#hanguang jun



I know the show is supposedly censored and degayed, but in episode 43 of the Untamed we learn that Lan Zhan was beaten 300 strokes and then imprisoned for 3 years by order of his uncle for the “crime” of befriending Wei Wuxian.

And then as soon as Wei Wuxian reappeared in the world, Lan Zhan found him and stuck to him like glue and defended him against hordes of soldiers and has already declared war on the ruling clan for him. 

And then he brings home choujiu - the same brand that Wei Wuxian was drinking when they first met - and offers it to him so quietly and softly in the moonlight, and Wei Wuxian is speechless and I just.

They love each other SO MUCH. SO MUCH.


The very first thing that we hear the main character in The Untamed say is “Lan Zhan”.

And the way he says it… so softly and desperately… I got goosebumps the first time I heard it… because it’s enough. It’s enough to let the viewers know that this Lan Zhan is someone very close and dear to Wei Ying… someone he doesn’t wish to leave behind so he has to tell him to let him go

the headcanon that Wangji is no thoughts head empty, proven by the gaping silence that occurs every time the camera shifts to him after someone else’s internal monologue plays

Yall im thinking about making a lil wangxian animatic in Wangji’s POV with this style, and already have the first few illustrations done, except its not an animatic because it doesnt move. It’s more of a slide show but depicting relevant scenes set with a timing to a song, only that i dont know what thats called HELP i want to do more research but i dont know what its called. If somebody knows, please tell do tell umu

WWX: Hanguang Jun really is a righteous one, sticking to the path of a clear conscience no matter how difficult for no other reason than to do what is right!

LZH: *looks at wuxian in 16 years of painful yearning* haha indeed for no other reason at all

“im the bearer of light i have nothing to fear im the bearer of light i have nothing to fear im the..”
