#good at thinking


Being smart and good at thinking is something people are envious of but what they don’t realize is that the world was not made for people like that.

Being smart means being lonely. It means being able to create an amazing world inside your head and being forced to stay there.

It means being able to discuss extremely interesting topics but having nobody to do it with or doing it so rarely cause people get bored of you easily as you’re not “fun”.

It means having passions and always wondering if you’re good enough as you can always learn more and be better. It means the awareness of how much you still don’t know.

And it means people always saying that they are not familiar with the topic or never thought of it so they have nothing to say to you.

It means compensating with fictional characters cause there is nobody in your life except for them.

Being smart and good at thinking means starting a story and realizing nobody is listening because nobody cares or wants to understand so you slowly fade away and they don’t even notice you’re not talking anymore. Except it’s not a moment but your whole life.
