
Existence #28Shang Ma

Existence #28
Shang Ma

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The past is gone, dying, dead.
To remain there is to relive your death over and over.

The future is uncertain, unmade, unable.
To remain there is to continually be shattered and unwhole.

The now is here, clear, focused.
To remain is to be able to explore everywhere.

Where shall we exist?

“Everything is possible, and yet nothing is. All is permitted, and yet again, nothing. No matter whi

“Everything is possible, and yet nothing is. All is permitted, and yet again, nothing. No matter which way we go, it is no better than any other. It is all the same whether you achieve something or not, have faith or not, just as it’s all the same whether you cry or remain silent. There is an explanation for everything, and yet there is none. Everything is both real and unreal, normal and absurd, splendid and insipid. There is nothing worth more than anything else, nor any idea better than any other. Why grow sad from one’s sadness and delight in one’s joy? What does it matter whether our tears come from pleasure or pain? Love your unhappiness and hate your happiness, mix everything up, scramble it all! Be a snowflake dancing in the air, a flower floating downstream! Have courage when you don’t need to, and be a coward when you must be brave! Who knows? You may still be a winner! And if you lose, does it really matter? Is there anything to win in this world? All gain is loss, all loss is gain. Why always expect a definite stance, clear ideas, meaningful words? I feel as if I should spout fire in response to all the questions which were ever put, or not put, to me.”

- Emil Cioran, On the Heights of Despair(1934).

Art:  Léon Spilliaert, Dike and Beach (1907).

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Regret is another thing that is a common human trait for all of us. The sense of living with loss and the mistakes that we’ve made in our lives. Sometimes they feel insurmountable. That’s the heroism that I wanted to capture… being so broken, so robbed of any sense of joy because of your past.


Just gets better and better….

What is #art when your unable to see it? What is #sound when your unable to #hear it? What are #drea

What is #art when your unable to see it? What is #sound when your unable to #hear it? What are #dreams when your unable to picture it…? Speaking thing’s into #existence can only work if you can #see it, #speak it & #believe it* Everything I do for now on will be towards making my ….. Say it Out Loud & tell the world!!! No more #lipservice put some action behind those words- I want to see you succeed at everything you possibly want to do in this world! #LA #motivation #adventure #selfconfidence #peptalk #positivevibes #universe #mua #read

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“God stood behind Himself one night and cast a brilliant shadow from which creation came. Existence

“God stood behind Himself one night and cast a brilliant shadow from which creation came.

Existence mirrors God the best it can, though how arrogant for any image in that mirror, for any human being, to think they know His will; for His will has never been spoken…

All things desire to be like God, all things desire to love.”

~St. Thomas Aquinas

(Photo © dramoor 2022 Williams Creek Reservoir, Colorado)

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I would not exist, my God, I would not exist at all, unless you existed in me. Or is it rather that I would not exist unless I existed in you, from whom, through whom, in whom, everything exists?

Augustine,Confessions(trans. Sarah Ruden)

God is yours and the whole world. You are His, and you are all; or in all, and with all.

Thomas Traherne, Centuries 


Identity is a prison! Let yourself respond authentically to each moment as it arrives, without being bound to the narrative of who you think you are! The self is a construct! The truth of your existence is ever changing and infinite as the universe is ever changing and infinite! Abandon the stories of your past selves and be present and alive in this very moment! IDENTITY IS DEAD! THE SELF IS DEAD! YOU ARE ALIVE!

I hate to stay awake; I hate to listen, see, and feel cause that says I’ve an existence to which no one gives a shit.

A Very Short Fact: On this day in 1920, Austrian philosopher Alexius Meinong died. Meinong was known

A Very Short Fact: On this day in 1920, Austrian philosopher Alexius Meinong died. Meinong was known for his unique ontology, which claimed that everything that the universe contains everything that can be thought (even contradictions!) even if those things don’t exist, but merely “subsist.”

“Consider the proposition ‘the present king of France is wise’. This is perfectly meaningful, and because it is so it seems natural to ask whether it is true or false. And to this there seems an equally natural answer. There is no king of France at present; the subject term fails to refer to anything. Therefore, it seems that the proposition should be considered false. But there is a problem here, concerning how to demonstrate why it is false. This is because if in normal circumstances we say of something (call it ‘x’) that x is wise, the proposition ‘x is wise’ will be true if x is wise, and false if x is not wise. But what if there is no x? How can we say of something that does not exist that it either is or is not wise?

Initially Russell accepted a solution to this puzzle which had been proposed by the nineteenth‐century philosopher Alexius Meinong. This solution was to say that every expression with a referring or denoting function in a sentence does denote something, either an actually existing item, as with the table in ‘the table is brown’, or a ‘subsisting’ item, where by ‘subsistence’ is meant non‐actual existence – a kind of real but half or ‘courtesy’ existence. On this view, the universe contains everything that can be thought or talked about, including the present king of France; but only some of what the universe contains is actually existent. Accordingly the descriptive phrase ‘the present king of France’ does indeed denote, and what it denotes is a subsistent – that is a real but non‐actual – king of France.” — From ‘Wittgenstein: A Very Short Introduction’ by A.C. Grayling

[Pg. 23 — From ‘Wittgenstein: A Very Short Introduction’ by A.C. Grayling.]

Image via Wikimedia Commons.

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notre vie est comme une oeuvre d'art

au début, on en voit la forme générale

on en a les pièces, les instruments

mais on a aucune idée de ce qu'il représente

alors on procède par essais, en prenant notre temps

et petit à petit, quelque chose se dessine

néanmoins, on se retrouve parfois embarrassé

nous ne sommes pas satisfait

alors on efface tout

on défait ce qui nous dérange

et on recommence différemment

jusqu'à notre mort, où l'oeuvre ne peut plus changer

car nous ne sommes plus là pour la modifier

elle restera tel qu'elle est

Everybody is the artist of their own existence


These are neat. Found them on Pinterest. Made a collage.
