
Legendary fishing

Legendary fishing

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#pokemon    #mashup    #ukiyoe    #woodcut    #woodblock    #culture    #collage    #collage art    #magikarp    #gyarados    #magicarpe    #leviator    #legendary    #yoshitoshi    
Pokemon: Gyarados ポケモン:ギャラドス

Pokemon: Gyarados


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rah-bop:Many people asked me what the koi-colored magikarp would look like when they evolved. Wondrah-bop:Many people asked me what the koi-colored magikarp would look like when they evolved. Wondrah-bop:Many people asked me what the koi-colored magikarp would look like when they evolved. Wondrah-bop:Many people asked me what the koi-colored magikarp would look like when they evolved. Wondrah-bop:Many people asked me what the koi-colored magikarp would look like when they evolved. Wondrah-bop:Many people asked me what the koi-colored magikarp would look like when they evolved. Wondrah-bop:Many people asked me what the koi-colored magikarp would look like when they evolved. Wond


Many people asked me what the koi-colored magikarp would look like when they evolved. Wonder no longer.

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#pokemon    #gyarados    
#pokemon    #pikachu    #gyarados    