#autistic experience


That moment when you obsess over something and then the next week you find something new to obsess about. The ever changing cycles of my special interests in a nutshell. I have some many unfinished movies and tv series.. I have like 2 episodes left of the gifted: graduation.. i rly want to watch it but i’m just waaay to tired plus i have loads of other stuff to do.

I tend to “abandoned” stuff because i get a new special interest or i’m just waay to tired to obsess over that certain thing rn. Then i start to feel bad bc i just abandonded my interest like that for something else…

When you do online shopping am i the only one doesn’t really like starting on top of the page and then scrolling down to the bottom? I like starting at the bottom and then scrolling to the top. I mostly do it when i play dress up games to look for inspiration for my drawings.

But it depends on how much i have to scroll thorugh to reach the bottom of the page… Does anybody else do this?

Also merry belated christmas or happy holidays if you don’t celebrate it.

Sooo i went to my drivers test today. And umm.. i failed it. I started crying afterwards. I also had a drivers lesson before my drivers test. We also had to answer 1-3 questions which i failed two of them. I feel terrible about myself. I guess next time im going for a drivers test i’m not going to take a lesson before my actual test. I’m unable to drive for too long at a time. I can usually drive up to 30 minutes before getting really tired… I also didn’t tell the person whom i was driving with that i’m autistic. Should i tell him that next time?

Have anybody else here failed their drivers test and how did u cope with it? I feel really bad about it and i can’t get it out of my mind.

Well.. i’m to the final step in taking my drivers lisence on thursday. Bc on thursday i have my driving test. I’m really worried that i won’t pass.. bc i get overwhelmed really quickly. Any tips and tricks to be less nervous during the test that i can do? I have worked for it since may and now it’s November.. already half a year has passed.

I have a huge fear of failing…. I’m usually very hard on myself when it comes to failure.


That autistic feel…. Lol but seriously these food separators are great!

I do that too. But i don’t have food seperators like that. So i just put the food as far away from each other as possible. I don’t really like when my salad get’s mixed with other kinds of (warm) sauces on my plate, i have nothing against it if i put it on myself.

So it’s kinda fun to look at my familys plate vs mine. Bc they aren’t bothered by it at all.. and i’m like ‘no no go away!’ almost everytime my food touch each other. If the food cold has touched the warm food i usually wont eat it. So my parents usually tell me i put too much food on my plate.

Damn i’m stressed.. i have my drivers test in 9 days and there are many things which i need to memorize. On top of that i also i have a 5-6 page assigment to write in danish-history… plus i need to produce a short film in media studies for an exam. We also need to film outside of school… It all just feels so exhausting. It feels almost impossible to get through. I’m so afraid of failing my drivers test.

I also started high school and the days are really long. Thats why i haven’t posted.. i just feel way too drained of energy.

- here is a short video of my artworks which i chose to exhibit. There are 7 in total! The quality is bad i know… Hehe

Soooo i got my art exhibited at a museum. It’s an exhibition where autistic people can exhibit their art. It lasts three days. I hung them up yesterday. This is a really big moment for me in my life! I reached one of my goals❤️❤️ It might only be three days.. But that doesn’t matter tho.

Soooo regarding my drivers lisence… Its getting hard financilley.. My parents really cant afford it anymore.. Bc it cost so much money.

Every time i tell them i feel pressured to do it they brush it off. And it makes me so damn mad!! Plus my driving teacher wants me to drive flawlessly before i can go up to the final driving test.

I feel really pressured bc i feel like im not good enough. Sometimes i drive pretty good and sometimes i drive pretty badly.

I also drive in a big city which just makes it all harder.

My parents are also feeling less and less optimistic about me getting my drivers lisence anytime soon.. That only makes me more unconfident than i already am. I feel like a failure

Sorry i just wanted to rant…

Feeling depressed over changes

Who else feels depressed whenever there comes changes in your life? I’m finishing high school very soon and i just feel so depressed and it happens every time. Does anybody know how to cope with changes in your life? Because these few weeks i have felt so depressed due to the big changes that are happening soon.

Working while being a student

Sooooo this summer i think i will start looking for a job. I have never had a job before,, but i have always wanted to have one. I hope to find a job nearby that’s somewhat “autism friendly”.

Sorry i haven’t uploaded in so long,, i’m currently writing a huge assignment on 10-15 pages. Plus i’m finishing my HF/highschool (højere forberedelses) this summer and i have quite a bit of exams to study to as well. Happy autism awarness month between!

Tbh most peoples sarsasm just fly over my head.

(This was a couple of years ago lmao.. it has been sitting in my drafts for ages now. This was kinda at the start of quarantine in Denmark i think in 2020)

Today i went to pick up my package at the other side of the town i live in. When i said my name he picked up the wrong package. The person apparently had the same name as me. But it was the wrong package because it wasn’t the right adress on it. Then he finally found the right package and then he jokingly said
“You must have a sister in this town” or something like that…
Then i replied that i didn’t have a sister annndd then he said he was joking.

Mental health day

Soooo i took my first mental health day in a weekday.. in years. I tend to feel ashamed and guilty of myself every time i miss out on classes. But i have been so mentally down since i started school again (which was on august 13rd). It was nice to take a break from school honestly.. and it was very much needed.

I also didn’t have any absence until now. I feel mentally drained, hopeless and much more but i’m working on it. I have talked with my school psykologist, my doctor and parents about it and it will hopefully work out in the end.. i just gotta remain hopeful and not have as much anxiety about the future which scare me more than enough.

It’s okay to take days off sometimes when you need it.

Trick or treaters

I’m afraid to open the door for trick or treaters lmao… I shouldn’t be this afraid.

Ever get that feeling when you nothing or too much to hyperfocus on? I’m currently watching squid game… but i’m also watching ‘the uncanny counter’, and just watched the first 5 minutes of 'mad dog’ on netflix. My brain doesn’t know what to do.. and i tend to feel empty when i don’t have something to hyperfocus on.

I also have a though time finishing movies, reality shows, series, short films etc. Anybody else who does that as well?

High school party

P.s all the covid restrictions has been lifted in my country aka Denmark!

Sooo i went to my very first high school party today. It’s almost midnight as im writing this.. i got home earlier than i expected i would. The party started at 19:30 and should end at 24:00..
There were a lot of people, lights, loud noises, very loud music and i couldn’t hear what my friends were saying (who btw are all autistic too). It was party that were rave themed.

And i had a mental breakdown and got sensory overloaded. I started crying. Luckily my friends were there to help me :)). But honestly i also thought the party was kinda boring.. i already started considering going home at 21 because the party was so boring. It has to be the most boring party that i’ve ever attended. Even tho it was kinda boring, loud etc. i’m also kinda glad i went. I discovered something new about myself and my boundaries. I have always fantazised about high school parties… but i found out they weren’t for me.

Do you have any similar experience regarding parties like this? If so i would love to hear them.


Fellow autistic peeps,

When it comes to emergency vehicle sirens, do you

A) cover your ears and try to tune out the offending sound

B) excitedly echo the siren “wee woo wee woo”

A) for me. Sometimes it’s just too loud. Then i cover my ears or make weird face expressions until it’s over.

I got my drivers lisence almost a month ago yet i’m still afraid to drive.. especially in the nearby city (where i even have driven?? before loads of time during my driving lessons).

In like 14 days i have to eat at a restaurant with my youth club. And i’m afraid to even drive there. Does anybody else struggle with this who is autistic and have a drivers lisence?

Good news

Soooo i have good news. I finally got my drivers license! It took me a little over a year to get it due to covid. But i’m happy. I feel as if a burden has been lifted off of my shoulders. I started 13st of may last year with driving lessons.
