#ghost hunt

 While plenty of America’s abandoned insane asylums offer spooky tours, overnight ghost hunts,

While plenty of America’s abandoned insane asylums offer spooky tours, overnight ghost hunts, and museums filled with the torturous relics of psychiatric history, there’s one defunct mental hospital in Ohio that cranks the creepy-factor to 11. Sure, it has all the hallmarks of a great local haunt - rumors of spirits, beautiful decay, and even an adjoining cemetery, but it’s what lies hidden on the top floor of the building that truly terrifies visitors: a human-shaped stain where an escaped patient lay dead for over a month.

More info: https://roadtrippers.com/stories/ohios-most-haunted-insane-asylum-has-a-permanent-corpse-shadow?lat=40.80972&lng=-96.67528&z=5

Post link

“I’m not jealous of you. I'm…” A mumble.

“What?” Mai asked, straining to hear it.

Another mumble, slightly louder.

“I’m sorry,” Mai said. “Once more?”

“I’m jealous of Naru!” She snapped out, falling back on herself immediately, surprised with herself. Over time, Mai had seemed to have that effect on her quite a lot. It was infuriating. Masako was used to having a handle on her emotions. Used to the calm, detached look she kept. From their first job together Mai seemed effective in smashing through that. Annoyingly, Mai just blinked at her. Discomfort settled over her skin. “Well, are you just going to sit there or will you say something?” She asked with as much calm as she could muster.

“I…” Mai looked genuinely confused. Her head tilted to the side like a cocker spaniel. “Why would you be jealous of Naru?”

Masako… could not believe this. Just how stupid was Mai? No wonder Naru felt he had to keep an eye on her. Not only was Mai endearingly kind, she was also infuriatingly dense. This was one of the main reasons Masako hadn’t liked her to begin with. And then she had to go and… Be everything else. Everything she couldn’t always be. Kind. Emotive. Passionate. So, so passionate over everything. Like it just burst out of her because there was so much it had no other choice. “Because I’m in love with you.”

Mai froze and for the longest moment, Masako was terrified. It wasn’t the first time she felt fear. Actually, she has felt fear quite often. Both her own and others. But never like this. Mentally, she knew whatever happened ultimately didn’t affect her seriously. A rejection wouldn’t kill her or give her an irreparable injury. It felt like it could, though. It felt like everything in her life was riding on Mai’s next words and it was terrifying . Then Mai shook her head, eyes down. Masako’s heart plummeted.

“You're… in love? With me ?” Mai asked hesitantly. It felt like Masako was on a roller coaster. Or, she thought it felt like she was on a roller coaster. She’d never been on one before, but this felt like how she’d heard people describe it. Her heart flipped at the tone of Mai’s voice.

“Yes,” Masako said quietly. It felt like if she spoke any louder the moment would shatter and she’d be left behind in pieces. She didn’t think she’d be able to confess again, if this wasn’t real.

For a moment Mai gaped at her. Like a fish. And then her mouth closed and her eyes sparkled. “I love you, too, Masako.” The words were quiet, but full. Full in a way Masako didn’t really know words could be. Hope and joy and love and all the positive emotions Masako felt she could think of as well as a shyness that she’d rarely seen against Mai’s passion. But then… She smiled. And it was small, but determined, and Masako could see that addicting- and yes, infuriating - passion spark in her eyes. When Mai smiled, Masako smiled back. Smaller but no less brightly.

someone force me to write. give me a fandom from the tags and a number between 1-5

Part ¼

This is an illustration of @csakuras amazing story Midnight Train (which can be found here: Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,Part 4)

Thanks again for letting me try to draw it! ♡

I’ve been wanting to draw more this year and this story is a favorite, so here we are~ also I’m a dumbass and didn’t consider this story has a lot of stuff i dont know how to draw such as animals and backgrounds lol

Hopefully the next parts won’t take so long, as they’re already sketched~

Patterns from Toptal Subtle Patterns.



I have this comic/ fanfic idea that I sometimes think about where one of the SPR+ members gets cursed, and the curse is: they’re compelled to dance whenever they hear music.

Me: Lin. Let it be Lin.

Also Me: Why would you do that to that poor man? I thought you loved him.

Me again: I do love him. It’d just… be better… if he danced.

Me, finally: you’re a monster

Your ideas are so inspired!! And inspiring TTuTT


Lin-san was cursed.

Mai saw something dark surround him before disappearing into his skin. She felt its ill intent.

But no one would believe her no matter how she insisted. After all, what kind of curse didn’t affect its recipient in any way? Naru and Bou-san monitored him overnight, staying watch with him over the base while John and Yasuhara-san slept in the men’s shared room.

The next day dawned. No spirits hounded Lin-san. Naru even confirmed that there hadn’t been any physical injury or mental disturbance. There was nothing to support what Mai had witnessed, so she conceded that maybe the curse had failed.

And then her phone rang, Caramelldansen blasting from its speakers.

Lin-san’s hands flew up to his head.

The whole team watched in horror as the curse took effect.

hi, i did a thing

they have smartphones because yes

Prompt: Fantasy AU’s

The High Mage’s Apprentice (Snippet 3)

“Here she is, Your Highness.”

A guard brings Mai to a room, where the Crown Prince sits at a table.  He gestures for her to sit, and she takes a seat across from him.

Now that she can take a longer look at him, he appears to be right around her age, or perhaps a bit older.  As before, he wears a serious expression, that dazzling smile from three years ago nowhere to be seen.

Mai gulps.

“After questioning your uncle, I have a basic understanding of the situation.  However, I still need to ask you a few questions.”  He folds his hands over the table.

“Y-Yes?  …Your Highness?” she asks weakly.

“You said you came up with that charm yourself.  Were you aware that it was magic?”

She shakes her head frantically.  “No!  I don’t know anything about magic!”

“You’ve never had a teacher?  Never received training?”


He puts a hand to his lips, thinking.

Mai goes on.  “But…but even if that was magic, I don’t understand why I was wrong to use it?  I was only helping the flowers!”

“It’s not the fact that you were using magic.  It’s the fact that you, an unknown entity, were doing it on the palace grounds.”

She blinks.

The Crown Prince sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re not merely playing ignorant and explain.  There have been many assassination attempts made on the royal family in past years.  Therefore, we try to maintain tight security and monitor any suspicious activity on the palace grounds.”

“You thought I was an assassin…?”  Mai’s mouth falls open in horror.  Honestly, she barely knows anything about the royal family.  News trickled in to her rural village slowly, and even then, she’s never taken much interest before.  She’s certainly never heard about any attempted assassinations.

“You were snuck in, were you not?”

“Yes…but I didn’t think it was anything wrong!  My uncle said there was an opening…he offered me the job…”

“You didn’t go through the proper procedures.”  He taps his finger on the table.  “We have them for a reason.”

She gulps.  “I didn’t know…”

“You may be able to stumble into positions based only on family connections where you come from, but it doesn’t work like that here.  Do you understand?”

Mai trembles.  “…Please, forgive us.  My uncle only wanted to help.  My parents are both dead.  I had nowhere to go…”

The Crown Prince sighs again.  “He’s not really your uncle.”


“He confessed to us, quite readily, that he only happened to live in the same residence as your uncle before he passed away, and that is how he received your letters.  You have no real relation to this man.”

Mai feels cold.  She’s been deceived.  Why didn’t she trust her own instincts?  She knew something felt off about the man.

So she is truly all alone in this world.  With nowhere to go, no one to turn to, hardly any money of her own to speak of.  No, besides that, would she even be able to leave this place?  Would they continue to imprison her, or even worse…?

Blinking back tears, Mai leans forward to make one last desperate plea.

“Please!  I was fooled!  I didn’t mean to do anything wrong!”

“No, it appears you didn’t,” the Crown Prince relents.  “You are, indeed, just a fool.  The ones in the wrong are your ‘uncle’ and our so-called palace guards.”  He sighs heavily.  “Honestly…this is why the kingdom is on the brink of ruin.”

“Then…?”  Can she dare to hope? 

“However.”  His eyes turn to her, cold as ice.  “Ignorance is no excuse.”

A chill runs down her back.

“Needless to say, you have lost the job.  Normally, we would require you to serve time as well.  But I am willing to overlook this, on one condition.”

“Wh-Which is…?”

A small smirk plays on his lips.  “You become my apprentice.”

“Your…what?”  The Crown Prince’s apprentice?  What does that mean?  Also, what is with that scheming look?  Where has her sweet prince gone?!

“After all, it would be irresponsible to allow you to roam free without learning how to control your abilities.”

“If you say so…”  But what does that have to do with her becoming his apprentice…?

And then she remembers.  What did her uncle say about the Crown Prince the other day?

“I heard…the Crown Prince is visiting a neighboring kingdom…” she mumbles numbly.

He looks briefly confused.  “Yes.  That would be my brother.”

Hisbrother.  She didn’t even know the Crown Prince had a brother.

“So you are…?”

“The High Mage.”

Of course.  Mai clutches her head.  She really is a fool.

Prompt 13: “A Deemo inspired fic w/ the twins! Highly recommend listening to the music.”
Will also be on AO3 and FFN under the same name so you can follow for future updates ;)

Chapter 1 - Lonely Pianist

He was alone somewhere he had no knowledge of. There was nothing, as if he was on a blank page. Oddly enough, a few music sheets were lying at his feets. He bent to take one and as soon as he did, a wind rose from nowhere and the other pages flew high above him. Then, his surroundings were painted black and the wind stopped. Now glowing spheres slowly floated upward. With a puzzled expression, he looked at the music score he took earlier, he noticed he could read it, and concluded that if it was a dream, it should be a lucid one. He had no idea who he was nor where he was. To make things easier, he had nothing on him that would give any clue. He looked barely human, looking more like a character from some horror video game, with long thin black limbs. He wondered what his face was like… It was such a weird dream.

The scenery suddenly changed again soon after. The place looked ancient and was prettily lightened with sifted lights. A large piano was set up at the center. Music sheets that got carried out were falling back on a ground that he could now see. He gathered them before moving toward the piano. Since he was alone in here and couldn’t see a way out, he might as well play for a bit…

After a while playing, he lifted his head up from the piano’s keys and noticed a door at the side. Was it here before? Uncertain, he stood up and walked to the door. The room seemed to be a little office with stairs of books against the walls. The desk seemed heavy and the chair in front of it appeared quite comfortable. The room felt very familiar to him for some reason. It felt homely and yet he also felt a twinge in his heart. Maybe he would be able to learn something here…

He learned very few in his research, everything was so blurry. If he thought he was lucid a while ago, he wasn’t so sure now. A lot of pieces of paper were unreadable to him in this office. He would have to be patient to be able to connect the dots it seemed. It was weird his memory failed him as much. If he was in a dream as he supposed, shouldn’t he know his own identity at least? He felt like playing some more after that. The room was so silent, he needed to hear something. Besides, music always cleared the mind. Of that he was positive.

Some time later, a window of the ceiling broke and something seemed to fall… Or rather someone! Without a second thought, he rushed to the landing and caught it just in time. A young unconscious boy was lying in his arms…

Fantasy au for the ghost Hunt weekend misfit-family-of-spr@tumblr.com is my Ghost Hunt blog.

Fantasy au for the ghost Hunt weekend

[email protected] is my Ghost Hunt blog.

Post link

Prompt: Fantasy AU’s

The High Mage’s Apprentice (Snippet 2)

One day, as Mai is tending to the flowers in the palace gardens, she notices that some of them aren’t doing very well.  By habit, she begins singing to them.  It’s a song she made up as a child, her own little charm to help plants grow.  Perhaps she is only imagining it, but the flowers seem to perk up a little.

When she finishes, she hears footsteps in the grass behind her.  “You there,” someone calls out.

Mai turns.

A dark-haired teenager approaches from across the lawn.  His clothes first catch her attention; he wears a long, dark blue velvet coat with delicate gold embroidery— like tendrils of lightning streaking across a midnight sky.  It is the most magnificent garment she’s ever seen, immediately conveying wealth and power, and it takes her breath away.

His face is no less beautiful; by far the most handsome young man she’s ever seen.  But at the same time, he looks somewhat familiar; has she seen him somewhere before?

Then, dread strikes her.  For she realizes he is glaring at her as if she’d just committed some horrible taboo.

“Don’t stand there like a dunce.  I asked you a question.”

“Wh-What?” Mai stammers, jolting back to reality.

“I said, what did you just do?”  His gaze pierces through her, scrutinizing.

“I was…tending the flowers?”

“You were singing something.”

“Y-Yes…it’s my special charm.  To help them grow.”

“Where did you learn it?”

Mai blinks at him.  “I didn’t…I came up with it myself.”

He stares at her, incredulous.

They stand in dumbfounded silence until a palace guard jogs over.  “Your Highness, is there a problem?”

The young man immediately turns on the guard, seething.  “Yes, there is a problem.  We have someone performing magic on the palace grounds.  Right under our noses.  How was this overlooked?”

“Sir, I don’t—”

“This girl.”  He grabs Mai by the wrist, wrenching her over.  “Who hired her?”

“Ow!” she squeals.  “Let go!”

The guard continues to stammer until he spots her uncle nearby, who is attempting to sneak away.  “You!  Do you know this girl?”

Her uncle throws her only a brief glance before looking away.  “…Never seen her before in my life.”

“What?!”  Mai gapes at him.  “Uncle, what are you talking about?  You invited me here!”

Her uncle snaps back, hissing, “Stupid girl!  What did I tell you about keeping your mouth shut?!”


The young man looks between the two of them.  “…We’ll need to get to the bottom of this.”

And before she knows it, both Mai and her uncle are thrown in the dungeon.

Mai sits alone in a cold, dark cell while her uncle has been taken for questioning, wondering what in the world just happened.

Magic?  What was that young man talking about?  No one in her family knew magic, and she had certainly never been taught any.  How could her silly nonsense song land her in so much trouble?

And why did her uncle deny knowing her?  Did she really do something so horrible?  He is the only family she has left in the world, and yet he didn’t even try to defend her….

That young man’s appearance gnaws at her too.  She could swear she’s seen him before.  Perhaps not so up close; she’s sure she would remember someone that handsome…

Then she realizes.  She has seen him before.  Three years ago.

It all makes sense.  He is clearly in a position of authority here, despite his young age.  Then there is the quality of his clothing.  And hadn’t the guard called him ‘Your Highness’?

She has finally met the Crown Prince of her dreams.  But in the worst way possible.

Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime

“The Mysterious Death of Dr. Eugene Davis”



Prompt: ghost hunt but make it buzzfeed unsolved!AU (it can be with or without Gene being alive) i think that would be entertaining    Submitted by Anonymous


[Intro music plays]

RYAN:[Narration] Today on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we discuss the mysterious death of Dr. Eugene Davis. 

SHANE: Eugene? 

RYAN: Yeah, Eugene. 

SHANE: I only know, like, one other Eugene. When was this? 

RYAN: Like, recent. If you’d let me get through the intro… 

SHANE: Fine, fine. Go on. 

RYAN: As I was saying, today we discuss the mysterious death of Dr. Eugene Davis, one of the most renowned mediums of our time. 

SHANE: Medium. Right. 

RYAN: Yes, medium. Dr. Davis, known as Gene to his family, has been called the perfect medium–no other person has thus far been able to so accurately communicate with other spirits. Not only could he channel on near demand, but he also showed, on numerous occasions, speaking fluently in languages he did not know. 

SHANE: Oh, sure. Like that can’t be faked. This bullshit has been literally faked for hundreds of years. Picking up a few lines in French isn’t exactly convincing. I’ve said it before. All psychics are bullshit.

RYAN: Yeah, fine, maybe not. But how about entire conversations with loved ones in Russian? Or Arabic? Can–can you do that? 

SHANE: Just cause–okay, well, you can learn languages. There are people out there who have learned dozens of languages over their life–

RYAN: Did I mention he was sixteen?


RYAN:Yeah, think about that a bit more. He’s seventeen and apparently he fluently speaks, uh, Japanese, Mandarin, Korean…  English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portugese, Russian, Arabic… Like, people have tried to disprove this kid and–

SHANE: Wait you, said Dr. Eugene Davis. 



RYAN:We’ll get to that. 

SHANE: Yeah. Okay. I call bullshit now. This is already ridiculous. 

RYAN:It gets weirder. 

SHANE: Of course it does. 

RYAN: [Narration] Dr. Davis’s sad story starts when he was a child, found in an American orphanage by famous parapsychologists, Martin and Luella Davis. The Davises adopted Gene and his brother, despite them showing know signs of speaking English. 

SHANE: Martin and Luella didn’t speak English??

RYAN: No, Gene and his brother. They only spoke Japanese to one another. 

SHANE: … They only spoke Japanese?

RYAN: Well, yeah, they’re Japanese, or, their parents were. 

SHANE: You–uh–so he’s a psychic, Japanese child found in an American orphanage?

RYAN:Yeah. And he’s adopted by a British couple. 

SHANE: Oh, they’re British?

RYAN: Yeah, they’re, like, the British version of the Warren’s–don’t roll your eyes. 

SHANE: I thought this wasn’t the ghost season. 

RYAN: It’s not–well, yeah, it’s not. 

SHANE: There are ghosts involved, aren’t there?


SHANE: This is great. 

RYAN:[Narration] Gene and his brother Oliver, and no, those weren’t their birth names, but I couldn’t find those, were adopted by the parapsychologists and moved to the UK. From a young age, the brothers showed signs of having unique abilities. 

SHANE: Both of them? The brother too?

RYAN: Uh, yeah. Oliver Davis, also a doctor by the way, has given demonstrations using psychokinesis, or PK. Telekinesis basically. Move shit with his mind. 

SHANE: Interesting… And how old is he?

RYAN: They’re twins. 

SHANE: Tw–twins! You’re kidding me!

RYAN: No, no that’s for real. 

SHANE: So, you have two creepy children, freaking twins, in an orphanage, and they’re apparently psychic? This isn’t real life. This is a plot to a B movie. 

RYAN: I don’t know what to tell you. I can show you the videos. 

SHANE: Shopped. 

RYAN: There’s–there’s a death certificate–

SHANE: I’m not saying this kid didn’t die, I’m saying that this is a hot, steaming pile of–

RYAN: Alright, alright, I get it. Let me get to his death. 


RYAN:After jointly publishing a dissertation and receiving their honorary doctorates, Gene and his brother were accepted to Cambridge University. Before starting his study, Gene decided to travel to Japan, though accounts as to why he did so vary. What may have been a pilgrimage to visit distant relatives unfortunately turned disastrous as Gene disappeared. 

SHANE: Was he traveling alone?


SHANE: Who lets a sixteen year old travel alone, especially overseas?

RYAN:Okay, well, one, if you’re going to do it, Japan’s the one place to do it, it’s pretty safe. Two, he had contacts he was visiting. It wasn’t like he was just wandering around completely alone, he just didn’t have the same person traveling with him the whole time. They have records of him, you know, like visiting schools, meeting with colleagues and stuff. He was apparently very personable and made friends easily. 

SHANE: Yeah, well, that’s how people get killed. And based on how this is going–well there you go. 

RYAN: [Narration] Gene Davis was last seen leaving the home of a friend one night. He left on foot, intending to walk back to the ryokan that he was staying at in the area. However, he never made it to his destination. Despite police being called very quickly, it would take months before his body was recovered. 

SHANE: Okay, I guess I take it back. He at least had friends who called the cops, when, what, he didn’t text them back?


SHANE: Oh they didn’t? Okay, nevermind. Suspicious. 

RYAN: So, his brother was the one who called the cops. 

SHANE: His brother? But he didn’t go to Japan.

RYAN: No, he didn’t. 


RYAN: [Narration] Though he couldn’t say how he knew to call the cops, Gene’s brother, Oliver, called anyhow and insisted that they do a check on his brother at the ryokan. When they arrived, the proprietors confirmed that they hadn’t seen the teen. It took a few days before Gene’s friends came forward, having no idea he was missing in the first place. 

SHANE: More psychic shit?

RYAN: Uh, yeah, psychic… stuff. It was never publicly declared, but like, yeah, apparently Oliver had like, I dunno, psychic visions and knew something happened to his brother.

SHANE: Well–okay. 

RYAN: You don’t actually sound that angry at that. 

SHANE: No, I guess… Twins right? I mean, I may not believe in the oogie boogie crap, but there has been, you know, weird things between children. Weren’t there, like, those sisters? And they only talked to each other, but then decided one had to die…?

RYAN: Yeah, the Gibbons. The Silent Twins. 

SHANE: There you go. Another weird twin story. 

RYAN: Actually–okay, well, we’ll get into that. After nearly six months of searching, Oliver Davis ultimately recovered the body of his brother, who was found at the bottom of a lake in the countryside. He traveled to Japan and worked under a pseudonym, using family money to pay divers to search bodies of water. 

SHANE: A lake? How did he–why did he–you know what, nevermind. Psychic. Right. 

RYAN: Right. He, uh, saw his brother, I guess, drown. 

SHANE: But psychic-ly. 

RYAN: Yeah. 

SHANE: Okay. 

RYAN: Autopsy notes say that Gene was likely hit, uh, twice, by a car, and then tossed into the water while he was still alive. 

SHANE: Jesus. Twice? What, did someone back up and hit him again?

RYAN: Actually, it seemed like he was hit and then someone reversed and backed over him. Based on breaks or something, I don’t know. I’m not an expert. But yeah, seems like at least the second one was intentional. He still wasn’t dead, though, and maybe could have survived. 

SHANE: Until he was thrown into the water? That’s horrible. That seems intentional, or like, the worst person in the world getting into an accident. What kind of person could do that? It’s like stupid teenagers at the start of a horror movie–actually I’m pretty sure that is the start to a horror movie. 

RYAN: Yeah, it’s terrible. 

SHANE: And sixteen. Awful. Psychic shit or not, awful.

RYAN: It’s time to dive into theories on what happened to the young Dr. Eugene Davis. 

RYAN: [Narration] Our first theory, and the most believable, is simply that Gene was hit on a dark road while walking back to his ryokan. The driver, finding themselves in a predicament, either backed up to see what they hit or intentionally did so in a state of panic. Regardless, it’s quite possible they believed that the teen was dead, and instead of calling the police, dumped the body in one of the numerous lakes in the area. The idea that it was simply an accident seems to have gained the most traction as there are no other serious suspects at this time. 

SHANE: It’s unfortunate, but I guess I can see how it could have happened. It’s crazy that someone with such an insane background could meet such a munade end. Like, I thought for sure you would say it was ghosts or aliens. 

RYAN: We still have two more theories. 

SHANE: Of course we do.

RYAN: [Narration] The second theory has started circulating since the recovery of Gene’s body. Many people found the fact that Gene’s brother simply knew about the death to be suspicious. Some speculations, especially from skeptics of the psychics, believe that Oliver orchestrated the death of his brother. Both brothers proved to be highly intelligent, to the point where they’ve been called prodigies, and it wouldn’t be impossible for someone so cunning to plan such an elaborate ruse. 

SHANE: Hm… Okay. I guess that’s possible… Do we–do we know anything about this Oliver? Why would he murder his brother? Like, is there any substance to this theory?

RYAN: Yeah, so, first, apparently, despite being twins, their personalities were night and day. Whereas Gene was pretty popular and, like, charismatic, his brother was–is, he’s still alive–not. So, it could have been jealousy. But, also, you’ve also mentioned the Silent Sisters–who agreed that one of them needed to die for the other to live. 

SHANE: So, what, they were in on it together? If so, kinda seems like they picked the wrong brother. 

RYAN: Yeah, kinda. Another popular theory for the whole, Oliver killed his brother concept, is that, much like the Fox sisters–who, if you don’t know, are some of the most famous ‘spiritualists’ in history–Gene wanted to confess that their psychic powers were fake. When one of the Fox sisters did that in the 1800’s, it ruined them. Maybe Oliver wasn’t willing to give up the clout that they had built off of their supposed abilities. 

SHANE: That’s it. That’s the one. 

RYAN:You like that one?

SHANE: Yeah. That makes a hell of a lotta sense. Sure, hit and run, maybe. But yeah, this Oliver seems suspicious. I’m on team: their powers were fake, Gene had a conscience, and as he was growing out of his teenage years, he wanted to leave it behind. Seems about right. 

RYAN:Yeah–yeah, okay. Seeing the history of other psychic siblings… yeah, I can see how this makes sense. 

SHANE: What happened to Oliver?

RYAN: Uh, well he’s still teaching at–

SHANE: He’s teaching?

RYAN: Yeah, like I said, prodigy. He’s been back to Japan a few times–recently he made the paper because he was involved in a fire on the island of Poveglia in Italy. 

SHANE: So he’s an arsonist now?

RYAN: No, no, apparently there was a ghost hunt that went wrong and–

SHANE: He’s a ghost hunter?

RYAN:Okay, this is–this is a story for another time–the Ciao Poveglia mystery is–you know what, I’m just going to stop now. It’s a whole thing. Look into it. 

SHANE: Okay. Fine. Last theory?

RYAN: [Narration] Our final theory is that Gene’s dealings with the afterlife came back to haunt him. Though no one can be certain exactly what Gene was doing, some true crime enthusiasts have put together a trail of his last known whereabouts in Japan. Supposedly, the trail can be traced back to a well known politician. Some believe that the spirits of individuals wronged by the politician spoke to Gene and he was working on gathering evidence to provide to the authorities. 

SHANE: The spirits spoke to him. Right. Of course. Are there any scandals behind this politician? 

RYAN: Uh–no. None. Well, there are rumors, but the, like, Redditors can’t even really settle on who the person is. So, it’s probably a bust. 

SHANE: Could you imagine if that was true? Or like, you know, he thought it was true? And this kid just walked into the police station and said, I–I know that the, uh, prime minister killed and, uh, ate someone. How do I know? The ghosts told me! Dude would have been locked up so fast… 

RYAN: Yeah, probably. It… doesn’t have a lot of credit behind it. 

RYAN: [Narration] In the end, what actually happened to Dr. Eugene Davis, one of the most accomplished spiritualists of our time, will remain unsolved.

SHANE: Look, whatever happened, and whatever… skills… he might have had… it’s still unfortunate that someone died so young. It’s a shame. 

RYAN: I’m guessing that I could show you all of his public research, and you would still never believe me. 

SHANE: Uh… yeah that–that’s probably accurate. 

RYAN: Wouldn’t it be pretty cool if we like, ran into Oliver on one of our investigations? Like, we just ended up at the same location?

SHANE: I mean, you did just offer up a theory that he’s a killer and I did agree with you. So. You know, no? Not because of any psychic stuff, but because we just trashed him online on a channel with a few million subscribers. 

RYAN: Good point. Well. I’m sure that will never happen.

[Outro Music Plays.]


Notes: please don’t ask me how far I have driven to see one of the few, live BFU shows. I’m a Watcher patreon and own MOST of their BFU/Watcher merch. It’s like this prompt was made for me. I’m working on a BFU Supernatural/GH fic now.

Ciao Poveglia is referenced. Please check out the cleaned up, slightly updated version on AO3. 

Ever your servant, 


Hey !
This is for the GH Fanworks Weekend Prompts (Prompt 13 : “A Deemo inspired fic w/ the twins! Highly recommend listening to the music.“ Submitted by Anonymous)
Obviously, this is not a fic but I hope you will like it. Though I may have a draft about it somewhere… I just wanted to submit something before the deadline as I’m the slower fic writer ever x)

Prompt: Fantasy AU’s

The High Mage’s Apprentice (Snippet 1)

The story begins with Mai, a rural peasant girl, newly orphaned and forced to sell off her family farm to pay off debts.  With nowhere else to go, she writes to her uncle who lives in the capital city of the kingdom (though she’s never actually met him).  To her relief, he sends a reply: he says she can come live with him, and he even has a job lined up for her.  Apparently he works in the palace gardens, and there is another gardening position open there.

Upon learning this, Mai remembers the one time she has ever seen someone from the royal family.  Three years ago, when she was 13, the Crown Prince passed through her village.  She only saw him from afar, smiling and waving to the crowd from his carriage, but he still left an impression on her.  He had such a lovely smile.

It would be nice to see him again, she thinks, even if from a distance.

And so, she packs up and leaves for the capital city.  When she arrives and meets up with her uncle, he sneaks her into the palace grounds through a back gate.  She lives with him in a small shack, and Mai quickly realizes that she doesn’t really like her uncle.  He forces her to do all the chores in addition to her job, and gets annoyed whenever she asks anything about their family.  But she supposes this is the price she has to pay for being able to work in such an amazing place.

The gardens are vast and beautiful, and since she is used to caring for plants from working on the family farm, the work isn’t too challenging.  And she can gaze up at the palace whenever she wants, imagining the splendor inside.

“Does the prince ever come outside?” she asks her uncle.  “Do you think we might see him soon?”

Her uncle grumbles.  “Heard he’s out visiting a neighboring kingdom.  We won’t see him for weeks.”

“Oh…”  Mai is a bit disappointed.  But she can wait.

Once or twice, as she is working in the gardens, she feels a tingle on the back of her neck.  Like she is being watched.  But when she looks around, there is no one.  She only spots a tall stone tower overlooking the gardens, looking out of place on the grand palace grounds.

“Uncle, what’s that?”  She points at the tower.

Her uncle looks up briefly, before lowering his head again.  “The High Mage’s tower.”

“The High Mage?  Who’s that?”

“The greatest mage in the kingdom.”

“And he lives here?  Next to the palace?  Why?”

“To give guidance to the king, of course.”

“Hmm.”  He must be very wise, this mage, to have such an honor.  “What is he like?”

“That’s enough questions from you, girl,” her uncle growls.  “You’d best keep your head down and your mouth shut if you want to stay in this place.”

Mai frowns, but returns to work.  However, deprived of answers, her mind is left to fill in the blanks.  She imagines a mysterious old man, with a long, flowing gray beard, befitting of someone called the High Mage.  Perhaps he is kind.  Perhaps they could even become friends.


Here’s the prompts list for the 2021 GHHQ Fanworks event: 

  1. Naru lives in Gene’s shadow even after he’s gone. Submitted by @eyeliner-vampire 
  2.  Kotatsu Submitted by @csakuras
  3. Hypnotic Songs of a Glass Harmonica   Submitted by @sprghosthunter
  4. “Just as Mai has a high susceptibility to get hurt through supernatural dangers, Lin has an innate tendency to get stuck in awkward situations.“  Submitted by Anonymous
  5. Yasuhara forces Mai to confess to Naru by hitting on Naru himself.  Submitted by Anonymous
  6. dinosaurs/Jurassic Park  Submitted by Anonymous
  7. dream body swap. Humor/canon compliant. If impossible to focus on everyone, it must at least focus on Monk and Yasuhara, please! During a case, the spirit messes with their memories so that the team enters a shared dream and somehow find themselves in each other’s bodies. They must re-live a case we’ve actually seen in anime/manga, but they don’t know another person is also trapped in their body. They have to finish the dream faithfully trying to act as each other, but as the dream goes on, they realize something’s just a little off and they start to wonder. Submitted by @seoulsborne123
  8. Bridgerton style romance!  Submitted by Anonymous
  9. “jibaku shounen hanako-kun/toilet bound hanako-kun” AU   Submitted by Anonymous
  10. Fantasy AU's      Submitted by @books-tea-ghosts
  11. ghost hunt but make it buzzfeed unsolved!AU (it can be with or without Gene being alive) i think that would be entertaining    Submitted by Anonymous
  12. A Phantom Brave and Ghost Hunt crossover? I always thought Marona’s ability was cool and curious to see how the group would react. Submitted by @elizabethchelly
  13. A Deemo inspired fic w/ the twins! Highly recommend listening to the music. Submitted by Anonymous
  14. Gimme a Lin-centric story that shows our favorite stoic onmyoji getting into some sort of trouble. He’s always shown as being this perfectly responsible adult. Surely he has flaws. Bonus points if it deals with a whirlwind/short lived romance with a female character (either established or OC.) Submitted by @aeternus0flamma
  15. Fiction Prompt: Haunted Island Mansion Case. Cursed Artifact. Masako in danger on a case. Lin exploration…a whole case from his perspective. Submitted by @crystalrmartin-moondaisuki 
  16. Art Prompt: Mai/Naru embracing  Submitted by @crystalrmartin-moondaisuki 
  17. Art Prompt: The whole group silly family style  Submitted by @crystalrmartin-moondaisuki 
  18. Art Prompt: Mai/Naru with children  Submitted by @crystalrmartin-moondaisuki

2021 Ghost Hunt Fanworks Weekend! April 10th & 11th

How to participate?

  1. Pick a prompt: Choose from the list of prompts and make a fan work based on it.
  2. Submit your finished work: Please submit your work by end of day April 9th so that it can be scheduled for release. Please include which prompt you are doing so we can include that in the post.
  3. Enjoy yourselves!

What sort of fanworks are accepted?

Basically all sorts, past exchanges have included fanfiction, fanart, photo edits, and more.

Drabbles, oneshots, multi chapter, sketches, line art, color comics, Asethetic boards, or cover creations; all are welcome!

If you have any questions please send us an ask at GHHQ!


Light Novel Translation

Akuryou - First series (Ongoing translation by a few different translators)
One of the translators for this is also posting their chapters here 
Parts of Volume 3 by another translator can be found here*

Akumu no Sumu Ie- Second Series

Manga Translation

Akuryou- First Series

Akumu no Sumu Ie- Second Series (In-progress)

Short Stories Translations

His Reality- A short story from Naru’s perspective on his daily life which also provides information into his past.

The System of Unexplained Phenomena- The ‘introduction section’ of Naru’s book of that title.

Angel with a Bicycle- A short story that follows a 9-year-old Naru as he meets the man who will teach him about magic tricks.

Confessions of a White Crow- A Short story which takes place when Naru is 15 years old. The story is told through a discussion about Naru and his family by two others.

Eugene: A story from Gene’s POV of he and Oliver’s home and school lives prior to the events of the main series.

Least Visible Side Profile: Page 1,Page 2- Some of the SPR Irregulars having a chat at a restaurant, takes place between the two series.  

Trajectory of a Satellite-A short story from Masako’s POV that takes place while Naru is back in England for Gene’s funeral.

The Millennial Kingdom-A short story about John Brown’s life both before and after coming to Japan.

Genki: A short story about Mai and her thoughts on the future of school, life, and love after Oliver leaves after finding Gene’s body.

Drama CD Translations

A youtube playlist of various of the Ghost Hunt Audio Dramas translated 

Bits of Information/Characterization Translations

Naru’s classification of individuals as pumpkins and character stats

Ghost Hunt Series Timeline/Overview

GHHQ would like to thank all of the great individuals who have worked so hard to translate and share this information.

@flychansan,@yonakayaku,@csakuras,@withchhuntress,@thisurlplease,Kagedreams@ruthlessnightsscans and others who we don’t have contact information for.

This fandom would be would be missing out on a lot of important information if it weren’t for you!!

*Translation updated/added with 2/9/21 update

If you or anyone you know has translated a Ghost Hunt story and you don’t see it listed here please let us know. We would love to help spread the word. 

Here’s the prompts list for the 2021 GHHQ Fanworks event: 

  1. Naru lives in Gene’s shadow even after he’s gone. Submitted by @eyeliner-vampire 
  2.  Kotatsu Submitted by @csakuras
  3. Hypnotic Songs of a Glass Harmonica   Submitted by @sprghosthunter
  4. “Just as Mai has a high susceptibility to get hurt through supernatural dangers, Lin has an innate tendency to get stuck in awkward situations."  Submitted by Anonymous
  5. Yasuhara forces Mai to confess to Naru by hitting on Naru himself.  Submitted by Anonymous
  6. dinosaurs/Jurassic Park  Submitted by Anonymous
  7. dream body swap. Humor/canon compliant. If impossible to focus on everyone, it must at least focus on Monk and Yasuhara, please! During a case, the spirit messes with their memories so that the team enters a shared dream and somehow find themselves in each other’s bodies. They must re-live a case we’ve actually seen in anime/manga, but they don’t know another person is also trapped in their body. They have to finish the dream faithfully trying to act as each other, but as the dream goes on, they realize something’s just a little off and they start to wonder. Submitted by @seoulsborne123
  8. Bridgerton style romance!  Submitted by Anonymous
  9. “jibaku shounen hanako-kun/toilet bound hanako-kun” AU   Submitted by Anonymous
  10. Fantasy AU's      Submitted by @books-tea-ghosts
  11. ghost hunt but make it buzzfeed unsolved!AU (it can be with or without Gene being alive) i think that would be entertaining    Submitted by Anonymous
  12. A Phantom Brave and Ghost Hunt crossover? I always thought Marona’s ability was cool and curious to see how the group would react. Submitted by @elizabethchelly
  13. A Deemo inspired fic w/ the twins! Highly recommend listening to the music. Submitted by Anonymous
  14. Gimme a Lin-centric story that shows our favorite stoic onmyoji getting into some sort of trouble. He’s always shown as being this perfectly responsible adult. Surely he has flaws. Bonus points if it deals with a whirlwind/short lived romance with a female character (either established or OC.) Submitted by @aeternus0flamma
  15. Fiction Prompt: Haunted Island Mansion Case. Cursed Artifact. Masako in danger on a case. Lin exploration…a whole case from his perspective. Submitted by @crystalrmartin-moondaisuki 
  16. Art Prompt: Mai/Naru embracing  Submitted by @crystalrmartin-moondaisuki 
  17. Art Prompt: The whole group silly family style  Submitted by @crystalrmartin-moondaisuki 
  18. Art Prompt: Mai/Naru with children  Submitted by @crystalrmartin-moondaisuki

2021 Ghost Hunt Fanworks Weekend! April 10th & 11th

How to participate?

  1. Pick a prompt: Choose from the list of prompts and make a fan work based on it.
  2. Submit your finished work: Please submit your work by end of day April 9th so that it can be scheduled for release. Please include which prompt you are doing so we can include that in the post.
  3. Enjoy yourselves!

What sort of fanworks are accepted?

Basically all sorts, past exchanges have included fanfiction, fanart, photo edits, and more.

Drabbles, oneshots, multi chapter, sketches, line art, color comics, Asethetic boards, or cover creations; all are welcome!

If you have any questions please send us an ask at GHHQ!

ciao-poveglia: Want Ghost Hunt: the RPG? I’ve got you covered!Echoes and Ashes: a Paranormal Mystery


Want Ghost Hunt: the RPG? I’ve got you covered!

Echoes and Ashes: a Paranormal Mystery came out almost a year ago! I am more than halfway through Book 2, but I took a break to come up with a tabletop RPG based on the world of Deittman and the gang. It uses the Powered by the Apocalypse gaming system, which is super easy to pick up. 

So, do you want to play as Mai, Naru, or other members of SPR? I’ve got classes for that! Though the world is influenced by my book series, anyone could easily adopt this to play their favorite character from possibly my favorite anime of all time, Ghost Hunt. 

When it’s ready for release (hopefully in a month or so,) I will do a follow up to let everyone know how to download it! 

It has been almost *five years* since I finished Ciao Poveglia, but I still get alerts, reviews, and messages! I hope this fandom lives on forever because I love you all <3 

Ever Your Servant, 

Post link


2021 Ghost Hunt Fanworks Weekend! April 10th & 11th

GHHQ’s Sixth Annual Fanworks weekend!

What is it?

Each year GHHQ hosts a Ghost Hunt fanworks event. In the past we have done an exchange where folks worked to craft a work specifically for another participant. This year we are changing things up a bit…

How to participate?

  1. Submit prompts: Between now and February 1st submit prompt ideas to GHHQ. We will gather them all up and make a master prompt post for the event.
  2. Pick a prompt: Choose from the list of prompts and make a fan work based on it.
  3. Submit your finished work: Please submit your work by end of day April 9th so that it can be scheduled for release. Please include which prompt you are doing so we can include that in the post.
  4. Enjoy yourselves!

What sort of fanworks are accepted?

Basically all sorts, past exchanges have included fanfiction, fanart, photo edits, and more.

Drabbles, oneshots, multi chapter, sketches, line art, color comics, Asethetic boards, or cover creations; all are welcome!

If you have any questions please send us an ask at GHHQ!

Interested in seeing the works from the previous years’ events?

Check it out here!

We’ve already got a dozen prompts! Keep ‘em coming!  

Have a prompt? Submit an ask by Feb 1st! 


It’s basically all of those ghost investigation shows only good.

The writers do their research into parapsychology and occult history and phenomena. They don’t just make shit up like pretty much every other supernatural horror series does.

Multiple religions and cultures are portrayed very earnestly and tastefully, with very little relying on stereotype. The Buddhist Monk, Shinto Preistess, and Catholtic Preist characters are all treated with respect and authority to their beliefs.

The main character gets called out and schooled on having had an Imperalist Japanese education. The tense history between China, Japan and particularly Hong Kong is brought up and not shied away from.

On that note all the main characters are shown to have their flaws and faults and short-comings.

When the main character discovers she has supernatural ability, she is automatically aware of the responsibilities and consequences these powers come with. She is regularly taken to task for using her powers when she doesn’t fully understand them. A character that could have been a ‘sue is instead given depth and development. It’s a lot like Pretear that way.

There are some great twists on old horror tropes– the reasons and explainations that come up for a lot of the hauntings are unique and unexpected (again, because the writers do their research.)

The Nightmare Fuel is counterpointed with some genuinely sweet, funny and heartwarming moments.

The writers are totally cool with letting side characters steal the spotlight or the scene.

There’s a lot of social commentary throughout the series that other series would shy away from. The main characters argue and disagree in some pretty horrendous ways because of this, and it’s handled fantastically.

Please watch Ghost Hunt, you’ll thank me.


Gene: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars.

Naru: If anyone, and I mean ANYONE, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky, they will be removed indefinitely from my life.

A selected segment from : Danny Phantom, The Lost Arc- Part One that will be posted within the next few weeks. ENJOY <3


Vlad clucked in annoyance and his red eyes narrowed. “ You don’t change. Twenty years later and you’re still quick to jump the gun! Can you just think for five seconds?”

Her guard dropped from the causal statement and Vlad took the opportunity to rush her lithe form. A gloveless hand wrapped around her wrists as he pinned her against the floor while his left hand grasped onto the gun and pointed it away from the two of them. “LET GO!”

Vlad snarled, “ So you can murder me? Fat chance! I prefer not being six feet under!”

“ Funny? Isn’t that where you’re supposed to be?” Maddie hissed venomously. Vlad flinched and his grip loosened slightly.

“ You can’t be this blind… Maddie, don’t you notice? You’re a scientist! A doctor! Can’t you feel that I am tangible? That I have mass and life?”

Maddie tossed and struggled. Seeing his wounded shoulder she eyed him angrily. “All I see is a liar and a coward! You took Danny and hurt Vladimir!”

Vlad stared at her in absolute confusion. “ What type of lunacies are you smoking down at Fenton Works? Does it look like I-”

A sharp bang resonated through the foyer. In his desperate pleas to make her see reason, his grip on the gun had weakened, allowing her to subtly aim it at his already wounded arm. Red eyes weakly faded to a dull cherry, devoid of a ghostly glow. Ectoplasm slowly dripped down the arm and splattered against Maddie’s chest. She smiled in triumph only for something warm to land against her face.

“ You really can’t see my humanity can you Mads?”

Her eyes widened in confused perplexion. A hand let go of his wrist and trailed up to her face in wonder. A black glove tapped against the water and held it aloft. This ghost was crying…
