#getting shit done


It’s Easter Sunday and I’ve got the house empty but for me and the cat. I’ve had an chocolate egg, a few real ones, and I’ve decided that, as my work backlog has (miraculously) cleared, I’m going to spend the whole night writing for you. 

The stars have formed a wonky approximation of a line, I’ve got Mr.Gnome on the speakers, a dwindling supply of pictures to use, and a store of ideas that I’ve been too busy to write about. Let’s hope I don’t run out of steam. 

Wish me luck, boys and girls,


P.S. Tonight’s mantra is such.

If you struggle with making to do lists,

Start with a list of only 3.


Practice it for around two weeks. Create consistency.

Remember, the most important part about achieving goals isn’t necessarily achieving the goal itself- it’s being consistent enough to achieve it.

Once you get the habit of setting 3 tasks a day, accomplishing them, and you feel that it’s getting too easy now, THAT is when you step out of your comfort zone and push boundaries.

Thenraise that number to 4 or 5 but don’t skip to an unnecessarily large number like 7 or 8 immediately.

Personal growth involves lots of baby steps. Kind of like accelerating a car - don’t go 0 to 100 immediately, go 0-10, 10-20, and then so on.
