#hermione jean granger


Aftermath has been updated!!

Chapter 11: The Episode

Draco rushed into the hospital wing with Granger in his arms; who was trying to escape his grasp. He stood in the large chamber with lots of beds with white sheets displayed on the sides. Moments later, Madam Pomfrey came out from her office, Draco had expected the matron to be alarmed, spotting the Gryffindor in his arms, however, she remained calm.

‘Hurry place her on the bed, Mr Malfoy,’ Pomfrey told him as she approached.

Rated: T - Chapters: 11 - Words: 30,020 - Status: In-Progress

Sorry, it took so long to update this time. I have a exam before I start my Junior year and I’ve been trying to focus on it. Also I’ve decided to start another HP fanfic, Draco x OC, however. Aftermath is my priority and I will only write the other one, when I have a lot of time and when I have writer’s block from writing Aftermath. But thank you so much for all sweet reviews!


send me an ask if you want to be tagged when I update!

Draco followed Hermione into the abandoned classroom after dinner and closed the door quietly, placing several privacy wards on the room before leaning against the door. He shoved his hands into his pockets while staring at Hermione, his eyes taking in her face and the way she clenched her fists.

A heavy sigh fell from his lips as he realized that she was waiting on him.

“You wanted to talk, Granger?” He asked.

Hermione seemed to be contemplating what she was going to say as she stepped closer towards Draco. He cocked an eyebrow and gave her a lazy smirk. She huffed in annoyance at his behavior.  

“You need to stop staring at me,” she finally said.

Draco gave a derisive laugh. “Pardon?”

“You’ve been staring at me these past few weeks, and Ronald has begun to notice.”

“Ronald?” Draco snorted. “I still can’t believe you’re with that weasel.”

Hermione scoffed. “Your opinion is not relevant right now, Malfoy.”

Something changed as Draco stood up taller. He leaned closer to her, and she could smell his sweet cologne. “Malfoy now, is it?”

“Draco,” she amended, tilting her head back so she could see him better. “You need to stop. We agreed that what happened between us was a mistake, and you need to honor that agreement.”

“Do I now?”

“Yes,” she snapped. “You do.”

They stared at each other for a few seconds before Draco grabbed Hermione by the waist, spinning her so that she was pressed in between him and the door. “And what if I changed my mind, Granger? What if I no longer think it’s a mistake?”

Hermione scowled despite the deep blush on her face. “Again, what you think is not relevant. I do not care about your opinion anymore.” She shoved against him until there was space between them. “Now, I will ask you once before I start hexing you in the hallways, Malfoy. Stop staring at me.”

With that, she lowered the privacy wards he had erected and left.
Draco clenched his jaw. He was a Malfoy, and Malfoys always got what they wanted. 


I found these in my drafts while cleaning my Drive. I won’t be posting new content for a long time, but I wanted to share this drabble I wrote once upon a time ago. It reminds me of all the trashy smutty books I’ve been reading lately. It’s a long-loved trope. 


A songfic in lyrical form I just had the urge to write after listening to this on repeat the whole day haha hope you like it, I’ll see if I come up with a full on one shot of this storyline sometime hopefully soon ^^

You All Along

It didn’t work out with my lady

We never could get along

One to another retorting

Thinking the other was always wrong

So instead of sitting there sweeping

I checked the paper instead

And written right there all solemn

A tempting offer that read

If you miss feeling that ardor

While drinking some fine champagne

If you want a night to be vulgar

And no longer have to feign

If you enjoy watching a pretty sight

That has your mouth hang agape

Then I’m the one knocking at the door

Answer me and escape

Wanted to forget my lady

And this one was definitely keen

Sounded nothing like my lady

Who always came off all prudish and pristine

So I replied on the paper

And poured all the heart that I had

And never the greatest poet

But still meant all that was said

Yes, I miss feeling that ardor

And not dwell on this pain 

I’m not at all into being prude

And I’ll share that champagne

I wanna get to meet you very soon

And something about a red tape

Somewhere in Diagon Alley

Where we both can escape

I waited there as if to elope

And she waltzed in with grace

I knew that smile in an instant

I knew the curve of her face

It was my own brilliant lady

And she said, “I knew it was you”

Then we laughed for a moment

And I said, “Well, I never knew”

“That you missed feeling that ardor

And drinking some damn fine champagne

And pouring all your emotions

While snogging me in the rain

If you enjoy watching the pretty sights

That will have your mouth agape

You’re the lady I’m living for

Come with me and escape”

This is beautiful! Romione snogging in the rain is one of my favorite HC’s
