#human rights violations


And they wonder why the majority of the world are angry and sickened by Putin and his minions.


Imho the idea of ‘cruelty free’ products or food shouldn’t mean that nothing died to create it, but rather that anything and anyone involved in the creation process hasn’t been exploited or harmed.

Leather is good actually. Veganism isn’t the end all be all to morality and consumption. The issue isn’t that a chicken died for those nuggets, but that while the chicken was alive, it’s life fucking sucked. Vegan chocolate means little if the cocoa that made it was gathered by child slave labor.

Factory farms, abuses of the people who pick the fruit and vegetables we eat, the focus profit and productivity over all else - that’s the fucking issue here. It’s capitalism folks.

Oops, someone dropped the truth.

My heart is heavy for Ukraine today. As always, it feels absurd to go about my normal life when others’ lives are being torn apart by the ravages of war and imperialism.

scientxsts:emiratizayn-deactivated20150816: and the Iraqi people welcomed the Americans with flowescientxsts:emiratizayn-deactivated20150816: and the Iraqi people welcomed the Americans with flowescientxsts:emiratizayn-deactivated20150816: and the Iraqi people welcomed the Americans with flowescientxsts:emiratizayn-deactivated20150816: and the Iraqi people welcomed the Americans with flowescientxsts:emiratizayn-deactivated20150816: and the Iraqi people welcomed the Americans with flowescientxsts:emiratizayn-deactivated20150816: and the Iraqi people welcomed the Americans with flowescientxsts:emiratizayn-deactivated20150816: and the Iraqi people welcomed the Americans with flowescientxsts:emiratizayn-deactivated20150816: and the Iraqi people welcomed the Americans with flowescientxsts:emiratizayn-deactivated20150816: and the Iraqi people welcomed the Americans with flowescientxsts:emiratizayn-deactivated20150816: and the Iraqi people welcomed the Americans with flowe



and the Iraqi people welcomed the Americans with flowers. I wanted to set a historical event to teach Bush a lesson from the Iraqis, telling him you lied, we did not welcome you with flowers, and instead we are saying goodbye with our shoes.“ 

Muntaza Al Zaidi, the Iraqi reporter who became known as the guy who threw a shoe at Bush and later ended up in jail for three years because of it. 

happy 12 years to bush shoeing incident

Not all heroes wear capes, sometimes they throw shoes.

Post link




Trans kids and parents of trans kids living in Texas: The Governor just issued a dangerous order declaring all forms of gender affirming care as child abuse under existing law.

Under this directive, all persons working with children, including doctors, teachers, counselors, and caregivers, are required to report any child believed to be transgender or face prosecution. Parents may have children removed from their homes and placed in state custody.

This is an extremely dangerous situation. Parents of trans children: leave the state now. The user below has offered assistance to those looking to get to a safer place. Please reach out to her if you need to. Important information will follow.


Please be safe out there, all of you. I love you and I am so sorry these things have come to pass. Let’s get through this.

I would personally like to urge those currently working in law in the state of Texas to begin fighting this directive immediately. Trans children and their parents will no doubt need legal representation as the fallout from this begins to emerge. If you are under threat from governor Abbott’s order, I encourage you to reach out to the ACLU of Texas at this url:


To those living in Texas, whether you are in the line of fire or not: now is the time to begin contacting your representatives. You can find who serves your county using this web form:


If you know anyone who could be endangered by this order, check in with them. Give them your support and be there for them. I’m standing by if anyone out there needs a signal boost for their situation.

Again, hang in there and be safe. When threats like this come out, sticking together and protecting one another is crucial.

Here is a consolidated list of the current gofundme’s from the parents of trans kids who need immediate relocation from the state of Texas.


Finally, here are some resources for young trans Texans who are no doubt fearful of the current situation. I love y’all so much.




Trans kids and parents of trans kids living in Texas: The Governor just issued a dangerous order declaring all forms of gender affirming care as child abuse under existing law.

Under this directive, all persons working with children, including doctors, teachers, counselors, and caregivers, are required to report any child believed to be transgender or face prosecution. Parents may have children removed from their homes and placed in state custody.

This is an extremely dangerous situation. Parents of trans children: leave the state now. The user below has offered assistance to those looking to get to a safer place. Please reach out to her if you need to. Important information will follow.


Please be safe out there, all of you. I love you and I am so sorry these things have come to pass. Let’s get through this.

I would personally like to urge those currently working in law in the state of Texas to begin fighting this directive immediately. Trans children and their parents will no doubt need legal representation as the fallout from this begins to emerge. If you are under threat from governor Abbott’s order, I encourage you to reach out to the ACLU of Texas at this url:


To those living in Texas, whether you are in the line of fire or not: now is the time to begin contacting your representatives. You can find who serves your county using this web form:


If you know anyone who could be endangered by this order, check in with them. Give them your support and be there for them. I’m standing by if anyone out there needs a signal boost for their situation.

Again, hang in there and be safe. When threats like this come out, sticking together and protecting one another is crucial.

Here is a consolidated list of the current gofundme’s from the parents of trans kids who need immediate relocation from the state of Texas.



Trans kids and parents of trans kids living in Texas: The Governor just issued a dangerous order declaring all forms of gender affirming care as child abuse under existing law.

Under this directive, all persons working with children, including doctors, teachers, counselors, and caregivers, are required to report any child believed to be transgender or face prosecution. Parents may have children removed from their homes and placed in state custody.

This is an extremely dangerous situation. Parents of trans children: leave the state now. The user below has offered assistance to those looking to get to a safer place. Please reach out to her if you need to. Important information will follow.


Please be safe out there, all of you. I love you and I am so sorry these things have come to pass. Let’s get through this.

I would personally like to urge those currently working in law in the state of Texas to begin fighting this directive immediately. Trans children and their parents will no doubt need legal representation as the fallout from this begins to emerge. If you are under threat from governor Abbott’s order, I encourage you to reach out to the ACLU of Texas at this url:


To those living in Texas, whether you are in the line of fire or not: now is the time to begin contacting your representatives. You can find who serves your county using this web form:


If you know anyone who could be endangered by this order, check in with them. Give them your support and be there for them. I’m standing by if anyone out there needs a signal boost for their situation.

Again, hang in there and be safe. When threats like this come out, sticking together and protecting one another is crucial.

Trans kids and parents of trans kids living in Texas: The Governor just issued a dangerous order declaring all forms of gender affirming care as child abuse under existing law.

Under this directive, all persons working with children, including doctors, teachers, counselors, and caregivers, are required to report any child believed to be transgender or face prosecution. Parents may have children removed from their homes and placed in state custody.

This is an extremely dangerous situation. Parents of trans children: leave the state now. The user below has offered assistance to those looking to get to a safer place. Please reach out to her if you need to. Important information will follow.


Please be safe out there, all of you. I love you and I am so sorry these things have come to pass. Let’s get through this.


Unalienable Rights are the Inherent, Sovereign, Natural Rights that existed before the creation of the State, and which, being antecedent to and above the State, can never be taken away, diminished, altered, or levied by the State, except by Due Process of Law. Nor can any Unalienable Right be fundamentally removed or waived by contract, whether by non-disclosure, which is fraud and unenforceable in Law, or knowingly by sufferance, which is contrary to the Spirit of the Law and prejudicial to Sovereignty.

The Original, Permanent, Unalienable Rights of every Man & Woman, are:

• The Right to Life, Freedom, Health and the Pursuit of Happiness.

• The Right to Contract, or Not to Contract, which is Unlimited.

• The Right to Earn a Living Income by being Compensated with Wages or a Salary in a Fair Exchange for one’s Work.

• The Right to Travel in the Ordinary Course of one’s Life and Business.

• The Right to Privacy and Confidentiality, free from Unwarranted Invasion.

• The Right to Own, and Hold Property, lawfully without Trespass.

• The Right to Self-Defence when threatened with Harm, Loss, or Deceit.

• The Right to Due Process of Law, with Notice and Opportunity to Defend.

• The Right to be Presumed Innocent, suffering No Detention or Arrest, No Search or Seizure, without Reasonable Cause.

• The Right to Remain Silent when accused, to avoid Self-Incrimination.

• The Right to Equality in the eyes of the Law, and to Equal Representation.

• The Right to Trial by Jury, being an Impartial Panel of one’s Peers.

• The Right to Appeal in Law against Conviction or Sentence, or both.

• The Right to Expose Knowledge necessary to one’s Rights and Freedoms.

• The Right to Peaceful Association, Assembly, Expression, and Protest.

•The Right to Practice a Religion, and to have Beliefs, of one’s choosing.

•The Right to Love, and to Consensual Marriage with Children, as a Family.

• The Right to Security from Abuse, Persecution, Tyranny, and War.

• The Right to Refuse to Kill under command, by reason of Conscience.

• The Right to Live in Peace and be left alone when Law-Abiding.

Surely, the most critical failure of “The People” is their failure to ensure the teaching and common knowledge of their “Unalienable Rights.” If you do not know your Rights, you effectively have none. By the path of Ignorance, whether by Apathy or Deception. The People arrive in a State of Exploitation, Oppression, and Tyranny.


This is out of the blue! I am Afghan and I am currently living in Afghanistan. Today (15 Aug 2021) the Taliban entered the capital city of Afghanistan which is Kabul. The government is going to change to an Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. They ruled in Afghanistan for 5 years, 20 years ago. I’ve heard stories about them since I’m 19 and luckily was not yet born. And let me tell you the stories were terrifying, but they were just horror stories to me and I never thought that I’d be living under their regime, but here we are.

Let me tell you something shocking: girls can only study up to 6th grade. The future of female students in universities hasn’t been decided yet. According to what I’ve heard they go from house to house and ask for girls and women (12 to 45 year olds) for marriage.

As they are just pieces of crap, I don’t really believe that they’d let us have mobiles or use the internet. I really hope this isn’t my last post in here! But if it is I want to let the world know of what they’ve done and what they’re doing.

Don’t forget us!

Hello everyone!

I hope all of you are doing fine.

Things are still getting worse. I don’t even know where to begin.

I guess you have heard or read about the explosion in Kabul airport. It killed more than 200 people.

2 or 3 days ago a group of women went out on the streets it was like a protest and were chanting to fight for their rights because the Taliban have told them not to go to their jobs except for teachers and doctors. The Taliban got violent and hit some of them, which injured a few. Another policewoman was shot dead yesterday by the Taliban, she was pregnant, as well. They also shot a singer, a few days ago. Journalists and reporters still get whipped and beaten up. Sometimes they just start firing and shooting to scare people or for no reason, it is so terrifying. One time it happened 3 days ago and 17 people got killed with more than 30 people injured.

Panjshir is the only province that wasn’t invaded by the Taliban during all this time, and lots of people and military men (called Jabha Moqawmat/Resistance Force/جبهه مقاومت) who were against the Taliban had gone there, were upholding Panjshir and fighting against the Taliban. Last night 05/September/2021 the Pakistani helicopters and army bombarded them and killed lots of people. Politics is such a shitty thing. It’s pretty clear at this point that the Pakistan government has been supporting the Taliban all this time. We were kinda hoping that this resistance force would win the combat in panjshir, and then we would start fighting against them in our provinces.

When the Taliban were invading cities they freed all prisoners from prisons and jails, now most female judges who had sentenced those prisoners are receiving death threats from them. And as embassies are closed, nobody can leave the country.

Private universities are going to be reopened today (06/September). Female students can only go to the university if they have the right uniform which is covering everything except for the eyes, in black clothes. Women should even wear black gloves. Male and female students cannot be in the same class. Some universities have separated studying hours for female students. Some universities have created a schedule when one day all the female students go to school and the next day all male students. And some universities are separating the class by a curtain or some kind of a wall.

The Taliban are also taking boys to war with force. They just take them from the streets and God knows where they take them. A friend of mine just told me about it and that she’s hidden her two brothers at home.

So, still nothing positive.

I apologise for the long post.

Thank you very much for your support and everything you have done. All of you have been extremely kind, and most often than not it is the only thing we need.

Some important points about the Nakba in Palestine and its effects on Palestinian civilians as we approach its 74th anniversary. Taken from theimeu on Instagram.


Too rageful to be eloquent right now so the words of others will have to suffice for the moment.


Filtration camps are reportedly used by russian forces in occupied territories of Ukraine, as part of its ongoing invasion.

