#god eater

Some commissions I made(more info about commissions: here)Some commissions I made(more info about commissions: here)Some commissions I made(more info about commissions: here)Some commissions I made(more info about commissions: here)

Some commissions I made

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Hot-bloodiness without words! Hot-bloodiness without words! Hot-bloodiness without words! Hot-bloodiness without words! Hot-bloodiness without words! Hot-bloodiness without words! 

Hot-bloodiness without words! 

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The other grind giant monsters into weapons game that I’m into is back…The other grind giant monsters into weapons game that I’m into is back…The other grind giant monsters into weapons game that I’m into is back…The other grind giant monsters into weapons game that I’m into is back…

The other grind giant monsters into weapons game that I’m into is back…

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God eater ~ episode 6

God Eater (Anime) - ep 5/6

Watched it a looonngg time ago -brutal episodes of AOT level if not more gruesome tbh loved it~ enjoy

Passing out, bleeding out, falling of cliffs, drowning, injured but still fighting to keep others alive tropes, helplessness

My friend’s and I were messing around on Whiteboard so here’s some of my favourite doodles i did

My God Eater3 character (left) and my Code Vein character (right) having a main character moment

My angy CV character

A fuck ton of doodles of my Bloodborne character

My favourite doodle of him

And an insight/brain sucker guy just bc i think they’re neat

Also i should mention that all of these were drawn from memory

i started playing god eater again and soma is such a babe

i started playing god eater again and soma is such a babe

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