#hermione fanfiction


MY BOY ~ Fred Weasley

Pairing(s): Fred Weasley x Fem!reader


A/N: requests are open, this is my first fic please don’t be mean


My boy, my boy, my boy. Don’t love me like he promised. My boy, my boy, my boy. He ain’t a man and sure as hell ain’t honest.

Y/n and Fred had been dating for almost five months and for y/n it was the most amazing thing in the world cause she was totally in love with him, she knew he was the one when he first saw him at the burrow when they were 5 and since then he has always being her crush, so five months ago at the start of the 7th year when he confessed his feeling towards y/n she couldn’t believe it, at first she thought it was some kind of prank by the way he said it.


5 months ago

“Y/n i have to tell you something that is a matter of life or death”, Fred said with a grin on his pretty face, she didn’t even was paying attention to what he was saying she was just too mesmerized with his beauty, “Are you listening to me ?, Fred asked seeing that she was not paying attention he decides to go straight to the point, “I was saying that you are my crush”, Fred said with a smirk.

Y/n was astonished everything crossed her mind, “is this for real?”, she said but Fred didn’t answer so she felt right to tell him the truth about her feelings, “Fred i’ve being in love with you since we met when we were five, at first it wqs just a silky crush but we gotbolder and got into hogwarts and i realized it wasn’t just a silly crush, what im trying to say is… im in love with you Fred Weasley”, he didn’t know how to react and he just said “i love you” and hugged her.


My boy’s being sus and he don’t know how to cuss. He just sounds like he’s tryna be his father (Who are you?). My boy’s an ugly crier but he’s such a pretty liar and by that I mean he said he’d “change”.

Everything happened so quick, Fred didn’t realized how fast this was going and now they’ve been dating for five months, “When are you going to tell her the truth?”, George asked Fred not realizing someone was listening, they should have been more careful and not be talking this in the common room where everyone could hear them “I don’t want to tell her, is going to break her heart she is the sweetest girl i know”,Fred said with guilt on his face, “Freddie you don’t love her, you can’t be with her just for pity”, George said annoyed almost screaming,” Yeah? Well this would never have happened if you hadn’t made me do that stupid bet, it’s all your fault”,Fred said angry.


5 months ago

“Freddie im telling you she likes you”,George said while laying in his bed in their dorm, “No she doesn’t,we’ve been friends since forever believe me if she liked me as more than friends i would know dear brother”, Fred said calmly and confident, “well then if you are so sure about that…”, George said with a grin, “Go on..”, “Let’s make a bet, 5 sickles that she is in love with you”, “you’re on”, Fred said with confidence and he was sure that he would win the bet, after all she knew y/n for years.

Fred was walking on the halls of Hogwarts and spot y/n a few meters away, he thought it was the perfect moment to prove George that he was wrong, but when she started telling that she loved him he didn’t know what to say, he couldn’t tell her that it was all a bet and that he wasn’t in love with her, so he told y/n that he loved her too, i mean he wasn’t absolutely lying right?, he did love her but not the way she wanted to.


Y/n wanted to surprise Freddie with a gift from hogsmeade we wanted since forever but he couldn’t afford it, so she started saving some money to give it to him, she was so excited to see his reaction that she couldn’t wait to give it to him and going as fast as she could she went to the common room, she spoted Fred right away, but she heard something that she shouldn’t have heard, “Freddie, you don’t love her, you can’t be with her just for pity”.

She just stood there frozen, astonished, broken, without even realizing she started crying and sobbing, Fred and George turn around and saw y/n standing there crying, “y/n i can explain”, fred said with guilt on his eyes, she didn’t even bother on going away from him, she couldn’t even if she wanted to, Fred tried to explain everything to her but she wasn’t listening she was just wishing that all of this was a nightmare that soon she would wake up and hug Fred and he would comfort her and tell her it was just a bad dream that everything is alright but obviously it didn’t happen, she came out of her trance as soon as she heard Fred said “im sorry but im never going to love you, not the way you want me to”, she didn’t utter a word she just left and went to her dorm.

My boy, my boy, my boy. Don’t love me like he promised. My boy, my boy, my boy. He ain’t a man and sure as hell ain’t honest.

It has been 4 months since y/n’s heart have been broken, she tried to move on, she tried to fool herself into believing she didn’t love him anymore so she started dating other guys but nothing ever lasted, until she started dating Matt a slytherin guy, he treated her well, he was kind, sweet and always gave her flowers, he loved her and she loved him back but she knew she would never be able to love someone the way she loved Freddie.

Fred stood in the hall watching how Matt gave yellow flowers to y/n, her favourite flowers, everytime Fred smell those flowers it reminds him of her, her scent, her laugh and her beauty, he then realized he did loved her as more than friends, but know it was too late because she was happy with someone else and he wouldn’t ruin that for her, he fucked up and there was nothing that he could do about it, it’s not like he could go back in time and fix it all… or can he?.

You want me to be yours well then you gotta be mine. And if you want a good girl, then goodbye. You want me to be yours well then you gotta be mine. And if you want a good girl, then goodbye.

Anon asked: Hey. I would love a Hermione granger x fem! reader based on prompt 13 “if you don’t hug me now I might fall apart” with being on the run in deathly hallows. Really miss good Hermione x reader imagines and fics. Thanks, love your work. 

Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fem!reader

Word Count: 885

Warning: None, 

A/N: I love this request! thank you for reading my work! In this fic, Dean Thomas and Y/N left together to avoid the death eaters and voldemort


You pulled your sleeping bag tighter around yourself. Sunlight had started to brighten the tent around you, but that did nothing for the chill in your bones. Next to you, Dean Thomas was still asleep, snoring quietly.

“Oi,” you whispered, nudging him. “We have to get moving.”

He stirred slowly, giving you time to get up and check the perimeter. Stretching slowly, you sat up and gathered your bearings. 

Sleeping on the forest floor was never pleasant. Your back was stiff and your neck was sore. It took an hour to fall into a restless sleep that left you in a zombie-like state in the morning. It made your temper short, and conversation between you and Dean even shorter.

The pair of you were trying to make the best of a bad situation; surviving in the muggle world using knowledge from life before Hogwarts. 

However, easier said than done. There was no way for you to convert galleons to pounds, and moving around from place to place made normalcy harder to achieve. 

Peering out of the tent, you took in the green trees and the way the sun poked through the canopy of branches and leaves. The nearby stream bubbled and gushed, while birds tweeted overhead. 

Despite everything, it was so beautiful out there. 

You walked around the area, not finding any signs of disturbance in the night. In front of your tent was an extinguished fire from last night. The forest seemed completely empty.

“Are we good to go?” Dean asked later, kicking apart the camp fire’s remains as you flicked your wand. In an instant, the tent collapsed into a neat handkerchief. 

“I think so,” you slipped it into your pocket. He took your hand before counting down from three. Atthree, the two of you apparated to a different area of the forest. When you were able to breathe again, you spoke.

“I’ve been thinking about your suggestion. I think it’s a good idea.” 

Dean looked over at you, clearly surprised. You were referring to the point he had brought up a few days prior, about leaving Britain. Over a meager dinner of weak soup and soda biscuits, Dean suggested apparating to America. 

“Maybe we can ask the American Ministry for help,” He was hunched over, eyes trained on his bowl. Exhaustion was getting to him. “Or we could stay there until this all blows over.”

“How long would that be?” You had asked.  

A simple shrug. “I don’t know. It could be months. Could be years. But we would be safe and we could live normal lives.”

“So… we just leave? Simple as that?”

“Simple as that.” 


That option had been running non-stop through your head. You gazed at the forest before speaking again.

“I think we should go. To America.”

Dean bit his lip. “Are you sure?” 

“Completely sure.”

“Alright,” he nodded. “We’ll leave in the afternoon.”

That ended the conversation. After further trekking into the forest, Dean turned to you. “Here looks good.”

You stopped and nodded, extending your hand. This was it, you were going to escape this war for good.

“Stop right there.” A voice startled you.

You turned, wand drawn, eyes landing on two figures. Your heart nearly stopped in your chest. “H-Hermione? Is that you?”

She stepped forward, eyes wide. With her bushy hair and light freckles, you knew it was her. “Y/N, I can’t believe-”

“Wait,” Harry cut her off, arm raised to stop her. He looked worn ragged with dark circles under his eyes and stubble on his chin. “We can’t be sure it’s them.”

Dean tensed next to you. “That would be quite the ruse, Harry.” Despite this, he did not lower his wand. 

“We’re not Death Eaters.” You shifted. “It’s us, Harry.”

“Prove it.”

You glanced at Dean, who seemed more frustrated than weary. “Alright. Ask us a question.”

Harry paused for a second. “You painted a banner for me in first year for quidditch; what did it say?”

“It said ‘Potter for President’, didn’t it?” Dean replied with the ghost of a smile. “With a lion next to that?”

There was a moment’s hesitation, but Harry still lowered his wand, Hermione in tandem. 

You raced over to Hermione, immediately inspecting her. “Are you okay? Where have you been?”

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” she babbled, running a hand through your hair. From next to you, Harry went to speak with Dean, giving a you a second of privacy. “Just please hug me. If you don’t hug me now I might fall apart.“

You choked out a small cry and wrapped your arms around her, relishing the way her hands automatically held onto you. 

“I’m supposed to go to America,” you sniffed. “To get away from all of this.”

Hermione looked at you, nose red. “You’re leaving? When?”

“Well, now.” you laughed wetly. “If you want, I’ll stay.”

“No,” she shook her head. “I can’t ask that of you. I can’t ask you to risk your life.”

You shook your head. “You wouldn’t be asking. I’m offering my wand.”

She gave you a serious look. “Are you sure, y/n?”

“Yes,” you glanced at Dean, who nodded back. “We’re sure.”

Hermione smiled, hugging you once more, and you felt more hopeful than you had in weeks.

This was something to fight for. 

Anon asked: Hi! I read the Hermione imagine and didn’t know it was something I needed in my life! Could I ask for fluff 4 and random 8 with her as well?


4. “OH you’re jealous!”

8.  “Can you please…? Hmmm, I don’t know. Maybe put a shirt on?!”

Pairing: Hermione Granger x Fem!reader

Word Count: 309

Warning: none!

A/N: Imma be real with y’all, I’m 18 turning 19, and it feels weird to write anything for Hermione if she’s younger than me, so if anyone requests anything for Hermione I’ll age her up.


Oh! You’re jealous!” Hermione laughed, cradling Crookshanks. “You’re jealous of a cat, unbelievable, Y/N.”

You bristled, arms crossed. Before she had said anything, you were setting the dining table.“That is not true whatsoever.”

Hermione stood in the living room of her house. She had been playing with her old, smooshed-faced cat, Crookshanks, while you watched. 

She had noticed the intent way you were watching the spectacle, brows furrowed, eyes squinted. “Then why are you looking at me like that?”

“I’m stressed,” you admitted, pinching the bridge of your nose. “About dinner with your parents.”

“Come now,” Hermione titled her her head. “You have nothing to be worried about; they’re not going to give you any trouble.”

“I know, it’s just nerves.”

“It’s going to be fine, love.”

You nodded, still clearly troubled.

“Hey, Y/N. “Hermione walked over to you and took your hands in her’s. “Don’t scare yourself. My parents are really looking forward to meeting you, they already think you’re brilliant.”

“Yeah, okay,” you said, taking in a deep breath.

Hermione pressed a light kiss to your cheek, eyelashes brushing against your cheekbone. “Better?”

“Definitely.” The doorbell rang and your eyes widened. 

Hermione clapped her hands together. “They’re here!”

“They’re thirty minutes early! The lasagna isn’t ready! I didn’t finish setting the table! I… I…”

“Hey! leave it to me, okay? I’ve got this under control.”

“Well, what do you want me to do?”

“Can you please…? Hmmm, I don’t know. Maybe put a shirt on?!”

You looked down, remembering that you were still wearing a sports bra and sweatpants.

“Right. I’ll go change.” You raced to the stairs, on the second flight when Hermione called out your name.

She stood at the base of the stairs, grinning up at you. “Remember to stay calm, its just us, love.”

You smiled back. “Okay, honey. Just you and me.”

Altered State

Rating: Explicit

Word Count: 75,857 (WIP)

Pairing: Tom Riddle/Hermione Granger


Six years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Auror Hermione Granger activated a mysterious dark object, which unexpectedly sent her decades into the past.

The year is 1966, and Tom Riddle, now known as Lord Voldemort, returned to British wizarding society after a decade-long absence. Under the pretense of securing the DADA teaching post, he returned to Hogwarts to conceal one of his Horcruxes, Ravenclaw’s Diadem. However, the coveted position had been stolen a week before his arrival by an intriguing witch. As manipulative schemes emerge, tension builds into a ruinous obsession.

Read at Ao3orFFN
