#growing up autistic


Feeling depressed over changes

Who else feels depressed whenever there comes changes in your life? I’m finishing high school very soon and i just feel so depressed and it happens every time. Does anybody know how to cope with changes in your life? Because these few weeks i have felt so depressed due to the big changes that are happening soon.

Working while being a student

Sooooo this summer i think i will start looking for a job. I have never had a job before,, but i have always wanted to have one. I hope to find a job nearby that’s somewhat “autism friendly”.

Sorry i haven’t uploaded in so long,, i’m currently writing a huge assignment on 10-15 pages. Plus i’m finishing my HF/highschool (højere forberedelses) this summer and i have quite a bit of exams to study to as well. Happy autism awarness month between!
