#gothic aesthetic



(this is where I stand. feel free to unfollow if you wish.)

The most random strike of nostalgia on my blog, I guess

Well, technically, no, because I can say with all the confidence in the world that this particular movie quite shaped basically a lot of who I am this days, through my writing especially, and opened my eyes to, well, cinemathat was not just Mother Approuved TM.

And yes, I’m still listening to the music with the same level of wonder -even thowonder may not be exactly the right word to use for such a movie-. Probably one of the most important movie in my life, actually, but I’m not going to rant futhermore about that. Just dumping my fanart, thank you, and I’ll go back to whatever it is that my life is supposed to look like.

Also it’s actually the third time I do this exact portrait. First was in 2015, but it was unfortunately lost, and second was in december 2018. Here it is, for the curious like me who like to see evolution ! :P

It’s embarrassing how proud of that I was. Also it has my dead name on it, I cropped it, lol
