#grimoire stuff




I’ve finally uploaded my first downloadable product to my Ko-Fi! It’s a simple list geared towards beginners and baby witches, sold at $5. There are 34 of my most commonly used herbs, spices, and kitchen or green magic ingredients listed with their benefits and a few suggested uses!

[Image description: a screenshot of a PDF document titled “34 Common Kitchen Herbs Master List”. Underneath is: “Written, researched, and condensed by your friend, Ander”. Underneath that in smaller text in italics is: “Note: keep in mind that while some herbs can promote healing, never use witchcraft to replace your Doctor, and take prescribed medications as instructed”. Under that is a decorative line of two ivy branches. A few spaces lower is the word “Herb”, followed by a much smaller ivy branch line, which is above the words “Benefit ✬ Benefit ✬ Benefit” in italics. Then there is: “Suggested usage: here are some of my personal favorite ways to use this herb. There are other ways to use this herb, of course, but sometimes other ideas can be helpful too”. End description.]

Here’s thelink to the product, and here’s a link to my Ko-Fi home page in case you want to take a look at my other commissions.

Each herb and its description are from my own personal grimoire/book of shadows (whatever you so call it, I just call it “my book”). Each one was cross-referenced across several different sources and each suggested use is one I use frequently whenever I have the option to. It’s on standard printer paper and super easy to print, hole punch for a binder, etc.

I hope someone finds it useful! Please reblog, share, and spread as much as you can. Blessed be, friends <3
