#harry styles fluff


hi! here’s a crappy old blurb that i had sitting in the drafts!

in which lovie is sick and stressed from uni at one in the morning and harry finds her hyperventilating.

harry was absolutely exhausted.

per usual— but there was a specific ache in his back today, one that had accompanied him from morning to night—he told his love they needed a new mattress, she told him he needed to stop laying twisted to her chest(he refuses to do so, pouting every time she suggests it)—and it’s pulsing at the top of his spine and making him wince in certain positions. 

his hair at this point was ultimately unruly and unkempt from the amount of times his fingers ran through, pulling and tugging in frustration, as if he could rip new ideas out of his scalp.

his hands were sore, too, from gentle plucks of the guitar he had toyed this afternoon, praying that the indents in his fingertips would bring about motivation, inspiration— god, that it would bring anything.

he’s desperate to get out of this block.

nevertheless, he cranked out two songs today, making him ultimately beaming and his throat a bit raw and tired.

he stumbled through the door with heavy feet and an unzipped coat, his nose pink from the cold circulating in the outside air. his beanie had been pulled down to the middle of his forehead from the time he walked from inside the studio to his awaiting driver, who he last-minute remembered possessed a peculiar hatred for artificial heating. so, correspondingly, harry’s body never warmed up in the fifteen minute drive, causing his toes to go numb and his teeth to chatter lightly. he would never ask him to crank the heat, because it’s bad enough he has to drive around a famous stranger all day— harry wasn’t gonna torture the guy with something he specifically despised. (no matter how fucking weird it was). 

his boots clunked as he passed through the doorway, wrinkling his nose up and closing the door behind him with his back. a wince, a sharp inhale, then a slow exhale, eyes closed. it was a solid minute before he cracked his eyes open— but he swore he could have fallen asleep standing. 

his love had reduced the lighting significantly, the lamps dimmed and several candles lit around the room. it was close to dark, matching the scene outside, and the warmth wrapped his body and nuzzled him. he smiled lazily, his hand carding up and taking the beanie off his hair, curls bouncing out as he shivered. she lit that vanilla candle he likes, and he can feel the sleepiness start to settle further into his veins.

“angel? where are ye, bub?” harry’s voice was a soft coo and his dimples appeared as he leaned his hand against the wall.

he kicked his shoes off, throwing his coat on a chair nearby as he hummed his way down the foyer. he craved for his girl like he craved the warmth to envelop him; he wanted her wrapped around and within his soul, caressing his skin until he was lulled to sleep. he couldn’t wait to bury his face in her neck and stay there for a while, his lips caressing her own and her skin for a time before he found the energy to carry her to bed. he always told her to stop waiting up for him, but she would kiss her teeth and roll her eyes and tell him shut up, and that was that. 

stubborn little thing she was— and he loved every ounce of it.

harry pondered what she could be doing on his search for her, thinking about how she may be sleeping with a book on her chest in the den or giggling at a sitcom in the living room; either way, she’d be cozy and wrapped in a blanket—maybe, hopefully, in his shirt, maybe even with no pants on and


he was completely wrong.

he turned a corner with a half smile, hearing her laptop keys being softly pressed, but his face sank and his eyebrows furrowed quickly, his lips slowly pronouncing her name.

she was sat on the floor in a ball, papers scattered around her frame and closing in on her body, her face in her hands and a bun wrapped on the top of her head. she was sniffling softly and her breaths were deep— yet shaky. he could hear her mumbling to herself, yet not responding to her name.


she jumped, looking up at him and harry frowned at her red-rimmed eyes and red nose. the sweet thing looked so sad and worn, eyes wide and teary.

“what’s goin’ on, baby?” he padded towards her, her head shaking as she started to begin typing again. “hey hey—” he mumbled, starting to sink to the floor.

she’s continuing to type, not ignoring him as much as she’s so out of it he doesn’t know if she’s here, but he grabs at her hands to stop typing, pulling them towards him. she whines, shooing him away, and his concern deepens. “angel.” he murmurs, tilting his head, starting to pull her body towards him. she barely turns her face away from the screen, but his thumbs still move to pad away her fallen tears as she writhed to get out of his hold. “hey.” he said, “now wait just a mo’, bub—”

“jus’ let me finish—”

“it’s one in the morning.”

she’s typing again, hitting a few keys before he grabs at her hands, stronger, pulling them toward his chest. 

why are you writing at this hour?”

she finally meets his eyes, and she’s snapped back to reality. and once she sees the concern swimming in his irises, it breaks her. she’s sobbing once more, harsher than how she has all night, whining and whimpering as she tried to get back to her laptop. he shakes his head, picking her up, placing her bum on his thigh and draping her legs across his own. she immediately falls into his chest, and she feels fragile. 

“stop.” he murmured, pinning her hands down with his own, right on her lap. his thumbs run over her wrists. “take a breath, baby— ’s not good for you. tell me what’s wrong.”

she whimpered then, taking her sleeves and wiping her face, sniffling and shaking, her breathing trembling. “’m so tired.” she cried, wiping her nose and keeping her palms to her eyes.

“you need sleep. why the fuck are you doing work this late, hm?” he’s petting at her hair. “you’re so overwhelmed—” he pauses, to press his lips to her forehead, but he inhales sharply when he felt the heat resonating from her skin. “oh, angel. we definitely need to get you to bed, you are burningup—”


he flinched as she said it in frustration and sadness, in between a sob; she hastily, in a blur of quick movements, reaches and grabs her computer again, settling it on her thighs before furiously typing.

stupid paper for my stupid professor on a topic i hate and he made it due at two a-and i just don’t feel well—”

her mumbling broke into cries but she kept going, and harry couldn’t understand how she was simultaneously describing her frustration while continuing sentences about god-knows-what-topic. she was frantic, tears still falling and if she didn’t slow down harry swore she was going to pass out.

“have you been writing this all day?” his hand rubbed at her back.

she sniffled, shaking her head. “been sick and gross all day and i completely forgot. ‘m so fucking stupid and now i jus’ wanna be done—” she gasped for air and broke completely, her voice choking on sobs. her trembling hands pressed to her eyes, cries escaping her lips and her head shaking. “it doesn’t even make sense. can’t focus. ’ve been throwin’ up all day and i jus’ wanna sleep, but—”

“woah,what?” he sputtered. “you didn’t think to call me?” he asked incredulously.

her head fell forward in time with her shoulders, the jumper on her body sliding off her collarbones. her head was absolutely throbbing, pulsing with need and making her dizzy. she looked up and her eyes closed tight, weeping more intensely. her sleeves came to her eyes slowly, pitifully, and harry realized that him scolding her was not what she needed right now. he grabbed her and pulled her back to his chest, her sobs increasing and her will to fight against him diminishing.

“okay, okay, okay.” harry mumbled as his hand came to the back of her head, his thumb stroking the base of her neck. she completely collapsed into his collarbones, her forehead heated and her eyes squeezed closed, a trembling jaw and sniffly nose pressed to him. she was a proper mess. “—hey hey.”

his love whined once, then sniffed, blinking her eyes open to view her fumbling fingers. she sighed, hiccuping, sitting up to look harry in the eyes. he frowned when he saw her flushed cheeks and watery lashes, his knuckles gently coming up to brush at her skin. she smiled sadly, her lips quivering.

“’m sorry i didn’t call.” she swiped at her eyelid, breath staggered. “didn’t wanna disturb you.” he gazed at her with sad eyes and frowned. “a-and… you— ….” she whimpered, shaking her head and gazing at him. “you just walked through the door ’nd you’re like— not even settled and—” her breath hitched and more tears leaked from the corners of her eyes, and harry cooed. her eyebrows furrowed and her soaked sleeves came to her lips, covering them and shaking her head. “’m sorry—” she whispered.

“no no no.” he murmured, brushing her loose strands of hair away. “no apologies, love, okay?”

she sniffled, leaning forward until she was in his neck again, whimpering. harry’s face sunk, his lips kissing the top of her head as he rubbed her spine.

“i hafta finish.” she whimpered, shaking her head. harry kissed her forehead and sighed, shaking his own.

“no. we are going to email your professor and if he has a problem, he can speak to me and—”

“can’t!” she cried, “no exceptions, must be turned in on time.” her voice dropped several octaves to mock her asshole of a professor, and harry shook his head.

“don’t care.”

she hiccuped, eyes sad. “h—”

“i don’t care about his stupid rules.” he gruffed. “you’re sick as hell and your health comes before anything. understand?” his voice is deep and monotonous, frustrated, but not at her. harry wasn’t going to let this teacher make his girl feel as if she must finish a stupid paper when she’s most likely got the stomach flu.

“please, angel. let me get you settled and i will email him, kay?”

she sniffled. she stared up at him with weepy eyes and saw his desperation in his irises. her head was spinning and her throat was sore, but he gazed at her like she spun the stars into their orientations. even with teary eyes, skin irritated and red, he looked at her with such care and awe. 

she looks down momentarily and suddenly realizes how bright her laptop seemed, and how the words on her page looked garbled and wrong. even if she wanted to keep going, she doesn’t think she physically could. 

she wiped her nose, eyes fluttering around his face. she nodded slowly. “okay” she murmured, shoulders deflating a bit. 

harry smiled small and placed a wet kiss to her nose, mumbling an “atta girl”. 

she stood slowly, knees cracking as harry’s jumper fell to her the middle of her thighs, the bunched up socks coating her ankles and feet falling off. she was utterly adorable to him, even with teary eyes and a sad frown. 

“c’mere, i’ll carry you to bed, angel.”

god did she love him.

he bent slowly, and she draped her weight over his spine, lazily putting her arms around his neck. harry’s hurting back was no longer important to him, because her breath was soft and hitting the back of his neck and the top of his arm, and he swears heaven has continuously blessed him. 

“thank you, harry.” she mumbles it as she slides off his back once they are next to their bed, and he presses his lips to her forehead, then her cheeks. he lays her down, pulling the covers over her, stroking her hair back from her eyelids. she catches his hand and holds it to her cheek, her eyes looking at him.

“sleep, pretty girl. i’ll be in bed soon.” 

If I want to read filthy slutty smut then immediately read tooth rotting fluff. I will. 

Might fuck around and actually start writing, kinda wanna make a Peter Parker series ⁉️

(The gif is pretty random)

“Come on!You can do it just for one evening!”

“No.I’m telling you I’m not wearing a tie”

It’s been 10 minutes since we’ve started arguing with Harry about his look.
We’re going to my friend’s wedding and they have a dresscode.But Harry doesn’t semm to agree with that.
We only have five more minutes to get ready or we’ll be late.

“God! Is it so hard?!”
“You can’t make me do this.I look stupid in this tie”
“Fine then”,I sit right on the floor,”We’re not going anywhere”,I cross my arms and look right in front of me.
“Fine!”,he sits next to me.

So we sit like this,dressed fancy,me in a bridesmaid’s navy blue dress and Harry in hiss expensive ass Gucci suit.After a couple of minutes he starts staring at me.While I’m completly ignoring him.

“Love?”,he touches my hand gently

And all he gets is no response.

“Hun’,I’m sorry.Let’s go or we’ll be late”

He caresses my arm and I hate how he makes me react oh his touches.Cause now my whole arm is in the goosebumps.So when I’ve completly lost control on my body,I turn to him.

“We’re not going anywhere if you don’t wear a tie”

He looks into my eyes and decides whether I’m serious or he can ignore my request.But I stare back at him.

“Ok,fine.You won today”,he rolls his eyes,”But I have one condition”
“Kiss me”,he smiles lightly

He nods.
I quickly kiss him on the cheeck and stand up.

“What was that?I want a real kiss”
“We don’t have time for that.Wear the tie and let’s go.”,I say,putting heels on.

I can’t say anything when Harry stands up and presses me into the wall,kissing deeply.

“Don’t tell me,we don’t have time for kissing.That’s one of many reasons why we’re together.Because I can kiss you wherever and whenever I want.One day I’ll mary you because of that.”,he leaves one more kiss on my neck and I swear he left a hickey on my collarbone.

“Now help me with the tie and let’s go”

“I don’t even care anymore.Do whatever the fuck you want”,I try not to yell at Harry, when he’s being a complete dick.

I grab my phone and get out of his appartment.It’s not even important what we’ve been arguing about.I’m tired.Tired of feeling such a tense everyday. That’s the point of life,when everything doesn’t feel right.There’s only one thought in my mind.”Tonight I gotta forget about everything.Doesn’t matter.Just let all the nerves go”

So I made a quick decision and now I’m dancing,in Sarah’s sparcling short dress, at some fancy club with a few friends.We’re all drunk and just enjoy the freedom.

“Hey,Y/N,who’s it? You’ve been starring at the screen for a couple of mins”
“Doesn’t matter.Unknown”

I turn the phone off,because Harry has been calling me non-stop.

And so the night went.We danced to some shitty club music,drank more than we should and actually forgot about everything.
But the show couldn’t go on in the club so we went “for a walk’ 

And know there are 6 absolutely drunk teens on the streets of London,not even knowing what they’re laughing at so loudly.

“Wanna swim?”,Sarah asks taking her shoues off
“You can’t swim in Thames!”,I shout and we all burst into laughing
“Who said,I can’t?!”,her dress falls on the ground
“Ok,that’s enough,get out of there.”

And three guys (friends of ours)grab her near the bank of the river and put her on the ground

“You are boring!”,she screams getting dressed

Now we are headed…I don’t know where we’re headed actually.But that’s fine. I’m too drunk to care anyway

“Y/N,why’s Harry calling me for the tenth time now?”,Sarah says,showing her phone to me
“I don’t know.Don’t pick up”
“Are you guys ok?You had an argument today?That’s why we randomly went to the club at Thursday?”
“No…No!I just like Thursdays,i guess…”
“Ok.Whatever you are about,I’ll pick up ‘cause he’s my boss,you know”
“Hello?”…..”Um….yes”,she looks at me..”I don’t know actually.Somewhere near Thames”,she giggles”No,I’m not drunk.What are you talking about.I don’t drink”,she starts laughing so is everyone else,listening to her conversation”ok.do not move,i get it….”Thames is long,you know”…”ok,ok,don’t yell at me!”,she hangs up

“What was it about?”
“Harry said stand where we stand and don’t move,he’s on his way”
“NO!I don’t wanna see him.”

I turn to the other side and start walking away

“No,wait!”,Sarah screams”Can you give him just one chance.He seems sorry.”
“Who cares if he’s sorry or not!I don’t!”
I sit right on the bridge,where we stood.I know that trying to run away is usseles.He’ll find me anyway.Tonight,tomorrow,after a week.And that annoys me the most.Fuck rockstars.I’ll never ever will even talk to them.It’s too hard with them.

I get out of my thoughts,when I hear someone sits down near me.
I don’t even need to look,I know who this is.

My drunk self can’t stop from looking at him.He looks forward.Jaw is set.He’s tensed.Eyes not sparkling.Probably thinking about something deep.But I can’t tell for sure.With Harry you  can never be sure.

“You know,I’ve been thinking,when you were gone”

He starts the conversation, or more likely a monolog,with his voice being deep and ruspy,not looking at me.

“First I’ve been angry ‘cause of the yelling and arguing.I even broke a few things…Then I had a “fuck it” mood.For like…ten minutes.And then I got extremly broken and hurt,I think I cried,I’m not sure actually.”

I’ve been listening to him carefully,not making a sound,feeling the tears being ready to pour.

And now we’re silent.He looks at the stone flour of the bridge.I look at him waiting for an ending.And again I’m not sure whether he wants to break up or not.It’s happening again.It’s all him.He makes me so nervous and confused all the time but still loved and happy at the same time.It’s just how he is.

Suddenly he looks me in the eyes.Locks the eye contact,trying to find something in my eyes.Love?He’ll definitely  find it.But also with pain and confusion.And tears.

“What has happened next?”,I don’t recognize my voice,so quite and pathetic
“Next?…Next I got annoyed that you, being such a messy ass, didn’t take things out of your suitcase,and they’ve been all over the floor.And now I’m here,searched for you through the whole London to tell you to clean up your mess”

He says it without any laugh with the same quite voice.

“And right then I understood one thing”

His lips find mine and he kisses me gently without any pressure,scared to frighten.

I move away and then lean my forhead on his.

“What did you understand?”

“That I love you”
