#art academia


Kawaii Academia


°cute notebooks and neat handwriting

°cute pencils and erasers

°doodle cats in the margins of textbooks

° skirts and turtlenecks, a knitted sweater falling around your shoulders

°soft voices, loud minds

°soft classical and lo-fi as you study

°customizing your computer cursor into a strawberry or something


°writing poetry at lunch with your friends, or outside under a large shady tree

°tea with a lot of honey

°whispering songs under your breath and humming as you work

°writing essays on characters you like, or concepts that will help the world

°stuffed animals you read essays and presentations to

°naming everything you see

I am in love with an angel. she is so perfect, so sweet. she is so kind, so devoted to others. I am falling in love with her a little more everyday, even though I couldn’t love her more. she is wonderful, she is my delight.
