#levi x mc


Leviathan x GN!Mc

Walking in on Levi in his Ruri Cosplay is not as embarassing as he seems to think it is.

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Easter Eggs & Adoption

Hey! So Easter is coming up and I wanted to write something special!

Child MC has been in a lot of my asks lately, so I decided that that would be the right way to go!


So I made this a while back, but I finished writing it today.

Hoping it’s still Easter somewhere…

Anyways, I think this was my favourite fic to write yet! Check the bottom notes, as I clarify the relationships I was trying to convey there.

All throughout the room there were sounds of eggs popping open and candy wrappers, and, not surprisingly, Lucifer’s complaints.

“I really don’t see why we’re doing this.”

“For the kid, dingus!”

Mammon has to bow his head to miss it colliding with Lucifer’s flailing arm. He doesn’t, however, miss Lucifer’s deathly glare.

“MC mentioned Easter to Luke, and they’ve been raving about it for weeks, Luci.” Simeon shakes his head with a fond smile.

Solomon speaks up, mouth full of chocolate. “Where are we gonna hide the eggs, anyways?”

Solomon glaces over his shoulder to Diavolo, whom is sitting on the floor surrounded by bags of candy and colourful eggs, Barbatos to his left. He then turns to the brothers.

There are only three armchairs in the room, taken up by Lucifer, Solomon and Simeon. Lucifer is surrounded by Asmo, Beel, Mammon, and Satan at his feet, all dutifully filling up eggs with little chatter. Levi and Belphie are off to the sides. They had originally planned to race—Levi was still trying to do so—but Belphie fell asleep in an oddly painful looking position on the stone floor.

Solomon is more so on an automan than an armchair, he must admit, facing towards the majority of the brothers and the fireplace, legs in a criss-crossed position and eggs around him.

Barbatos and Diavolo are, as said, behind the white-haired wizard on the rug. Diavolo seems completely content where he is, while Barbatos seems a little tense in that my-face-is-blank-so-you-totally-can’t-tell-what-I’m-feeling way. Which, Solomon totally can. He’s been around Barbatos enough to know his little anxious tics. Did it take nearly eight months to figure out? Yes. But still.

It seemed that the brothers and Diavolo—Diavolo especially—had been trying to get Barbatos to loosen up for nearly years. Telling him that he was more family than butler, asking for his opinion, offering him breaks. It seems that MC truly did the trick, getting Barbatos to speak up about the brother’s unfitting behavior of a child’s caretaker. Solomon is happy to see the guy protect someone so fiercely and actually speak up. The butler’s usual arrogant silence annoys the shit out of him.

“I was thinking my garden, perhaps?” Diavolo.

Solomon turns with a nod, shoving some more candy in a cheap plastic egg.

Diavolo goes to speak up again, at the same time as Barbatos, who grimaces as their voices collide. Diavolo tells the blue haired man to carry on with what he was saying.

“Ah, perhaps I could hide the eggs? I’m sure you would all like to relax and—”

“Darling, really.” It’s Asmo who speaks up this time, turning and setting his elbow on his knee. “You don’t have— y'know what? No. You’re not fucking doing this on your own. We’re hiding them too!”

Lucifer let’s out a warning, “Asmo, calm yourself.” As Barb turns to Diavolo, gouging his reaction. Diavolo smiles and nods.

Thats when they hear the scream, and turn to see you running in slamming the door behind you, putting your back to it.

“MC?” You turn to the speaker, Simeon, with a flushed face a wide smile.

“Mhmm?” You cock your head to the side, panting heavily.

That’s when Luke bursts in the door, almost slamming you into the wall. Though, Barbatos appears (as he does) to pull you out of the way of the door, holding you steady by your shoulders.

Luke is just as breathless as you, face an alarming shade of red, hair glued to his forehead with sweat.

He lunges forward, hand colliding with your shoulder almost violently, screaming joyfully, “you’re it, MC!”

At the declaration everyone breathes out a sigh of relief, for it was not a shove, but a game of tag.

Before a single being blinks, both children are scurrying out of the room at a rapid pace, giggling with joy. Simeon just shakes his head with a fond grin.

“MC is an orphan.” The whole of the room turns to Diavolo, confused at the sudden outburst with no context.


“If they perhaps… wanted to stay? I wouldn’t be against it.”

The topic weighs heavily on the room. There had been jokes, occasionally someone would make a comment. It was only now that it was brought upon them. Lucifer couldn’t help but think about it as if it were a bomb, waiting to blow.

“I’m all for it.” Belphie slurs sleepily from the corner. This pulls a giggle from Asmo’s chest.

Satan speaks up for the first time since the group had entered the library. “Perhaps… it is not the brightest idea.”

“Why the hell not?!” Comes Mammon’s voice, thick with anger.

“We really must think about this. If they were to stay in Purgatory Hall, or perhaps the Palace, I would not be against it. However… between Lucifer and I’s tempers, Beel’s… consumption rate, the incident with Belphie, Levi’s apathy, not to mention the fact that we are literal demons…. well, I simply do not think this would be the right… environment for them to grow old in.” Satan came out with this all slowly, his face sympathetic as to try and tamper down any offense he must have caused. As expected, the room is completely devoid of any noise.

Except Lucifer’s voice.

“You… hold in your temper well, Satan. We will all have to make adjustments, but… I do believe you would be an… adequate guardian, at the least.” It is the kindest thing that Lucifer has ever said to Satan. Or maybe the only kind thing that has been shared between the two (not counting the time you broke down crying over an argument they were having, which was quickly wrapped up in favor of awkwardly hugging one another and assuring you all was well).

The room is silent, but of course, Asmo has to point out everything remotely cute or sweet, and in silence Diavolo is about as awkward as an elongated goose trying to step inside a mouse hole.


“You really do have to work on your temper, darling.” Diavolo laughs at the glare he receives from his boyfriend.

“Wait! Are we not going to talk about how cute that was? Now hug! Makeup—or makeout I don’t care—!”

“I could cut down on eating a bit! I don’t want MC to be hungry…”

Simeon just laughs, shooting Beel a comforting smile before gliding over to Asmo and setting a hand on the effeminate man’s shoulder, giving it a pat, and looking back to his larger red-head brother. “No one will begrudge you your food, Beel. We know it hurts.”

“Yeah, and there is plenty of food!”

“There really is! You’re OK, Beel!”

Soon enough Asmo is seated by Barbatos, leaning on his shoulder, whilst Simeon chats softly with Lucifer and Satan. Beel has moved to prop Belphie’s head in his lap, filling the eggs that Belphie had collected in a race to appease Levi. Mammon is leaning back against Lucifer’s legs, quiet for once, just listening, seemingly a peace. Though, he occasionally stuffs a chocolate in his mouth or pocket.

Solomon is still on the automan, filling eggs. He pauses every few moments to glance around the room. He never thought he would see this peace, this happiness, and yet here it is.

He cannot help it. He’s curious, and he turns to Diavolo, seeing the prince staring lovingly at his lifelong friend and butler. Solomon gazes at the uptight, fidgety man to find him, too, at peace, with Asmo at his side.

His gaze travels back to Diavolo, and they share a knowing look. Then, the Prince is stealing the little room left on the automan, and they’re filling eggs together. Diavolo does most of the talking, filling the space with warm noise that makes Solomon feel fuzzy and lightheaded.

Maybe, he dares to think, maybeI'll have a family.Maybe I already do.

But, one thing he knows for sure, is that you will.

Because it lays unsaid, but ultimately known. And in the air he can almost smell the warm (and slightly plastic-y) scent of Easter eggs and adoption.

I feel like I need to clarify!

The only official relationship I show in here is DiaLuci, but there are hints of Barb x Asmo!

I have had trouble deciding how I wanted to write these characters for awhile now. It’s like I had the whole puzzle finished except I was missing on piece.

The was I was writing characters, mainly the Undateables, felt very OOC.

It was really fun to experiment with all the characters in one room and really develop their personalities in my eyes.

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Wearing the Brother’s Jacket/Them Wearing your Hoodie



Him Wearing your Hoodie:

  • It would take a lot of work, to say the least.
  • You didn’t really know how to go about it, and thought of asking Diavolo, or perhaps Barbatos. Though, going to the prince and his butler about getting your boyfriend to wear you hoodie seemed… unneeded.
  • So, you just decided to try yourself.
  • You left your hoodie on his desk, hoping he would get the hint, though he simply gave it back.
  • Then you left it on the coat rack, then the bed, then his chair.
  • You found it folded neatly on your bed every time.
  • It was early in the morning. You were reading, half asleep and not so much reading as skimming along. Lucifer was resting on your stomach, arms wrapped around your waist. You ran your fingers through his hair, humming quietly.
  • He broke the calm silence. “You’ve been forgetting your jacket a lot recently, are you feeling well?”
  • “I was hoping you would wear it.”
  • You glanced over your book to see his face steadily growing brighter. He looked almost longingly at your hoodie, sitting right where he had set it, folded precisely.
  • “Oh.”
  • “Yeah, you’re a bit oblivious, hun.”
  • Now, whenever he is working alone in his room, he’s wearing one of your hoodies.

You wearing his jacket:

  • Trust me, as soon as you two had been together for a bit, you would get his jacket.
  • He can get easily jealous, but doesn’t show it too much. Instead, he gives you something of his.
  • One of his jackets, a turtleneck, anything.
  • You’ll always have something on hand.


Him wearing your hoodie

  • You were sitting with Mammon on your bed, trying to explain to him what was going on in class. Though, you quickly realized he wasn’t paying attention.
  • He was staring at your hoodie.
  • “Do you want to borrow it?”
  • He flushed. “Nah, what makes ya think that?”
  • Once you finally hand it to him, he gets really red, but he never takes it off.
  • He doesn’t care if it’s not his style. He. Is. Wearing. It.

You wearing his jacket:

  • He is going to take all your jackets and hoodie and you’re never going to see them again. So he decides that maybe you can borrow his.
  • But it’s not like you look cute in it or anything!!!


Him wearing your hoodie:

  • He loves wearing your hoodie, but doesn’t know how to ask for it. He’ll usually keep quiet about it and just look over at you while rubbing his arms/shivering.
  • Once he has your hoodie, you’ll have to fight him to get it off him, even if it just needs to be washed.
  • He loves it.

You wearing his jacket:

  • He’s super jealous whenever some talks to you, so he always makes sure people know you’re his.
  • His jacket is the most effective option.
  • He’ll hand it to you with a flushed face, sputtering out excuses as to why he is handing you the jacket.


Him wearing your hoodie:

  • He would have no trouble asking for your hoodie.
  • He might look up at you with puppy dog eyes before asking for your hoodie.
  • He absolutely loves wearing your hoodie. It makes him feel safe and warm.

You wearing his jacket:

  • He has tons of jackets to go with all of his outfits. He’ll usually match one of them to your outfit and let you wear it for a day.
  • They always smell like roses and baby powder.


Him wearing your hoodie:

  • This nerd loves wearing your hoodie, and enjoys the lack of teasing remarks he gets from his brothers compared to the many he gets with his usual jacket.
  • He wears your hoodies when he’s reading and sometimes when he sleeps, if it’s cold.

You wearing his jacket:

  • You actually put both arms in the jacket, and Lucifer makes a sly comment about. Satan decides to mention that Lucifer himself is not much better on the matter.


Him wearing your hoodie

  • I mean, considering how fucking buff he is, your hoodie would have to be pretty large to fit over his shoulders.
  • He would love your hoodie. Though he would feel super bad if he got any food on it. He loves how you smell.

You wearing his jacket

  • You like his jacket? Nice. You’ll always have it wrapped around your shoulders.
  • He loves seeing you in it. Plus, it’s super big and fluffy.


Him wearing your hoodie

  • Your hoodies are comfortable and warm; therefore he steals all of them.
  • He’ll fucking sniff out your jackets and hoodies and will make a nest with them.

You wearing his jacket

  • Nah, he’d rather not move to take it off. Just cuddle with him instead.

Brothers + Undateables: Christmas Activities

Christmas Special

Oop, well here’s this.

Dunno what to refer to the previous Undateables now,,,,, uh



  • Celebrating… really anything has never been Lucifer’s forte. He doesn’t like crowds, loud noises, and his music taste is not matching that of who made the playlist for most, if not all of Diavolo’s balls.
  • Though he put up with it, for one of maybe his only two friends.
  • And then you came, and he started putting up with it gor you too.
  • But standing here, in one of the lounging rooms in the palace with everyone… everyone important, at least, he finds that he’s enjoying himself.
  • And if he suddenly seems a bit more interested in the cheery music coming from Mammon’s D.D.D. in the corner only because you start tapping your foot to the beat..? Well, no one will notice.
  • Perhaps the awestruck low-level demons won’t the only good things about a party.
  • Maybe you and his family— Barbatos, Diavolo and maybe even Simeon and his little pipsqueak included—were good too.
  • Though the cheeky sorcerer was not included in the family. He’d pissed Lucifer off more times then necessary.
  • You had too, but on well.
  • Lucifer wasn’t much on PDA, but now, happy and not as anxious as he was before, he leans back into the cushions and slides his arm on top of the couch behind your head. He smiles as you lean back.
  • You had forcefully pulled him out of bed this morning and thrown a, quite frankly, absolutely horrendous sweater at him. It was scary how fast he gave in.
  • He was sorta glad he wore it though. Everyone else had a ugly sweater.
  • He pulled you to the side, placing a chaste kiss against your forehead.
  • He was enjoying him, strangely enough.


  • Shenanigans never end with Mammon.
  • He tried, though. Saying that he would give his brothers a grace period on the prank for a bit.
  • But, walking into the store to see all the Christmas decorations, and even better, loads of glitter… oh, the ideas were starting to well up in his head.
  • He made stupid mistakes, no doubt. Mammon was emotional and clumsy, but not dumb. When he wanted to annoy his brothers, he would.
  • So soon, a few cases of glitter were thrown in the basket, and you smirked at eachother.
  • Soon you also had a few noise makers and cheap instruments you could fill with glitter and blow on.
  • And of course, you could get a leaf blower from The House of Lamentation’s garden shed.
  • Diavolo would be coming over Christmas eve, as he would be too busy on Christmas, so that’s when you planned to do it.
  • You had turned the air conditioning off that night, standing on latter’s to shove as much glitter in the vents as you could.
  • “What… are you doing”
  • Mammon jumped, and you went to steady him on the latter.
  • “What the fuck? Were ya tryin’ ta kill me?!”
  • The blond brother just shook his head with a sigh. “Just tell me when you plan to… do whatever you’re planning to do. I want to be out by then.”
  • You smiled and chirped out a quick, “alrighty! Night Satan! Get some sleep!” As he walked off.
  • And soon it was Christmas eve.
  • Everyone was there. The brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Solomon, and Luke.
  • Mammon was late, and only you knew why. Satan had already been given the signal to leave.
  • Finally, after a few complaints about how hot it was, the AC kicked in, glitter tumbling out of the vents in clouds.
  • Lucifer just stared up at the vents, eyes wide and mouth open. You threw your arms around the suddenly speechless man, letting out a rather loud and quite mischievous; “Merry Christmas!”
  • Mammon snapped a photo.
  • If Diavolo wasn’t there, you’d both be dead on the spot.


  • He just wanted to sit inside and play videos games, read manga, and do all the things you do on a daily basis.
  • Though, at one mention of the possibility of newvideo games, he was up-an-at'em.
  • And soon, you were both at a store.
  • While there were a lot of things he pointed out were things he wanted, occasionally he would stop and brush his fingers against a makeup palette. Tell you about how Asmo had hated it and how little pigment there was in it. About how Satan had wanted this specific book terribly, but he had it now, so there was no need to get it for him.
  • He was rather good at picking out presents that would suit each of his brothers perfectly. Things that you would see but your eyes would travel over in your gift buying panic.
  • A peacock feather quill and royal blue ink for Lucifer. Levi also threw in some chamomile tea, knowing of Lucifer’s sleep troubles.
  • A simple gold stretchy bracelet that had a single little gem in one of the segments. Something comfortable, easy to match, and stylish. For mammon.
  • A pack of clips and hair ties of multiple different colours with tiny charms on them for some extra flair. For the avatar of lust, of course.
  • For Satan, a nonfiction book on cars, that, on the outside looked boring, but if you opened it, you would see it was riddled with information and puns.
  • For Beel, not food, but a badminton set. Something he had apparently not played before, that Levi hoped he might like.
  • And lastly, for his brother Belphie, a sherpa blanket and sherpa socks. Something warm and soft.
  • Levi actually ended up enjoying Christmas, spending it with you, telling you stories about stupid things his brothers have done.
  • And everyone enjoyed their gifts. Lucifer even cracked a smile, bringing Levi in for a— well it wouldn’t really be called a hug. More of pulling Levi a little too roughly into his chest and patting his back.
  • Levi got tons of presents himself, but for once, he seemed a little more focused on the smiles on everyone’s faces then the gifts piled near him.


  • Asmo is always stressed this time of year. He loves his brothers, and takes on the responsibility of trying to get them the absolute best presents.
  • This can land you with a very frazzled Asmo refusing to take a second to breathe as he does that angry mom walk across the store, leaning on the buggie.
  • He honestly doesn’t know how he’s managed all the holiday celebrations before this one without you.
  • After he full on breaks down after forgetting where a certain section in his favorite store is, you decide on a plan.
  • Get bags and wrapping, then one brother at a time. If you don’t something that you think suits them, they go on a list to online shop for, or make something for.
  • Levi was the easiest to buy for, so you started with him.
  • You both slowly went down the list, walking around the store, hands intertwined.
  • At one point you picked him up, letting his sit on your shoulders so see over the crowd, enjoying his giggles.
  • Everyone did in fact enjoy their presents from the both of you.
  • You received a present from Asmo, a baby pink heart locket with the date you both started dating engraved inside.
  • He received a penguin onesie from you, of which he put on immediately.
  • Everyone was happy, and to say Asmo was happy you were there was an understatement.
  • Finally someone understood him.


  • He just wanted to read.
  • Or at least, that’s what he said, until you brought out the cat Christmas sweater. You could see the childish gleam in his eyes.
  • He never really had grown up.
  • Christmas shopping with Satan was… interesting, to say the least.
  • He was constantly pointing out things and telling you about a part of a book he read, all while bouncing around with a smile on his face. Truly adorable.
  • It was nice, though, his letting loose. Ranting about things and actually fucking relaxing.
  • The childish energy seemed to stay, though. Him chattering through dinner about something.
  • Asmo shot you odd looks, mouthing, “how?!” all throughout dinner.
  • It was entertaining to say the least.
  • Lucifer even asked you if you gave him alcohol.
  • He seemed to calm down as time went on, just more smiley. Until Christmas day.
  • You all sat around the tree, Diavolo actually managed to get some time to spend with you all.
  • Satan was beside you, hiding his large smile in a scarf you had given him a while back.
  • He truly seemed proud at the smiles that lit up on everyone’s faces when they opened the presents you both picked out. He held you hand and squeezed a couple times.
  • He enjoyed his gifts, of course, but he seemed to like the happy vibe of the room. The smiles on people’s faces that totally turned the energy of the usually depressed and tense house around. He seemed to like the praise at the well thought out presents.
  • He seemed really, truly happy.


  • Beel had, surprisingly, thought out everyone’s presents extremely thoroughly. So thoroughly, in fact, that it was almost scary.
  • He had actual fucking LISTS. Long lists. Naughty list long lists.
  • Though, it seemed he knew exactly what he was doing.
  • You had mentioned Christmas shopping to him around the first of December.
  • His reply?
  • “Oh yeah. I think I got that done in… November? Maybe October. I do need wrapping materials though.”
  • This man.
  • This hunk of an amazing hungry man.
  • Had made lists miles long of what to get each person for Christmas and gotten all his Christmas shopping done almost two months early.
  • So you found yourself in a store, getting wrapping paper and gift bags for Beel and getting presents for the boys.
  • Why Neel being the only somewhat mentally stable brother and the only organized one surprised you, you had no idea. He also seemed like the only one that actually took care of himself, thank devildom for that.
  • Christmas with him was fun.
  • He reminded you of that centaur from Gravity Falls that kept flexing through his sweaters, though he didn’t get the reference.
  • He enjoyed his gift from you, but enjoyed spending time with you most of all.


  • “What? Christmas?” He sits up and rubs the sleep from his eyes, brows furrowed. “Christma— OH FUCK.”
  • The usually less than active Belphie is soon dragging you through the doors of some store and grabbing a basket.
  • He explains to you—avoiding hitting into people to the best of his abilities—that he had forgotten about Christmas. Apparently the decorations were no good hints.
  • Though he cared about his brothers, no matter how much they could suck, and he was determined to get them presents.
  • Though that ended up with his sleepily pointing out things while being pushed around in the basket.
  • Soon you had the presents, and rushed home to wrap them.
  • He actually chose some nice things for his brothers, even in the rush.
  • And, he throughly enjoys the heat from the fireplace as he sleeps on your lap and ignores the company on Christmas day.


  • You bet this bitch already has the presents for everyone ordered.
  • Actually no, he doesn’t.
  • “So, uh, what if we make them?”
  • This clearly annoys Barbatos. You’re around him enough to see the slight tinge of his brow that shows that he’d rather Diavolo just do his damn work.
  • Though, you don’t have to be around Barbatos often to see the surprise when Diavolo asks Barbtos to join the two of you.
  • Soon you’re all sitting at a table. Barbtos is in more casual clothing as per Diavolo’s request.
  • Diavolo has a large smile on his face, and Barbatos’s lips are quicker at the edges as he watches his young master.
  • You all handwrite the letters and make little trinkets for each brother and the other guests.
  • You have a lot of fun, and everyone seems rather pleased about the hand-made gifts.
  • Either way, it was a Christmas to remember.
  • And soon Diavolo is back to work, but not before bringing you somewhere private, placing a kiss against your forehead, pulling you into a hug and saying, “I finally feel like I have a family again.”


  • Oh boy.
  • Barbatos doesn’t want to wear the Christmas sweater, afraid it’s not formal enough.
  • Doesn’t want to mess around, go Christmas shopping, relax.
  • He’s running himself ragged for no reason except feeling the need to do something.
  • Christmas in devildom can be quite calm, besides the crowds in stores and the heightening crime rate that brings in a little extra paperwork for Diavolo.
  • But all important members of society’s visits that Barbatos is usually preparing for are postponed. Not happening.
  • These import people are at home with their families.
  • Barbatos has nothing to do, and he’s afraid he’s forgotten something.
  • So he is now on break, sitting on your bed in The House of Lamentation, being waited on for the first time in years.
  • “Kitten, I assure you, I can get i—”
  • “Sit your old fucking ass down, I swear.”
  • Barbatos slowly sits back down, eyes widening.
  • “Listen. We are going to go downstairs and bake Christmas cookies. And if they’re not perfect, that’s fine. If they burn while we make out, that’s fine. But goshdarnit, dude, chill!”
  • Barbatos reddens at that, and laughs a little too.
  • “Alright, dear.” He replies, all too amused. He pulls you into a hug.
  • When Diavolo and all of Purgatory hall come over, you and Barbatos’s badly decorated cookies are gone with minutes.
  • And Barbatos was happy to find that the Christmas presents you helped him pick out for everybody were greatly appreciated.
  • “Perhaps I should take breaks more often.”
  • “Yeah, dumbass, your other boyfriend and I have been telling you that for months.”
  • Cue the eyebrow raise.


  • Knows what everybody whats before they even write it down on their Christmas list.
  • And already has it before then too.
  • He is cheeky though, sneaking a little glitter into Lucifer’s gift bag, something sure to annoy the avatar of pride.
  • You both spend Christmas mostly hanging out. Watching Christmas movies and talking about childhood memories.
  • His are strange compared to yours, but he is an angel, so he grew up… rather different.
  • You spend a lot of time with Luke as well, letting him sit on your lap as you tell him stories.
  • You both have a lot of fun.
  • And, of course, opening the presents are just as fun.
  • Watching Lucifer open his, the man’s eyes darting to Mammoth before settling on Simeon.
  • Simeon’s sheepish smile back, blinking innocently at the prideful demon across the room.
  • Simeon had you at least half in his lap the entire time you were all together, setting his head on your shoulder.
  • You all had a lot of fun, laughing and singing.
  • Simeon loved this time of year.


  • This bastard didn’t take a single present seriously.
  • He came in with that smirk and hands full of wrapping paper and you knew you were in trouble.
  • And then you saw the dozen or so dick-in-a-box that you were sure came from Spencer’s. Did they have a Spencer’s in devildom?
  • Of course you had to balance out his chaoticness, and got everyone actual presents.
  • Your only worry was Luke, so you were sure to tell Simeon about what Solomon was doing, making up a signal so you could get Simeon to cover Luke’s eyes.
  • Simeon just shook his head with a sigh.
  • It was funny to watch everyone open the little gag gifts.
  • Lucifer looked disgusted. Mammon turned red. Levi just scoffed. Almost wiggled his eyebrows at Solomon. Satan just raised an eyebrow. Beel gave him a hesitant thanks. Belphie just went back to sleep. Diavolo was scarily delighted with the present. Barbatos got so red he could have won a competition against the Christmas lights. And Simeon, Simeon didn’t even open it.
  • And of course, Solomon was smirking the whole time.


Mc(waking up Levi at like 3am) : so I just realized would Lucifer be a dilf?

Levi: mc what-

Mc: because Satan is his son technically…

Levi: I- I’m going back to sleep mc

*at breakfast*

Mc: *thinking*

Amso: Mc are you alright you look stressed?

Mc: I am just have an existential crisis nothing to worry about

Mammon: Mc?! Whaddya mean nothing to worry about

Mc: I am just coming to the conclusion that Lucifer is a dilf and I’m not sure how to feel about it

The brothers: …..

Mc: See it’s confusing wait-

Mc: would that make Solomon a gilf

Lucifer: Do I even want to know what you are talking about?

Levi: Probably not

First time posting in forever and it’s dumb shit anyway have a cat


A Surprise Adventure (LevixMC)

A/N: Happy Birthday to the well known shy otaku snakey fish boy of Devildom! While he may not be my favorite, he is certainly a cutie. May his birthday be a pleasant one.

Warnings: None, just a happy otaku boy on an adventure.

Summary: Leviathan’s big day has arrived, and he has been transported into a “simulation”. With the help of MC, he must gain a special item to gift to the evil prince who has taken his brothers captive! The adventure awaits!


“Levi? Helloooo? Wake up! Your adventure is awaiting!” You nudged the Avatar of Envy, trying to wake him from whatever dream he was having.

He stirred, groaning a bit, but after shaking him just a bit more, you could see his eyes flutter open.

Seeing your familiar figure standing over him in the comfort of his bed-tub he smiled a little, a blush forming rather rapidly on his cheeks. You watched as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

“Leviathan! Finally you are awake. It is urgent! You must hurry!” Tugging on his arm, you ripped him from the comfort of his warm blanket and Ruri body pillow, earning a soft yell from him as he stumbled to follow you.

“MC? What is going on? What happened? Is everything okay?” Panic quickly waved over him. He had no idea what was happening. Perfect. It seems your plan is working so far.

“Admiral you must see this! It is your brothers! It appears that your brothers have been taken captive by the evil Lord of Devildom, and he is challenging YOU to get them back!” Acting as dramatic as you can, you pointed to a video conveniently pulled up on his computer. 

“W-What!? Admiral? What is this? Is that.. Is that Lord Diavolo?” His eyes narrowed as he tried to process everything in his head. Clicking play on the video, he watched closely. 

The video showed a rather menacing looking Lord Diavolo, and behind him, the six brothers, shackled in very real looking chains, calling out for help from their rescuer.

“If you wish to see your brothers again, I request that you bring me a gift in exchange for them. It must not be any gift, you see. It must be special. A once in a lifetime item that will be impossible to replicate. Bring it to me and you will set your precious family free. I hope to see you soon, Grand Admiral Leviathan.” Lord Diavolo smirked with a wicked grin just before the camera cut out.

The wheels in Levi’s brain were spinning rapidly. Confusion was all over his face.

“Of course! I know what this is! This must be the new game that I pre-ordered. I never thought it would be so realistic.” He was babbling to himself, forgetting that you were still very much in the room with him.

Trying to regain his focus, you were quick to get back into character. “Grand Admiral? What are we to do about this? What could he possibly want as a gift?” 

Levi looked around, trying to figure out a possible solution. “I have plenty of limited edition items, this should be easy!” His voice was filled with confidence, as he went to look through his various Ruri-Chan items that were no longer in the place he remembered. A quick and easy vanishing spell granted by Solomon was much more effective than you imagined.

He frantically looked around his room, creating a mess of his once somewhat neat space. “Where are they!?” His voice was faltering, more panic setting in.

“Where is what?” You asked, confused, but calm, trying to keep up the false facade of being an ordinary game character of sorts. When he didn’t reply, you walked over and gently put a hand on his shoulder. “Admiral?” 

“I could have sworn they were all here! All of my limited edition Ruri-Chan items! They’re gone! Does this mean that I missed something? Are there any other clues from that video? What could Lord Diavolo possibly be asking for if I don’t have it?” Levi paced around the room, going back to his computer to check every detail. 

“Perhaps we can head to a local shop to see if there is anything of such a high value?” Trying to steer him onto the right track, you tried to bargain with him. The light in his eyes shined as he smiled excitedly. You could tell how excited he was to go on an adventure.

“That’s perfect! Yes! Let’s go! We can’t waste any time!” Grabbing your arm, he was quick to try to pull you from the room but you stopped him just before he was able to go out.

“Grand Admiral, I believe you need to change. You can’t possibly go out looking like this. Your uniform is pressed and awaiting you in the closet. I will be waiting just outside the door for you. Please do hurry.” With a smile, you headed out of his room, patiently waiting for Levi to return in his special outfit.

While waiting for him, you quickly and sneakily texted the group chat to let everyone know your current situation, and that the plan was indeed working. Mammon was the first to reply, saying that it was unbelievable that he was even buying it, and that he was gullible, which led to an argument about Mammon. But time was ticking, and he seemed eager. So you simply texted “everyone be ready” and made sure to tuck your temporary phone away.

Another minute passed and Levi finally hyped himself up enough to walk through the door. Dressed in a customized admiral outfit, you could see the glow of confidence radiating off of him. He was standing a little taller, with a more sophisticated smile. He didn’t look like the normal every day otaku that his brothers always made fun of. This was a different Levi. A confident Levi.

“Let’s go. We can’t waste any time. I can’t let anything happen to my brothers.” He ushered you to follow him, leading you both out of the door where a ride was waiting to take you to the Devildom Shoppes.

Upon your arrival, everything seemed normal, there were people all around, walking around, looking at items, just another normal day in Devildom. That was until Levi began to make his way through the crowd, with you following a close pursuit behind him. The crowd parted for him, allowing him to pass with ease, bowing slightly in his presence, just as they would for a well known and well praised admiral.

You could even hear faint whispering about him. All good things to feed into Leviathan’s confidence, should he be listening. He deserves it, after all.

Looking back and holding the door for you, he waited for you to enter the store with him. Upon entering, you could see all of the various rare collectible items. The store had everything Levi could dream of, all of the items he had thought he owned just a bit ago back in his room. Quickly, he started looking around, seeing as he was familiar with the items.

Following close behind, you made eye contact with the person on the other side of the shelf that Levi was currently looking through.

“What do you think of this?” The Avatar of Envy held up a rare figurine. “Do you think this would be enough to get my brothers back? It is a one of a kind misprinted figure.” Seeing the slight frustration in his eyes, you shook your head.

“It has to be super special. Something that cannot be replicated.” You reminded him, cueing the other person in the store to make his move.

“You are looking for something special hm?” A voice spoke, causing Levi to look up.

“Solomon?” He asked under his breath, hoping the white haired familiar didn’t pick up on it.

“I may have something that could be of interest.” The shady wizard smirked, looking around to make sure they were alone.

Levi was interested, waiting to see what Solomon had. Carefully, the sorcerer pulled a shimmering, glowing book from a magical inside pocket of his coat. The otaku’s eyes lit up, immediately recognizing the item of interest.

“What?! Is that the first ever draft of TSL? Hand-written and signed by the author!?” Levi could hardly contain his excitement. He was nearly squealing like a nerd at the sight of such a beloved item that he had never pictured being so close to. He reached to hold it.

“Indeed it is.” Solomon’s pulled the book away right before Levi’s hand touched it. “Ah, are you sure this is something you are looking for, however? It is my prized possession and I would hate to let it go to the wrong hands.” The wizard’s words were meant to be condescending, but with the confidence Levi had gained over the last hour or so, along with his long dream of owning this special item, he nodded. “I will protect it with my life, you have my word.” 

With that, the book was now in Levi’s possession. He held it close to him, hugging it, and smiling with the biggest grin you had ever seen from him. Even dressed in an honorable outfit, he was still just the cute nerd that everyone loved.

“I must get going. I wish you good fortune on your journey, wherever it may take you.” Solomon smiled and headed out of the store, assumingly to head back to the castle where the others are waiting patiently.

“Now, Grand Admiral, do you have a plan for how to go about this exchange?” You asked, intrigued to know what Levi had in mind, now that he had just gotten the one thing he would very likely never let go of.

“Of course I have a plan, but we have to get to the castle. I can’t wait any longer.” With a smile, he held out his arm for you to go in front of him, leaving the store behind. Onwards to the castle.

Upon reaching the “evil” castle, you entered, and it wasn’t quite the sight you were expecting. Diavolo really had gone above and beyond decorating the place. It wasn’t the light, bright, uplifting golden color everyone was used to, instead it seemed more dull, and gloomy, radiating the “evil” that was intended.

Speaking of the devil, appearing from the shadows came Lord Diavolo, in his demon form to appear more sinister, playing the part quite well, in fact. “Ah, Grand Admiral Leviathan. I see you have finally come to rescue your helpless brothers.” With a twisted smile Diavolo greeted Levi, and Levi’s face turned from confidence to the slightest hint of fear. 

Mustering up any and all courage, he spoke. “I have. Where are they? I have what you’ve asked for. But I will not give it to you blindly.” Leviathan flashed the glimmering book, earning a chuckle from the demon lord. 

“Smart one you are. Very well. Follow me.” The prince spoke, guiding both Levi and you down the hallway. Luckily for you, everyone else, and Levi, he never pays attention when he is at the castle. There are too many rooms, hallways, and places to get lost, so he never bothers to look beyond where he is supposed to be. This works in your favor rather well.

There was a large set of doors, the handles wrapped in a lingering smokey magic, a seal to ensure that no one was getting in or out. Levi had looked to you, cautiously, almost worried that something bad were to be behind this set of doors that he had never seen before. With a snap of the prince’s fingers, the smoke dissipated from the handles and Diavolo slowly opened the doors.

Behind them, was not at all what Levi was imagining. He nearly froze in shock, his eyes wide, his mouth hanging open, and his brain desperately trying to make sense of what was before him.

“Surprise!! Happy Birthday Levi!” Everyone yelled as colorful confetti flew through the air. Setting a hand on the special boy’s shoulder, you guided him into the room. 

“What is all of this?” He asked you, looking around to see all of the familiar faces. His brothers, Solomon, Luke, Simeon, Barbatos, and even Diavolo. 

“A surprise party, duh!” You laughed, watching as the otaku’s mind shatters right before your very eyes.

“You should have seen the look on your face!” Mammon called from the corner, getting jabbed in the arm by Lucifer. 

“Wait- So this isn’t a game?!” His eyes filled with concern as he looked down at the outfit he was wearing, and took another look at the book in his grasp.

“No, it isn’t a game. MC thought it would be a fun idea to lead you on an adventure to get you to actually come here. We were all in on it. I’d say they did a pretty good job!” Diavolo’s bellowing laugh was accompanied by the biggest grin. 

“And before you ask, that book is yours now Levi. I know you will take great care of it. I got special permission from the author himself.” The sorcerer spoke, glancing at Simeon, who shared a pleased smile, followed by a soft nod.

The embarrassed and blushing demon turned to you. “Wow.. I-I can’t believe you did this all for me. This was the best birthday ever!!” With a shy, but excited grin, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.

“I won’t ever forget today. Thank you, MC. I can’t wait to post about this!”




Read on AO3!

  • credit for the wonderful header art goes to @leyyvi!!

⇢ kitty!Levi x widowed!fem!Reader

⇢ After the ill-fated end of a chemical romance, you seek refuge in a small town for the summer. Tucked in its heart is a cozy library run by none other than a mother and son.

Worlds collide: a damaged widow who wants nothing more than to escape, and a shy recluse who wishes to isolate for good.

/⇢ coworkers to lovers, past toxic relationship, lots and lots of healing, medium/slow burn, overcoming grief, artist!Levi, library au, shared loneliness, eventual smut, illness, secrets, (kinda) coming of age

word count (as of 06/06)⇢ ~24.0k

fic inspo


Levi’s playlist|Reader’s playlist

Summer (CH1-5) | Autumn (CH6–10) | Winter (CH11–15) | Spring (CH16-20)

began 04/03/22 | updated 06/12/22

|levi masterlist|main masterlist|

updated with music <33 bc of course i did

Pussydrunk Levi agenda.

// edging (m!receiving), use of restraints/gag (m!receiving), mommy kink, praise, oral/face-fucking (f!receiving)

Edging Levi with his wrists tied up behind his head and a bright red ball gag bulging his cheeks, forcing saliva to dribble down his chin.

You’ve made him so stupid that he blindly fucks into your hand with just a loose fist pumping his slippery cock. Anything that will finally push him over the edge.

He doesn’t even register what you’re saying until you pop the gag out from between his swollen lips, leaving wet streaks. Finally, you say you’ll let him cum as long as, “you be a good boy and lick mommy’s cunt. ‘kay, sweetie?”

And he whines brokenly, nods without a care in the world of what you’re asking him to do. He’s not really listening to be honest, because if he’s good you’ll let him empty his heavy balls, and he wants to be good for you.

Now that you’re hovering above him, cupping the back of his head, he lurches to meet you halfway for a taste. Dragging his heavy tongue through your messy slit, he moans. Loud.

He just fucking loves your heavy, sweet taste. You’re so wet, dripping down his chin, and it just keeps coming. He makes out with your pussy, pink lips smacking and coated in your cum, until you’re shuddering and rocking your hips.

It’s your praise. How you tell him to keep going,just like that, and how fucking good of a boy he is - all while you fuck his face. with his thighs spread and hips twitching, he can’t help fucking the air blindly, wishing it was your cunt.

It’s too much - too hot. His climax has been dangled in front of his face for too long. The noises you make, every sweet prick of pain from the way you’re tugging his hair, and your taste rolling over his tongue has his cock pulsing. His balls give a hard throb and his blood turns into liquid heat as a loud moan vibrates into your cunt, and he cums all over himself just like that, untouched.


taglist:@ackermandick|@midtwenties-angst|@sckerman|@erwinfortheblade|@halloweenmedic | @katty | @jayteacups | @notgoodforlife | @peace-for-levi | @chaotic-nick | @b-o-n-e-daddy | @levisbrat25 | + link to sign up

 a/n: I’ve been feeling so soft for them lately, so take some demon fluff <3


  • I feel like his are very passionate 
  • Like the kind of kisses that take your breath away for a minute and have you leaning in again before you even know what you’re doing
  • He just kisses you with so much longing that it gives you butterflies
  • And he holds you so close when he does. He’s just constantly pulling you closer to him, even if you’re already flush together
  • He’s not big on pda, so kissing you in private is his go to
  • If you kiss him in front of the others, especially Diavolo, he’ll probably chastise you for being so unprofessional despite the fluttering in his chest. He’s definitely smug the rest of the day though
  • It’s a big stress reliever for him. It reminds him that you’re there and that you love him
  • When he kisses you, it either rather soft or like he’s been touch starved for a millennia which he probably has
  • Sometimes his kisses get very steamy ;))) especially when he’s stressed


  • At first, his kisses are very clumsy and rough
  • He’s just so excited that you’re kissing him of all people 
  • He tends to pull your face to his when he kisses you and you can feel his hands trembling as he does
  • When he pulls away, he’s always blushing no matter how long you’ve been in a relationship
  • Once he gets more comfortable, his kisses are very gentle and sometimes playful when you two are alone
  • His kisses are the kind that have you smiling or even laughing into the kiss
  • He just fills you with so much joy that you feel the happiness and excitement bubbling in your chest
  • If you kiss him in front of the others, he’ll be very tsundere about it big surprise there
  • He’ll be super embarrassed, stuttering over his words until he’s finally able to get something out
  • “I-I get that ya can’t help but be all over the Great Mammon, but ya can’t go doing that! ‘S embarrassing!”
  • Even though he complains about it, he also won’t stop bragging about it
  • “Well, I’m their first man! Of course they’d wanna kiss me instead of you losers!”


  • Oh dear lord help this boy
  • you are going to kiss him??A yucky otaku? bby don’t say that ily
  • like Mammon, his kisses tend to be rather clumsy
  • Unlike Mammon, he kisses you very softly. Like he’s so embarrassed that his lips barely brush yours before he pulls away and hides his face in his hands
  • Will not usually initiate kissing, but he’s happily surprised when you do
  • Poor baby has no idea what to do with his hands
  • Do him a favor and place them where you want them. It makes him feel lot less out of place
  • When you first kiss, he shuts his eyes comically tight and puckers his trembling lips an ridiculous amount
  • Once he gets more comfortable though, he’ll gently cup your face with one hand and your waist with the other
  • Something he really enjoys is when you sit in his lap while he plays video games and you just gently pepper his face and neck in kisses
  • If you kiss him in front of the others, he might die right then and there
  • He’s either going to faint or hightail it to his room no matter where he is
  • He’s embarrassed you kiss him in the first place, so he’s 200 times more embarrassed if you kiss him in front of anyone


  • This boy is a romantic and you can’t convince me otherwise
  • Like he’s the kind of guy who daydreams about passionately kissing you in the rain
  • His kisses are very soft and passionate and deep
  • Usually, he settles his hands on your waist or lower back
  • He also enjoys quick, domestic kisses every so often as well. It makes him feel all soft for you
  • I get the vibe that he’s not a big fan of pda
  • He will let it slide occasionally
  • He gets a little embarrassed and will usually scold you
  • In reality though, he feels a swell of pride and smugness 
  • The blush on his cheeks and adoration in his eyes quickly give away his true feelings
  • If someone didn’t know you were his, they do now


  • His kisses are either very sweet or very steamy
  • He is the avatar of lust. He knows how to kiss
  • He’ll take any excuse he can to smooch on you or get handsy
  • Of course he’ll respect your wishes if you tell him no or playfully smack him away
  • His kisses feel like the thrill of a first love
  • They make your heart flutter and leave you wanting more
  • He will put his hands literally anywhere. He is not picky so long as he’s able to touch you
  • Loves loves LOVES pda. Like he cannot get enough
  • He’s like look at my beautiful so everyone!! I love them!!
  • Bonus points if it makes someone jealous
  • If you decide to kiss him in front of people, you better be ready for what you’re getting yourself into
  • He gets so cocky about it, calls you pet names, and keeps trying to kiss you some more
  • He can’t help but embarrass you. That blush on your face is just too cute!


  • His kisses are just so so so soft
  • You’re so fragile compared to him. He doesn’t want to hurt you
  • He holds you like you’ll break with the smallest of movements
  • It makes you feel so important and loved
  • When he gets steamy though-
  • Oh my you’re gonna have a fun time
  • Then he’ll kiss you like you’re his last meal, and we all know how much he likes eating ;)))
  • He usually just rests his hands on your waist when he kisses you
  • He likes to cup your face too though
  • He doesn’t really mind pda
  • He won’t get embarrassed about pda. He’s not all for it but he’s not opposed to it. Beel just likes kissing you
  •  He won’t initiate it if it makes you uncomfy though, don’t worry
  • Whatever makes you comfortable
  • He just wants you to be happy and know that he loves you
  • He reminds you how much he loves you through frequent, gentle kisses
  • If you kiss him in front of the others unexpectedly, he’ll blush slightly and smile at you before kissing you again


  • His kisses are very soft and lazy
  • There’s usually not a lot of effort put into his kisses, but they’re very sweet
  • He loves slow, lingering kisses
  • The kind where it feels like time has slowed down and you two are the only things that exist in that moment
  • Hold him in your arms while you two are laying in bed and softly brush your lips over him. He will melt
  • He also like to bury his face in your neck and kiss it while cuddling
  • If he’s laying in your lap, he’ll press kisses to your inner thigh. It’s either very sweet or very steamy oof
  • His hands are pretty stationary when he kisses. They pick a place and stay there
  • Sometimes they kind of slow trail up and down your waist or arms
  • He likes it when you play with his hair while you kiss though
  • I get the feeling he doesn’t really care for pda
  • Like, he’s not going to complain but he doesn’t go out of his way to kiss you in public
  • If you kiss him in front of the others, a light blush just dusts his cheeks and he either smiles softly or smirks depending on his mood bc he can be a cocky bastard

Could that time be now. I’m ready to hand off my diamonds, stock up on them whatever, hell im even ready to deal with Guy’s ass again. I miss my pixel daughter! How long will it be before I can revisit these characters again!!!!
