#going back in time


If I could go back in time and meet the 14 year old me, there’s so much I want to say. That girl I was, I was in pain, constant sadness, I didn’t know who I was or what I couldn’t be. There were times I would go to bed wishing that I wouldn’t wake up.

1/ You’re not the failure you think you are. You can achieve anything you want to do.

2/ You are surrounded by people that love and care about you. You cant feel it because you wont let yourself.

3/ Being deaf is not that bad, it may hurt a lot but it’ll be worth worth it when you’re older.

4/ Being deaf will become a big part of you are, and you will love it. You will love it all; the language, the culture and yourself.

5/ if you don’t wake up tomorrow, you won’t know what tomorrow brings. I never had a positive deaf role model,and would have benefit greatly from it. I may have achieve self acceptance early. But these things happen for a reason…..

Family Lives Like In 1989 For One Year TORONTO – Prince sings “… we’re gonna party like it’s 1999 …”

Family Lives Like In 1989 For One Year

TORONTO – Prince sings “… we’re gonna party like it’s 1999 …” but a Canadian family took this even a decade further and lived like 1989 … for one year. Blair McLillan father of two decided to move back in time to his birth year when he noticed how…

Read Full Post at http://www.lodester.com/14997/family-lives-like-in-1989-for-one-year.html

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