#gender netural reader


Reader:Gender Neutral
Character:Tetsurō Kuroo
Summary:Sometimes you just wanted to get high with your boyfriend after a long week at work. And there was nothing better than making brownies. 
Warning:Fluff, Recreational Drug Use
Ask Box: Open|Commission Me!|Join me on Patreon 


In the small apartment you lived with Kuroo, you two were seated on the couch. He was dressed in a pair of sweatpants and one of his button up shirts with all of the buttons undone. You were in a pair of his boxers and an old white t-shirt. 

You had spent the afternoon making edibles. Your personal favourite, brownies. Kuroo multiple times had to stop you from licking the spoon. To save it for the finished product. And now a few bites in of a bit corner piece (the best piece), you were starting to feel the high come over you.

It started with becoming a bit too aware of your hands as you scrolled through your phone. Then a weird sensation in your nose and then the high set in. You felt loose, happy and so deeply in love with your boyfriend of the last few years. 

You put your phone on the coffee table once more and leaned over to the table to grab the plate with the brownie on it. You took a bit bite and melted a little at the chocolate chunks that Kuroo haphazardly threw into the mixture before baking. 

You made a pleased noise and Kuroo chuckled. You felt his dry lips on your face as you took another smaller bite before you put the plate back down. Kuroo’s voice was in your ear soon after, “Don’t overdo it, kitten. Don’t want you greening out on me.” 

You giggled a little and gave him a big grin, hints of chocolate smeared across your teeth, “I’ll be fine.” 

He just chuckled and kissed you on the lips. His hands on your shoulders as he continued to kiss you, bit by bit the kiss became deeper. He thought you looked really beautiful right now. In nothing but his clothes, eating the brownies you made together, getting high after a long weekend. 

When he pulled away from the kiss, you yawned a little bit. You had a little too much and were starting to get a little sleepy. Kuroo smiled at you and moved a little bit so you were more comfortable on the couch. He watched you kick your legs up onto the table and snuggle into his side. 

He was starting to feel the effects of his high as he held you close to him. He yawned a little bit and scratched his jaw a little bit. The weight against him felt comfortable, you also looked adorable as you tried to stay awake as you got higher.

Your eyes drooped a little bit as you watched television. Your yawns were big and loud as you snuggled closer to him. The fabric of his sweatpants felt so comfortable against your hand as you brushed the side of his thigh lovingly. 

  “Sleepy baby?” He asked with a grin.

  “No.” You grumbled as you buried yourself further into his arm. Another yawn left your lips as you felt the sense of drowsiness overtake you. He thought you looked so adorable.

You two watched television together, Kuroo spaced out for a little bit as he switched between the weather channel and the local kid’s network. He occasionally looked over to you and kissed you on the lips gently. 

You made a little noise at the kisses but looked like you were fighting to stay awake. Your eyes occasionally closed but would instantly open again. But then closed again eventually. It made Kuroo chuckle and kiss you more. 

He eventually zoned out at the high set in. He moved a little closer to the arm of the couch and rested against it. He couldn’t decide if he was hungry or tired. He let out a small yawn and his stomach growled. 

Yeah he was both at the same time. 

  “Babe?” He eventually asked as he looked down and saw you fast asleep beside him, your mouth slightly open and softly snoring. He took one look at you and chuckled, “Someone had a little too much.” 

He moved away from you and let you occupy the couch fully. You laid out carefully, sleepily grabbing the throw pillow and putting it under your head. Kuroo licked his lips, thinking about what to snack on while you fell asleep. Maybe if he didn’t eat the entire bag of chips, he’ll leave some for you. 

Reader:Gender Neutral
Character:Kōtarõ Bokuto
Summary: “hello! could u pls do a yakuza!bokuto au where he’s literally crazy and incredibly feared but he loves and dotes on the reader like crazy?” - Anon
Warning:Yakuza AU, Reference to Abuse, Fluff, Minor Angst, Age Gap (Bokuto is 30, Reader is 22)
Ask Box: Open|Commission Me!|Join me on Patreon 


Anything you want, Bokuto bought for you. Being one of the most feared men in the country, he was basically untouchable. He was great with a weapon, especially his sword that had been passed down through the generations. His arms and back were lined with tattoos showing off the bird imagery. He was the great horned owl, the most fearsome of its kind. 

His hands were caked in blood, along with lining the pockets of local politicians. He ran clubs, brothels, casinos, everything was touched by his power. Those gold eyes spelled trouble and unless you were part of the family, being in the court of the owl was never a good thing. 

But there was one weak spot in the great owl. The heel that could strike him down if anyone found out about it. They never attended any meetings, rarely seen at parties, but was the closest thing that Bokuto, the owl, had to love. He called her his little bunny, the docile little prey of the owl. But instead of eating you alive, he cherished you lovingly. 

You were his little bunny, and he adored you. You were a simple college student, you used to work at a local cafe where you met Bokuto. Where most people were scared to even look at him, you talked to him every day with a bright smile and a tiny bit of flirting. Bokuto was enthralled by your boldness, but in reality you didn’t realize who he was until your first date when you started asking about the tattoos. 

When he told you his profession, you blinked at him and went “You’re not going to hurt me, are you?” And that made Bokuto’s heart both sink and melt. There was a trace of fear in your eyes that settled when he told you that he’d never, ever hurt you. That’s when you said, “A lot of people have hurt me.” 

Which made Bokuto hurt for you, especially when you got into more detail about your life with your mother. How cruel she was, the words she’d say to hurt you, the reminder of how useless, selfish and evil you were, even when you did nothing wrong. When you recalled a time where she yelled at you for not cleaning out the coffee pot to her liking, Bokuto knew he had to get you out of there. 

  “I’ll give you any money you want.” He said, “any amount and it’s yours!” He told you this on your second date after you barely touched your food because your mother mentioned how much weight you had gained. 

  “I can’t accept your money Kōtarō.” You shook your head, “It wouldn’t be fair, not this early in the relationship. You earned that money, I can’t very well take one big lump sum. She would get suspicious anyway.” 

  “Then I’ll give you an allowance! Every week you save the money I give you and then you can move out, or move in with me! You can, ummmmm, do household chores and you’ll never have to work again!”

You chuckled and poked at the pasta you were supposed to eat, “How about we see how this relationship goes, and then maybe I’ll take you up on your offer.” 

He perked up, “Sounds like a plan. For now, eat up, or I’m giving you some of my lamb.” He pointed his fork at you. He was usually so threatening but you saw a side of him that couldn’t be denied, he was soft for you. The fearsome owl had a soft spot for you. 

Almost two years of dating, you were just about to finish university and looking for next steps. And Bokuto was there regardless, during that time however, you moved in with him and carried an allowance. But still had ambitions to go to graduate school and pursue higher education. Life got better after you got out of your mother’s home, there was no more hurling hurtful words at you, you were praised so much that sometimes it frightened you. Bokuto was your number one fan, even when you got a sixty on that biology paper. 

You took up most of the household chores in the mansion, when you weren’t in class you and a few of the men that Bokuto worked with cleaned up the mansion, you found it relaxing almost to scrub dishes, especially when you played the classic jazz records that Bokuto had. 

What you weren’t expecting was for him to come home so early. You hadn’t even started dinner yet and suddenly you found a pair of strong arms around you. You almost dropped the expensive plate when you jolted. 

You thought it was an intruder but in reality it was the soft embrace of your boyfriend. He rested his head on your shoulder and asked, “What’s for dinner tonight?”

You put the plate down and tuned in his arms. You cupped the side of his face that carried a large facial scar.You rubbed the faded red mark on his face as you said, “Bobo.” Your fond nickname for him, “Don’t scare me like that, you’re too quiet sometimes.”

He chuckled and leaned in for a kiss, “I don’t think anyone has ever said that to me before.” Then leaned in for another kiss, then another. Until you pulled away and laughed. 

  “My silly, Bo.” No one was ever allowed to call him ‘Bo’, but you had special priviledges far beyond anyone else. You were his weak spot and got away with most things, like calling him cute names and under spending your allowance (You had all the money in the world, why are you still buying hundred yen ramen?).

  “This is a good record.” He chuckled as he pulled away and took your hands in his, “Indigo Jam Unit.” He smiled, he knew the names to all these records. 

Bokuto loved you and he was glad that he was able to get you out of that hateful household. You seemed happily and healthier now that you were free of her, more smiles and cheers crossed your face. You were his beloved, of course he wanted you to be okay and happy. 

As he gave you another kiss, you moved together in almost sync. Your socked feet matched well with his dress shoe ones. You laughed when you danced together, a smile on your face that made Bokuto’s heart bloom.

You were safe here, in the arms of the feared owl. 

  “I love you.” He smiled as he swayed with you in the kitchen. His hands in your as your bodies moved together. 

  “I love you too, my great owl.” You replied with a peck on the lips.

Bokuto giggled and pressed his forehead against yours, “My sweet little bunny.” 


I had to redo this because the read more link messed up and got into the actual ask. I don’t know how lol but here you go ahead babes!

Here you go Hon! I hope you enjoy it!


Dabi X Reader (Non-Binary/Gender-Neutral)

Warnings: Yandere, stalking, obsessing, creepy things, obviously I don’t condone these things in real life

Words: 450

  • I think Dabi is a go-getter so the only reason he wouldn’t be interacting or kidnapping the reader is if you are quirkless, have no quirk that contributes to the LoV, or if he is in the beginning stages of obsessing and learning everything about you
  • To the reason why he started to follow you?
  • It’s probably based off your looks to be honest, or if you were rebelling against someone or said something that piqued his interests
  • And sparking his interests would be initially hard so of course he falls in love and obsessive too hard
  • He will know every place you are at all times if he not going to be interacting with you
  • He after all wants you to be safe
  • No one messes with what he deems is his
  • He keeps so many tabs on you and things go missing but only if he sure you won’t mess it
  • As for people?
  • He’s relentless, he’ll kill without a second thought and gives no shits on how much they mean to you
  • Dabi is very careful to make sure his comrades don’t know of his activities
  • He could care less about their opinions about him stalking you but he thinks everyone is a threat to you especially his boss who doesn’t like any distractions to the LoV
  • He’s pretty laid-back but even he has his moments where he feels he wants to act. They do pass but I think he wouldn’t hold back if he thinks you are the safest with him
  • However, since it’s not that scenario, he does try to keep a distance if he thinks you are safer without knowing him
  • He does try and get rid of people in your life by force if he thinks you are going to start heading down the wrong path
  • Chances are you remind him of his mom (Yes I am a believer of the Dabi is Touya theory) so if you are on the sweeter side he doesn’t want you to lose that at all and he will try to preserve that as long as he can
  • That means any partners you have or people you show interest in, vanish, leaving only ashes to be found
  • Since he doesn’t really see a future with you (but does dream of it) he will disappear and stop his dangerous behavior with you for days or weeks at time
  • However, when he comes back to stalk and obsess over you (and he always does), he falls deeper into his thoughts of protecting you and fights with his thoughts of obtaining you
  • The takeaway of this? Any type of yandere Dabi could be, he is not to be trifled with