#general kirigan


feeling? broken. shadow and bone was literally so good im honestly impressed.

also id like to know what people’s thoughts are on zoya in the show? because i actually quite liked her but i know a lot of people didn’t. anyways im intrigued so do let me know.

my thoughts on the trailer? it was literally amazing especially the last bit when the darkling made everything dark and alina went boom withher light. I just dont like the part when alina screams and then the burst ofnlight comes WITH LIKE THE WORST SOUND EFFECT THAT MADE ME CRINGE but thats it and i could sit through that each time it happens cause its only a few seconds and the trailer is just soso good i literally watch it everday.

i think the trailer has seriously got my hopes up because most of thos effects are seriously good. the volcra??? the fold?? gorgeous.

okay mini rant over bye.

Fine. Make me your villian.

I keep reading darling instead of darkling, send help

A General Kirigan portrait.

Art © caipteancalahaan

Shadow and Bone © Leigh Bardugo


https://www.instagram.com/p/CU8VHgUtl_A/?utm_medium=copy_link (<- posting process pics on my insta )

Now with a companion Aleksander!

Now sharing WIPs on my Insta Story, if anyone is interested in seeing process stuff: https://instagram.com/thepoetdraws/

@destiniesfic introduced me to the term “Dadling”

Shadows and Scars

Chapter 25

This one is a bit long, but I don’t think there are any chapter warnings besides mention of past non con and angst.

And the interrogation scene is next. I’m very excited for that one

You had nearly made it to the stables, when you heard a gunshot echo in the far corridors of the Little Palace. ‘Please tell me that was part of your plan Kaz.’ You thought desperately to yourself as you shoved your few belongings you had stashed in your old room into a weathered pack.

As much as you had loved your fete dress, it was left behind with all of your other uniforms. You finished hastily buttoning your shirt before grabbing your old shoes from the front. As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you didn’t see a grisha, just another commoner and that’s what you wanted.

You swallowed slightly as you carefully began to undo your leg brace. It had now become as much of a part of you as your injury had, but David himself had said that the metal he had used was rare. And that meant easily tracked.

As you slid the metal off of you, you cradled it in your arms and smiled at it. Perhaps it was stupid to feel so attached to something material, but this thing had given you a bit of your past back. It had stopped the pain from spreading up your thigh and had allowed you to be more mobile.

But you couldn’t dwell on that now, so you shoved the brace away and grabbed a nearby roll of bandages to keep yourself more sturdy.

After skillfully completing your wrap, you pulled up a pair of brown trousers and grabbed an old ratted coat that Ruslan had lent you before you left. It was time.

Slowly opening the door, you poked your head out and made your way to the place Kaz had shown you where the Zemini would be.


Aleksander’s POV


“What is it?” Aleks asked breathlessly as he opened his chamber doors. The last kiss he had shared with Alina still on his mind.

“Marie and Genya were attacked in the fitting room.” Ivan said seriously. “Alina was the target.”

Aleksander stiffened at that. He had known that people were after his sun summoner, but the thought that they were able to get into the Little palace left him uneasy.

“We have a suspect in custody.”

“Wait here.” Any annoyance at the interruption was gone. He had to make sure that there was no longer any threat. He finally had the stag within his grasp, and would be damned if Alina was killed before he could complete his plan.

Quickly shutting the door he walked to Alina and gave her his best smile.

“Is something wrong?” Her eyes were wide as she looked at him with concern.

“It’s nothing.” He brushed off easily. “I’ll leave my guards outside until I return.” He ran his hands down her small shoulders and looked deep into her eyes. He was so close. Too close for anyone to mess up what he had planned for Y/n and Alina.

“I’ll be waiting.” She said breathlessly as he caressed her cheek.

With a small nod he walked away but froze Galway to the door in favor of turning back to sneak one last kiss. She tasted like strawberries, and he couldn’t help but think of how you tasted like mint when he kissed you. As his lips pressed against Alina’s again, he forced himself to pull away. He could kiss her later, when the threat was dealt with and Ravka was theirs to rule, but he couldn’t help but feel the same pull of attraction he had felt towards Y/n. The one that made him want to stay in bed with her all day and never stop kissing her.

As he walked out of the room, he nodded to Ivan. “Take me to him.” He said sternly. “Any clue how he got in?”

“He hasn’t talked yet.” Ivan said as the two quickly made their way through the maze of halls.

“He will.” Aleksander said nonchalantly. “Bring Volkov as well. Two people sneaking into the Little Palace tonight is not a coincidence we can afford.”


Y/n’s POV


You shivered as you walked through the stables and leaned heavily on your cane. Your leg was much weaker now without your brace, and with each step you felt a familiar pain shoot up your thigh.

Leaving the musty rooms, you hobbled slowly towards the only carriage set up to leave.

“Can I help you, miss?” A deep voice asked from behind you. The Zemini was there when you turned around just as Kaz said he would be.

“Looks like you’re my ride, Kaz sent me.” You whispered softly.

The man’s eyes widened at the name and he whipped his head around to see if anyone had heard. “You’re y/l/n aren’t you?” He asked, putting his hands on his hips. “Saints Kaz found you fast.”

“More like I found him.” You responded with a shrug. “He had briefly mentioned that my passage out of here was bought. What does that mean?”

The man gave an exaggerated shrug. “Dunno. Kaz never tells me anything. Be glad he told me to expect you otherwise you’d have a bullet in your brain.”

“I appreciate not getting shot.” You said with an easy smile. “I’m Y/n.” You held out your hand.

“Jesper Fahey.” He shook your hand excitedly with a large grin. “What order are you?”

“Both a healer and heartrender.” You replied with a smile. “I’m a bit of a… special case.”

“Interesting.” He said thoughtfully. “Do you like it? Being grisha?”

You sighed and braced yourself against a large tree. “I love it. Healing others and doing something bigger than myself? I may not have had a choice, but it was perfect. Even after my accident.” You gestured to your knee. “I got it in the fold.” You explained before he could ask. “No one was able to fix it, but I still did my job, and did it well too.”

“So, what happened?” He asked seriously. “Why leave if it was so great?”

“Men are the same everywhere. Grisha or non grisha alike.” You thought back to the king and Aleksander. “Well men in power at least. You seem nice.”

He laughed at that. “Tell me about it. In Ketterdam we have entire houses that take advantage of young women. Have to stop myself everyday from going in there and shooting the bastards responsible for it.”

You nodded as you took in his tense expression. “I don’t think I’d have that much control.” You said honestly. “But it would be a bit obvious if a bunch of mobsters all fell down dead at the same time.”

He laughed again at that. “If you have any ideas on how to get away with it let me-“ Jesper froze and flattened the two of you against the tree. “You can’t be serious.” He whispered.

“What?” You hissed trying to look.

He released you and motioned for you to keep quiet.

Your eyes widened as you spotted Alina in plain brown clothes creeping towards your carriage.

The two of you stayed frozen as she pushed herself into the chest in the back.

Jesper let out a breathless laugh and you blinked at the scene. “Do- do all your heists go off like that?”

“Saints no. Usually there’s a part where we all face certain doom and have to cut our losses before coming out on top.” He started to laugh hysterically as he held out his hand for you.

You took it as you shook your head and he helped lead you towards the carriage. You’d be fine once you got used to not having your brace, but for now you weren’t used to being without it.

“What happened? You okay?” He asked, as Kaz and the Suli girl walked over.

The two looked disheveled and you swore you could smell the faint scent of smoke on their clothes.

“She’s real, Jesper. She made the light sing.” The girl whispered reverently.

“We lost her.” Kaz said gruffly, causing you and Jesper to look at each other with a smile.

“Did we?” He asked as you climbed into the carriage and winced at another sharp pain.

“We don’t know where she is.” The girl gave you a curt nod before climbing next to you.

“Don’t we?” You and Jesper laughed as the two men sat themselves on the seat. “Just ask.”


“Just ask.”

He gripped the reins tightly as Kaz glared at him.

“Fine. Do we have a fix on where the target is?”

With a small snort, Jesper flicked the reins and you were off.

Shadows and Scars

Chapter 24

I’m baaaaaaaaaack! Here is the next chapter! I’ve also written the next one and am posting that as well to thank you all for being so patient! I also would like to thank everyone for all of the love this series has gotten! I started writing this right after the show came out, but am just now able to post it online and am so happy to be writing again!

Chapter warnings: mention of past non con and angst


“Stay behind me and act natural.” You whispered to the man who had begrudgingly introduced himself as Kaz. “Ivan! Is everything ready?” You stepped in front of Kaz to distract Ivan.

“Everything is in place, Miss y/l/n. You’ve been ordered to keep to the walls tonight, more people means more threats.”

“On Kirigan, Alina, or the royals?” The two of you walked into the demonstration room and in the corner of your eye you saw Kaz meet up with a Suli girl, but you heard his heart race when he looked at her.

He let out a scoff at that. “Right on the nose, now get in position, Alina is about to enter.”

“You got it boss!” You said with your normal cheeky salute as you walked away.

As you casually made your way to the back wall of the grand room, you felt a strong hand wrap around your arm.

“You look lovely.” Aleksander said, pulling you fatter into the shadows. He had done well to not attract the attention of the rest of the guests. He always seemed to love his grand entrances.

You did look lovely. All Grisha had one pair of formal keftas, and yours was even more detailed and intricate than your regular uniform. The main difference was the white fur that lined the neck and bottom of the coat. When you had put it on and styled your hair earlier, you had marveled at the feel of the silk against your skin and how it fit in all the right places.

“I try.” You gave him a small smile. Whatever happened, he could not know that you planned to leave.

“I expect you to be on your best behavior tonight.” He brushed his hand against your cheek and looked at you with a content smile. “I may have a surprise for you.”

You raised your eyebrow at that with a smile. “You’re not going to tell me what it is aren’t you?” You quipped back with your hands on your hips and a smile.

“Come find me after the celebrations are over and I’ll show you.” After a quick glance around, he gave you a quick peck on the lips and strode away.

“I wasn’t aware he was your lover.” You heard Kaz grumble from behind the column.

“I’ll tell you all about it when you tell the Suli girl how you feel.” You snarked back, chuckling as Feydor shoved a pink macaroon into Ivan’s stoic face which slowly turned into a wide grin.

“I could still leave you here.” Kaz responded, standing next to you.

“Why help me in the first place? Something tells me you don’t pick up strays unless you get something out of it.” You hated these parties. All the rich stuffy ambassadors and nobles that always gave the grisha dirty looks and scoffed at them when Kirigan wasn’t around. At least the gossip was interesting.

“Someone paid for your passage.” He said simply as the Kaelish ambassador walked by.

“Who-“ You stopped as he splashed a glass of wine onto his uniform and feigned as if the man had bumped into him.

“Stick to the plan.” He whispered, before turning to Ivan and Feydor.

You rolled your eyes at his strange tactics, but only watched as he walked away.

You sighed as you scanned the party and watched as the crowd parted to allow Aleksander to slip back into the room. You didn’t know what to think about him, and how much of it was from you or him. Either way, you knew that he only had bad intentions towards yourself and Alina, and there was no telling what would happen if tonight fell apart.

You may have loved Aleksander at one point, but you loved being free more.

As you watched the chattering crowds, they grew suddenly silent and you let out a low gasp at what drew their attention away.

Alina stood in the entrance of the room looking like a saint come to life. In a black kefta. You pushed away the bitterness that rose in your gut at the color of the coat. Aleksander had to have been the one to put her in that. But even then, you felt your heart patter as she locked eyes with you across the room and gave you a small smile.

You blinked in surprise, but watched as Aleksander walked up to her and the two talked quietly. You couldn’t help but listen as you could make out one sentence. “You look lovely, by the way.”

With that one sentiment from Aleksander you knew. He must have told her everything he told you. Played you both for fools and seduced two idiotically girls at the same time.

As the inferni twins began their show, your eyes stayed glued to the two of them. He couldn’t fool you now.

Shaking your head, you ended up looking at Genya as she glanced a longing gaze over to David. It seemed like love was in the air tonight. But you huffed a laugh as he only looked back to her when she looked away. If only you could be like them. Have what they obviously had.

The crowd gave a long round of applause as Alina walked to the stage with Aleksander right behind her. The crowd immediately silenced as he turned to face them.

“Her name is Alina Starkov. And she will bring liberation to us all.” Aleksander spoke regally.

She would. To everyone but herself most likely.

With a dramatic clap, the darkness spread across the room and engulfed everyone in shadows.

You held your breath as Alina stepped forward and light appeared from her hands.

“Come on Starkov.” You whispered to yourself.

As the light solidified into a small ball, you released the breath you had held and smiled as she split it into two.

With a slow wave of her hands, the glass flew across the room and the whole surface was engulfed in a beautiful blue light. “Wow.” You breathed quietly. As your neck craned to take it all in.

Aleksander looked around the room, taking in everyone’s expressions, as you stared straight at Alina. And she looked back at you. She smiled confidently as her arms gracefully moved towards her chest and your eyes locked with hers.

And with one more wave of her hands, the balls split into large lights, illuminating the room and chasing off the darkness that had engulfed it.

You smiled softly at her as the crowd began to kneel and whisper the words “Sankta Alina.”

She gave you one more smile before turning her head to look at Aleksander who watched her intently.

With everyone distracted, now was your only chance to get ready. You feel sad as you take in the wide room for what would probably be your last time.

Kaz would grab Alina, while you had to find a Zenimi man dressed in a footman’s uniform.

Tag List

Hey guys! So I’ve decided to start a tag list so if you are interested in being on it, please comment below or message me! I hope to restart my two big series again, but they take time since I have to sit down and make sure that they line up with the plot of the show. But I am definitely getting back into the Shadows and Scars mindset so that would probably be written first. As always if you have any requests you can send them in! I also started writing for Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, and Steve Kemp. (Note: I will try to write DID as well as I can for the moon knight boys, but if you have any tips please send them in!) Now that I finished up my classes, updates should be more regular.
