

brad bakshi is the knife cat meme, u can’t change my mind

happy birthday johnny!!

okay so im just a few (cough *at least seven* cough) years late to community but i’m loving it so far and troy and abed are easily my faves~

what can i say im a sucker for best friends to lovers arcs~

life sucks and then u die

life man. or the lack thereof.

i see, the Vision.

(i have a lot of random plot points in my head for the yy green witch au, but i am very bad at writing so,, pls enjoy the random art i make of it instead)

some christmassy stickers which will be coming to the shop very soon!!

when johnny gives you lemons, mark lemonade

can you feel it? summer is coming! ☀️

we don’t have to leave it up to luck now ⭐️

anyone else ready to burst with excitement for ‘Paint me Naked’ ??!!

“and I watch as the sun sets on my shining youth~”

this one is from a couple of weeks ago now but inspired by the Dreamies album! I adore it (and am hopefully getting a mark jewel case soon )
