a show he likes or music or just watching some funny tiktoks :). Making sure he understands that I’m proud of him, I care about his wellbeing, and that he can always tell me if something is making him unhappy and/or uncomfortable :))))))).

Literally he can wear my hoodies, my shirts, literally anything if it makes him happy. If he wants me to wear his clothes I, without a fucking doubt, will do that if it makes him happy :). I might be several sizes smaller, but I have enough baggy hoodies that he could always wear those :), plus they’d always look so much better on him so yea I just…yea he’s super cool :) <333.

~emotional shit below this horny post :(~

I just hope he’s okay and happy and shit, and I want him to know that I just, really do care about his thoughts and his opinions and I wanna hear about them. If he wants to talk I will always be open to talking, even if it takes me a bit to respond I’ll still help him.

I really wish he didn’t live somewhere else, cause I miss him for some stupid reason :(, like I just wanna spend the day buried in his chest and laughing with him :(, and he’s too busy to facetime but I wanna see and talk to him :(((, oh nooooooo no this is making me sad :(, this was meant to be a horny post but I wanna cry now man :(((((((((((((((((. Ignore this I’m just in my feels rn :((.

Like I just wanna buy him stuff, I just wanna make him happy and comfortable and not have to worry about anything, I wanna make him feel cared about and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH :((((((((((!!!!!!!!!

I want to help him, and make him food, and TAKE PICTURES OF HIM AND I’M TIRED RN AND I WANNA CRY AND TEXT HIM BUT I DON’T WANNA WAKE HIM UP BUT BAAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHH :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!!!!!!! I wanna just hold him man I know he’s taller than me but does that matter :(? I gotta go to bed man :((((.



I know we live in different states but I really wanna wrap him in blankets and tuck pillows around him so that he’s comfortable, watching his favorite shows and kissing his face. Play with his hair and scratching his back, rubbing his neck and shoulders, just listening to the background noise and his breathing.

Yea…ANYWAY I’m not telling him that, like I COULD but then it’s gonna be a spiral of “oh AND” so no :). I also really wanna basically crush hug him and tell him that I’m proud of him but we’re KEEPING THAT TO OURSELVES BESTIE!


The mandatory rule is that I literally need to sit on his chest, hold his head, and squish his cheeks as I kiss his face. It’s literally the law, if that DOESN’T happen I will literally die and be sent to gay jail.


Honestly bestie, I really just wanna rant about my OCD intrusive thoughts and compulsions to a dude who ALSO has OCD so we can just feed off each other’s energy, ya know? Like “don’t you hate it when-”, “OH I FUCKING HATE THAT LIKE ONE TIME-”, “guess what someone told me today -”, “I KEEP GETTING THIS DAMN INTRUSIVE THOUGHT-”, “dude nothing’s happening rn right, cause like-”.

I just wanna have something in common with a guy so we can both bitch about it man :)))))).

it’s the little things. when we hold hands and his thumb does the rubbing thing or he holds mine a little tighter. when he rests his head on my shoulder while reading batman. when we had our first hug and i couldn’t breathe because we were so close. the little things are so lovely.

his small obsession with batman. his huge obsession with king dice. the way he rambles on about how his watch has the exact seconds and milliseconds. how he continuously tries to get me to watch jojo’s. this boy<333.

constantly daydreaming about painting a boy’s (or boys’) nails, sewing on patches together, introducing them to pirate metal, sharing our current interests and then exploring new interests together.

tummies <333. guys who have soft tummies, guys who have flat tummies, big tummies, bloated tummies, built tummies, tummies with stretch marks, tummies with scars; all the different kinds of tummies.
