#gotham imagine


Ginger - Jerome Valeska x Reader

Summary: You are the new Medical Examiner at the GCPD and despite your young age you are respected and admired by everyone. Nobody would ever think that a sweet and clever girl like you could be friend with both the Riddler and the Penguin. But above all, how could you be involved with a person like Jerome Valeska?

Pairing: Jerome Valeska x Reader, Ed Nygma x Oswald Cobblepot

Warning: swearing, multiple chapters, just Jerome being… well Jerome, angst possibly

A/N: hello! This is based from a dream I once had, therefore, it is not entirely related to what really happened in Gotham and I will make some changes to the real story. Also, I haven’t started season 4 so I’m not aware of the last events. In this fic, Lee is not the ME anymore, since she is still somewhere south with Mario, hence it will be Y/N who will be there for Jerome’s revival. English is not my first language, I apologize in advance for any mistake. Hope you enjoy!


Part Two|Part Three|Part Four|

You were really young but you were already a fully graduated student with a brilliant career. You had always been clever, it was a surprise for no one when you got into university at the age of 15. That is why, despite your young age, barely twenty years old, you were already working as Medical Examiner in the GCPD. At first, no one of your colleagues took you seriously, for you were really too young and could have been the daughter of some of them. However, once you started working, you proved them wrong.

Now, you were a fully respected girl, everybody trusted your judgment and recognised your incredible intelligence. To be fair, you were still seen as “too young”. Although, this time your youth was not seen as a problem, in fact, it was like you became the little sister that needed protection. You could definitely take care of yourself, but every cop in the GCPD had developed a soft spot for you. Especially the famous and notorious James Gordon.

Almost every cop had seen you and Jim’s friendship coming. He was overprotective and treated you like a little sister, always worried that seeing so many corpses at such a young age was not the best for you. On the other hand, you admired Jim and were always happy to help him solve some cases. It was true though that Jim was sometimes annoying, often treating you like a child. But despite that, your friendship was the golden perk of the GCPD.

That day you had just finished examining another corpse when you heard a lot of noises coming from the police area. You had always been a curious person, that is why you immediately found yourself walking straight towards it. You found the mayor and his right hand, Mr Nygma, walking through the department.

Saying that you were excited would have been an understatement. In the lab, there were still all the paperworks done by Mr Nygma, and you were fascinated by them. So now, despite him being a criminal, you were dying to meet him and ask him a few questions. You started walking towards him, more like running, with your working glasses bouncing on your nose and your eyes glimmering with excitement. Next to the couple there was, needless to say, Jim who was talking with Oswald about something you ignored, while Ed was looking around until his eyes met yours.

“Excuse me?” You asked as soon as you stopped in front of the men. Right after hearing your voice, Jim stopped talking to Oswald to look at you with nothing but worry and concern in his eyes.

“Y/N! Leave. Now.” He was acting again like the protective big brother, but you were having none of it today, not when Edward Nygma stood just in front of you.

“Now Jim, is this the way to talk to a lady? Please, be more nice”, Oswald said with a smile, extending his hand and introducing himself.

“Shut up, Penguin!” Came Jim’s angry voice.

You noticed Oswald visibly tensing and straightening his lips. He clearly didn’t like being called like that. You knew that Jim and Oswald had a peculiar history together, but still you did not like the way he was treating him, especially considering Oswald had been nothing but nice with you.

“His name is Oswald, Jim.”

Your voice was cold and firm, something Jim was not used to. He was taken aback, clearly confused by your sudden weird behaviour. Oswald waved his hand, like he was dismissing Jim’s rudeness. Like he was used to be disrespected. You didn’t like it at all. You didn’t exactly know why you were reacting like this, but you above everyone else understood how awful was being called names against your will. You hated it.

“Please, Miss, I am sure Jim meant no disrespect.”

Oswald was smiling, but you could sense that it was not genuine. It felt like a façade. How many fake smiles had you made every time someone called you “little one”? Too many to ever tolerate that action again, even when it was not meant for you.

“Y/N, please leave, these are not men you should be talking to.” Jim’s voice was still harsh, you knew that it was only because he didn’t want you to be involved with criminals, but it was time for Jim to understand that you weren’t a child. After hearing those words, Oswald’s eyes darkened a bit. He liked you and was definitely annoyed by Jim’s reaction. As for Ed, he was silently watching everything and was insanely curious about you. He didn’t miss your uniform as ME and he was wondering how someone so young could held a position like that. You must have been quite clever.

“I belong to you but others use me more often than you do, what am I?”

You looked at Ed, that was the first time he spoke since he arrived at the GCPD department. You were aware of his habit of telling riddles and you found yourself amused by him.

“Your name” you replied.

Ed smiled, took a step forward and extended his hand in front of him, smiling, “Edward Nygma, pleasured to meet you.”

You smiled broadly and shook his hand, Jim rolled his eyes and Oswald chuckled lightly. Ed was a smooth charmer.

“Pleasure is all mine, Mr Nygma. I’m Y/N Y/L/N, the ME. I was wondering, may I have a word with you?”

Jim started to protest but Ed nodded his head and he quickly disappeared with you before Jim could say another word.


Needless to say, your little encounter with Ed had caused you a little problem with Jim. For days all he and the other cops would do was keeping an eye on you and telling you that people like Edward Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot were too dangerous to hang out with. You weren’t a fool and you knew that they were criminals, but for the past few weeks they had been perfect and decent human beings with you. Actually, Ed helped you with your studies on the rotting of corpses and Oswald visited you from time to time for a chat. Now that he was mayor, it was not a problem for him to enter the GCPD department. He clearly liked you a lot, mainly because you respected him as a human being and because you never referred to him as The Penguin. For you, he was just Oswald. He wasn’t a murderer, a criminal, the mayor, a person to make fun of. He was just a normal man. A friend, even. He grew fond of you, just like Ed, even though they had different reasons.

Ed was fascinated by your intelligence and the skills you showed in your job. He found in you someone as passionate as him for science and riddles. A mind like yours could understand his and although Ed was a murderer and a bit crazy, you never mentioned anything and you based your judgment only on what you saw and on how he and Oswald treated you. You were not one of those who judged by the book’s cover. Yes, they were criminals. Yes, you wished they never committed any bad actions, but you couldn’t change the past and that didn’t mean they could not have you as a friend. Moreover, they never underestimated you because you were too young to work as ME. Unlike anybody else, your age never mattered to them.

Obviously Jim was not happy and he didn’t share your same lines of thought, but he soon accepted the idea that you cared about Oswald and Ed, and there was nothing he could do about it. Therefore, his main concern now was to be sure that both of them kept you away from dangerous situations. If anything would have ever happened to you, the entire GCPD would have gone after Ed and Oswald. Lucky for them, both Ed and Oswlad cared too much about you to ever involve you in criminal affairs.

However, despite everyone’s efforts to keep you away from danger, soon enough you found yourself deep into a massive problem and this time neither Jim Gordon or the entire GCPD, nor Oswald or Edward could protect you.


It was a day like any other and you were in your lab focused on your work when you heard Jim’s voice shouting: “There must be some other options. You can’t involve Y/N in this!”

You raised your eyebrows and heard footsteps loudly approaching your door. The voice of Captain Barnes came hard and firm: “She is the ME! Whether you like it or not, it’s her job.”

Then the door swung open and Captain Barnes entered the room followed by Jim, Harvey and two other cops carrying what looked like to be a dead man.

“Good morning, gentlemen. How can I help?” You greeted them and instructed the two cops to put the dead body on the table.

“Doctor Y/L/N, someone tried to bring back to life this corpse, we would like to be sure they didn’t succeed and that he is still dead” said Captain Barnes.

You raised your eyebrows, you were aware that a group of people was working on a project at Indian Hill, which goal was to bring back to life the dead, but you never actually met one of them yourself. You were fascinated by this kind of research, you knew it was unethical but still you were a woman of science and you could not help being fascinated by all of this.

“Please, Captain if yo-“

“Of course Captain, I’ll work on it” you said interrupting Jim. You didn’t know why he was trying so hard to convince Barnes to not let you work on this case, but this was your job, you had to do that, but more importantly you wanted to do that. Jim sensed that there was nothing he could say to persuade you to give up, so he sighed and let you do your job.

You look at the poor thing laying on the table. His face was missing, it must have been cut off. You felt sorry for whoever this man was and thought that whoever stole his face must have been some kind of a twisted creep.

Before Barnes and the others left the room you managed to ask, “excuse me, Captain, who is this man?”

“This, Y/N, is Jerome Valeska.”

The most dangerous are the unexpected ones - Jerome Valeska x Reader

Requested: by @maraudersmischiefismanaged “Hey, i don’t know if you take requests but if you do I would like to request a Jerome x reader. Maybe one where someone else reacts to them being a couple or something like that, and the reader is shy but also crazy (but like not as openly as jerome)”

Thank you so much for giving me the chance of writing this! I hope you like it and that it’s close to what you wanted. If not, I’m sorry I let you down and if you want and I can try to write another one. Thank you so much again!

Warning: one swearing word, but completely PG-13 aside from that

A/N:hello! It has been so long since I posted something and now thanks to this request I am back. It was my first request and I am super nervous. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. As always I’m sorry for the mistakes I’ve probably done, it’s not betad and I’ve tried to do my best.


The first time you had seen Jerome, you were fascinated by him. The way he talked, the sinister light in his blue eyes and most of all his way of living life attracted you in a way you didn’t think possible. Jerome was ruthless, uncaring of social norms and a stranger to morality.

Many feared him, others admired him. Truth be told, you were attracted to him. He was everything you were not; everything you chose to hide.

You envied him.

Living your life trying to conceal your true self from the world was hard, but you always felt as if the world could never understand you. Until Jerome came.

Your relationship with him was something unexpected for everyone. You had always been shy, perks of avoiding social interactions so to not reveal your inner self. Therefore, when one day Jerome blatantly asked you out, you stuttered a little bit, unsure of how to react. You were one of his hostages, so you clearly didn’t see that coming. Only later you would find out that Jerome was unpredictable. You were sitting there with blood on your face looking at him in admiration. He probably liked it and decided that you were different. So he saved you and asked you out.

And now here you were, dating Jerome Valeska. A decision that made you the happiest version of yourself.

Everything was great. You didn’t have to worry about your crazy obsessions or your unusual bursts of anger. With him, you were free.

Soon, you were introduced to Gotham criminal underworld, for Jerome was now its king. And you were his queen.

People feared you now, they never tried to disrespect you and those who did paid the worst price. You were a true queen of Gotham.

You knew what people thought of you at first.

“Sweet, innocent, little Y/N. She was manipulated.”

Truth be told, you had always been like this. People learned it the hard way.

“Ow what’s that frown, babydoll?” Jerome’s sweet voice said from behind you.

You smiled at him, “nothing to be worried about.”

Jerome pouted and came closer to you, “now now, that can’t be true. If it can vanish your beautiful smile, then it’s enough for me to worry.”

You could sense the silent threat beneath those words and you smiled fondly at him. Jerome was extremely protective and you knew that he would take care of whatever might harm you.

“Oswald came to visit me today.” You told him.

Jerome raised an eyebrow and started playing with a knife, “oh yeah? What does the little bird want?”

You shrugged, “what he always wants. To take Gotham away from us.”

Jerome laughed, “I thought he was your friend.”

You giggled, “he is. Although our pats often collide. He thinks he can still talk me out of this, that you manipulated me and that I would turn my back on you once I realise it,” you sighed and shook your head noticing that Jerome had stopped playing with his knife, “Oswald can be so naive sometimes.”

Jerome stared at you with a look you were very familiar with. It meant troubles.


Few months before

It wasn’t long since you joined Gotham criminal underworld and Jerome’s main enemies didn’t know who you were. Jerome did a great job in keeping your identity a secret so that your civilian life wouldn’t be compromised, at least for the next month when you finished school .

You were studying in the library after an intense day when you noticed a very familiar face entering the place.

Edward Nygma, aka The Riddler. Jerome warned you that he was probably the smartest one among all his enemies.

You slightly jumped when you realised that he noticed you staring, so you decided to leave the place before he had any chance to talk to you. A move that made him even more suspicious. They were hard days in Gotham, you could trust nobody.

“Well hello there.”

You closed your eyes, cursing yourself. Hopefully he wasn’t smart enough to find out who you were.

“Hello?” you replied hesitantly.

Edward smirked, “who are you?”

“My apologies sir but I usually don’t talk to strangers.”

Ed smirked again, “fair enough. Can I ask you then why were you staring at me?”

You looked away from him, your social awkwardness kicking in, “I thought you looked familiar.”

“So you know who I am?”

You shrugged, “everybody in Gotham does.”

He tilted his head and he was about to say something when a voice interrupted him.

“Edward! How long does it take to take a damn book! I have been waiting so lon-… who are you talking to?”

Oswald Cobblepot, aka the Penguin. He was the most dangerous one.

“I believe this girl works for one of our enemies,” Ed said.

You raised an eyebrow, unsure if Ed was really that smart or he was just guessing and pretending to know to see what your reaction would be. Surely he wouldn’t have found out after a two minutes conversation.

Oswald scoffed, “she? A shy little girl? Really?”

Your cheeks became red with indignation. Alright, you didn’t exactly look intimidating but c’mon!

“Hey!” You shouted at him.

Oswald looked at you with amusement in his eyes, “oh pardon me, miss. I’m sure you are very dangerous.” And with that said he took Edward’s arm and left you there boiling from rage. You would make him pay.


The next time you saw Oswald it was at a party Jerome organised for Gotham criminal masterminds. It was finally time to reveal to everybody who his partner in life and crime was: you.

When you entered the room, the first face you saw was Oswald’s. He was beyond shocked.

“The shy little girl?” He squeaked.

“I told you,” Edward said to him, smiling at you and taking his hat off.

“Hello Oswald, lovely evening isn’t it?”

As a response Oswald kept staring at you. Jerome maniacal laughter filled the entire room.

“So this little girl is really your girlfriend?” Barbara said to Jerome, “I must say, I would have never guessed. She looks so… pure.”

You blushed. You didn’t know if you were flattered or offended. Nobody was taking you seriously so you had to show them how wrong they were and you were going to do it the hard way.

Jerome came close to you and kissed you on the cheek, grinning as if he just won the best prize in the world, “isn’t she just lovely?”.

“I can’t believe this! They look so different. Jerome is totally crazy and she is so… not crazy.”

“You better believe it, Oswald. Sometimes the most dangerous are the unexpected ones,” said Edward.

“All hail for Y/N, queen of Gotham!” Jerome shouted laughing and the ones who cared about keeping their head on the shoulders followed him in his toast for you. Jerome then kissed you, just to make a point.

You smiled. Now it was your turn to show the world how dangerous you could be.

Ginger - Jerome Valeska x Reader {Part Three}

Summary: You are the new Medical Examiner at the GCPD and despite your young age you are respected and admired by everyone. Nobody would ever think that a sweet and clever girl like you could be friend with both the Riddler and the Penguin. But above all, how could you be involved with a person like Jerome Valeska?

Warning:just Jerome being Jerome, violence, swearing, angst maybe?

A/N:helloguys! Here is the third part! I want to thank you all again for the love and interest you are showing for this story. This part was a bit difficult to write, I hope I hadn’t messed things up. I hope you enjoy it!

Tag list:@crimsonredcoco@jinkanubis@melli-1808@darling-youre-beautiful

Part One|Part Two|Part Four|


“So you don’t know where he is?”

You huffed in annoyance. That was the millionth time Jim asked you that question. It had been around fifteen minutes since he found you tied up to a chair. As soon as he saw you, he started panicking and asking you what the hell happened and, above all, where was Jerome. It didn’t take long until Captain Barnes and Harvey joined him, ready to start an interrogation and figure out where Jerome had gone. You told him what he needed to know, you certainly hadn’t mentioned your little chat with Jerome, and you undoubtedly haven’t mentioned the amount of times Jerome had threatened your life. You didn’t like lying to Jim, but at the moment he didn’t need to worry about futile stuff. The truth though, which you tried to avoid as best as you could, was that a part of you didn’t want to mention to anybody your conversation with Jerome. It felt like it was something just between you two. You wondered if you weren’t going mad.

“I told you, Jim. He surprised me from behind, stole my gun and left me here. Now, believe me when I tell you that I was as shocked as you are right now.”

“I thought he was dead” said Captain Barnes through gritted teeth.

“Yeah me too. But hey” you said, a little bit too arrogantly, while briefly raising your arms in the air, “here we are”.

Harvey chuckled, he had always appreciated your sassy behaviour. Unlike Jim, who shot a scolding glare in your direction. Captain Barnes decided to let your little comment pass, he had more important issues to worry about. “Any clues of where he might have gone?”

“He asked me who has his face” you replied.

Jim looked at Harvey, “Dwight. C’mon let’s go.” But before he and Harvey could go, Alvarez entered the room with a worried look on his face.

“Captain! You must see this. It’s Jerome.” And with that said, everybody rushed outside the room directed where all the other cops were watching a television. You stopped immediately as soon as you saw the ginger. Apparently he succeeded in finding his face. You couldn’t help but be horrified when you noticed the way Jerome had reattached his skin together. You couldn’t even imagine the pain he had to go through while using a stapler on those open wounds. So here you were, worrying if Jerome had felt pain instead of him being free again and about to murder someone. What was wrong with you?

“… so feel free to kill whoever you want. Tonight you are free!” said Jerome laughing. Then the video stopped and all the lights went off. You heard people screaming outside the GCPD and you rushed outside only to find complete and absolute darkness. Jerome had caused a blackout in the whole Gotham. You were amazed by him. You didn’t know why you weren’t disgusted or horrified by his actions. He was a psychopath, but he was also very clever and somehow you didn’t hate him like any sane person should have done.

“Y/N! I have to go, Alfred just called. Jerome took Bruce. You stay here!” Jim told you before running away with Harvey.

Like hell you were staying there!


You were walking around the circus, looking everywhere for Jim or, even better, a ginger head. You managed to convince Alvarez to tell you where Jim was and as soon as you got what you wanted you ran away. To be honest, you didn’t know why you wanted to find Jerome before Jim. A part of you was scared that Jim would have killed him and, strangely enough, you didn’t want that. You told yourself that the only reason behind this sudden and weird behaviour of yours was because you wanted to study him, that your interest towards him was merely scientific. You were carefully avoiding getting involved with the people there. Everybody seemed transformed and gone crazy. There were people killing each other, torturing and beating other people. They weren’t human beings anymore, they were as wild as animals, if not worse. You were only there for Jerome. This thought was somehow amusing, for you were trying so hard to avoid every contact with these people in the circus but you were going straight to the most dangerous of them all. But you knew, somehow you did, that Jerome wouldn’t hurt you, unlike this bunch of barbarians who didn’t care less about you. Not that Jerome did, but you didn’t want to pay attention to this specific thought.

You heard someone screaming and cheering; you had suddenly a bad feeling about this. You started running towards the loud noise and what you saw made your stomach clench and your heart sink. Jim was beating Jerome to death. You froze, unable to move a single muscle. In the middle of a cheering crowd, probably happy to see some violence, you were the only one as still as a stone. You watched helplessly as Jim vigorously punched Jerome in the face. But it was when a really strong punch hit Jerome, ripping the skin of his face apart, that you screamed, pure horror written all over you.

“Jim! Stop! Stop!”

Jim turned around to look at you, he was still shocked and disgusted by Jerome’s face, but when his eyes landed on you, his shock turned into worry and anger.

“What the hell are you doing here?!”

He was mad at you. You could understand that, after all you could have ended up dead. The streets weren’t safe, people were killing and hurting others just for the sake of it. You could have been kidnapped, hurt or worse. You knew that what you did was stupid but you didn’t have time to worry about it now. You would deal with Jim later. Now, the only thing you could think about was helping Jerome. You rushed to his side, picking up his face from the floor and putting his head on your lap. He was unconscious.

“Y/N get away from him!” came Jim’s angry voice.

You were shaking, your hands trembling, not knowing how to fix Jerome. Since you weren’t replying to him, Jim grabbed you from the shoulder and tried to push you away from Jerome’s body. You started screaming and rebelling against him.

“Let me go! Jim let me go!”

Surprisingly enough, he listened to you. You weren’t expecting him to give up so soon.

“You are crying” Jim said taken aback. You didn’t notice it until Jim mentioned it. You touched your cheek with one hand and realized that indeed you were crying.

“What’s going on, Y/N?” Jim’s voice was harsh.

You looked at him, not recognising the man in front of you. Was he really the man you knew? Your friend?

“What you did..” you took a deep breath, staring at him dead in the eyes, “was cruel.”

Jim scoffed, “cruel? Have you any idea of who this man is? Or are you just blind?”

“I know he is a murderer and that he is capable of hurting. I didn’t know that you were as well.” Your voice was distant, cold. Jim took a step back after hearing it. Those words had hurt him more than Jerome’s punches.

“What are you talking about?” He was staring at you, disbelief written all over him.

“You had the high ground” you said, gulping, “and yet, you decided to hurt him more, even though he was already unconscious.”

“He’a a fucking criminal, Y/N!” Jim shouted.

You stood up and pointed a finger right at him, “for what I’ve seen, you are not that much better than him.”

“You gotta be kidding me.” Jim couldn’t believe what you were saying. Honestly? You didn’t know either why you were reacting like this. You didn’t like violence, especially against people who couldn’t even defend themselves. You knew there was something else behind it, but you were too exhausted and shocked to think about it. You decided to ignore Jim, you didn’t have anything more to say to him, and kneeled next to Jerome. Looking at his face full of injuries and blood made you cry again. You lightly touched the cut on his lips, noticing that Jim’s punches had made it worse. This time, fixing him would be more complicated. Nevertheless, you were going to fix him.


It had been a week since you arrived in Arkham Asylum and fixed Jerome. Unfortunately, you didn’t work there, therefore, after stitching back his face, you were sent away. You didn’t know if he had woken up or if he stayed in a coma. You hadn’t talked with Jim ever since, nor with anybody else in the GCPD. Apparently, Jim asked Captain Barnes to instruct Arkham to keep you away from Jerome; Barnes agreed. You kept going to work, after all that was your job, but you only spoke with someone when it was necessary and strictly related to work. Jim had tried to talk to you, but you were having none of it. Especially now that he was responsible for the fact that you couldn’t enter Arkham.

You were sat on Oswald’s couch, drinking tea and mentally cursing Jim Gordon. You weren’t a person who used to give up easily, so you came up with a plan. Lucky you, the mayor of Gotham was your friend.

“Y/N dear, you know I don’t like Jim Gordon that much” was Oswald’s reply, “but this time I’m afraid I have to agree with him.”

Your heart sank. All the hopes you dared to have were starting to fade. You never thought that Oswald wouldn’t have helped you.

“I see” was your simple reply. You put the half full cup on the table and got up. You weren’t really giving up, of course, but you knew that insisting with Oswald wouldn’t bring you anywhere. Instead, and this you learned it from Ed who knew Oswald better than anyone, the best way to gain something from him was faking hurt and disappointment. Well, you weren’t faking it. You truly were disappointed.

“Thank you anyway, Oswald” you said with a tight smile.

Oswald, as predicted, tried to stop you from going. “Y/N, please I-“

You raised your hand to interrupt him, “I understand, Oswald. I’ll find another way.”

Oswald looked at you carefully, his eyes scanning you as if he was thinking about something. He seemed to arrive at some kind of conclusion because his eyes got suspicious.

“This is important to you, isn’t it?”

You couldn’t help but blush. The way Oswald said “this” sounded more like he was implying something else. As if he was implying “he”. Surely, that must have been your imagination. Your blushing didn’t go unnoticed. Oswald closed his eyes and sighed.

“Fine, I’ll help you” he said at last. He moved towards his desk to write something down on a piece of paper, which he handed to you as soon as he finished. “Here you go.”

You smiled broadly and hugged him tightly.

“Thank you, Oswald, this means a lot to me.”

Oswald hesitantly hugged you back, he was still new to this hugging stuff.

“Now I know he does” he said softly, barely a whisper.

You stiffened a bit. You decided to stay silent, surely you must have misheard Oswald’s words. It was better this way, you weren’t ready to face the truth. For now, you would just focus on your achievement. Still, Oswald’s words stayed in your mind; they were weighing on your soul, difficult to ignore, burning in your mind and making your heart beat in a dangerous way. You needed distraction.

“Where is Ed?” you asked untangling yourself from Oswald.

Oswald’s eyes hardened a bit, still you could see the pain inside them.

“He’s with… a friend, I suppose.”

You sighed. You had known for quite awhile that Oswald was in love with Edward and you were sure that the latter felt the same. You had hoped for the two to finally realize their feelings and bring their relationship to the next level. Apparently, this wasn’t happening any time soon, if the look on Oswald’s face was anything to go by.

“You should tell him” you told your friend.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

You took Oswald’s hand in yours and smiled at him softly, “don’t be afraid, Oswald.”

He gulped and looked down at his feet, “I’m sure Ed doesn’t feel the same.”

“Feeling the same about what?”

Both you and Oswald froze. Ed chose the worst time to come back home. But maybe this was finally it! The occasion Oswald was waiting for to tell Ed about his love for him.

You smiled and greeted Ed, “Hello Ed, Oswald has something important to tell you.”

“Y/N!” Oswald screeched.

Ed looked worried and in a moment he was in front of Oswald, definitely too close to be considered a friendly move. Friends don’t stand this close to each other and they don’t look at one another with such love in the eyes.

“What is it, Oswald?”

You decided to leave them, after all, you also had someone to see.


It took a bit of a fight with the director and the guard but after showing them the mayor’s permission they let you go. Now you were officially Jerome’s doctor. You hoped that in this past week nothing happened to him. You didn’t have much faith in the doctors here at Arkham, not because they weren’t qualified enough, mostly because they didn’t care about their patients. For them, they were just criminals who didn’t deserve care. You weren’t like them. When you became a doctor, you made an oath to cure and help everyone, whether they were good or bad people. While you walked through the corridors you could hear inmates screaming and crying, laughing and shouting. You closed your eyes, trying to calm your breath. You felt sorry for this people. You knew they were criminals but they were also sick and in need of help.

You finally arrived in the common area where all the inmates spent their free time and you immediately looked for a ginger head. You found him easily and as soon as your eyes landed on him, your heart started pounding against your chest. He was sitting with his back towards you, so he didn’t notice you entering with two guards.

“Jerome Valeska. It’s time for your appointment with the doctor” one of them said.

Jerome didn’t even turn around, he just replied with an arrogant scoff, “I won’t see any doctor.”

“Oh yeah? And here I thought you liked me.”

It took barely three seconds after you spoke for Jerome to rapidly turn around. When his eyes met yours, he grinned widely.

“My my, if it isn’t my favorite doctor.”

“Hello Jerome, fancy coming with me?” you said trying to hide your smile.

Jerome grinned again and got up, walking towards you without taking his eyes off you. You noticed that the stitches had been removed and you silently cursed whoever was the idiot who did it. At least, you thought when Jerome was close enough to you, his wound was healing well.

“Missed me, doc?”

You folded your arms against your chest, “don’t get too cocky, Jerome, I’m only here to see your injuries.”

Jerome didn’t believe you and he chuckled. “Of course you are.”

After that you headed towards the hospital room. You were aware of Jerome walking right behind you with the two guards walking at his side. Most importantly, you were too aware of his stare, which sometimes lingered too much where it shouldn’t have. As soon as you arrived, you told the guards to leave you alone and asked Jerome to sit on the medical bed.

“So eager to have me on a bed, I see.”

You blushed and turned your back to him. This only made him laugh, pleased to have embarrassed you. You decided to let the comment go, you weren’t there to flirt with him, just to make sure he was okay.

“Now, stay still and don’t speak, I have to check your face” you said, trying to be as serious as you could.

Jerome smiled devilishly, “please, feel free to check wherever and whatever you want.”

You lightly smacked his shoulder and tried to hide a small smile, and he laughed again. Then you started touching his face very carefully, not wanting to hurt him. As soon as your fingers touched his skin, his laughter stopped and he stared at you dead silent. His eyes were glaring directly at you, not leaving your face even for a second.

His injuries were already turning into scars, that was good, you thought. You were trying to be as delicate as you could, especially when you applied some lotion on the wounds that hadn’t healed as fast as the others.

“Geez, little one, you’re not going to break me or something” he huffed.

You looked at him, more serious than you had ever been, “I don’t want to hurt you, Jerome. It must be already painful enough without me making it worse.”

For once, he didn’t laugh nor grinned. Instead, he kept looking at you and the intensity of his stare made you tremble. You were unable to look away. You could feel your heart beating so fast you were worried Jerome could hear it too.

“Good then that it doesn’t hurt, otherwise you should have kissed it better, like a good doctor.”

His voice wasn’t amused, he wasn’t mocking you or playing around. He was serious, and you still couldn’t breathe. You should have moved away, put some distance between you two, tell him that his injuries were healing well and go away, never come back. Instead, your hands stayed on his cheeks.

“Yeah, I should have” you breathed out. You felt like you were as light as a feather, like you weren’t even there. Jerome’s eyes were swallowing you whole. Suddenly, he stood up and you were forced to look up at him due to the hight difference between you two. You moved a bit closer, your head screaming at you to run away, and you could feel your hands sliding down to his neck and shoulders. Jerome’s arms met your waist and in that moment you could swear you didn’t remember how to breathe. You didn’t have much time to think before Jerome’s lips met yours, without meeting any fight from your side.

Ginger - Jerome Valeska x Reader {Part Two}

Summary:You are the new Medical Examiner at the GCPD and despite your young age you are respected and admired by everyone. Nobody would ever think that a sweet and clever girl like you could be friend with both the Riddler and the Penguin. But above all, how could you be involved with a person like Jerome Valeska?

Warning: just Jerome being Jerome

A/N: so here is the second part! I must say, I had a lot of fun writing Jerome, he’s such an amazing character. I also want to thank you all for your interest in this story! It truly means the world to me. Hope you enjoy the second part!

Tag list:@crimsonredcoco @chims-kookies (who for some reason I can’t tag) @jinkanubis


Part One|Part Three|Part Four|

You had never seen something like that. Sure, since you started working as ME you had seen quite the amount of horror. You were barely twenty but you had already seen your fair share of mutilated corpses and a considerable amount of blood. Despite that, you had never seen something like that.

The poor thing, who went by the name of Jerome Valeska, suffered a really bad mutilation. Judging by the nature of it, the person responsible for that didn’t know what they were doing, or maybe they were in a rush; that would have explained those long and irregular cuts. You felt sorry for him, strangely as it may have sound, and you were glad he was dead, more because you would never wish for anyone to wake up and find out that their face was gone than because he was a notorious criminal and deserved to be dead. At least, you thought while bandaging his head, Jerome Valeska would never have to deal with his face, or lack of it. In fact, you made every single test and examination you could think of, nevertheless the diagnosis was the same: dead. Whoever tried to bring Jerome Valeska back to life had failed.

Your thoughts once again went to the person responsible for Jerome’s injuries. While working as ME, you acquired a certain respect for the dead, whatever their actions were during their lives. You were genuinely disgusted by those who would have the guts and the audacity to mutilate or hurt a corpse.

You were cleaning your hands and humming a song distractedly so you didn’t notice any movement behind you. After all, it was a morgue, the only thing alive there was you. Or at least that’s what you thought.

“Such a lovely song.”

You jumped, instantly shocked , and froze into place. You took a calming breath deciding that it was probably nothing to worry about and to turn around and face the direction where the voice came from. You were sure it was a voice, you weren’t mad, but the only person in the room aside from you was Jerome. And he was dead, right? He had to be dead. But when you turned around you met the previous dead Jerome, perfectly alive and sitting on your table with his legs swinging like he was a child.

“Well, aren’t you a pretty little thing” he said chuckling, clearly amused.

You raised an eyebrow, looking at him with disbelief written all over your face. Your heart was beating faster than ever, inside you were a tornado of emotions: fear, shock, annoyance and curiosity above all the others. You took a step closer, eyeing him carefully. Just few minutes ago you were 100% sure he was dead, you could have bet your head that there was no life in Jerome’s body. And yet, here he was looking at you, talking and breathing. Science had never gone that far… until now.

“Fascinating” you muttered to yourself while taking another step forward. Jerome tilted his head to the right, maybe he was expecting another kind of reaction from you. Little did he knew that you were a woman of science, therefore, when facing a situation like this, your first instinct would always be curiosity rather than fear.

Jerome looked at you up and down, his eyes scanning every part of you. If you weren’t too focus on finding an explanation, you could have sworn his eyes lingered a bit too much on your breast.

“Hello, Little one, I’m Jerome” he said standing up quickly. He was suddenly too close, you noticed. Some part of your brain screamed at you to step back, call Jim, stay away from him. But the other part of you, the pure scientific part of you, was begging you to not report anything, at least for now, and keep studying him. You had to understand how it was possible for Jerome to be alive, again.

“I know who you are” you replied.

He grinned widely and opened his arms in a theatrical way, “of course you do! I am quite famous after all.” He was definitely proud of himself and his actions, you could tell as much. You had indeed heard of him and the Maniax!, but if there was something you didn’t like that would have been some egocentric murderer.

“No,” you replied flatly, “I’m your doctor. Never heard of you before now.”

Jerome laughed hysterically and started circling you like a shark with his prey. “So tell me, Doc, how is it possible that I’m alive?”

He didn’t wait for your response. Instead, he walked in front of a mirror and stopped there to look at himself.

“Uh that’s strage. I don’t remember dying with my face mutilated” he stated nonchalantly, like it wasn’t a big deal.

“Because you didn’t” was your reply. Jerome looked at you through the mirror and somehow you started feeling intimidated by his stare. “Someone cut your face off.”

Then Jerome did something you weren’t quite expecting, to be honest. He threw his head back and started laughing, as if you told him the best joke in the world. He surely was crazy, you thought.

“Is that right?” he questioned you while getting closer to where you stood. You nodded and before you could realize it, Jerome grabbed the gun left on your desk, the one Jim gave to you for protection, and had one of his hand around your neck while with the other he pointed the gun right at the side of your head. You mentally cursed yourself for not remembering that you had a gun in the room. It wasn’t exactly your fault, considering that usually corpses didn’t resurrect and assault you in the middle of the day. It’s not that you ever needed your gun in the morgue. You guessed there was a time for everything.

“Tell me, Little one, where is my face?”

You couldn’t breathe so you couldn’t have answered even if you wanted to. Jerome must have realized that as well because he loosened his grip and let you breathe. You started coughing vigorously, wishing he could let go of you. Instead, Jerome kept the gun pointed right at you.

“Some guy named Dwight,” you rasped out, “he’s the one who tried to bring you back.”

Jerome seemed disappointed, “Oh? So you’re not the one responsible for my revival?”

He let go of you, so you took a step back and tried to inhale as much air as you could. “No. Some kind of cult is to be blamed.”

“A cult?” He started laughing again. For a maniacal murderer he surely knew how to have fun, apparently. He started circling you again. This time you visibly tensed. By the grin he had, you could tell he was pleased by your reaction.

“Now, where are we? And why are you here instead of my… cult?” Needless to say, he bursted again in a crazy laugh.

You took a calming breath trying to keep an eye on him, suddenly aware that he was a criminal and could have you killed in no time. How foolish you had been! Believing that it was possible for you to study him without getting hurt and put yourself in danger. You guessed that was what Jim meant every time he said you were too young to be involved in his cases. Your recklessness would have you killed one of this days. Although this was true, the thought only made you more determined to handle Jerome by yourself, just for the sake of proving Jim that you were not too young and naive.

“We’re in the GCPD and I am the Medical Examiner” you replied.

Jerome hummed and tapped the gun against his chin, “aren’t you too young to be a doctor anyway?”

Your cheeks were red with rage and indignation. You were tired of being underestimated in this way. You took a step closer uncaring of the gun, your bodies nearly touching. He was taller than you and definitely stronger, but the part of your brain that should have told you to stay away from him was suddenly switched off. You looked at him right into his eyes, not caring that your behaviour might have upset him and put you into danger again.

“I’ll have you know, Mr Valeska, the only reason you are talking right now is because this young doctor here was able to repair the awful damages some idiot did to you!”

Jerome’s laughter was the only thing that filled the room after your little speech. However, it wasn’t a mocking laughter, in fact, he sounded impressed.

“Oh oh! We have a little fire in here, don’t we?”

You weren’t exactly thinking in that moment, so you didn’t know how on Earth shoving him off was a good idea. You didn’t have time to realize your action that Jerome had pushed you hard against the wall and pointed the gun at you again. Your head was hurting like hell and you felt like you were crushing under the man’s weight.

“Has nobody ever told you not to play with a psychopath?”

His face was few inches away from yours, you could feel his breath on your cheeks, the intense smell of blood that stained his bandages and the cold metal of the gun touching your forehead.

“Has nobody ever told you not to threaten a doctor in his lab?”

You barely finished your sentence when you took the bisturi right on the table next to you and pointed it at Jerome’s throat.

“Perhaps you want to experience again what happened with Galavan. This time though I’ll make sure you stay dead.”

Jerome let go of you and clapped his hands together, his behaviour totally different from the one he had just moments before.

“Oh right! Where is he? I want to kill him, you know, for betraying me and everything else.” He sounded like he was talking about the weather, not like he was planning another murder.

You put the bisturi in your pocket, just in case you needed it again, although, you didn’t know how efficient it would have been against a gun. However, something in Jerome’s behaviour told you that he wasn’t planning on killing you, otherwise he would have just done it ages ago. After this thought, you tried to calm yourself.

“He’s dead.”

Jerome pouted, “who killed him?”

You raised an eyebrow, “which time?”

Jerome laughed again, “my my, I’ve missed so much! Let me tell you something, Little one, death is boooring.”

You were instantly captured by his words. In fact, you probably looked funny, if Jerome’s amused grin was something to go by. You suddenly remembered that the man in front of you had just came back from the dead, an experience few people could tell.

“How is it? Being dead I mean” you asked softly. You were afraid of upsetting him and, therefore, losing your only chance to know if there was something after life.

Jerome popped up on the table again, “dark and boring” he said. Then, as if something more interesting came into his mind, he clasped his hands and got down again, walking right in front of you.

“I have a question for you, Little one,” he announced happily. “No, scratch that. I have two questions for you.”

You were again very aware of your proximity but faked calm and nonchalance.

“Sure, shoot,” you said without realising it. Jerome looked at the gun in his hand, then looked at you, and laughed like never before. You truly knew how to amuse him. You couldn’t help but smile at your poor choice of words.

“Very well,” he told you spinning you around. You were taken aback by his behaviour, what the hell was going on in that mad head of his?

“What is your name?”

You blinked a few times and he huffed annoyed, “was it such a difficult question, doc?”

“Y/N. My name is Y/N” you whispered, still a bit confused by Jerome spinning you around like you two were dancing.

He grinned and positioned himself behind you, his chest was strongly pressed against your back, and he put his chin on your shoulder while pointing the gun to your head one more time.

“What’s the second question?” You asked, trembling a bit.

Jerome looked at you grinning, his eyes were shining like those of a cat who finally caught a mouse. You wondered if that was a metaphor to describe you two and if he had finally caught you.

“Do you like gingers, little Y/N?”

You couldn’t help a small smile.


Imagine Oswald arriving in time to help you…

You were warned against shaking the tree and yet, you ignored them all and enlisted Jim Gordon’s help. It was this err in judgement that now had you limping through an abandoned parking lot. 

Your hand was pressed against a hole in your jacket where blood seeped and stained. You were exhausted and all hope of being found faded with each second. As you rounded a pillar, you saw a familiar umbrella and a face that always accompanied it.

“Oswald?” You wondered. How did he know where you were? Limping over, you heard a faint crash from behind. No doubt your pursuers.

Oswald gave you a once over and pursed just lips. “It’s a good thing that Jim came to me when he did. A few hours later and there’d be a vacancy at the GCPD.”

You winced at the ache in your ribs grew. “That means Jim owes you a-“ your eyes felt heavy and legs went numb sending you crashing to the ground. Your ears were ringing and you could feel the vibrations of several footsteps on the ground. 

Mustering what little strength you had, you opened your eyes for a few seconds. The thugs - the ones who had put you in this situation - were charging for you.

Your stomach tied into knots and flipped as you waited for the inevitable. 

Bang!One of the men dropped to the floor. 

Bang! Bang! Two more bodies fell.

It was over and you exhaled as the darkness started invading your senses. Oswald’s shoes came into view and you heard him from somewhere above.

“Jim already owes me many favours. This one’s for you to pay.”

~More imagines here~




I made an emoji ask meme to celebrate 100 followers! Send me a character and up to 5 emojis and I’ll give you my headcanons! (1 character and 5 questions per ask, but multiple asks are allowed)


❣️— When do they first say I love you?

❤️— How do they most often express their love? Verbally or through actions?

— How do they say thank you/show appreciation?

— How do they say good morning?

— How do they make their partner feel better?

— How do they say/show that they miss their partner?

— How do they say goodnight?

— What makes them feel connected to their partner?

— Are they a big cuddler? What is cuddling them like?

— What could their partner do to make their heart race?

— Do they noticeably change once they’re in love? Is it easy to notice or just something their partner would pick up on?

— Are they a showy partner? Do they make grand gestures of love or try to be subtle?

— What was one of the first things that attracted them to their partner?

— What are their best qualities as a partner?

— What kind of love notes/messages do they leave their partner?

— What kind of gifts do they like to give? What do they like receiving?

— Random romantic headcanon


— How soon do they want to move in together?

— What are some habits of theirs that would take some getting used to?

— Do they do a lot of cooking?

— Do they do a lot of cleaning?

— What are their thoughts on marriage?

— What are their thoughts on kids?

— What are they like as a parent?

— Random domestic headcanon


— What are their kisses like?

— What’s an easy way to turn them on/get them riled up?

— What’s their favorite body part on themselves? On their partner?

— Do they like to tease?

— What’s their pillow talk usually like?

✈️— How far will they go in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ll do it?

— Random intimate headcanon


— What could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?

— How well would they handle a break up?

⛈— How often do they get emotional? Are they open with their partner about it?

☔️— What are they like when they’re emotional? How quickly do they recover?

— How would they react to injury/misfortune befalling their partner? Do they feel at fault?

— What would kill their trust in their partner/close them off? Could this ever be amended?

— Random angst headcanon

drop a character and an emoji!!

Ahh my Jopper heart also wants to do this, so send asks. Or other asks. I’m in the mood for a little headcanon writing.

SAJ Part 31 


2 months after regaining her memory

I lean over the counter looking at the many different assortments of candy Babs has bought. “I want the red one!” I turn over my left shoulder to see little Jerome smiling. “No, you just ate my whole bowl of ice cream!” He laughs and hops onto the counter. “Please (y/n)? I’ll be a good boy.” I shake my head and pop a purple-colored candy into my mouth. Jerome narrows his eyes at me. “You’re bad.” Seconds later he lunged at me causing me to fall to the ground.

“(Y/N)! Gosh, girl are you okay? Did you trip on something?” I look at her confused and then avert my eyes back to little J. I nod my head and stand up gathering myself together. “Hey, hey, hey. Hold up.” Babs stops me and holds my face in her hands. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve looked like you’ve seen a ghost.” I look to where Jerome was standing and sigh. I have to get this under control. I’ll end up driving myself crazy.

2 months later:

I fold my clothes and place them in the drawers where they belong. I’m still living with Babs for the time being. Now knowing what I was without for so long is very pleasing, but it does not make it any easier. I’ve been forced to accept the fact that my Jerome is gone. The true love of my life is never going to be able to make me smile with his laughter ever again. Love is dead and gone. Most people are able to get over the loss of someone close eventually. Although all of them I can guarantee they have never had their ghost following them!

I close the drawer and move over to my walk-in the closet getting ready to hang up my new wardrobe Babs so kindly bought me. “Ohh I like this one!”  Little J says coming up beside me and tugging on the green dress. “Yes. it’s very nice.” I reply plainly.

J walks in front of me and stands his ground firmly. I try and move around him, but he locks his body into one spot. I huff trying not to get frustrated with the child. “Jerome, please move. I have to get these up!”  His eyes become soft and his smile lowes slightly. “I didn’t mean to upset you (y/n).” I get on my knees to his height and place my hands on his shoulders. “Jerome you have to understand something. You need to move on.” Jerome steps back almost surprised. “Move on? How can I leave you? How could I survive without you?” He says starting to get louder with each sentence.

His voice rings in my ears tormenting my brain. My whole body starts to shake and I fall to the ground. “I CAN’T LEAVE! I WON’T LEAVE!” He screams in my ears.

He continues to scream at me.
He continues.

“HEY!” A new voice breaks through the screams. I look up with cloudy and wet eyes to see Barbra standing in the doorway of my closet. “What the hell is going on?” She rushes to me in concern.

Holding my face in her hands as a sob hysterically. “He won’t leave.” “Who?” I point my finger at the ginger a few feet away. “(y/n) there is no one there.” I put my own hands over hers and continue to sob. “No! It’s Jerome! He won’t leave.” I sob even more as she holds me. “Shh. listen to me. He’s not real. He’s dead (y/n).” I frantically nod my head. “Yes, he is! He’s constantly here. He just keeps reminding me He’s gone, and I couldn’t do anything about it! It was my fault!” Babs then brings her open hand and smacks it across my cheek.

I stare at her blankly. “You slapped me.” “You were being hysterical. Now come on. I know exactly how to run off those bad thoughts. How about a little laughing gas?” She smiles and pulls out a pearled blunt. I sigh standing up. I grab the blunt, light it, and inhale the smoke, and after a few hits, I can feel my sorrows and worries lift off my shoulders. I inhale once more and turn to the little boy with a smile on his face. I walk up to him and blow the smoke in his face and just like the smoke he starts to fade away.

Later in the night as I lay in bed I feel a body slide next to mine. I huff and rollover ready to tell little J to go away again, but once I roll over my eyes meet a red-haired man. “Hey, there dollface.” I touch his cheek and feel the soft skin under my fingertips. “Jerome?” He nods and runs his fingers through my hair. “I can’t stay long.” “Why? What’s the rush? Come on you don’t have to leave.” I plead holding his shirt in my hands. He places his on top of mine and smiles sweetly. This is the Jerome I miss. This is the Jerome I wish I had. “No, darling. You told me to go, and I want to respect you.” “N-no J. I want you. I want you to stay.” He shakes his head and brings my hand up to kiss it. “I wouldn’t be me. The one Jerome you’ll get isn’t me, and you know that.” I shake my head fighting the tears. “It’s not fair. I can’t live without you.” I lay my head on his chest and try to drift to sleep. Jerome places a kiss on my head and leans down closer. “You won’t have too much longer doll.”

Let Gotham Burn

I lean back with my tablet propped up against my legs sketching a new floor plan for a house my company bought and are going to flip it. Suddenly my assistant rushes in with no words. “You need to see this!” He turns on my flatscreen and switches over to the station streaming from Gotham City.

“Buildings exploding! We can’t possibly go there! The convention is going to be cancelled!” I look closer to watch the live news feed. Then I hear the smooth voice of honey entering my ears. “Tick tock Gotham. You’re on my watch.”

The camera stayed on his being. Pale skin, flashing eyes that bore holes into your soul. If you started to long at him he would be able to see your entire story. He learned from the best of course. “Harley are you listening? You need to call-” “Pack the car. I’m leaving tonight.” My assistant laughs thinking I’m joking, but I’m deadly serious.

“Do as I say or you’re fired. I shouldn’t have to repeat myself. Now go.” I speak calmly standing up and making myself a sweet drink. I stare at the TV smirking. “See you soon J.”

I knock on the next desk to mine lightly. “Excuse me.” a boy with round glasses, red hair, and innocent eyes look to meet mine. “Yes?” He asks in a shaky manor. I smile sweetly at him. “Your bookbag is caught on your chair. I didn’t want you to get stuck.” The boy looks down at his bag adjusting the strap out of the bars. “Thank you.” He quickly says getting back to his work.

I scoot closer to him. “My name is Harleen. Harleen Frances Quinzel.” I stick my hand out for his. “Jeremiah.” “Just Jeremiah?” He nods his head quickly. “Alright. Well it’s nice to meet you just Jeremiah.” He smiles taking my hand and shaking it firmly. “You too Harleen.”

The red haired boy and I were inseparable since that day. No matter where we were we’d always find eachother. Went on for a long time as friends, but we both knew deep in our hearts we were meant to be something bigger. As I lay my head in his lap looking up at the stars I catch him staring down at me. “Whatcha doing there J? You’re missing the beautiful stars!” He smiles pushing a strand of my hair away. “I’m looking at the most beautiful star there is.” I giggle pushing off of him. “Such a sap. Can’t say I don’t love it though!”

“Oh look Harley!” A shooting star flies across the night sky. “I wish… to never leave you, and were separated. Let madness take over until we’re together once again.” Jeremiah let out a chuckle. “That’s a good one. Let’s hope you don’t get any crazier.” I flip my hair laughing. “It would only be for the better darling.”

So here I am today. Walking in a graveyard all lonesome. I hear sirens blaring all over the city. His crew comes up to me screaming and laughing like crazy people. I look at them rolling my eyes, but allowing them to take me hostage knowing they’ll lead me straight to him, and as my thoughts come to ring true I feel my blood pumping as they sit me in a chair waiting to get torchered.

Blood staining the cold concrete below my feet. “You guys should really learn how to keep a cleaner work space. Geez. You’d think a pack of monkeys would be living here… Oh wait…” I laugh looking at them. They start to get louder and louder until another voice emerges.

“Let me take a look at this one!” a blonde comes into view with face looking like… just like a face you want to punch.

She walks around me then smirks. “Take her to the grinder.” the minions grab me and start to drag me away. “Whoa wait a fucking minute!” This caught her attention making her look at me with her little clown mask. “Hey you. Yeah clown bitch listen to me!” I shimmy out of their hold and stand in front of the blonde. I walk around her smiling sanely. “I’m the only one who gets the wear that mask.” I whip my knife out and stab her in the stomach several times until she falls to the ground motionless.

I pick up her mask looking at her face. “Not even that pretty. Come on man!”

“Not as pretty as you I will say. Not as sane either. Got on my nerves rather quickly. She’s not the right… fit.” I look up the rusted stairwell to see him standing there proudly examining my work. “Then why’s you pick her huh? See this? Trash!” I grab the mask tossing it the the side at his followers. “Seems I got exactly what I wanted. Just another playing card that was run out.” I make my way up the steps as he comes halfway down meeting me.

“Hello Harley.” “Hey there J.”

His hand come out and pushes me against the metal bar trapping me. “And may the world go insane.” J smashes his lips against mine pushing all the lost time into one kiss.

“This is Harley. Harley this is everyone. Call them your subjects if you want. This is your queen everyone! Respect her or that…(Points at Echo) will be your outcome. Now follow love, we’ve got much to relish in.”

Such a Joker (31/?)


Warning: swearing, drug use.

I shove my hands in my pockets and move along the dark street shuffling my feet. “Hey! Don’t you have somewhere to be?” A small voice makes itself present. I wheel my body to see the same little boy from earlier chewing on the candy bar i gave him. I narrow my eyebrows at him in confusion. “Could be asking you the same kid. What are you doing out here? It’s not safe.” He rolls his eyes and continues to enjoy his candy. “Then why are you out here?” He fires back laughing. “Because kid I’m able to take care of myself.” The child smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “Couldn’t keep Jerome safe.” the boy says getting up and running down an alleyway.

His legs carry him through the narrow dark space; myself following him quickly. “Whoa! Wait! Kid wait!” I yell as he rounds the corner and is out of sight. I spin around in a full 360 trying to find the boy.

My brain clouds and i cannot think clearly. A searing pain in my temples causing me to fall to my knees weak and lean against the decrepit brick wall. My head spinning and feeling as it’s on fire. The pain continues and all i can do it grip my head and get as close to my knees as possible. I sit there for what felt like hours. Rocking myself back and forth trying to calm myself down. All i need is silence, but the world plays tricks on me and my body continues to resit the methods and fall deeper into the fire.

Barbra POV:

I walk down the sidewalk away from the club. “Where to Ms. Kean?” My driver asks as he opens the door for me. “Just to the house.” he nods understandably and closes the door. We ride along the streets of Gotham and come to one of the stop lights. I turn to peer out my window and see (Y/n) leaned up against the wall and looking absolutely exhausted.

After telling my driver to pull over I step out and walk up to her quietly. “(y/n)?” She moans lightly and lifts her head up revealing her face. She’s covered in sweat and she can hardly open her eyes. “What the hell happened? Did you get mugged?” I help my friend up and walk her to the car securing her safely inside.

After the shorter drive to the house and getting (y/n) inside I lay her on the couch. She looks at me and smiles. “You wanted to meet me?” She asks with effort in her voice. I nod and smile brushing her hair out of her face. She’s so beautiful! Have to say she looks like her mother. “I wanted to show you something.” I say and stand up making my way to the huge wardrobe. I open it and the box stood out perfectly. The old shoe box painted and doodled on held all the parts of (Y/n’s) life. Even the parts Jim wanted to keep away forever.

I walk back to her and see she is not sitting up and actually has gained some color back to her cheeks. “What is that? Looks like a kindergarten class went wild!” we laugh and i pass it over to her. “Well that explains it because it’s yours.” (Y/n) looks at me shocked. “Why do you have it?” I shrug and sigh. “Jim didn’t want you to ever see it.” She nods and sighs looking down. She traces the colored streaks on the box and shakes her head laughing. “I’m not the same am I Barbra?” I shake my head looking at the confused young woman. “You use to be sorta like this, but that was when you were 15! People change, and, you certainly did.” “Was I a bad person Babs?” I grab her hands and shake my head in response. She directs her eyes to the box and runs her fingers over the colors before lifting the lid and exposing all her joyful memories she found important enough to keep.

“When you started making this box you were 16. I remember seeing you sit at the table for hours choosing a photo from each christmas, birthday, and vacation. You put little cards in there that you got from close friends.” (Y/n) pulls out a packet of photos from our very last vacation. She pulled the photos one by one and looked at them smiling. Jim, (y/n), and myself standing on the sand looking absolutely amazing! “That was such a good time!” (Y/n) shrugs flipping though more pictures. “At least you can remember it.” she tosses the packet of photos onto the coffee table across from us. I sit her up straight holding her by the shoulders. “I know this might be hard, but i really think this is what is going to bring your memories back.” (Y/n) looks at me with several emotions clouding her eyes. “Please show me. I feel bits and pieces of things everyday! I can’t keep going knowing there is more. Everyone knows something about me that i don’t! That’s messed up don’t you think?!” (y/n) shouted loudly laughing. “Okay. look at these ones.”

I go over to the wardrobe and grab a separate box. This one containing everything from her time with Jerome. I set the box in her lap. She wastes no time digging into the pile of love notes, letters from him, gifts, and pictures. She holds a picture of Jerome and herself. She quickly looked through the rest of the pictures throwing them everywhere. She drops the box on the couch laughing. “Holy shit.” she breathed laughing some more.

(Y/n) POV:

Picture after picture bubbles popped inside my head revealing the truth of my life. Jerome was there through everything. He set me free.

“Oh wait you forgot something.” Babs laughs as she pulls out a smaller box. I lift the lid to find none other than my glass bowl Jerome and I smoked out of the first night we met. I smile at Babs and show her the pipe. “Know any good candy men Babs?” She laughs and pulls out her phone. “Only the best for the best.” She winked and walked off.

About an hour later both Babs and I are watching some soap opera and throwing our treats at the cast members we don’t like. I get up and stretch popping my back. “Oh! That felt good!” I laugh and spin around falling back on the couch. “I think I’m going to hit the sack girl. You good down here?” I smile at my best friend and nod happily. “I’ll be good.” Babs kisses my head and leaves the room.

I roll on my back and stare up at the ceiling. “(y/n) Gordon… Oh the places you’ve been.” I mumble and light up a rolled blunt inhaling and then exhaling feeling the numb and light feeling in my body. “Doesn’t look like you’re being good to me Ms. Gordon.” I roll off the couch in surprise by the voice.

I sit up on my knees and look to my left to see him. This kid keeps following me! I stand up a little frightened. “How’d you get in here?” The little boy laughs smirking at me. “You let me in (y/n).” He giggles cutely and sits closer to me. “What are you?” I ask going to touch his curly red hair. The little boy smiles and kisses my cheek. The boy hugs me close. He doesn’t move an inch as i try and sit back on the couch. As i get a quarter of the way to standing I fall back on the ground with little red still clinging to me.

I look to my right to see him. A picture of him. This little boy who is hugging me is in a picture flying a kite with a circus in the background. I take the picture in my fingers and flip it over.

Jerome’s 7th birthday. He loves his kite.

I let the photograph fall back to the ground and hold my breath. “Jerome?” I ask quietly. He lifts his head up and smiles at me. “We have a winner Dollface.”

Really need serious input!

As of this moment I am either going to release the new chapters of Such A Joker or trash the story and start a new series. Please let me know if you’re enjoying the series and I will continue to post Such A Joker.

Wayne’s Girl


Jerome is obsessed with Bruce Wayne’s girlfriend and decides she should be his.

(Kinda sucks)

Jerome POV:

She walks down the street. Her coat costing hundreds hugging to her body close trapping the warmth inside its fabric. Her hips slightly swigging as she struts down the sidewalk to her destination. A small coffee shop accompanied with other citizens of Gotham. She comes her every Wednesday to get coffee for her and that tool Wayne.

Once she disappeared into the shop I back away from the ledge and sigh. “For my heart longs for you… sadly the sting of the lost feeling still remains… for I will-“ “go on an adventure to win the princess back. Yeah yeah. Heard it all before. Now will you come on? If you want to do this it needs to be now!” Jervis Tetch speaks behind me interrupting my time with my lady.

I walk up to him angry and about to give him a piece of my mind! Wait… mind…

“Jervis. I need something from you.” He raises his eyebrow in wonder. “From me? Well I suppose I could be assistance in whatever game you play.” I turn around and look at the city below smiling as I see her again. “Oh this game will be fun.” I smile and laugh from the building top.

(Y/n) POV:

I sit on the couch in the Wayne study reading my book as Bruce does the same. My feet upon his thighs in a relaxed mood as we sit and enjoy each other’s company. Bruce closes his book quickly and stands up excited. “What do you think about going out tonight?” Bruce asks me dusting the lint off his black sweater.

I shrug and smile at him. “What did you have in mind Bruce?” He smiles taking my hand and lifting me up, walking me towards his desk and having me sit in the large leather chair. “Close your eyes (y/n). I’ll be right back.” I follow my instructions and close my eyes awaiting to see what Bruce has come up with.

Minutes pass and the manor is deathly still. “Bruce?” I call out into the dimly lit room. The sound of the floor creaking nearby makes me smile and giggle quietly. Oh what could he have planned? A nice dinner? A romantic carriage ride?

The door opens to the office and then closes. After that no more movement at all. Just silence. I huff and threatened to open my eyes playfully.

“I’m opening then in 3… 2… 1…” I open my eyes adjusting to the low light. I don’t see Bruce anywhere. Just a big purple box on the coffee table before the fireplace.

I giggle and walk up to it circling it. “Even got the wrapping my favorite color. You’re really trying aren’t you?” I pull open the lid and a set up of tea is all laid out.

“Don’t mind if I do.” I pick up the little cup in my fingers and take a sip. Instantly as the warm liquid flowed down my throat and into my body my head began to swim. I stumbled onto the couch and that’s when I see him.

Jervis Tetch. The mad hatter.

I point to him unable to rise up or speak. He laughs and pats me head. “Wayne’s little girl needs to go to sleep and not make a peep. Not long now will you be alone in the streets. No one to beat. Just him and him only for days to repeat. Goodnight sweet (y/n) just wait for your prince to wake.” He says to me softly swinging his watch in front of my eyes until they fall closed.


I roll over my head pounding. Did I go out last night? Oh man I can’t even remember last night! Am I still drunk? I roll again hitting a body beside me. Not alarmed I snuggle closer and in response have an arm wrapped around my waist. I go to stroke Bruce’s cheek but once I rest my fingers on the skin I realize Bruce is not here. My washed out state making it hard to sit up. I’m so weak. My fingers run over along the face to feel the scars. The scars of a feared man in Gotham. A man feared by the whole city. A man feared by my boyfriend.

I look up my vision clearing in and out. To think if this man is asleep I could make a run for it, but to my dismay he’s wide awake and smiling at me. “Ah look at you. Already awake! I’m so happy to see you (y/n).” Jerome says and hops in front of me. I wave my hands around still very confused and somehow extremely calm. My anxiety is like a fire in my body but my outside chamber is to weak to make sense of my emotions.

“How do you know my name?” Jerome lays a hand softly on my cheek and smiles. “I take an interest in the things I care about doll.” “If this is about Bruce please don’t hurt him. I’ll-“ “yeah I’ll do anything. Heard it before. Don’t care. You see he’s not going to get hurt. Not unless we break the rules lovely. You step out of line and Wayne gets crushed like roadkill under a 14 wheeler.” I gulp and nod in fear for my lovers life.

“Now this is your room! Do you like it? I know purple is your favorite.” Jerome asks as he pulls me into a huge room decorated to the exact way I love everything. Even Bruce couldn’t get something like this perfect.

Days after days and nights after nights. My fear lessened for the clown. He never hurt me. He never yelled. He never made me feel uncomfortable. He made me feel wanted. Which was surprising to me because after the times I can recall with Bruce he always had something on his mind. It was never just the two of us.

Weeks pass and my disappearance has flooded Gotham’s papers and news stations, but I’m not fighting to escape.

Jerome comes in my room holding a box wrapped all nice with a bow. I lay my book down and smile at him. “Jerome you need to stop giving me these gifts! You’re spoiling me.” He sits next to me and passes me to box. “It’s just a little something.” I open the lid and peer into the box to find a very beautiful handcrafted blown glass rose.

I gasp and hold it in my hands gently. “It’s so beautiful Jerome! I don’t know what to say.” He smirks and places one of his hands upon mine wrapping his fingers around my own. “Jerome may I ask you something?” He looks up at me and nods with a smile.

“Was my capture ever about Bruce? Or were you just jealous?” I giggle as Jerome’s face heats up and he laughs loudly. “Me? Jealous of that sack of buns? Please!” I smirk and cross my own given boundaries. I crawl on his lap still in my silk night shirt and underwear. “Then why did you take me Jerome?” I ask wrapping my hands around his neck and playing with the short sprigs of hair on his neck.

“I think I know. Even if you refuse to admit it.” Jerome scoffs looking everywhere but my eyes. I tilt his chin so he’s making direct eye content. “You Jerome Valeska we’re jealous of Billionaire Boy Bruce Wayne because he had the sweet girl Jerome craved. Am I wrong? I know what you could do! If I’m wrong get up and leave my room… and if I’m right all you have to do is kiss me.” I say biting my lip and running my finger along his scar.

Jerome grabs my hand and stares at me for a few moments. “Am I wrong?” I whispered giggling at the end. “No (y/n). You’re right as rain doll face.” He closes our space and kisses me deeply proving my theory in a most enjoyable way. “You’re my girl now. My doll. No more time for Wayne to enjoy what’s mine.” Jerome says spinning me and matching our lips again.

Jervis: Uh oh, somebody’s in love!

Jonathan: I just think (y/n) is cool, ok? It’s not like I lay awake at night thinking about them!

*Later at nightime, wide awake in his bed*

Jonathan: Uh oh

Lee: Uh oh, somebody’s in love!

Ed: I just think (y/n) is cool, ok? It’s not like I lay awake at night thinking about them!

*Later at nightime, wide awake in his bed*

Ed: Uh oh

Jerome: I dare you to kiss the next person who enters the room

Jonathan, annoyed: That’s stupid, I’m not kissing any-

You: *walks in*

Jonathan, already halfway across the room: Well, a dares a dare

Lee: I dare you to kiss the next person who enters the room

Ed, annoyed: That’s stupid, I’m not kissing any-

You: *walks in*

Ed, already halfway across the room: Well, a dares a dare

You: This is too hot. I can’t eat this.

Victor: You’re too hot and that doesn’t stop me from eating you.



You: This is too hot. I can’t eat this.

Jonathan: You’re too hot and that doesn’t stop me from eating you.

Victor Fries:*chokes*


You: This is too hot. I can’t eat this.

Jerome: You’re too hot and that doesn’t stop me from eating you.


