#gunpowder plot

Remember, remember, the fifth of November!Tonight is Guy Fawkes Night, an annual remembrance in the Remember, remember, the fifth of November!Tonight is Guy Fawkes Night, an annual remembrance in the Remember, remember, the fifth of November!Tonight is Guy Fawkes Night, an annual remembrance in the

Remember, remember, the fifth of November!

Tonight is Guy Fawkes Night, an annual remembrance in the United Kingdom of the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605, in which Robert Catesby, Guy Fawkes, and other Catholic revolutionaries attempted to assassinate the Protestant King James I by blowing up the House of Lords during the opening of Parliament.

This1606 account of the trial of Henry Garnet, one of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators, bears an interesting and relevant presentation inscription pasted onto the front endpaper:

Presented to
the Revd. Athels[ta]n Corbet, with
the respects of Revd. Dickinson
Macclesfield March 12th, 1872

I send the above to be pasted
in the book or committed
to the fire, without the
aid of gunpowder

Obviously (and thankfully, for provenance purposes), this presentation note was spared the fire!


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#stuarts    #17th century    #gunpowder plot    #james i    #bonfire night    #guy fawkes    
Letter sent to William Parker, 4th Baron Monteagle, warning him to stay away from parliament on the

Letter sent to William Parker, 4th Baron Monteagle, warning him to stay away from parliament on the day of the Gunpowder Plot.

“My lord, out of the love I have for some of your friends, I want to make sure you are safe. Because of this I would advise you to not attend this sitting of parliament because God and man have agreed to punish the wickedness of this time. Do not think this is a joke, go to your estate in the country where you will be safe, because although there is no sign of any problem yet, this parliament will receive a terrible blow, but they will not see who it is that hurts them. This advice should not be ignored as it may do you some good, and it can do you no harm because the danger will have passed as soon as you have burned this letter. I hope God grants you the grace to make good use of it, and that he protects you.”

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Guido ‘Guy’ Fawkes signature before and after torture.

Guido ‘Guy’ Fawkes signature before and after torture.

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seeing as it’s bonfire night i just thought i’d come n say to my fellow autistic people/people who have ptsd who are also uk inhabitants (or anyone else that finds today difficult) that it’s ok. you’re safe n nothing will hurt you. it’ll pass soon

get yourself a drink n some comfort food n maybe lie in bed or go watch your favourite movie or tv show or put some music on loud! whatever will help you feel safe. you can tell me about it all in the replies if you want to, i’d love to hear about it :D

i’m currently sat in bed under a weighted blanket with some comfort items, watching buzzfeed unsolved with noise cancelling headphones n i will admit that i’m really not having the best time but that’s ok! it’s completely understandable to be struggling, especially today

today is really difficult but it will pass n it’ll be ok. i’m here for you if you need any help or distractions <3

(for context for anyone who has no clue what i’m on about, every 5th of november in the uk - or definitely england anyway - we have this thing called bonfire night. it’s basically celebrating the foiling of the gunpowder plot which was a plot to kill king james in 1605 by blowing up the houses of parliament whilst he was there. to celebrate, people have bonfires where they burn a “guy” which is like a mock-up of the ringleader, guy fawkes, n set off a fuck ton of fireworks. i get why people celebrate cos it’s fun but so many people can’t handle it, pets have a really bad time, it’s bad for the environment: there’s a lot against it. but anyway i know a lot of people have a bad time on this day so i thought i’d let people know that it’s ok)

stay safe folks!! <3
