#jerimiah valeska x reader


SAJ Part 36


“How are you going to do it?” I ask holding Jerome’s cold hand. “Sending waves of high electricity and jump-starting the brain should trail with the elements of the awakening.”

A loud laugh echoes through the warehouse causing me to fight green eyes I lost long ago. “He’s going to fry me!” Jerome laughs looking down at himself.

“Well looks like when this is all over you won’t need that replacement any more.”

Xander. Crap.

Jerome giggles clapping his hands together. “He’s not real anyway, doll. Don’t worry about it. You think you’ve been living a life without me to help you along?” Jerome pets my head kissing the crown of my head and grabs my cheek. “Aw, sweets, you do need me.”

Everything I’ve done in the past couple of months has been fake? It would explain how closely Xander and Jerome resemble each other. Maybe I am just crazy. Maybe I never was cured.

Maybe I just need to be free again.

“If you don’t want to get shocked Ms. Gordon I would advise you to remove your hand.” Dwight places clips on Jerome’s body and flips switches making a huge machine hum with power.

Dwight giggles as he rests his hand on a large lever. “HOLD ONTO YOUR HATS FOLKS!” The lever is forced over and lightning fires within the room. Dwight cackles at my poor lover’s body gets fried.

“Come on Jerome. Come on, baby.” I beg, gripping the chair for life.

Soon after the machine clams down and Jerome is still lifeless. I grab his hand weeping. “J?” I lean down trying to listen for a heartbeat any sign of life.

“He’s still dead.” Dwight’s assistant addressed. “I know he’s still dead. I ran into some technical difficulties. Nothing that I can’t fix.”

“Is everything plugged in?”
“Try turning it on and off.”
“I did! Three times.”

“Look, you have spent the last year telling everyone that the Prophet would return. People have made sacrifices for you, Dwight. I left a really good job at the post office. The police are coming, and you promised them Jerome. The others expect to hear him speak.
They want to see his face and if you can’t do that-”

“You know, you make an interesting point.”

Dwight walks near, grazing Jerome’s face. “What are you doing?” I gasp seeing a small scapula in his hands. Dwight smiles and rests a hand on my cheek.


the black bag is thrown over my head and I’m forced away from Jerome.


I’m sat in a chair now fully handcuffed and unmoving. I groan moving my arms and resiting against the restraints.

“Don’t move too much, doll. You’ll bruise your pretty wrists.” Jerome whispers in my ear. “You’re not even here!”

“Not yet.”

“Brothers and sisters, I promised you Jerome would return and today your faith is rewarded. Jerome is here, and so is our Queen!”

The bag is ripped off my head and I’m set on stage for the whole cult to see. I look up the stairs behind me and feel my heart sink.

Jerome’s face is being used as a mask for this wannabe! Dwight prances down the steps wearing my lover’s face!

“Behold the Prophet. The Prophet is here.” Dwight grabs my hair raising me to a standing position. “We are back!”

The crowd screams in protest of their false leader. “Where’s Jerome?” “Where’s the hell’s Jerome?”

Dwight groans pulling me forward. “The Prophet is here. Tell them, (y/n)!” I glare at him smirking at the mask. “You’ll never be Jerome. You will never even meet the standers.” Dwight hisses and throws me to the pavement harshly making the crowd scream.

“The Prophet is here! Listen to me! Jerome is here. He never left us. Each of you kept him alive. Each of you is Jerome. I am Jerome. We are all Jerome.”

The cult chats over and over again getting louder every time. Dwight rips me from the floor and holds me in his arms. “Kiss me, doll face.” I glare at him and turn my head. “I only kiss men with scary smiles.”

“Then I don’t need you.” His voice is thick with venom and he tosses me into the crowd. “Remove the toxic cog! She has resented me. She has disrespected Jerome!” They push me away and out the door scraping my legs and arms every time they push me to the ground until I exit the building and run into town in search of my father.

I run into the GCPD panicked. “Dad.” Lee catches me as I stumble past. “(Y/n)! What happened?”

“Dwight! He took- He cut off his face!” I cry out letting my tears fall. Lee leads me to Jim in an examination room.

“(y/n), god where have you been?” I fling into his arms crying. “Dwight took me. He- He’s wearing Jerome’s face! He cut it off, Dad.” I sob in his chest as he smooths my hair back.

“(y/n).” Lee says grabbing my attention. “We know.” I turn around seeing my faceless Jerome laying on the table.

I cover my mouth choking on my sobs. “Why couldn’t they just leave you alone?” I whisper and touch his shoulder still feeling the coldness of the grave.

“I was going through the evidence you recovered from the scene. That phone was on the corpse next to Jerome. The last number came from the precinct.” Lee explains passing over a flip phone to my father.

“Wait. You’re saying someone in this house tipped them off?” I ask never taking my eyes away from Jerome.

“ It would make sense. They cleared out moments before we got there.” “So we got a freaking mole? Is there any way to know who called?” “The number came up as the main.”

“So you can’t make some kind of gadget to figure it out?” I look up meeting my father and Lee. “Why don’t you just flood them out? You have the phone. Go call the number back from the floor and see who sweats.” They both nod and move to exit the room until Jim grabs my wrist.

“I’ll let you say goodbye, (y/n). Properly this time.” I smile and wipe my tears away. “Thanks, dad.”

A quiet room surrounds me and all I can do is stare at the faceless man I’ve loved for years. I sit next to him playing with his fingertips. “I wonder where we would’ve ended up if we skipped Gotham together. You might be here. I might not be crazy. We might be happy.”

I let a tear slip from my eye sighing. “I’ve just lost the fire in me. It was all connected to you Jerome, and now I feel empty, but I know I have to get healthy. I need to stay strong. You were always worried about me stepping out alone in Gotham. So I can’t live how we want. I’m going to have to be a fucking cog, and be the boring detective’s daughter again. I’m just sorry you can’t be here to laugh at me.”

I close my eyes crying alone. I miss him so much.

“Detective’s daughter, huh? I could make it work.”

I giggle opening my eyes and looking over to the corner expecting the ghost that keeps me company, but the room is empty.

“Looking for someone, doll?” I avert my eyes down and see the faceless Jerome smiling widely at me. I drop his hand covering my mouth in shock. Jerome laughs looking at the hand I was previously holding. “Strang.”

He sits up staring at me with his green eyes. “I know you. Don’t I?” I nod my head feeling a smile creep its way up my cheeks.

The door opens and closes shut and not a second later Jerome has my gun pointed at my head and is threatening Lee. She looks at me with wide eyes. “(y/n).” I shake my head sighing. “It’s alright. He won’t shoot me.” Jerome tightens his grip digging the end of the gun in my head. “Is that so?”

I smiled turning around to meet his eyes. “I know you. Don’t I, Jerome?” He stares at me and begins to cackle madly. “You’ve got me, honey.” He then points the gun at Lee. “Game change! Now tell me. What’s going on?”

I sigh walking to the door and blocking it from entry. “(y/n), what are you doing?” Lee asks panicked. I roll my eyes picking up medical supplies to wrap Jerome’s face. “Looks like I’m taking care of your patient. Now tell him what’s going on.” “Why do you do it?” I laugh rolling out the gauze. “Well I’m not the one with the gun pointed at them, am I?”

I watch Lee’s facial expression change from confused to realization. “You never changed did you?” I roll my eyes walking over to Jerome.

“Gosh, you sound like my father.” I place one end starting at Jerome’s neck. “Hold please.” He smiles and holds the cloth down.

“Storytime. Let’s go!”

Lee proceeds to tell him the recap of his last living months, and everything that’s happened in between.

He throws his head back laughing. “Wow. Now that I quite a story. You know, I know I’ve been dead, but doesn’t that seem kind of crazy to you?” Jerome looks at me laughing.

Lee tilts her head smiling sarcastically. “Hey, maybe you’re dreaming. Try shooting yourself.” Jerome hums putting the gun to his head making me giggle. “Makes sense. Maybe you’re right. Is this my angel?” He points to me winking.

“Hey, tell me more about this cult. They think I’m pretty great, huh?” I roll my eyes spinning in the chair. “They’re a bunch of raving lunatics and idiots.”

“Plus they have no respect for their queen.”

Lee raises an eyebrow at me. “They didn’t even get me a crown.”

“Aw, baby don’t you worry. I’ll get you the biggest crown in the city.” Jerome says pinching my cheek. He groans grabbing at his head. “Sorry. Head’s a little fuzzy. You know, I was just reborn.
Last year was nothing but darkness as far as the eye can see.”

I sit next to Jerome patting his shoulder lightly. He looks over at me and tilts his head. “I know both of you, right?” He giggles smirking at me.

“Hey, did you and I ever, uh…” Jerome places the gun suggestively near his crotch and winks at me. I nod returning his wink. “Ah, I knew you were something else, doll. Long history?” “Another story for another time, love.”

Jerome waves my gun at Lee laughing.

“That’s right, (Y/n) Goron, the crazy, badass, sexy daughter of Jimbo. It’s good to have you back sweetheart. Now that leaves you. You’re Jim Gordon’s little Twinkie.” Jerome moves closer pressing the gun against Lee’s face making me smile.

“How’s it going between you and Jimbo? Huh? You still together, or…” “No.” “No?” Jerome turns to me, “You knew this? Daddy can’t keep a girl huh? Oh, that’s a shame. I really liked you guys. What happened?” Jerome lays his arm over my shoulder pulling me to his side.

“He killed my husband on our wedding night.” Jerome starts to laugh pulling me along. “Glad you two find it funny.”

“I do. I get why you don’t. Wow. You miss a lot of being dead!” He laughs again. He pulls me close and kisses my head.

“You know what? Go ahead, enjoy it. There are about a hundred cops on the other side of that door ready to kill you all over again, and all they’ll do for (y/n) is lock her up in Arkham.”

I huff rolling my eyes leaning my head on Jerome’s chest. “I see your point.”

“So, when I was last, you know, uh, alive, I was about to kill Bruce Wayne. I suppose I didn’t manage to-” We shake out heads. “No.
Right. Theo Galavan killed me, that jug-eared Judas. Well, I suppose I should start by killing him. Does that sound like a good plan, doll? I’ll let you get the first swing.”

“Theo Galavan’s dead, J.” “Oh Who beat me to it?” “W-Which time?” I grit my teeth as I feel Jerome grow tense. “Galavan came back to life, too? That son of a bitch is always upstaging me. Well, I guess I’m just missing one thing, then.” Jerome presses the gun to Lee’s face again. “Where is my face?”

I push myself off the chair and tap Jerome’s shoulder. “I can help with that.” I turn on the TV finding the station showing Dwight making a speech wearing Jerome’s face. Jerome watches the TV closely. “Huh. Interesting. Looks almost like my twin!” Jerome cackles with glee.

SAJ Part 35


I walk up to a ran down building with my father and Bullock. “Does this person have a name, (y/n)?” I roll my eyes smiling. “Yes, dad he does. Most people do.” “When do I get to approve?” “He’s already been approved, but I’ll talk to him and see when he wants to meet you.” Jim nodded in approval. That’s the closest he’s going to get now. I grasp the metal handle to the huge sliding warehouse door.

“Now gentlemen… Shall we?”

We walk in and it becomes clear to me that this isn’t just a normal criminal meeting. this is almost like a frat house college cult party.“Okay. Weird But not illegal.” A bright light hits a white curtain screen and the group starts to cheer loudly.

“Weirder,” I mumble to them looking around. Suddenly a voice emerges from the stage.

“The people of this city are slaves. See, they get up every day and go to work so they can pay their taxes, their mortgages. See, they believe what the papers tell them. They fear what the politicians feed them. See, they are mentally shackled, and yet, they do nothing about it! Yeah! Nothing! But there was someone who understood. Someone who spoke out, who stood up, to the jailers, puppets.A man with no fear.”

I roll my eyes watching this guy make a speech and persuading all these crazy locals. Suddenly the sharp giggle rips through the crowd making my blood run cold.

Hello, Gotham City! We’re the Maniax.And I’m Jerome, the shot caller of our little gang. This is my precious little doll, (Y/n). I made her. UGH! Isn’t she wonderful?”I see myself giggle sweetly into the camera and kiss Jerome’s cheek. “We’re here to spread the message of wisdom and hope.”

A man moans in pain and I watch myself whip out a gun and shoot the dying figure. “Some people have no manners.”

You’re all prisoners. What you call sanity, it’s just a prison in your minds that stops you from seeing you’re just tiny little cogs in a giant, absurd machine, Wake up!” I twirl around laughing, “Be free, like us!” “Just remember to smile!”

I gasp covering my mouth as I watch Jerome laugh his lungs out. The crowd starts to cheer the exact words Jerome and I were saying in the video. “Look how beautiful you are, doll,” Jerome whispers in my ear. I shake my head huffing and standing up on a crate. “All right! The show’s over! Time to go home.”

“OH MY GOD! IT’S HER!” “SHE HAS RETURNED TO RESTORE FREEDOM AND FUN!” The crowd gathers around me cheering as if I’m some Goddess. I pull my gun out aiming it at the individuals, but that only seemed to please them more. I fight the urge to smile and laugh at the feelings brewing in my stomach.

These people knew who I was, and yet they stilllove me.

“GCPD!” Bullock shoots a round of fire into the air making the cult scatter away. “Let’s go.” My dad grabs me running out of the building. “No. (y/n), don’t leave us!” “Doll, you’re our queen!”

My father forcefully hides me away from them and watches my facial expression. “Why are you smiling?” I shrug fighting the laughter. “It’s funny. These people are thinking I’m royalty or something.”

“Do you see Dwight?” Harvey shakes his head. “He was probably the last one to jump on the clown car.”  "Bringing back the dead is something we need to….“ "uh oh, no What?” My dad asks watching my narrowed eyes as I watch a gun raise and aim at my father’s head.

“Watch out!”

I pull him down as the bullets rain down in the alleyway. “Who the hell’s that?” Bullock asks on the ground. “It’s Victor Zsasz,” I say hiding away with them. My father shakes his head sighing. “Falcone put out a hit on me.” I glare at him rolling my eyes.“Oh! It would’ve been nice if you told us that earlier!” “He’s only after me. Zsasz is very professional in that way.”

“Either way we’re trapped behind here, we’re sitting ducks,” I complain loading bullets in my gun. “I need to draw their fire. Find me later.” My father sprints away leaving Harvy and I. “Wait, Jim. Don’t! Damn it.” “I sure hope you listen better than him.” I laugh standing up. “Now where’s the fun in that, Harv?”


I walk through the maze leading to Xander’s home. “Xander. I’m back! I don’t think I-” I hit the couch on my back with Xander’s arms around me tightly. “Xander. What are you-” He cuts me off with a kiss deepening it with each second. I push his shoulders laughing. “Not that I don’t enjoy this, but what is going on?” He shakes his head closing his eyes.

“I saw the news today. You got shot at.” He nuzzles his head in the crook of my neck sighing. “I was so worried, (y/n).” I pull his face up to meet mine. “I’m alright. Not a scratch on me. I’m a lot better at this than you think.” He smiles pecking my lips. “I just worry about you getting hurt.” I run my hands through his hair messing up his perfectly slicked back look. “Why don’t I distract you from those thoughts  then?” Xander’s cheeks glow pink as I settle his hips and kiss him.

“Nothing’s going to hurt us, Xander.”


Xander pulls me close peppering my bare shoulders with kisses. “You’ve got to get up, love.” I sigh sinking deeper into the bed. “No.” “Then you’ll be left here with Echo doing nothing but watching the house.” I roll over into his chest. “Or I could go with you.”

Xander laughs wrapping his arms around me. “If you did I wouldn’t get anything done at all.” I hum pressing my lips to his. “So my plan would work then?” He laughs sliding away from me. “Always does, doll.”

I shoot up looking at him with wide eyes. “What did you just call me?” “Doll? Do you not like that one?” I let my feet hit the cold wooden floor. “He always called me that so it’s-” “I won’t say it then, darling. I’m sorry.” He kisses my head smiling. “It just popped in my head.” I nod smiling.


I walk into the GCPD holding a cup of coffee from a shop Xander took me to. I see my dad and Harvey waiting next to the interrogation room. “Where’s that from? It’s not near here. Where were you staying?” Harvey places his hand on Jim’s chest looking at him with confusion. “It’s coffee, Jim,” I smirk sipping from my cup. “Yeah. It’s just coffee, dad.” I pull the file from the door looking over the details. “He’s in Jerome’s cult.” My dad nods looking at me.

“I don’t think you should be involved with this.” I shake my head rolling my eyes. “I’m probably the one who can get the most information. I am the queen after all.” I open the door with newfound confidence and sit in front of the handcuffed subject.

“Hiya.” I smile sipping my drink with delight. “Whoa… (y/n) Gordan.” I nod smiling. “Great to meet you.” “I never thought I would get to meet you. It’s such an honor.” I nod giggling. “Well thank you. I just need a few things from you. Then you can go back to your little friends-” “Oh, we can’t go anywhere without you, doll.” I narrow my eyes at him feeling a fire brewing.

“Excuse me?”

“Come on dollface. You need to come to see the master for yourself. It’s not going to be finished without you. He won’t be happy, doll.” I stare at the man for a few seconds with a blank face. Fire burns in my blood as his words ring in my head. I stand up sipping my coffee once more before opening the cup and tossing the hot liquid on him. He gasps and screams at me.

I lean down to him over the table smirking, “Nobody calls me doll!” I say making the citizen cower and my father gains a look of worry.Jim moves me out of the way stepping in front of the table.

“Tell me where he took Jerome.”

I look down at my hand as it starts to shake. Why is this happening to me? I’ve moved on and I’m cured. I’m not crazy. “Don’t be so sure, sugar face.” I look up and see Jerome laughing in the corner. “Think you could get rid of me that easily? What do you think I’ll do when I find you?” I close my eyes sighing.

Xander would help me at the end of the day.

“Why? You can’t stop it.” “Stop what?” “Um, the night of the awakening.” The cult member giggles looking at Jim as if he’s an idiot.I watch Jerome watch me with narrow eyes. He blows me a kiss winking. “I’ll see you soon, doll.” I stand up to the table slamming my hands down.

“You mean waking up Jerome?” “Jerome is just the first step. You think we’re a small band. But we are everywhere. We know your every step."He laughs and bangs his head on the table with glee. My father pulls me out of the room calling orders.

"Put out a citywide call, I want every unit looking for this symbol. Go, now.” I pull the picture of the cult symbol from my dad’s hands examing it.


“Are you sure you can handle this (Y/n)?” Harvey jokes handing me his card. I swipe it from his fingers smirking. “You’ve put me on coffee duty. I could do this in my sleep.” I walk out the door into the busy streets of Gotham City. I pull out my phone calling Xander, but only getting his voicemail as expected.

“Hey, Xander. I’m just calling to… I don’t know… Get some validation I guess. I’m a little scared of this case. Anyways, I wanted to say I miss you and can’t wait until you get back. I’ll see you in a few days, love.”

I hang up and place my phone back in my purse continuing my venture. I look down at my list of coffee’s running them through my head. “Ew who asked for goat milk?” I stumble into someone falling on my knees. “I am so sorry! I need to-” I gasp as a black bag covered my face and I’m shoved into a car. “Let me go! I will have-” “Oh, shut up (Y/n)! We’re taking you to Jerome!” I shut my mouth and sit still.


The car stops soon after and I’m transferred in the darkness. Shocks of cables and drops of water are all I hear walking through the mystery building. “Is this her? Ms. Gordon?” The mask is ripped off my head and I see the crumbling warehouse around me complied by a few cult members. “What are you doing? Let the queen go!” Dwight yells at the goons making them drop my arms. “Ms. Gordon.” Dwight bows to me.

“Hi, dude.”

Dwight smirks and leads me to a chair handcuffing me in place. “Sorry, but you need to stay put until he awakes. We planned for your face to be the first one he saw! It will be the perfect story of love.” Dwight sighs watching me. He then walks over to a table only four feet away and pulls a sheet off revealing a ghost. I gasp seeing his ice-cold skin with stilled blood. His hair as prominent as ever and his death smile still glued to his cheeks. “Oh, my Jerome.” I cover my mouth feeling tears well up in my eyes. I shake my head letting them fall. What has this life come to? I reach to touch his cold skin, dragging the chair with my cuffed wrist. I sigh looking him over. I giggle remembering all his jokes and crazy antics. I turn to Dwight letting tears roll. “Bring him back.” Dwight smiles setting me down in the chair. “As you wish, my queen”

SAJ Part 34


Xandar leads me to a secluded shelter hidden to Gotham’s pricing eyes. I turn to see my dog following close behind looking up at Xandar. “Most people don’t hike near here.” I nod tossing a stick and watching my dog run after it. “I’m not most people.” Xandar nods with a light smile.

“I can tell.”

Xander opens the door revealing a maze of concrete walls and fluorescent lights. I narrow my eyes at him confused. “It’s simple for my own protection. Madmen usually can’t be calm enough to figure out a maze.” I nod looking down at my dog. “What do you think, bud?” He barks and sprints in as fast as he can. I smile at Xander losing the sight of the other redhead behind him rolling his eyes. “Lead the way.”

After a short time following the turns of the maze, we enter a small living area leading to what appears to be a regular home. I run my fingertips over the sleek wood of the fireplace mantel. “This is a beautiful home.” I scan the high ceilings and beautiful sky lighting. “Are we underground?” Xander returns to my side with a cup in hand. “Hot chocolate?” He nods smiling. “Good man.” I laugh bringing the treat to my lips.

“Why do you take such precautions, Xander?” He sits on the couch leading me to do the same. “I’ve had a bad history. Someone out there plans to hurt me.” I scoff nodding. “Bad history? What did you run some kind of gang?” I laugh sipping the sweet drink. Xander shakes his head smiling. “No.” He turns to me setting his cup down on the table in front of him. “I had a brother. When I was younger he… tried to hurt me. Put a knife to my neck, set my bed on fire, the whole 9 yards, He was insane.” “What happened to him?” “I don’t know all the details. I fled when I was young and was adopted and pushed the whole life behind me. Last I heard he had passed in an accident.” I reach for his hand squeezing it in comfort.

This man is a complete stranger, I’ve followed him into his insane home, he’s made me a drink, and now opening up to me as if I’ve known him forever.

It feels as if I’ve known him.

“I’m sorry Xander. I understand what it’s like to lose someone close. Even if they’re far from the same situation. I do share the grief you feel.” Xander grabs my hand and squeezed it just as I had before. “Was this man your significate other?” I smile lightly remembering the old days of the relationship I had with Jerome. “Yes. He was there for me when I needed him, but we all grow apart sometimes.” “Truly.” Xander nods in agreement. “I don’t like to talk about the past much. I find it unimportant. We only move one way.” “I don’t like the relive my past either.”

“Where do you work (y/n)?” I pop my head up and gaze into his eyes. “Currently I work with the GCPD. My father’s Detective Jim Gordon. I trained under him for several years.” “You don’t catch me as a cop.” I shrug. “Technically not, but I do like to try and make this city a better place.” Xander smiles. “That’s noble of you. You have a good heart.”

I feel the heat rising to my cheeks and I look down taking another gulp of my hot chocolate. “What about you?” “I’m an architect. I’ve helped design many buildings in the city.” “How do you do business if you stay here?” “I have a couple of proxies who assist me.”

Hours upon hours this man and I spend talking about nonsense around our lives. Maybe this could be my new start. Jerome did say things were changing.

Did he mean this?

Xander laughs throwing his head back. He removes his glasses and wipes the corners of his eyes. “Don’t tell me you actually said that to your father!” I nod laughing again. “Yes! He was so mad! But what was I suppose to do? I didn’t have a mom.” “Did she leave?” “No. When my dad served in the Army my mom moved to the central city. She didn’t feel safe in Gotham without him. We ended up getting in a car accent not long after my dad came home. He moved me back here and we’ve been living in Gotham ever since.” Xander looks at me with sad eyes. “I don’t have my mother either. She was murdered.” I furrow my eyes and lean to kiss his cheek. “I understand Xander.” He looks me in the eyes searching them deeply. He places his hand on my cheek and trails my bottom with his thumb.

“No one ever has. No one knows what any of this is like. Except you.” I lean into his touch missing the feeling.

His nose brushes mine with lightness. “(Y/n)?” “Yes?” “What’s happening?” I smile never breaking eye contact. “You tell me smartie pants.” Xander gulps letting out a shaky breath. “Well, I feel as if you know me.” I nod in agreement making him smile. “Doesn’t it scare you?” He mutters. “I learned you shouldn’t be scared of fate. Plus I’ve seen scary, and you don’t have his smile.” Xander laughs and leans in slightly. “May I?” I nod closing my eyes. “Please.”

His lips touch mine and everything falls into place. My mind clears for the first time in a while and all I can think about is how sweet and gentle this man is. Xander Wilde is an angel sent to save me.


“Yeah, I’m not going to be late, dad.” I roll over in the expensive silk sheets of Xander’s bed. “I checked your home, and you weren’t there. Where are you?” I run my fingers through Xandar’s hair as he rests his head on my legs reading. He looks up at me and looks at me questionably. “I’m in a house.” “(Y/n).” My father’s voice strains through the phone line.

“Don’t lie to him, (y/n).” Xander closes his book and sits up. “I’m being safe.” “Where are you?” I smile at Xander inching closer to my face. I graze my nose against his softly making his cheeks gain a rosy color. “I’m with someone.” My father’s voice quiets and Xander smiles. “With someone?” “Yeah. I won’t be late.” “Should I be worried?” I shake my head smiling at Xander. “No. He’s nice.” My father huffs. “Just be careful. You need to meet us in an hour.” “any new break?” “Harvey said some guy named Dwight might be behind all this. We’re going to see him when you get here.” “Okay. I’ll see you there.”

I hang up and kiss Xander’s nose huffing. “I have to go.” He nods and adjusts his glasses. “Wish you didn’t.” I smile and kiss his cheek as I stand up gathering my things. “You can just leave them here. I’ll make sure everything gets cleaned up.” I toss my shirt from the previous night on a chair narrowing my eyes at him. “You want me to leave my stuff?” Xander shrugs with a shy smile. “Wouldn’t it be easier if you didn’t have to carry it all?” I lean forward wrapping my arms around his neck. “I think you just want an excuse for me to come back.” He smiles and kisses my collar bone lightly. “You know you can just ask me, Xander. I thought we could ask each other anything?”

Over the course of two months, Xander and I have become extremely close. Close enough where I don’t resort to thinking of he crazed boy from my past. “I can. I just don’t want you to leave me so quickly.” Xander wraps his arm around my waist and begins to waltz around his darkened bedroom. “Let me treat you to a very nice dinner tonight. I’m going to have to leave for a week for some business.” “Aww, so you’ll be missing on me?” He smiles and catches my lips without hesitation. “More than anything, (y/n).”

I stop swaying and look down. Xander places a finger under my chin making me peer up at him. “What?” “Don’t tell me we’re acting like two high schoolers racing into this.” Xander ponders for a moment before meeting my gaze once more. “I can’t tell you that because we are, but is that such a bad thing? We’ve accepted each other knowing there has been fear and torture in our pasts. I say let this be our time and just enjoy it. You’re the only thing that makes the memories go away.” I smile at Xander and fall into him allowing myself to accept my emotions. I can have a normal life with this man. I haven’t felt like this in a long time and I’ll be damned if I let it go.

I lean up and kiss Xander laughing. “I’ll be back.” my hand falls out of his grasp lightly and he shakes his head smiling. “Do you remember your way out?” I nod slipping my shoes on. “I could find the door blindfolded.” Xander nods. “That’s my girl.”

SAJ Part 33


“How have you been doing, (y/n)?” I scan her eyes as she watches me. “I’m okay.”

“How is work going?” I shrug and sigh. “It’s okay. Same old.” My therapist sighs and lowers her notebook. “(y/n), you need to talk to me. I’m here to help you. I’m here to help you be happy.” I shake my head laughing lowly. “I haven’t been happy for a long time.” “Why is that?” “Because of Jerome. He left.”

My therapist looks at me. “We’ve talked about this before. Jerome did not leave. He was killed. Jerome is dead, (y/n).” I nod looking at my hands. “I know he is.” I run my fingertips over my lips feeling the ghostly shadow of him from the woods.

“I need you to say it.”

Jerome is dead.”

“Listen to the watch. The way it’s ticking synchronizes with your heartbeat. Look into my eyes. Not above them, not around them, but deep into their center. You are completely relaxed and are becoming weightless. Are you ready to do something impossible?” I watch as a man names Jervis Tetch hypnotizes a man from the audience. “You actually believe this?” I whisper to Babs, sipping my drink. “Who knows. I just hope he picks you next! Could be your next toy!” I roll my eyes turning back to the show

“Stand upon the chair.” The man stands on the chair on the stage making everyone chuckle.

“No. The back of it. Remember, you weigh nothing at all.”

Everyone gasps at the man’s words. “He’ll fall.” I move closer to the stage watching in interest. “Not at all, my dear. In a hypnotic state, unburdened by doubt and fear, we can accomplish the impossible. Now one foot.”

The man stands on the back of the chair easily as he lifts one of his legs into the air.

“So you could get him to do anything you wanted?” Barbara asks from the floor smiling next to me.  "Did you have something in mind, Miss Kean?“ Jervis asks making eye contact with me and Babs. "Jump down, sir.”

Jervis holds the man close and whispers something only the man would hear in his ear. “Now, I’m going to count down and clap my hands and you will awake.”

“Three, two, one.” How do you feel, sir?“ Jervis asks the volunteer. ” I feel great.“ He chuckles with a smile and everyone cheers.

Jervis walks over the Barbra and I with a smirk. "Very impressive, Mr. Tetch,” I state shaking his hand. “You have quite a gift.”

“You didn’t answer my question. Can you make people do anything you tell them to do? Only things they secretly wish to do. It’s surprising what people wish for, secretly, deep down.”  He speaks making eye contact with me. I tilt my head smirking up at him. “Is that so?” He nods humming. “You must be a very popular man,” Babs says smiling.

“Oh, I wish. Parties like this help pay my way, so thank you.”

“So you’re new to Gotham?” “Yes. I just arrived from up north.” “You have a place to stay?” Jervis smiles at my words. “Are you offering little bird?” I suck my breath in and standstill. He chuckles. “Something always seems to turn up.”

Jervis walks away fading into the crowd. “Um, what was that?” Babs laughs wiggling her eyebrows at me. “What? Him? No way!” She rolls her eyes and smirks. “Sooner or later you’ll need to take a bite of something.” I turn my drink up and put down the glass on the table. “Let it be later then. I have to get home Babs.” “well tell Jim I say hi.” “Yeah right.” I hug her and part ways going home to my father.

“(Y/n). Wake up.” I roll over and open my eyes to see my dad smiling. “Come on. We’re getting coffee.” I snuggle up deeper into my blankets. “You have to get me a cake pop if you even want me to move.” He laughs kissing my head. “Deal!”

As we walk down the busy streets of Gotham my dad digs into my life. “How are the sessions going?” I shrug watching my feet. “They’re going.” “Are you feeling better? We can try different things if you want. This isn’t your only option.” “I really appreciate it, dad, but I think I will be okay. Let’s just go get your check.” I speed up my pace.

As we walk through the doors I smile as the familiar faces. “Harvey! Hey!” I jog up the steps and hug him. “(y/n)! Hey, what’s going- Jim! Buddy!” Harvey says pulling me and my father out of the way. “Let’s get a cup of coffee.” “We already had some. I just came by for my check. City still owes me for bringing in the last of Strange’s creeps.” dad says making his way to Barnes office.

“Yeah, you been hustlin’”  Suddenly a voice rips through the air causing me to widen my eyes, “Jim?” Lee Thompkins says. “What-what are you Hey…” Oh, brother.

“You look well. You do too, (y/n).” She says earning a nod from me.

“Are you visiting?” Jim asks with slight hope in his voice.
“ No, we’re um, I’m-I’m moving here…Permanently…With my fiancé. He’s been offered head trauma position at Gotham General.” Oh shit.

“A doctor.” My dad says choking on his words. “Good call, Lee. Now come on, Dad. We’ve got some things to do.” “Right. Well, I’ll see you around, Lee.”

“What do you think about pizza for dinner?” Dad calls from the living room. “When have I ever said no to pizza?” I laugh pulling my boots on. “I can pick it up once I get done with my session.” He nods kissing my head. “Be careful.” “Always.”

As I open the door I am met with the dark eyes of Jervis Tetch. “Oh, Hello Jervis.” He smiles softly. “Hello, Ms. Gordon. Lovely to see you again. Is your father available?” I look over my shoulder and nods seeing Jim standing looking out the door.


I smile patting his arm. “I actually have to run, but you two have fun.” I slide past Jervis. “Maybe another time Ms. Gordon.” As I make my way down the hall I can hear my father grunt unapprovingly.

Jervis watches as she walks out of sight.
“Good day, Mr. Gordon.” “How’d you find me?” “Oh, you’re famous, sir. Your name’s in the papers. The fearless bounty hunter. I want you to find my sister. We’re very close. We lost our parents at an early age. I became her guardian. But her condition proved too much for me. I sought help. The fiend, Professor Strange.”

Jim looks over the picture of Alice in his hands. “Her condition?” “Some poison in her blood. Very rare. Unique, in fact. He took her in. Said she needed constant supervision. He wouldn’t let me see her.”
“You go to the police?” Jervis shakes his head.  "Useless. This is Gotham after all. The years passed and I lost hope. But then I heard about the breakout. I assumed she escaped with others. But now she is out there. Alone. Afraid. Just think if someone you loved was lost. Plus, Indian Hill escapees get five grand from the GCPD.“ Jervis starts to open his coat pocket and grab a wad of cash.

"You able to top that?”  "I’ll double it.“ He says with a smile.

"I’ll see what I can do.” “Thank you very much. You’ve seen so much pain and tragedy, Mr. Gordon. I hope it hasn’t left you too alone.” “I’m not alone. I’ve got my daughter.” Jervis nods smiling. “And she is lucky to have you. Farewell, Mr. Gordon.” Jervis walks away leaving Jim alone.

Was he really alone?


“How are you feeling today, (Y/n)?” I huff moving around in my seat. “I’m okay. My father and I are getting along, but Lee is back in town so it won’t be long now until he switches us over again. That man can’t keep his attention span straight.” “Does Lee upset you?” I nod smiling. “She’s nice and everything, don’t get me wrong, but when she comes around my dad just… forgets me.” My therapist nods writing down notes.

“Do you have any other people you spend time with? Other than your father?” “Of course. Me and Babs go out quite often,” “Ms. Kean I assume?” I nod. “I think you need to surround yourself with some more reliable individuals, (y/n).” I roll my eyes laughing.

I look to my left seeing a certain redhead plant himself in the empty seat making me jump up gasping.

“Hey there, beautiful.”

“Are you alright Ms. Gordon?” “Um, yeah. I just forgot I have to go. I am so sorry. I’m already late.” She sighs. “We will just have to add extra time to your next appointment to make up for this.” I nod running out the door and into the staircase.

I stop to catch my breath, but once I look up I’m met with a pair of eyes. “Hey there, Dollface.” I gasp falling on the step. “H-hi.” “Don’t worry, I’m not sticking around long. Things are changing again. I just want you to be ready, beautiful.” I stand and look him in the face.

“You’re dead, Jerome.” I walk through him and straight to Barbra’s home.


“Oh good! You’re just in time! Change!” She throws a green dress at me. “I’m not really feeling it, Babs.” “Don’t be boring. Now go.”

Later into the night, we end up at the club watching another one of Jervis’ shows. “I need a volunteer!” Jervis calls. Suddenly my wrist is raised into the air by Barbra. Jervis makes eye contact with me and smirks. “Ms. Gordon. Would you please accompany me on the stage?”

I make my way up to the stage and meet Jervis. “Good to see you again.” I nod smiling.

“Are you ready Ms. Gordon?”  "I think so.“ I laugh nervously looking into the crowd. Jervis places his hands on my shoulders softly.  "Look into my eyes. Not around them, not above them, but into their center. Now sleep.”

(y/n) falls limp into Jervis’ arms. “Now, what would we like to see the lovely Miss Gordon do? Physical feats? A trip into her psyche? I think I got it. (Y/n)? When I count down from three, you will find me irresistible. You will be madly in love with me.” The crowd laughs.

“Three two - one.”

I open my eyes and lift my head from Jervis’ chest. “(y/n)? Do you care for me?” I look up to view his face and only warmth is spread through me. I run my hands up his chest and to his shoulders. “Oh, yes.” I purr to him.

The guest gasp and chuckle. “Do you love me?” I nod leaning up to get closer to him. “Very much.”

“But what if I can’t feel the same?” I pull away slightly looking up at him with sorrow. “What if I love another? I’m sorry, (Y/n), my dear, but-” I lunge forward and plant my lips upon his.

Jervis pulls away smirking wildly. “Three, two, one, awake.”

I shake my head looking up at the crowd and bright lights. “She’s quite the charmer, huh? We might even have to set up dinner sometime. Everyone, (y/n) Gordon!”

Months pass with unhappy thoughts. Jervis is caught doing damage in Gotham… Shocker… A fear drug came and went. My father left me to go kill Lee’s husband on their wedding night… Better yet someone dressed up a pig and played a copycat killer.

I ended up being secured as completely sane and got my job back at the GCPD. They really are desperate.

I moved out of my father’s place and now live on my own. I unlock my door walking inside my home feeling the stress of the day wash away. Little paws patter on the hardwood and Tippy comes trotting down the hall. “Hey, buddy!” I smile kneeling down and scratching his head.

“You want to go out? Huh? You want to go for a hike?” Tippy wags his tails and starts jumping against my legs.

I change into more configurable clothing and walk out of the apartment building with my dog.

I walk a long way out of the city and hit the path I have now become familiar with. I run up the hills and trails as Tippy sprints through the leaves. He picks up a stick and drops it in front of me. “Oh, you want to play? Go get it!” I throw the stick far into the trees sending his little figure flying on the ground.

I see him pick up the stick and run the opposite way from me. “No, Tippy!” I chase him yelling. “Tip! Stop!” I run in his direction and when he comes in view I stop hard on my toes.

A man is crouched down petting my dog. His face is pulled in a smile. I flip behind a tree hiding.

“Who do you belong too, cutie?”

No. It’s not real. He’s not real.

“(y/n) Gordon. Okay, hold still, little guy. Let me read this.” seconds later my phone starts to blare out ringing amongst the trees.


“Hello?” He calls out.

“Damnit,” I mutter before stepping out into view. He smiles and shuts his phone off. “(Y/n)?” I nod sighing and waiting for the punchline. “Yep.”

He stares at me confused. “What?” “I-I’m sorry. You just look like someone I’ve met before.” I nod huffing. “Yeah, I get that a lot.” Tippy barks at him making me wonder if he’s mad too.

“I do know you.” I draw my eyes to meet his own. “You kissed me a few months ago. Then you told me to meet you somewhere. I’m sorry I didn’t-” “Who are you?” He smiles and sticks out his hand. “Xandar.” I grasped his hand feeling the warm skin.

How? He is real.

Reincarnation? Fate? Did he get pulled into witness protection?

“Mind asking why you were so admitted on kissing me? I’ve been trying to reason it.” “I-I thought you were someone else.” Xandar smiles looking down shyly. “Oh, well he is very lucky.” I shake my head looking over his frame. He is identical to the T. “Yeah, but he’s gone now.” “Well, I’m very sorry he left. Maybe he will see how beautiful you are… I mean-” I shake my head smiling a bit. “No, it’s not like that… I lost him… He was murdered.” Xandar gasps looking into my eyes. “I’m so sorry for your loss.” “It’s alright. I have to live with it.” Xander smiles at me.

I shiver to hold my arms closer to my body. “I don’t live far. Would you like to have a cup of coffee or maybe a hot chocolate? In case you’re not a coffee person, but you seem like you should… I’m going to stop now.” He laughs a light blush growing to his cheeks.  I laugh smiling at him. “Sure why not. I don’t have plans.”

I follow Jerimiah down the wooded path to his home. Am I really going with a complete stranger right now?


“He looks like the off-brand version of me Doll! You have got to be kidding me!” Jerome’s finger follows closely as Xandar and I speak. “Go away.” I shew Jerome away behind us.

SAJ Part 32

If you want to be tagged please let me know!


My father is back in Gotham.

Jim Gordon is back in his favorite place to ruin lives.

His own home.

I toss another plucked petal of the rose onto the grave of my lost love. “When are you going to pick a different flower? We’re sick of roses.” Little J says sitting next to me. “Fucking deal with it kid.” He giggles and continues to nag. “Just think if older me and you had a kid… That would literally be me!” “Ha! Yeah right! My child would be so much better!” “BUT IT WOULD BE HALF OF ME!” “And then 50% of me to make you not suck. Can’t you go play with the dead birds or something? I’m trying to think.” Little J huffs and fades away leaving me alone.

Quite. Finally.

“(y/n)!” I huff and look over to the right seeing Barbra walking towards me with a frown. “Hey. What are you doing?” I look at the grave with my lovers named engraved in stone. “Nothing. Just didn’t know where else to go.” She smiles sadly at me. “It’s alright. I just wanted to warn you about Jim. I’ve moved all your stuff into the apartment and here is your key. I’m going to miss you.” I smile at Babs and hug her tightly. “Me too Barbra. Maybe things will get better.” She holds my cheeks and smiles. “They are getting better. You can do this.” I nod start to descend down the hill away from the grave.

I hang the framed photo of Jerome and I up on my wall letting a tear roll down my face. “Aw, would you look at that! I grow up to be very handsome!” I look down at little J laughing. “Yeah. That’s the love of my life right there. Now he’s gone.” J shrugs. “I mean only one of is.” I furrow my eyebrows confused. “There is only one of you.” J shakes his head giggling. “He never told you! He never told you! He never told you!” “Told me what?”

Knock, knock, knock.

I open my door to reveal the face of Jim Gordon. “Jim- Dad! Hi! When did you get back?” He hugs me laughing and holding me tightly to him. “Aw (Y/n). I missed you.” “Yeah me too Dad. Mind letting me breathe?” I laugh as he releases me and smiles at me warmly. “Where did you find me?” “Harvey. Said you moved here this week.” He walks around my apartment and stops at the hanging picture.

“You… You remember this boy?” I smirk and stare at the fear in his eyes. I walk over and touch the glass. “Kinda. It’s foggy. No name, no recognition of personal memories with him, but I know I loved him.”

If he knew I had remembered he would find some way to make me forget again. Jim looks at me and sighs. “You did. Very much.” “I understand he’s not around anymore. I figured if he was here he’d be with me.” “He ran away. It broke your heart when he told you he found someone new. I’m sorry you don’t remember.”


“Oh, well then. I guess I should… take this down?” Jim nods and takes the photo down quickly.

“How about some dinner? I’ll buy.” I smile and nod grabbing my coat. “Let’s go, Jim-Bo!” He stops in his tracks and looks at me. “What dad?” “Nothing. You just don’t call me that a lot.”

Yep. Jerome always did.

——- Time Skip ——-

I walk down a path in the woods feeling the cool Gotham wind hit my face. Hiking never has been a thing of mine, but it’s the only thing that feels right at the moment. Knowing Jerome will never come back has numbed me completely. I always had hope, but that light has died. He’s driving me insane.

At night the only rest I truely get is when I dope myself with sleeping pills, but even then my mind becomes a prison I cannot escape. His face as his neck is swiftly stabbed into replays in my mind. He’s intoxicated my every thought once more.

I walk further into the wilderness and soon hear leafs crunching under someone’s feet. I still my own feet allowing myself to pinpoint the sound. “I’m not even supposed to leave, and now I have. Do you know how dangerous this is for me? Next time we have to be more careful. No, no I’m not yelling uncle. I understand… I’m sorry. It’s just scary… I am not!” “ I see a ginger-haired man on the phone walking quickly.


He turns his face, catching my eyes and he stills completely. "J? I-is that you?” His breath hitches as I draw closer. “You’re okay.” I place my hand on his cheek and let a tear fall. “You’re safe.” I cling to him and pull him close. “I- who-” I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. He panics for a moment but soon rests his hands on my waist.

I deepen the kiss and hold onto him even closer. “Meet me later. Go to the place we first met at 11. It’s not safe out here.” I pull away and run quickly leting my mind wander. He’s back! Jerome’s back. I knew he wasn’t dead!


“Jerimiah? Kid, you there? Are you there-” “I have to go.” Jerimiah says and hangs up the line watching the wild girl trot off with a skip in her step. “Who are you?” Jerimiah whispers to himself as he watches the beauty walk away with the memory of his lips in her mind.


That night (y/n) drives to the old grounds where the big tents and lights use to sit. She sits and she waits and gets stood up by her dead boyfriend once again. She waits for hours upon hours with no show of who she thought was Jerome.

The insane girl lays on her back looking up at her car roof when she sees lights pull up behind her car.

“Jerome?” She calls out.

Jim Gordon stood in the dark shadows watching his own daughter crumble before him. She cried and throws her body to the seats. “STOP!” She screams at the space in front of her. “Leave me alone! All you fucking do is whine and piss me off. You’re not him! YOU’RE NOT JEROME!”

Jim covers his mouth and steps to her once more. “(y/n)?” He asks opening her car door and crouching next to her. “STOP!” She screams and tries to push Jim away, but he catches her hands and fights her struggling. “(y/n)? Look at me please.” She cries and collapses into her father. “Help me, Dad, please. I see him everywhere, and now I don’t think he’s breathing, but he’s here. He’s in here.” She points to her head with tears lining her cheeks.


“Jerome. I see him everywhere. I know everything. I remember it all. The longer I go the harder it is to live. I’ve been trying to push past it and all I see is him.” Jim Gordon holds his little girl close as she cries. “Shh honey. It’s okay.” Jim finally did something he thought he would never do. He lets his daughter’s past become true.

“I know (y/n). I know you loved him so much. You changed your life for him and he took care of you… in his own way. I know you hate it, but he’s gone. He is gone and I promise I will do everything to help you. You have to allow me to help. You need to accept his death.” She nods battling with her mind and the feel of the lips of the man she kissed in the woods.

SAJ Part 31 


2 months after regaining her memory

I lean over the counter looking at the many different assortments of candy Babs has bought. “I want the red one!” I turn over my left shoulder to see little Jerome smiling. “No, you just ate my whole bowl of ice cream!” He laughs and hops onto the counter. “Please (y/n)? I’ll be a good boy.” I shake my head and pop a purple-colored candy into my mouth. Jerome narrows his eyes at me. “You’re bad.” Seconds later he lunged at me causing me to fall to the ground.

“(Y/N)! Gosh, girl are you okay? Did you trip on something?” I look at her confused and then avert my eyes back to little J. I nod my head and stand up gathering myself together. “Hey, hey, hey. Hold up.” Babs stops me and holds my face in her hands. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve looked like you’ve seen a ghost.” I look to where Jerome was standing and sigh. I have to get this under control. I’ll end up driving myself crazy.

2 months later:

I fold my clothes and place them in the drawers where they belong. I’m still living with Babs for the time being. Now knowing what I was without for so long is very pleasing, but it does not make it any easier. I’ve been forced to accept the fact that my Jerome is gone. The true love of my life is never going to be able to make me smile with his laughter ever again. Love is dead and gone. Most people are able to get over the loss of someone close eventually. Although all of them I can guarantee they have never had their ghost following them!

I close the drawer and move over to my walk-in the closet getting ready to hang up my new wardrobe Babs so kindly bought me. “Ohh I like this one!”  Little J says coming up beside me and tugging on the green dress. “Yes. it’s very nice.” I reply plainly.

J walks in front of me and stands his ground firmly. I try and move around him, but he locks his body into one spot. I huff trying not to get frustrated with the child. “Jerome, please move. I have to get these up!”  His eyes become soft and his smile lowes slightly. “I didn’t mean to upset you (y/n).” I get on my knees to his height and place my hands on his shoulders. “Jerome you have to understand something. You need to move on.” Jerome steps back almost surprised. “Move on? How can I leave you? How could I survive without you?” He says starting to get louder with each sentence.

His voice rings in my ears tormenting my brain. My whole body starts to shake and I fall to the ground. “I CAN’T LEAVE! I WON’T LEAVE!” He screams in my ears.

He continues to scream at me.
He continues.

“HEY!” A new voice breaks through the screams. I look up with cloudy and wet eyes to see Barbra standing in the doorway of my closet. “What the hell is going on?” She rushes to me in concern.

Holding my face in her hands as a sob hysterically. “He won’t leave.” “Who?” I point my finger at the ginger a few feet away. “(y/n) there is no one there.” I put my own hands over hers and continue to sob. “No! It’s Jerome! He won’t leave.” I sob even more as she holds me. “Shh. listen to me. He’s not real. He’s dead (y/n).” I frantically nod my head. “Yes, he is! He’s constantly here. He just keeps reminding me He’s gone, and I couldn’t do anything about it! It was my fault!” Babs then brings her open hand and smacks it across my cheek.

I stare at her blankly. “You slapped me.” “You were being hysterical. Now come on. I know exactly how to run off those bad thoughts. How about a little laughing gas?” She smiles and pulls out a pearled blunt. I sigh standing up. I grab the blunt, light it, and inhale the smoke, and after a few hits, I can feel my sorrows and worries lift off my shoulders. I inhale once more and turn to the little boy with a smile on his face. I walk up to him and blow the smoke in his face and just like the smoke he starts to fade away.

Later in the night as I lay in bed I feel a body slide next to mine. I huff and rollover ready to tell little J to go away again, but once I roll over my eyes meet a red-haired man. “Hey, there dollface.” I touch his cheek and feel the soft skin under my fingertips. “Jerome?” He nods and runs his fingers through my hair. “I can’t stay long.” “Why? What’s the rush? Come on you don’t have to leave.” I plead holding his shirt in my hands. He places his on top of mine and smiles sweetly. This is the Jerome I miss. This is the Jerome I wish I had. “No, darling. You told me to go, and I want to respect you.” “N-no J. I want you. I want you to stay.” He shakes his head and brings my hand up to kiss it. “I wouldn’t be me. The one Jerome you’ll get isn’t me, and you know that.” I shake my head fighting the tears. “It’s not fair. I can’t live without you.” I lay my head on his chest and try to drift to sleep. Jerome places a kiss on my head and leans down closer. “You won’t have too much longer doll.”

Part 38 Here!!!


Jim POV:
The whole damn city just collapsed into absurd darkness. I stand on the roof watching each of the building’s lights dim to nothing. I pick up my phone dialing (Y/n) again.

“Hey! You’ve reached me at a bad time! Or maybe I just don’t want to talk to you! Leave a message at the- BEEP…”

I sigh rubbing my eyes. “(Y/n). The whole city is in a blackout. Jerome has cut the power off everywhere. Please, call me back. Tell me where you are.”

I hang up the phone retreating to the main floor seeing the team throwing Jerome’s followers in cages. “He’s at the power plant across the river.” Harvey looks at me tilting his head. “And?” “She hasn’t called.”

The follower’s cackle and struggle against the officers. “Get those freaks in the cages! We need to find Jerome.”

One freak busts out of a hold and runs after a cop, but I grab his shirt slamming him on the desk.

“Hey, watch him! Let go of me!” I gather the fabric in my hands. “What about you, huh? Do you know where Jerome is? What about my daughter, huh? Where are they?! Where is he?” He laughs tilting his head behind.  "Look around! He’s everywhere!“


Bullock yells as a flam sores through the window setting a desk at the bottom level aflame. The freak struggles in our hold. “TONIGHT! GOTHAM IS AWAKENED!”


I spin around admiring my skirt in the mirror. I take my lipstick applying it and smiling. “You always looked ravishing in red, doll.” I look in the mirror seeing Jerome behind me in his white outfit.

I turn around facing him and reach to touch his staples. He groans but sighs leaning into my touch. I inch closer brushing my nose against his own. “I missed you so much, Jerome.”

His arms wrap around my waist pulling me to him. “Aw doll, I missed you too.” He laughs twirling me around. Jerome plants his lips on mine struggling with his face as it moves loosely around.

He pulls back laughing. “I hate this. I can’t even whistle!” I run my hands down his chest kissing both sides of his cheeks. “I think it’s kinda hot.”

I walk away, my heels clicking every step to the exit. “Come on now. I don’t think we should keep Brucey waiting too much longer.” Jerome nods smirking. “Yes, but one more thing.” He pulls out another box ushering me over.

He pulls out a solid black mask and a gun covered in glitter and rhinestones. Jerome lifts the mask over my face and hands me the gun. “Perfect.”

I look in the mirror confused. “Jerome, this covers my face. I don’t think I need to hide.” I proceed to take it off, but Jerome fights me. “No baby. I need you to wear it.” “Why?” He pauses looking me over. “It goes with the outfit!” He laughs grabbing my hand and putting the mask back on. I shrug holding his hand and walking to our car. “If you say so, J.”

“How do you plan on getting in?” I ask Jerome in the passenger seat. “Window.” He smirks to himself. I sighed shaking my head. “Amature.” “What the hell is the supposed to mean?” I smile pulling my keys out and showing off the key Bruce gave me months ago. “Come on, love.”

We walk up to the door and I unlock it walking in with a few followers. Jerome grabs my hand pulling me back. “Why do you have a key to Bruce Wayne’s house, (Y/n)?” He growls in my ear tightening his grip. I turn my head leaning into him. “Aw, Jerome. Are you jealous?”

His green eyes burrow into me searching my entire existence for evidence. He pushes my hips against the wall forcing his face into my neck biting harshly. “Why do you have a key, darling? Have you been busy with Billionaire Boy, huh?” I push him back looking at his face smirking. I could play with him just a little.

“Of course not, but if I was could you blame me? You left me all alone.” He groans grazing his hand over my neck and wrapping his hand around the flesh. He forces my back flat against the wall and leans into me. Jerome attacks my lips in hunger and lust. Lifting me up around his waist and making marks upon my neck.

I moan pushing against him desperate to have this time with him. “Jerome.” I gasp clinging onto him making him chuckle darkly. “Let’s go tear Wanye’s room apart, shall we?” I giggle kissing him deeply. “You’re bad.” “Ah, just for you, dollface.”

Jerome walks to the door opening it and viewing a lush bedroom. He tosses me on the bed pulling my ankles to have me near the edge.

“Ah, Boss?”

A shaky voice sounds near the door. Jerome groans turning his head to his follower. “Can’t you see I’m a little busy?” “Yes sir, but we just wanted to tell you we have both of them in the study.” Jerome waves them off getting up from his leaned over position. “Too bad. These are real Egyptian silk sheets.” I slide off pecking Jerome’s lips.

Jerome walks in the door smirking at Bruce and Alfred. “My, my. Look how big you’ve gotten. Nice place you got here.
You rent? I think we’re looking for somewhere to settle down.” Jerome laughs smacking my butt.

Bruce looks me over narrowing his eyes. “What do you want?”

Jerome scoffs tossing a glass vase to the floor. “Attitude.” “Teenagers, honey. I think you were moody too.” Jerome shook his head laughing.

“I remember those days. So many exciting new emotions floating through you. Finding an amazing girl. Wanting to kill everyone you saw.”

A follower tosses another object my way. “Oh, doll give me.” I giggle tossing the glass owl his way. “You know, I will never understand rich people’s tastes.” “It’s worthless. My father found it at a flea market. I keep it for sentimental reasons.” Bruce says lying through his white teeth.

I smile at him then plop on the couch. “He’s lying.” Jerome laughs waving the owl in his hands. “Nice try.” He tosses it towards me and I toss it back giggling. “Oh, it’s got some heft to it. Expensive, I’m guessing. Be such a shame if I-” The owl falls to the floor staying intact.

“Bummer.” I slump back into the couch. “Huh. Tougher than I figured. Anyway_” Jerome tosses the owl behind his back smashing it as it hits feet before the fireplace.

“I asked you what you want.”

“Right. Sorry. The old noodle’s still a little al dente post-thaw. The reason I’m here is I’m gonna kill you.”


“Well, it’s the last thing I remember wanting to do. It’s been nagging at me since I woke up. The idea of slitting that pretty, pink throat of yours. Figure that’d clear the decks.” Jerome pushes a small dagger against Bruce’s neck.

“I remember that night When you took over the benefit. You were quite the showman. Sad to have seen it end with poor Ms. Gordon crying at your feet. I’m surprised you haven’t gone after her.” Jerome laughs giving me a wink.

“Thank you. Always nice to be appreciated. Plus, I don’t need to find her. I’ve got what I need.” Jerome brushes his hand on my cheek smiling.

“And you’re just going to kill me here? That’s kind of disappointing.” I sit up interested while Jerome groans pulling away from Bruce. “What do you mean?” “After all the buildup You coming back to life, turning off the lights in Gotham Killing me here just doesn’t show a lot of-” Jerome jumps on the couch kick pillows. “Flair? Hmm? Style Panache? Hmm? Go on, boy. Spit it out. I can take it.”

“I’m Bruce Wayne.” I roll my eyes standing up. “Here we go. The little boy wants to show the world how great he is.” I laugh picking feathers from the torn pillows.

“I am the ruling elite. My company is the machine that keeps the cogs - of Gotham running. Killing me should mean something! And you’re telling me no one’s going to see it? You’re saying I need an audience?”

“Look, I know you’re just trying to buy time so you can escape.
But your point is still valid. Saddle up, boys! We’re taking this show on the road! And I know just the spot. Come on.” Jerome grabs my hand walking away, but stops when he sees the butler following.

“Not you, old chap. The prince of Gotham deserves a public death.
His butler, not so much. What do you say we do, love?” I tap my finger on my chin. “Kill him.” I giggle walking away with Jerome.

Jerome turns back yelling, “Try not to get any blood on the couch.
I might come back for that.”

“It was a comfy couch wasn’t it?” “It would look great in our apartment.” I turn to him shocked. “Yes, I did break into your home. Yes, your dog did not run out. Look!” Jerome pulls out a phone showing me a picture of my pup eating a treat with a cult member. “Aww, that is so cute!”


I skip around trailing Jerome and Bruce as we tour the carnival. “Who are you?” Bruce asks turning his head towards me. Jerome watches closely with a glare. “Me? Well, I’m-” I panic looking around for an escape. I see a biker gang bashing the heads at the whack a mole game. The dusted leather ghosting the words of the bike on the back. I smirk turning back to Bruce. “You can call me Harley. It’s nice to meet you. Now, why don’t we stop the chit chat and move on? I want to see what else this place has to offer!” I leap ahead of them feeling the new wash of life rush in. “Oh, J! Can you win me something?” Jerome looks to me grinning. “Aw, of course, but why don’t we have some fun with Bruce first.”

“Is there a plan for all of this madness?”

“These people don’t want a plan They want an excuse,” I explain popping another ball of cotton candy in my mouth. Bruce looks at me and sighs stepping closer. “You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to follow him. You know what he does? Do you know where his last girlfriend is? He drove her insane and now she struggles every day! He broke (y/n) Gordon, and it’s only a matter of time before he does it to you.” Bruce glares in my face causing me to chuckle. “I’m sure she’s just fine. She’s happy now.” I latch onto Jerome kissing him. “Guess brains don’t equal cash.” Jerome laughs in my ear pecking my cheek.

“The mother who dreams of strangling her child. The husband who wants to stab his wife. The daughter who wishes to cut her father’s knee caps out. All they want is someone to tell them -"Do it. Kill them. It doesn’t matter.”- It doesn’t.“

Jerome grabs my hand leading up further into the fair. We arrive at a dunk tank filled with piranha.

"Ooh, I love this game!” Jerome cheers picking up a ball.

“You won’t get away with it.”

“I already did. Now shush. I need to concentrate. Trying to impress my lady here.” He winks getting ready to toss the ball.

“A few dozen brainwashed maniacs can’t keep the city hostage forever.”

“Well, duh.”

“So what’s the point?” Jerome huffs turning back to face Bruce. “The point is that all these people out here, looting, robbing, killing, they’re the people who wash your car, who pour your coffee, who take out your trash. And what happened the moment the lights went out? They showed their true faces. They showed how quickly they want to open up your rich boy veins and bathe in your blue blood. That is the point.”

“Everyone is mad, Bruce. All you have to do is let go. It’s easy.” I giggle feeling light and free. Jerome pulls me close in his arms. “You’re adorable.”

“That’s not true. There are good people in Gotham.” “Like who? The sheep who lock their doors and crawl under their beds? Face it, kid, Gotham has no heroes.” Jerome turns back to throw, but Bruce pushes him making him stumble and miss the target.

“Hey. Foul! He pushed me. Did you see that?” Bruce pushes up towards Jerome mightily. “You want to kill someone, let’s get on with it!”

I roll my eyes leaning an arm on Bruce. “You’re no fun, Brucey.”

“Yeah. Come on! You’re so boring, Bruce.” Jerome yawns reaching over and pushing the button making our victim fall in the infested water soon transmuting it red.

Jerome laughs kissing me roughy. As we pull back I notice his forehead falling. “Honey. You need to uh-” Jerome touches his head nodding and getting the staple gun from one of his followers.

“Here ya go, cutie.” Jerome puts his hat on my head. I pull the skin up and he staples it murmuring in discomfort.

“Did that hurt?” Bruce mocks his slight moment of weakness. Jerome walks up to him grabbing his arm. “Not much. You try.” Jerome shoots three staples into Bruce’s arm before he bellows out.

“Stop. Stop!”

Jerome takes his hat back and grabs my hand. “All right. Enough, dilly-dally. To the main event.”


I sit on the lone table swinging my legs a Jerome changes into a ring leader outfit. “That reminds me of when I helped you in a show one time.” Jerome chuckles nodding. “You were quite a sight.”

I walk over fixing his shirt collar. “Why don’t you let me go out there with you tonight? We can give them a real good show! Then after this is over we can skip town. We can start over somewhere.” Jerome smiles at me with pure love, but a sadness burrows in the ridge of his eyes. “It’s not intended for you, darling.” “What are you talking about? Of course, it is! I’m apart of this. I’m here for you.” Jerome sways his head leading me to sit down.

“(Y/n). You’re only here because of me. I should’ve waited to get you. I don’t need you getting hurt.” I laugh shaking my head. “Well nice try, but have you seen who we are? Safety isn’t the number one priority.” he sighs kissing my hands. “Stay out of sight. I’ll be coming back here when everything is finished.”

He drops my hands and exits the curtain making everyone scream and cheer.

I wait and wait for him to return. The ringing of my phone brings me out of my trance of boredom. “Hello?”

“Hi, darling! I’m sorry I’ve been out of touch. Everything is nuts here.” Xander beams through the line.


I run to the curtain looking out and see Jerome prancing around. How is he calling me then?

“(Y/n)? Love?”

“Y-Yeah. I’m sorry. I’m at a…party…right now.” “Hmm. On a work night? Wild women.”

“You could say that.”

“Are you alright? You seem frightened. Do I need to come back?” I swallow and look at Jerome. “I’m fine. Feels like I’m seeing double.” Xander laughs. “Maybe stop drinking.” I smile closing the curtain.

“I’m safe, I promise.”

“I need to tell you something.” Xander sighs over the line. “What is it?” “Don’t hate me, but I’m going to have to stay here for a few added weeks. If I go the project isn’t getting done in time.” “So you’re not coming back to Gotham?” “Not for a while, love. I’m so sorry? I don’t expect you to… wait. You’re too beautiful to be alone for long.” I look at Jerome again, he turns back to me smiling as he torments Bruce. “(Y/n)?” “Yes, Xander?” “I will come to see you when I return.” “I can’t wait.” He laughs making me smile. “I’ll be back for you, (y/n).” “I’m sure you will be.” “I’ll call you later.” “Bye Xander.”

I hang up as Jerome strides over to me picking me up and kissing me. “Who was that? Jimbo being a worried ass?” I laugh tossing the phone over my shoulder. If my mind is going to be playing tricks like that I certainly don’t need to keep my phone around. “It was no one. Just talking to myself.”

He smiles nodding. “Come on. Let me go win you a prize.” “What about Bruce?” “Ah, he won’t get away.”


I giggle kissing Jerome’s lips. “Go get him, puddin.”

I watch him run out and laugh, but soon my happiness is killed by Jim Gordon, my father running across the fair.

“Shit. He can’t see me like this. He’ll toss me in the bin for sure!” I run over gathering my clothes from before and rushing to put them on and stuffing the dress in my bag. I look in the mirror noticing I still have the mask on. “oops.” I tear it off and stuff it in my bag along with the gun.

I run after Jerome wishing to warn him. Just wishing we could leave. I run inside the mirror maze turning every conor until I saw Jerome on the ground and Bruce beating his face off. literally.

I pull my gun out and aim it at Bruce as he lifts a shard of glass. Jerome giggles choaking. “Do it.”

Bruce raised his arm and I slide out into view. “Bruce Wayne! Stop!” Bruce looks behind and stands up from the ground. “(Y/n). You can’t be here! He will-” “Mr. Wayne, you’re invading in an official act of the GCPD. Leave the area or I will be forced to arrest you as well.” He gulps and backs away out of view.

I look at Jerome as he lays on the ground, his face only being held by a few staples. “We need to go.” I sit him up, but he grabs my arm shaking his head. “You need to go.”

“What?” Jerome looks up at me. “Run out there and away from me. Think I’m letting you get thrown in Arkam with me? Go on, doll.” I huff knowing this is the only way. I kiss his hand and let go. “I’ll come to see you as soon as I can.” He nods standing up. “I’ll be waiting, darling.”

I blow a kiss and send a wink walking out of the mirror maze and straight to Bruce playing it up. “Bruce! Are you okay?” He nods hugging Alfred.

“(y/n)!” I turn to see my dad running towards me. He engulfs me in a hug and cries in my ear. “What happened?”

“I-I tried to save Bruce.”

“Behind you!” Bruce shouts alerting us. Jerome waddles out raising his gun, but my father beats him to it knocking Jerome in the face and completely tearing his face off again. It falls at my feet limply making me shutter.

Jerome looks up with fire in his eyes. He looks past Jim and towards me smirking. “You look delicious, (y/n).” Jim roars knocking Jerome out cold with one more punch.

Yep. That’s my faceless, insane, boyfriend.

Part 37

Jim POV:
“Hello, Jimbo.” Dwight giggles over the phone line. “Shut up, Dwight. We have the building surrounded. There’s no way out. Let the hostages go. Let my daughter go. I know you took her from the GCPD when your freaks broke in.” I speak harshly into the phone.

“You’re outside? You are, aren’t you? Goody!” He laughs imitating Jerome. “The cult will never follow you, Dwight… (y/n) will never follow you.”

“I haven’t touched a hair on your pretty girlfriend’s head.” “You’re just repeating what Jerome said to me last year.” “I am Jerome!” Dwight screams in on the phone.

“No, no. You’re the understudy pretending to be the star. You’re a fraud.” “No, I am Jerome! I am Jerome. And soon Gotham will know it. So will your little daughter. She’ll see the truth!

"Well, for the record. You’re doing one thing Jerome never did. Boring me.”


“You look cute in that hat.” I giggle following Jerome into a police car. Jerome smirks at me. “It’s good to know I’m handsome without my face!”

He slams on the gas hitting a fellow cop. “Jerome!” I giggle throwing my head backward. “Sorry! Didn’t see you there!”

He places his hand on my leg grinning at me. “How have you been, (y/n)?” I place my hand over his humming. “Feeling cornered. Alone.” I rise to kiss his gauzed cheek. “I’ve missed you, J.”

He hums nodding. “I missed you too, darling. You know we have to get my face back fast. I can’t kiss you like this.” “How do you plan on getting it back on? You’ve got a lot of time to make up for mister.” Jerome shrugs laughing. “Burning one bridge at a time.”

I giggle as we speed down the streets of Gotham. “Come on, Puddin. You can drive faster than this!” I cheer bouncing in my seat. “Oh, baby I’ve missed you!” Jerome howls speeding the vehicle and racing towards Dwight’s location.

Jerome parks the car and props his feet up watching the locals with narrow eyes. “How am I going to do this? It’s that chump isn’t it?” Jerome points to the imposter wearing his face. “Well obviously.” I lean my head on his shoulder smirking. “I have an idea.” “Oh yeah? What’s that?” I slide out of the car leaning down. “Just leave that to me, J.”

I slam the car swaying my hips as I walk over to the cult members. “Ms. Gordon! We thought you left us.” I smile shaking my head. “Sorry guys. I needed to find an escape plan for Jerome. Let’s get him in the car.” They nod escorting Dwight over to me.

“Ah, dollface! I knew you’d come back for me!” I nod grabbing his hand. “Sure, Dwight, but right now we need to go.” I push him forward into the police car and taking Jerome’s face back placing it in a bag. “Ew.” I groan sitting in the front.

“Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Dwight this is Jerome. My boyfriend.” Jerome places his hand over his head wiping a fake tear. “Aw doll, you always butter me up. Nice to meet ya, Dwight! We do have somethings to talk about, like tossing my queen around.” Dwight stumbles over his words sweating. “I-I never meant to disrespect her she didn’t-” “She didn’t do anything! What was that?” Jerome picks up his bagged face and holds it to his ear.

“This guy’s hilarious!” Jerome laughs driving faster to our destination across the city.

Jerome opens the Wearhouse and ushers us in searching for something to place his face on. “Jerome, I think you need it stitched back on. This isn’t the best way.” I say watching as Jerome loads staples into a staple gun. He huffs shaking his redhead and walking up to me. “Oh, hush honey. I need you to hold my face still!”

Jerome unwraps the gauze and stands in front of me with his bare flesh. “This wouldn’t be necessary if jackass over there didn’t feel the need to have a makeover.” Jerome cackles pushing the trigger and stabbing the first stable into his face. He choaks out a gasp gripping onto my arm.

I wince biting my lip. “Painful?” Jerome groans and starts to laugh darkly. “No more than I’ve caused you, dollface.” He swings his hand around smacking my bottom and laughing.

We continue stapling his face on with Dwight just watching in silence. “This is the last one,” I say pushing the gun and sending a staple into his skin. He groans out again grabbing my sides.

He raises his face meeting my own. Jerome moves his lips together, gaining the feeling of having a face again. He smacks his lips laughing loudly. “Well, this will be new.”

Jerome brings me to him dipping me at his side and slamming his lips upon my own. I wrap my arms around his neck batteling him for passion and lust. I pull the hairs at the nape of his neck moaning into his mouth.

Jerome pushes my hips against a rusted barrel growling. “Too long, darling.” He runs his lips down my neck making throw my head back. I look over and see Dwight shuffling nervously.

I laugh pushing Jerome away from me. “I think someone doesn’t like the show.” Jerome’s head pops up from the crook in my neck giggling. “Ah, I’m sorry, Buddy. It’s just been so long. I’m sure you understand right?”

Jerome kisses my cheek and walks over presenting his face to Dwight. “So how’s it look?” Dwight nods his head quickly. “It’s good.
It looks good.”

I sit in a chair spinning around the room giggling. This feels like a dream.

“You wouldn’t lie to me, right, Dwight?” “No. It looks good. It’s good.
Say you’re not mad, are you?” Dwight asks with hope thick in his words. “Mad? What could I possibly be mad about? Huh?”

“You know, the whole cutting off your face.” Jerome scoffs grabbing Dwight’s face. “Oh, buddy you brought me back from the dead. You got me my doll. What’s a cutoff face between friends?”

“Well, I’m not happy about it.” Dwight looks at me scared, but Jerome pats his shoulder. “Don’t worry about her. She won’t bite.” I cock my eyebrow smirking. “Unless I’m told.”

Jerome winks at me howling in laughter. “Let’s get this show on the road!” Jerome says setting up his camera stand and focusing it. “Do me a favor and tie Dwight up, baby. Oh, and… make sure it’s tight.” He mumbles kissing my head. “Of course, Jerome.”

“Come on, Dwight. I’ve got a job for you.” He follows me to sit in the metal chair. “What is it?” “The easiest job in the house. All you’ve got to do is sit and smile.” “O-okay.” “Perfect!” I swing the ropes around him tying him up tightly and unmoving.

I step back admiring my work. “Comfortable?” Dwight shakes his head. I glare smiling, “Good. Guess I did it right.” I push the police cap on his head and sit behind the camera watching my crazed love prance around.

He places his face close to the lense. “Testing. Testing. Am I live? Am I on air? Can you hear me? Do you know how this works, doll?” I look over and shrug. “The red lights on.”

“Ah, screw it. Let’s do it. Hi. Some of you may know, I died. But take it from me, death is dull but coming back… that is something. Leave it to dying to give you a whole new perspective on life. And I would like to share that with you.” Jerome backs away showing Dwight.

“Uh, Officer, you look terrible. My doll sure did a number on you, huh?” Jerome winks at me and moves to the front of the camera again.

“Tonight, Gotham, in the darkness, there are no rules.
So, tonight, Gotham do what you want. Kill who you want.
Hmm? And when morning comes you, too, shall be reborn.” Jerome lights a firecracker and laughs. “Come on, love!” Jerome pulls me to the exit leaving Dwight a mumbling panicked mess.

“Oh, and, uh - Dwight. I don’t forgive you for my face. My wedding photos will look like trash now!” I giggle kissing his cheek. Jerome and I run into the dark streets of Gotham and minutes later the whole city loses power due to the explosion.

Jerome dances with me in the city making me forget all my worries. I have him back now, and nothing will ever take him away.

“What do you have planned for tonight?” Jerome grabs my hand kissing each knuckle. “Recreating our first night together, love.” I tilt my head following him into a big tent. “It’s dark in here, Jerome.”

He kisses my shoulder breathing in my ear. “Wait for it, (y/n).” On cue, hundreds of lights shine and playful music plays. He’s put a whole circus inside this warehouse!

I cover my mouth stepping forward taking everything in. “Hello! Welcome to (y/n)’s circus! How many tickets?” Jerome asks from inside the ticket stand. I lean in narrowing my eyes. “You named this circus after me?” Jerome kisses me over the booth. “Named it after the thing I love most.”

Jerome grabs my hand pulling me away. “Now come on! I’ve got a surprise!”

In a backroom behind the large red curtain, Jerome pulls out two boxes. “For you, and me.” I lift the lid finding a beautiful red and black themed dress fit for the circus. “It’s beautiful, Jerome!” He opens his box changing into an all-white outfit. “Do I get to watch my little women get dressed?” I huff smiling at him and wrap my arms around his neck. “You, Jerome Valeska, have just been reborn.” “What’s your point, doll?” I kiss a line up his neck biting his ear.

“You can do whatever the hell you want.”
