



[ RP | Horde | Wyrmrest Accord ] 

GMs:Zariyen & Brugran
Officers:Sashrui & Kailekk 

The Magical Mercantile is a caravan that’s always on the move, never staying in once place for very long. If your character is nomadic or just has the travel bug, this is for you! We offer protected escorts for travelers, adventures to new locations to see amazing sights, and treasure hunting! The caravan also runs as an informal merchant service. Our caravan organizers are talented vendors, each with their own special selection of goods to offer. Trying to sell or trade something of your own? We do that too! All prices are negotiable, and nothing is turned away for the right price!

We try to have at least one RP event per week. Events normally last 2 to 4 hours. We use a combination system of /emote and /roll for combat scenarios. Guild membership is not required to join a caravan expedition at any time; if you see us traveling, feel free to walk up. The more, the merrier! Event locations always vary due to the caravan theme. Portals and 2- or 3-seat vehicles are available to lower level players who are in need of assisted transportation. 

Additional Information:
Outside of roleplay, we support and give assistance for questing, dungeons, farming old content, camping for rares, and any other methods of simple fun in our ragtag family. We have a member-exclusive Discord server with text channels for out of character chit chat and event coordinating, and voice channels for anything ranging from shootin’ the breeze to dungeon runs.

How to Apply:
Admission into the guild has no requirements for level, race, class, or spec, though we ask that persons under the age of 18 please do not apply. Please expect a small OOC interview and an IC guild invite. Whisper any GM or Officer for inquiries, send an in-game mail, or feel free to walk up in character! Try our guild if you love roleplay and are looking to make friends in a fun and relaxed atmosphere!

Thanks for your interest!

Our next RP event is this Wednesday the 25th at 10AM server. We’ll be in Bilgewater Harbor continuing our current storyline!


THE CLOWN WHO opened the little sliding door in the Fools’ Guild’s forbidding gates looked from Vetinari to Moist to Adora Belle, and wasn’t very happy about any of them.
“We are here to see Dr. Whiteface,” said Vetinari. “I require you to let us in with the minimum of mirth.”
The door snapped back. There was some hurried whispering and a clanking noise, and one half of the double doors opened a little way, just enough for people to walk through in single file. Moist stepped forward, but Vetinari put a restraining hand on his shoulder and pointed up with his stick.
“This is the Fools’ Guild,” he said. “Expect…fun.”
There was a bucket balanced on the door. He sighed, and gave it a push with his stick. There was a thud and a splash from the other side.
“I don’t know why they persist in this, I really don’t,” he said, sweeping through. “It’s not funny and it could hurt someone. Mind the custard.” There was a groan from the dark behind the door.

-Making Money

this april fool’s day, JUST SAY NO to silly pranks!


For the first quarter of the 15th century, the guild church of Orsanmichele was a constantly evolving display space for Florentine sculpture, with innovative figures by major sculptors appearing on the exterior every 1-3 years. Some of the most important developments in Renaissance sculpture occurred at Orsanmichele, including the use of linear perspective in relief sculpture and the recovery of the ancient techniques of monumental bronze casting.

1337: Loggia constructed in the Florentine grain market at Orsanmichele.

1348: Orsanmichele converted to a chapel for major guilds of Florence. Upper level converted to municipal granary.

1359: Loggia enclosed.

1380-1404: City’s 14 major guilds required to supply full-sized, free-standing bronze or marble statue of its patron saint for placement in a niche on the exterior of the ground floor. Cost of bronze figure approximately 10 times more than marble figure.

1399: Giovanni di Piero Tedesco, Madonna of the Rose (marble), Arte del Medici e Speziali, installed.

1406: With only 3 of 14 statues installed, city ordinance requires all guild statues installed by 1416.

1408: Nanni di Banco, Quattro Santi Coronati (marble), Maestri di Pietra e Legname, installed.

1411: Donatello, St Mark (marble), Arte dei Linaiuoli e Rigattieri, installed.

1411-1415: Nanni di Banco, St Eligius (marble), Arte dei Maniscalchi, installed.

1412-1414: Nanni di Banco, St Philip (marble), Arte dei Calzaiuoli, installed.

1412-1416: Lorenzo Ghiberti, St John the Baptist (bronze), Arte di Calimana, installed.

1412-1415: Niccolò di Piero Lamberti, St James the Major (marble), Arte dei Conciatori e Pellicciai, installed.

1415: Filippo Brunelleschi, St Peter (marble), Arte dei Becchai, installed.

1416: Donatello, St George (marble), Arte dei Corazzai, installed.

1419-1420: Lorenzo Ghiberti, St Matthew (bronze), Arte del Cambio, installed.

1423-1425: Donatello, St Louis of Toulouse (bronze), Parte Guelfa, installed. Later replaced by Verrochio group.

1428: Lorenzo Ghiberti, St Stephen (bronze), Arte della Lana, installed.

1467-1483: Andrea del Verrocchio, Christ and St Thomas (bronze), Tribunale di Mercanzia, installed.
