


IOF soldiers trying to block access to the Aqsa mosque before Fajr prayers and then attacking the crowd for questioning the decision and refusing to abide by it.

Some important points about the Nakba in Palestine and its effects on Palestinian civilians as we approach its 74th anniversary. Taken from theimeu on Instagram.





“FMA is bad because it portrays war criminals as sympathetic, likable people” bro that’s the point. That’s the whole point. That is THE point. Did you think Ethnic Cleanser is some kind of special category of person that gets separated away from all the Good People at birth? Did you think there’s some kind of barn full of Genocide Doers that only gets deployed into the general public during world wars? Did you think assholes who do terrible shit in real life are never charming or likable or capable of doing good things and helping people? One of the best parts of FMA is how we the audience realize that some of our core protags have made irredeemable choices, and we have to reckon with the fact that they’re still people,with the unalienable rights and qualities thereof. Sorry if the Problematics aren’t constantly wearing a dunce cap and a list of all their crimes and this makes the media incomprehensible to you  

These tags have passed peer review

The point of making sympathetic, likeable characters war criminals isn’t to make war crimes seem good. It’s to show that people who appear good can still be war criminals

It’s also to show you that, even if you make terrible mistakes, it’s never too late to change yourself and make your world better as you work to correct the harm you may have done. And if terrible things were done to you, you can still live and grow and heal. Even if you think yourself irredeemable, someone out there will be able to find forgiveness for you, just make sure you’re worthy of it when it happens.

“You have two good legs, get up and use them.”

“Is it too modern to notice that there is nothing [in the ten commandments] about the protecti

“Is it too modern to notice that there is nothing [in the ten commandments] about the protection of children from cruelty, nothing about rape, nothing about slavery, and nothing about genocide? Or is it too exactingly ‘in context’ to notice that some of these very offenses are about to be positively recommended?”

– Christopher Hitchens

The temporal morality of an eternal being.

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so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what

The full picture is even more heart breaking after you open the uncropped version. Just a heads-up, it’s rough

Nah let’s post it. Let’s feel it. Don’t look away.

I notice alot of my followers on here skipping these posts just to mess with my lgbt ones, suspiciously the white popular ones.

Heres a not so friendly reminder, as an lgbt metis person, i dont give a single fuck what your blog is themed or if this is too painful for you to look at. Reblog this post. Reblog this post with the sources of the 751 children who were found.

Your compliance and silence as well as the compliance and silence of your ancestors is what allowed these schools to open and kill first nations children. The children of MY people.

Dont follow me if you cant reblog this post or the one with sources to your political blog or your most popular blog. Add trigger warnings if you must but if your political blog is only focused on the harms you personally face like being lgbt then you need to see some bigger pictures and stop being afraid of angering your racist mutural or actually saying some shit about racism. If you can reblog some antifa graphics or add blm to your bio to be a surface level ally, you can reblog some sources on the genocide first nations people faced and still face today.

They were CHILDREN.

They were murdered in cold blood.

I’d like to add this photo I took last night in Victoria of the statue of Captain Cook. Though I myself am not indigenous, I 100% agree that these murderers, kidnappers and rapists shouldn’t have huge statues and plaques that decorate them and say how “great” they were.

Here’s another photo of the legislative assembly from yesterday. Later on there were more items, candles and signs at the memorial, as well as a big poster with 1505 painted on it but I didn’t get a picture

People need to see this. Not just quickly glance at the photos and keep on scrolling. They need to seethis.

Reblog this or just stop following me

I had seen the first picture of the church, but not the second.

I went to a “Cancel Canada Day” event and burst into tears - not because I was surprised to learn of the unmarked graves (survivors told us they were there. Our government pushed it aside, and we let them), but because seeing all the people gathered in mourning drove it home: They. Were. Children.

This is my country’s legacy - and it’s not history. The last schools closed during my lifetime. My Father went to school with students who lived at the local residential school, after it was changed to a boarding house (read: holding centre) for indigenous youth who went to local schools.

They were all children, injured, abused, and killed in my country’s attempt to erase them. I want the world to see this and hold the state accountable to *active* reconciliation> I mean we could at least truly adopt UNDRIP in action instead of words for god’s sake.

I don’t have anything to add to this.

Just don’t choose ignorance , ok?

History tends to repeat itself when too many pick ignorance.

 Rohingya refugees living in Malaysia protest against the treatment of their people in Myanmar.Mohd

Rohingya refugees living in Malaysia protest against the treatment of their people in Myanmar.
Mohd Rasfan/AFP/Getty

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Underfell comic by @kimpell​+Forgot what tumblr does to images! Click on link to view http://imgur.c

Underfell comic by @kimpell

+Forgot what tumblr does to images! Click on link to view 


Frisk is not the crybaby Pacifist like in the conventional underfell au. 

They seemed tame at first but…well… =)

The only Underfell Genocide comic I’ve seen! AND its NOT CRINGINGLY EDGY EITHER!! (it’s fucking heartbreakin that’s what it is)

I just translated a little part of it so check out the full thing if you’re interested! XD Though they are in Korean….


so I might translate all of it… Maybe later………some day……

If you guys are interested :P

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