#gotham masterlist


Let Gotham Burn

I lean back with my tablet propped up against my legs sketching a new floor plan for a house my company bought and are going to flip it. Suddenly my assistant rushes in with no words. “You need to see this!” He turns on my flatscreen and switches over to the station streaming from Gotham City.

“Buildings exploding! We can’t possibly go there! The convention is going to be cancelled!” I look closer to watch the live news feed. Then I hear the smooth voice of honey entering my ears. “Tick tock Gotham. You’re on my watch.”

The camera stayed on his being. Pale skin, flashing eyes that bore holes into your soul. If you started to long at him he would be able to see your entire story. He learned from the best of course. “Harley are you listening? You need to call-” “Pack the car. I’m leaving tonight.” My assistant laughs thinking I’m joking, but I’m deadly serious.

“Do as I say or you’re fired. I shouldn’t have to repeat myself. Now go.” I speak calmly standing up and making myself a sweet drink. I stare at the TV smirking. “See you soon J.”

I knock on the next desk to mine lightly. “Excuse me.” a boy with round glasses, red hair, and innocent eyes look to meet mine. “Yes?” He asks in a shaky manor. I smile sweetly at him. “Your bookbag is caught on your chair. I didn’t want you to get stuck.” The boy looks down at his bag adjusting the strap out of the bars. “Thank you.” He quickly says getting back to his work.

I scoot closer to him. “My name is Harleen. Harleen Frances Quinzel.” I stick my hand out for his. “Jeremiah.” “Just Jeremiah?” He nods his head quickly. “Alright. Well it’s nice to meet you just Jeremiah.” He smiles taking my hand and shaking it firmly. “You too Harleen.”

The red haired boy and I were inseparable since that day. No matter where we were we’d always find eachother. Went on for a long time as friends, but we both knew deep in our hearts we were meant to be something bigger. As I lay my head in his lap looking up at the stars I catch him staring down at me. “Whatcha doing there J? You’re missing the beautiful stars!” He smiles pushing a strand of my hair away. “I’m looking at the most beautiful star there is.” I giggle pushing off of him. “Such a sap. Can’t say I don’t love it though!”

“Oh look Harley!” A shooting star flies across the night sky. “I wish… to never leave you, and were separated. Let madness take over until we’re together once again.” Jeremiah let out a chuckle. “That’s a good one. Let’s hope you don’t get any crazier.” I flip my hair laughing. “It would only be for the better darling.”

So here I am today. Walking in a graveyard all lonesome. I hear sirens blaring all over the city. His crew comes up to me screaming and laughing like crazy people. I look at them rolling my eyes, but allowing them to take me hostage knowing they’ll lead me straight to him, and as my thoughts come to ring true I feel my blood pumping as they sit me in a chair waiting to get torchered.

Blood staining the cold concrete below my feet. “You guys should really learn how to keep a cleaner work space. Geez. You’d think a pack of monkeys would be living here… Oh wait…” I laugh looking at them. They start to get louder and louder until another voice emerges.

“Let me take a look at this one!” a blonde comes into view with face looking like… just like a face you want to punch.

She walks around me then smirks. “Take her to the grinder.” the minions grab me and start to drag me away. “Whoa wait a fucking minute!” This caught her attention making her look at me with her little clown mask. “Hey you. Yeah clown bitch listen to me!” I shimmy out of their hold and stand in front of the blonde. I walk around her smiling sanely. “I’m the only one who gets the wear that mask.” I whip my knife out and stab her in the stomach several times until she falls to the ground motionless.

I pick up her mask looking at her face. “Not even that pretty. Come on man!”

“Not as pretty as you I will say. Not as sane either. Got on my nerves rather quickly. She’s not the right… fit.” I look up the rusted stairwell to see him standing there proudly examining my work. “Then why’s you pick her huh? See this? Trash!” I grab the mask tossing it the the side at his followers. “Seems I got exactly what I wanted. Just another playing card that was run out.” I make my way up the steps as he comes halfway down meeting me.

“Hello Harley.” “Hey there J.”

His hand come out and pushes me against the metal bar trapping me. “And may the world go insane.” J smashes his lips against mine pushing all the lost time into one kiss.

“This is Harley. Harley this is everyone. Call them your subjects if you want. This is your queen everyone! Respect her or that…(Points at Echo) will be your outcome. Now follow love, we’ve got much to relish in.”
