#go ahead



Nanami Vol 0 movie screencap from the JJK official twitteraccount

I am gonna go feral like a victorian man seeing a ladies ankles for the first time istfg the ARRRRMMMSSSS SIRRRRR

finally got my mom hooked on “go ahead” and I woke up to her watching it on her laptop and asking me if they have it dubbed in cantonese… I’ve been telling her about this drama since I’ve watched it and it’s finally playing on television, but she’s keeping up with it online. my plan worked, I got her.



Pineapple:What are a few foods that appear in your project?

Black and gold: Make a moodboard for a chapter

Cuffed jeans: What is the clothing style of your main character?

Polaroids: Paste an excerpt of some of your favourite descriptions you’ve written!

Yellow:Do you have a specific playlist you listen to while writing?

Galaxy:What is the main setting of your project?

Hiking:Does your project’s setting have any holidays?

Clear lip gloss: What is the social scene of your project?

Bullet journal: Do you have a Pinterest board for your project?

Character Specific:

(for these, you can either ask for a random character or pick a character from a wip!)

Gummy bears: Does the character have any jewellery special to them?

Rose sunglasses: Would the character go tanning with friends?

Striped shirts: Would they prefer hot cocoa, coffee or tea?

Surfing at dawn: What is something the character has always wanted to do?

Dark chocolate: Did they eat their veggies when they were little?

Friendship bracelets: What is their sense of humour?

Rain boots: What is their favourite kind of weather?

Snowy rooftops: Where would they love to go before they die?

Shirogane: People keep dying in my contraptions!! Stop dying in my contraptions, you’re not supposed to do that!!

Saihara: Then unmurder your contraption! Take the excess spikes off!

Shirogane: Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!! The spikes on my contraption never killed anyone, they just died of jealousy from how epic my spiked contraption looks compared to their own swagless, spikeless contraptions.


why are you at the soup store!! (Ask)

Minestrone Soup: Which of your characters is the most nurturing?

Beer Cheese Soup: A scene from your wip that made you laugh

Chicken Noodle Soup: Your favorite hurt/comfort scene

Sopa De Letras: Tell us about a character’s family

Italian Wedding Soup: Your favorite pairing among your characters

Tomato Soup: A scene that went different from planned

Tortilla Soup: What do you love most about writing?

Clam Chowder: A scene that has special meaning to you

French Onion Soup: Who is your favorite author(s)?

Gazpacho:Describe the scene that changes everything

Broccoli Cheddar Soup: What was your inspiration for this wip

Tortellini Soup: What is your worst plothole right now

Beef & Barley Soup: A scene that won’t make the final cut

Corn Chowder: Were any characters created/erased from the wip?

Butternut Squash Soup: Describe the setting of your wip

Kimchi Soup: Do you write best in first, second, or third POV?

Pho: Describe your ideal writing set up

African Peanut Soup: A morally gray decision your character makes

Kubbeh Soup: What motivates you to keep writing?

Split Pea Soup: The scene you found hardest to write

Egg Drop Soup: Do you have any author/writeblr recommendations?

Bouillabaisse: Which character was hardest to name?

Mulligatawny Soup: How many books are in your wip series?

Borscht: A future scene you dread writing (but can’t get rid of)

Knoephla Soup: What is your average chapter wordcount?

Bread Soup: A character that developed into way more than intended

Bean and Ham Soup: How long have you been writing this wip

Cream of Mushroom Soup: Do you have any advice for other writers?


simply reblog and your followers ask you numbers!

(if you’re going to reblog this from someone maybe ask them some?)

  1. what’s the highest number of picarats you’ve ever earned on a puzzle?
  2. do you like clive despite what he did?
  3. which type of puzzles do you find the hardest?
  4. do you like to get through the story quickly or spend time finding hint coins, hidden puzzles, etc?
  5. what did you name the bird in lost/unwound future?
  6. what did you call the hamster in pandora’s box/the diabolical box?
  7. did you cry during any of the games?
  8. who is your favourite character?
  9. who is your least favourite character?
  10. have you seen eternal diva?
  11. which ships do you ship, if any?
  12. have you ever had to look up the solution to a puzzle?
  13. do you prefer the original format or the 3ds format?
  14. which game do you think had the best music?
  15. do you like or dislike inspector chelmey?
  16. which minigames do you like?
  17. do you save up your hint coins or spend them often?
  18. which is your favourite game overall?
go ahead


ducktales asks

Scrooge McDuck: Do you get along with your family?

Donald Duck: Do you have any siblings?

Della Duck: What’s something that you regret doing/saying?

Huey Duck: What’s something that you’re proud of?

Dewey Duck: Would you consider yourself adventurous?

Louie Duck: Would you change your name given the chance? To what?

Webby Vanderquack: Do you get along with everyone?

Lena: Do you keep secrets?

Betina Beakley: Are you responsible?

Launchpad McQuack: What’s your favorite tv show?

Storkules: Do you have someone that you love a lot?

Selene: Do you prefer the night or day?

Gyro Gearloose: Do you get angry easily?

Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera: Are you optimistic?

Gizmoduck: What’s the most heroic/generous thing you’ve ever done?

Gladstone Gander: Do you consider yourself lucky?

Magica De Spell: What’s something that you really want?

Doofus Drake: Are you spoiled?

Mark Beaks: Are you obsessed with technology?

Goldie O’Glit: Have you ever broken someone’s trust?

Flintheart Glomgold: Is there someone you hate?

Emily Quackfaster: What’s something you would protect with your life?

Falcon Graves: Are you a serious person?

Don Karnage: Would you consider yourself to be conceited?

Duckworth: Do you believe in ghosts?

Ma Beagle: Biggest pet peeve?

Zeus: Are you competitive?

Sky Pirates: Do you love to sing and dance?

Beagle Boys: Do you have a big family?

Manny: Are you talkative?

Little Bulb: How tall are you?

Money Bin: Are you a spender or a saver when it comes to money?

Ithaquack: Who’s your favorite Greek god/dess?

Black Heron: Do you hold grudges?

Castle McDuck: Would you like to be immortal?

Spear of Selene: What’s one place you want to visit?

Darkwing Duck: Who’s someone you look up to?

Ducktales 2017: Have you seen the 1987 version? If not, do you want to?

Dewey Dew Night: Do you like recording videos of yourself?

The Sunchaser: Have you ever been on a plane?

Mt. Neverrest: What’s you’re biggest achievement?

Junior Woodchuck Boy Scouts: Do you like being apart of things?

Moorshire: Do you like sports? If yes, what’s your favorite?

Dewey Jr: Do you have any pets?

No.1 Dime: What’s your most prized possession?

GO AHEAD (2020)

‘I want to bring the best thing I have and give it to the people who’ve never abandoned me’ - He Zi Qiu

風の重さを感じることと光の足音をが聞こえること <Feel the weight of the wind and hear the footsteps of the light>

風の重さを感じることと光の足音をが聞こえること <Feel the weight of the wind and hear the footsteps of the light>

Post link


Send me “Cross-Screen Predator” for my muse to suddenly come into the real world by crawling out my screen and proceeding to eat the mun

Alternatively, send me “Reverse Cross-Screen Predator” for my muse to suddenly pull the mun into the muse’s world and eat the mun

Alternatively, send me “Cross-Screen Prey” for my muse to suddenly come into the real world by crawling out my screen and proceed to feed themselves to the mun

Alternatively, send me “Reverse Cross-Screen Prey” for my muse to suddenly pull the mun into the muse’s world and feed themselves to the mun

Freely specify method of vore and other details of the scenario




Asexual Ask Game

I haven’t seen many ace asks games around, so I thought I’d make my own. I have a lot of free time. Go here for the aro one!

  1. Where are you on the ace-spectrum?
  2. When did you first realise you were ace-spec?
  3. Did you have a moment of “Wait, sexual attraction is real?”
  4. What moments make you think, “Well, I’m definitely ace”
  5. Are you sex-positive, sex-repulsed, or indifferent?
  6. How do you feel about general intimacy? (Kissing, cuddling, etc)
  7. Are you also aro-spec?
  8. What other identities are you, if any?
  9. Who’s the first person you came out to, if any?
  10. Has anyone ever come out to you as ace-spec?
  11. Have you ever been to pride as an ace person? What was it like?
  12. Dragons or cake ace?
  13. Do you have an ace ring? Do you want one?
  14. Do you own an ace-spec flag?
  15. Do you experience the ace obliviousness to innuendos or dirty jokes?
  16. How do you feel about sex scenes/romantic plots/subplots in movies?
  17. How do you feel about sex/love songs?
  18. Have you had any romantic/queerplatonic/sexual relationships?
  19. Are you any good at flirting?
  20. How do you feel about dating a non-ace-spec person?
  21. How many ace-specs do you know IRL?
  22. Do you want kids?
  23. What would you rather do/have instead of sex?
  24. Best part of being ace?
  25. Free spot! Ask me any question to do with asexuality.

Feel free to ask me any of these questions!

This post has been gaining notes recently so I thought it might be fun to bring it back and answer some more questions!

Found this in my drafts from two years ago, so Hey, Pride Ask time!
