#getting published


Thinking of hiring an editor…?

You’ve done it. You’ve come to the end of the road on your first draft or last round of revisions. Where do you go next?

“A professional editor!” many will scream.

But do you really need a professional editor to score that dream publishing contract?

Read more.

So… Throughout the last 6 months, I’ve been coordinating with a teaching faculty member on a BIG mandatory tutoring project that he began to support the subject of his dissertation. Today, he told me that my name will be included in any research he publishes for the dissertation! Holy cow, am I excited! I might even get to take part in writing the conclusion. This might be smol beans but I’m stoked nonetheless!

It feels profoundly strange, like I am crossing the forbidden threshold, to link Dæmorphing in my query letters to literary agents with my real-ass name on them, but I have been told it can help show your writing cred, so I am doing it anyway

tales from the journey of finding a literary agent:

1. find a literary agent who likes “monster protagonists”

2. see on their twitter that one of the cartoonists they’re representing draws women cuddling sexily with monsters in a Steven Universe art style

3. scroll back up to the agent’s tweet about wanting manuscripts inspired by Shrek 2


5. maybe I don’t have what this agent is looking for after all

writersrelief: Take A Leap: 5 Acts of Courage To Get You Over The Publishing Hump Some days, you fee


Take A Leap: 5 Acts of Courage To Get You Over The Publishing Hump

Some days, you feel like you’re almost there—success is just over the next hill! But other days, it seems like the only thing over the next hill is another, bigger, steeper hill. After receiving your umpteenth rejection, feelings of frustration may begin to drag you down. You start to stumble and wonder if success will ever happen. 

Click on the image to read on about the 5 Core Actions That Can Help You Overcome Publishing Obstacles!

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