#go out and explore


I’m so gosh darn terrible with social media, that my literal last text post was about a year ago trying to update you on Alaska pictures.‍♀️ I have lots of beautiful Alaska pictures from August 2020. I want to cry every time I look at them though. It’s bittersweet, but I find myself settling there in the near future.

Close up of a beautiful tree in its full transition of autumn.

This is me hiking the Grand Canyon with a breakfast burrito in hand, slightly intoxicated from beer on the train whilst letting a wild tarantula crawl up my arm, only to find out two seconds later that I certainly didn’t feel comfortable doing so.

My first time at the Grand Canyon. Literally took my breathe away… and made me dizzy. :)

Abandoned classroom from the late 1800’s, Bodie. You can see that there’s still chalk on the chalkboard! Bottom pic is an eroded globe.

Some pics I took while checking out the abandoned town Bodie, right outside of June Lake. Made them look vintage, thought it was fitting.

Guys I have so many posts to make, it’s overwhelming… but I really just can’t believe I took these over 2 years ago now!!

Hey y’all! It’s been a crazy couple of months!! I hope everyone is well, safe and sound. I have an amazing update! I will be in Alaska all this week, I am very very excited. I’ve been trying to get back there for almost three years now, sooo this is a big deal for me!! I’m going to post some awesome stuff when I get back! Stay tuned✌️
