#happy birthday leviathan


A Surprise Adventure (LevixMC)

A/N: Happy Birthday to the well known shy otaku snakey fish boy of Devildom! While he may not be my favorite, he is certainly a cutie. May his birthday be a pleasant one.

Warnings: None, just a happy otaku boy on an adventure.

Summary: Leviathan’s big day has arrived, and he has been transported into a “simulation”. With the help of MC, he must gain a special item to gift to the evil prince who has taken his brothers captive! The adventure awaits!


“Levi? Helloooo? Wake up! Your adventure is awaiting!” You nudged the Avatar of Envy, trying to wake him from whatever dream he was having.

He stirred, groaning a bit, but after shaking him just a bit more, you could see his eyes flutter open.

Seeing your familiar figure standing over him in the comfort of his bed-tub he smiled a little, a blush forming rather rapidly on his cheeks. You watched as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“Leviathan! Finally you are awake. It is urgent! You must hurry!” Tugging on his arm, you ripped him from the comfort of his warm blanket and Ruri body pillow, earning a soft yell from him as he stumbled to follow you.

“MC? What is going on? What happened? Is everything okay?” Panic quickly waved over him. He had no idea what was happening. Perfect. It seems your plan is working so far.

“Admiral you must see this! It is your brothers! It appears that your brothers have been taken captive by the evil Lord of Devildom, and he is challenging YOU to get them back!” Acting as dramatic as you can, you pointed to a video conveniently pulled up on his computer. 

“W-What!? Admiral? What is this? Is that.. Is that Lord Diavolo?” His eyes narrowed as he tried to process everything in his head. Clicking play on the video, he watched closely. 

The video showed a rather menacing looking Lord Diavolo, and behind him, the six brothers, shackled in very real looking chains, calling out for help from their rescuer.

“If you wish to see your brothers again, I request that you bring me a gift in exchange for them. It must not be any gift, you see. It must be special. A once in a lifetime item that will be impossible to replicate. Bring it to me and you will set your precious family free. I hope to see you soon, Grand Admiral Leviathan.” Lord Diavolo smirked with a wicked grin just before the camera cut out.

The wheels in Levi’s brain were spinning rapidly. Confusion was all over his face.

“Of course! I know what this is! This must be the new game that I pre-ordered. I never thought it would be so realistic.” He was babbling to himself, forgetting that you were still very much in the room with him.

Trying to regain his focus, you were quick to get back into character. “Grand Admiral? What are we to do about this? What could he possibly want as a gift?” 

Levi looked around, trying to figure out a possible solution. “I have plenty of limited edition items, this should be easy!” His voice was filled with confidence, as he went to look through his various Ruri-Chan items that were no longer in the place he remembered. A quick and easy vanishing spell granted by Solomon was much more effective than you imagined.

He frantically looked around his room, creating a mess of his once somewhat neat space. “Where are they!?” His voice was faltering, more panic setting in.

“Where is what?” You asked, confused, but calm, trying to keep up the false facade of being an ordinary game character of sorts. When he didn’t reply, you walked over and gently put a hand on his shoulder. “Admiral?” 

“I could have sworn they were all here! All of my limited edition Ruri-Chan items! They’re gone! Does this mean that I missed something? Are there any other clues from that video? What could Lord Diavolo possibly be asking for if I don’t have it?” Levi paced around the room, going back to his computer to check every detail. 

“Perhaps we can head to a local shop to see if there is anything of such a high value?” Trying to steer him onto the right track, you tried to bargain with him. The light in his eyes shined as he smiled excitedly. You could tell how excited he was to go on an adventure.

“That’s perfect! Yes! Let’s go! We can’t waste any time!” Grabbing your arm, he was quick to try to pull you from the room but you stopped him just before he was able to go out.

“Grand Admiral, I believe you need to change. You can’t possibly go out looking like this. Your uniform is pressed and awaiting you in the closet. I will be waiting just outside the door for you. Please do hurry.” With a smile, you headed out of his room, patiently waiting for Levi to return in his special outfit.

While waiting for him, you quickly and sneakily texted the group chat to let everyone know your current situation, and that the plan was indeed working. Mammon was the first to reply, saying that it was unbelievable that he was even buying it, and that he was gullible, which led to an argument about Mammon. But time was ticking, and he seemed eager. So you simply texted “everyone be ready” and made sure to tuck your temporary phone away.

Another minute passed and Levi finally hyped himself up enough to walk through the door. Dressed in a customized admiral outfit, you could see the glow of confidence radiating off of him. He was standing a little taller, with a more sophisticated smile. He didn’t look like the normal every day otaku that his brothers always made fun of. This was a different Levi. A confident Levi.

“Let’s go. We can’t waste any time. I can’t let anything happen to my brothers.” He ushered you to follow him, leading you both out of the door where a ride was waiting to take you to the Devildom Shoppes.

Upon your arrival, everything seemed normal, there were people all around, walking around, looking at items, just another normal day in Devildom. That was until Levi began to make his way through the crowd, with you following a close pursuit behind him. The crowd parted for him, allowing him to pass with ease, bowing slightly in his presence, just as they would for a well known and well praised admiral.

You could even hear faint whispering about him. All good things to feed into Leviathan’s confidence, should he be listening. He deserves it, after all.

Looking back and holding the door for you, he waited for you to enter the store with him. Upon entering, you could see all of the various rare collectible items. The store had everything Levi could dream of, all of the items he had thought he owned just a bit ago back in his room. Quickly, he started looking around, seeing as he was familiar with the items.

Following close behind, you made eye contact with the person on the other side of the shelf that Levi was currently looking through.

“What do you think of this?” The Avatar of Envy held up a rare figurine. “Do you think this would be enough to get my brothers back? It is a one of a kind misprinted figure.” Seeing the slight frustration in his eyes, you shook your head.

“It has to be super special. Something that cannot be replicated.” You reminded him, cueing the other person in the store to make his move.

“You are looking for something special hm?” A voice spoke, causing Levi to look up.

“Solomon?” He asked under his breath, hoping the white haired familiar didn’t pick up on it.

“I may have something that could be of interest.” The shady wizard smirked, looking around to make sure they were alone.

Levi was interested, waiting to see what Solomon had. Carefully, the sorcerer pulled a shimmering, glowing book from a magical inside pocket of his coat. The otaku’s eyes lit up, immediately recognizing the item of interest.

“What?! Is that the first ever draft of TSL? Hand-written and signed by the author!?” Levi could hardly contain his excitement. He was nearly squealing like a nerd at the sight of such a beloved item that he had never pictured being so close to. He reached to hold it.

“Indeed it is.” Solomon’s pulled the book away right before Levi’s hand touched it. “Ah, are you sure this is something you are looking for, however? It is my prized possession and I would hate to let it go to the wrong hands.” The wizard’s words were meant to be condescending, but with the confidence Levi had gained over the last hour or so, along with his long dream of owning this special item, he nodded. “I will protect it with my life, you have my word.” 

With that, the book was now in Levi’s possession. He held it close to him, hugging it, and smiling with the biggest grin you had ever seen from him. Even dressed in an honorable outfit, he was still just the cute nerd that everyone loved.

“I must get going. I wish you good fortune on your journey, wherever it may take you.” Solomon smiled and headed out of the store, assumingly to head back to the castle where the others are waiting patiently.

“Now, Grand Admiral, do you have a plan for how to go about this exchange?” You asked, intrigued to know what Levi had in mind, now that he had just gotten the one thing he would very likely never let go of.

“Of course I have a plan, but we have to get to the castle. I can’t wait any longer.” With a smile, he held out his arm for you to go in front of him, leaving the store behind. Onwards to the castle.

Upon reaching the “evil” castle, you entered, and it wasn’t quite the sight you were expecting. Diavolo really had gone above and beyond decorating the place. It wasn’t the light, bright, uplifting golden color everyone was used to, instead it seemed more dull, and gloomy, radiating the “evil” that was intended.

Speaking of the devil, appearing from the shadows came Lord Diavolo, in his demon form to appear more sinister, playing the part quite well, in fact. “Ah, Grand Admiral Leviathan. I see you have finally come to rescue your helpless brothers.” With a twisted smile Diavolo greeted Levi, and Levi’s face turned from confidence to the slightest hint of fear. 

Mustering up any and all courage, he spoke. “I have. Where are they? I have what you’ve asked for. But I will not give it to you blindly.” Leviathan flashed the glimmering book, earning a chuckle from the demon lord. 

“Smart one you are. Very well. Follow me.” The prince spoke, guiding both Levi and you down the hallway. Luckily for you, everyone else, and Levi, he never pays attention when he is at the castle. There are too many rooms, hallways, and places to get lost, so he never bothers to look beyond where he is supposed to be. This works in your favor rather well.

There was a large set of doors, the handles wrapped in a lingering smokey magic, a seal to ensure that no one was getting in or out. Levi had looked to you, cautiously, almost worried that something bad were to be behind this set of doors that he had never seen before. With a snap of the prince’s fingers, the smoke dissipated from the handles and Diavolo slowly opened the doors.

Behind them, was not at all what Levi was imagining. He nearly froze in shock, his eyes wide, his mouth hanging open, and his brain desperately trying to make sense of what was before him.

“Surprise!! Happy Birthday Levi!” Everyone yelled as colorful confetti flew through the air. Setting a hand on the special boy’s shoulder, you guided him into the room. 

“What is all of this?” He asked you, looking around to see all of the familiar faces. His brothers, Solomon, Luke, Simeon, Barbatos, and even Diavolo. 

“A surprise party, duh!” You laughed, watching as the otaku’s mind shatters right before your very eyes.

“You should have seen the look on your face!” Mammon called from the corner, getting jabbed in the arm by Lucifer. 

“Wait- So this isn’t a game?!” His eyes filled with concern as he looked down at the outfit he was wearing, and took another look at the book in his grasp.

“No, it isn’t a game. MC thought it would be a fun idea to lead you on an adventure to get you to actually come here. We were all in on it. I’d say they did a pretty good job!” Diavolo’s bellowing laugh was accompanied by the biggest grin. 

“And before you ask, that book is yours now Levi. I know you will take great care of it. I got special permission from the author himself.” The sorcerer spoke, glancing at Simeon, who shared a pleased smile, followed by a soft nod.

The embarrassed and blushing demon turned to you. “Wow.. I-I can’t believe you did this all for me. This was the best birthday ever!!” With a shy, but excited grin, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.

“I won’t ever forget today. Thank you, MC. I can’t wait to post about this!”



To the beloved otaku, I hope you have a wonderful birthday! May you be showered with lots of rare loot and be gifted so many limited edition figures of Ruri-Chan! Game on!
