#that girl aesthetics


Weekly Progress : Working on Yourself (2)

This series is to make it easier for you to become the person you want to be. Keep in mind that I’m not a therapist, and take my suggestions as you would from a friend.

Try achieving these goals every week. They’re short and doable, and it’s to increase your confidence, step by step.

To keep things simple, we only have 3 categories (external, mental and physical) which will have one goal each.

External :

  • Check up on a friend or family member.
  • Just asking, “how are you? Have you been doing okay?” shows that you care about them.
  • Relationships are TWO WAYS! You can’t complain about someone not putting in effort if YOU don’t.

Mental :

  • Let’s practice confidencetoday.
  • To do this, we first must outline the kind of person you’d like to be.
  • You’ll need a book / diary for this - in this series, you’ll write pretty often.
  • Why? Having a game plan makes it easy to visualise and therefore carry out activities to help reach that goal.
  • Create two lists, 1) qualities and attributes you think you have (honesty, integrity, etc) and 2) qualities of the person you want to be.
  • Don’t be harsh on yourself. Write it down for yourself, no one will judge you. You’re allowed to write good things about yourself.

Physical :

  • A HIIT workout, 15 minutes.
  • Something to keep your heart pumping and blood flowing!
  • YouTube, as usual, has some great options.


Goals to Achieve for a Better Self

Satisfaction shouldn’t come only from accomplishing these goals; rather, to enjoy the process of it.


- Workout

- Eat good food

- Drink lots of water

- Take vitamins

- Drink collagen


- Read books

- Read the news

- Play brain games

- Meditate

- Journal

- Express gratitude

- Get enough sleep

- Be willing to accept responsibility for the mistakes you make

- Be honourable in the things you do

- Keep your space clean


- meet with your friends

- Stay in touch with the people you care about

- Talk to your family

- Don’t be shy to go to events

- Embrace social situations, even if they’re uncomfortable and awkward

- Host dinners at home

- Do some volunteer work

- Try creative activities like painting, pottery even if you’re terrible at it

School / work

- Create a to-do list and divide your tasks for the week or day

- Don’t burden yourself with too much work

- finish things on time

- Set small goals and achieve them

- Be willing to learn something new

- Be curious

- Try your best to find interest in that subject/ work, even if you dislike if


- create a capsule wardrobe

- Don’t make impulse purchases


- learn to budget

- Watch videos on personal finance

- Be savvy about your investments and savings

Three Days to Getting Your Life Together

If a 7 day challenge is a little too intense for you, try 3 instead.

7 day challenge : (https://csuitebitches.tumblr.com/post/657588886457974784/the-7-day-ichooseme-challenge)

I’m not a therapist or a doctor, take this advice as you would from a friend.

Day 1 :


1. Clean your bed

2. Remove the bedsheets

3. Change the pillow cases and the duvet covers

4. Put fresh sheets on and put the old ones for a wash

5. Spray some essential oil on your pillow (lavender is my favourite) if you like


1. Take a shower

2. Do your personal hygiene (skin care, nail care, hair care)

3. Practice gratitude for 30 seconds

To Do

1. Make a to do list of all the pending things you have to do

2. Sort it out by date / priority, the most relevant to you

Day 2 :


1. Remove everything that’s on your desk and wipe it clean

2. Place all your books where they should be (a shelf or a cupboard)

3. Put all your pens / pencils in a pen stand

4. Clear up the chargers

5. If there’s any old mugs or plates, put them away in the kitchen


1. Do a workout - minimum 15 minutes

2. Take a shower

3. Cook yourself at least one healthy meal. If you can’t cook, then try to. It doesn’t take a lot to make a quinoa bowl or some vegetables and rice

To do

1. Start your to do items

Day 3 :

Floor and Closet

1. If you’re someone who throws dirty clothes on the floor, pick it up and put it in the laundry

2. Sweep everything, under the bed, the corners of your room, under the desk

3. Mop everything clean after you’re doing brooming / sweeping

4. If you have a carpet in your room, then vacuum

5. Put all your clean clothes back in the closet as they should be (I like colour coding)

6. Make sure your shoes are organised properly or they could get spoiled


1. Practice a 3 minute meditation

2. Take a 20 minute walk outside of your house

3. Sleep early tonight

To Do

1. Mark off the things you accomplish today
