#help my sanity


I need passion. So desperately. I need it like oxygen; oxygen that fans the fire. The fire has always been the addicting part to me, not so much the comfort. There’s complacency in comfort. Laziness. We get too comfortable and too often it turns into not caring. Not caring if we shave or do that thing our partner likes.

I want passion. I want you grabbing at me like I’m the only stable thing around you to hold onto for life. I want to feel the hunger in you. I wanna see it in your eyes. I want you to want me. WANT ME PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU. It’s not just sex…..I can have that with anyone. And that’s what you don’t seem to understand. I want to be entangled in you. I wanna feel like I’m the only thing that matters. Rip my clothes off. Kiss my neck while I’m cooking. Shop with me in public like you used to and crack jokes with me and grab my ass and spank me. JUST SHOW ME YOU WANT ME PLEASE.

I feel like I’m fucking losing it

I love you so much it hurts.
