#high school rp



1. What is their favorite article of clothing, or one that they wear most often?
2. Do they have anything in their wardrobe that they have never worn? If so, why?
3. Are they close with their family? If not, do they have a found family they are close with?
4. Do they tend to hold on to things for sentimental reasons?
5. Do they go looking for love or do they prefer for things to happen naturally?
6. What is their hygiene / makeup routine?
7. What do they do for self care?
8. What hobbies do they have, or what do they do for fun?
9. What career did they want as a child?
10. Do they have any celebrity crushes?
11. What was their first kiss like?
12. How many pets have they had throughout their life? Which was their favorite?
13. What does their bedroom look like?
14. If they had one letter or one voicemail to send to a loved one and could never speak to them again, what would they say? (sender can specify loved one or recipient can choose)
15. If they were in a slasher movie, what stereotype would they fall under?
16. Have they ever been in love? If so, with whom?
17. What piece of media influenced them the most growing up?
18. Do they have any phobias?
19. What is their dream home like?
20. Do they have any children? If so, how is their relationship? If not, would they like any?
21. Have they committed any crimes? If so, were they punished or did they get away with it?
22. What colors do they love? What colors do they hate?
23. What is their favorite food? Least favorite food?
24. Do they have any niche interests?
25. Is there anything about themselves or their life that they are ashamed of?
26. Is there anything about themselves or their life that they are proud of?
27. Do they collect anything, or have they in the past?
28. Do they spend a lot of time online?
29. Have they gone to college? What was their major?
30. Have they had any near death experiences?
31. Share a random headcanon.

change as needed. it’s mostly hozier, nicole dollanganger, billie eilish, danny gonzalez, and pale waves. but primarily hozier lmao

“I wouldn’t know where to start.”
“Would things be easier if there was a right way? Honey, there is no right way.”
“I couldn’t whisper when you needed it shouted.”
“No other version of me I would rather to be tonight.”
“When you move, I’m moved.”
“My baby’s sweet as can be. She gives me toothaches just from kissing me.”
“I will not ask you- neither should you.”
“I’d suffer Hell if you’d tell me what you’d do to me tonight.”
“There’s something wretched about this.”
“Toying somewhere between love and abuse.”
“All that I’ve been taught and every word I’ve got is foreign to me.”
“You told me you’d always be by my side.”
“I’m gonna run this nothing town.”
“I’m no good, not even when I’m trying.”
“It’s a crime that she’s not around most of the time.”
“You might think it’s lame but your boy just changed the game.”
“I can’t ever see myself with somebody else, except you.”
“The next time you hit, I hit back.”
“Don’t let me in with with no intention to keep me.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m right, and every other single person on Earth is wrong.”
“You are my strange addiction.”
“I’ve done it again- I’ve done it again.”
“In a few days I would be there, love.”
“Lowkey I think that we’re highkey goals.”
“Your love feels so fake.”
“I’m embarrassed to be saying this. I hate to admit things.”
“I crave a real wild man.”
“She was understandably put off by that.”
“I’d be home with you.”
“He don’t care if he kills us both.”
“Who’s got any time for growing up?”
“Thought this night out at the club would be fun, but it’s the worst.”
“Won’t you give me one last night with you?”
“You want me to be yours. Well, then you gotta be mine.”
“Be as you’ve always been.”
“I don’t have a car ‘cause I fly on a broomstick.”
“The world has no right to my heart.”
“Once you get your mind made up, there is no getting through to you.”
“With a face like that you could get away with anything.”
“Sometimes I just feel invisible, like nobody can see me.”
“Honestly, I thought that I would be dead by now.”
“It’s not the war but what’s behind it.”
“No blood for you will ever be enough.”
“No one ever had much nice to say. I think they never liked you anyway.”
“I want you to miss me when I’m not around you.”
“I’m in love with you. And I love, too, that love soon might end.”
“They cut through the bone and left them without hands.”
“We’ve no time for getting old.”
“Death is gonna catch up to all one day but yours is coming quicker than ours.”
“Nothing fucks with my baby.”
“Can you hear the sound of hysteria?”
“Hate to be the one that told you so.”
“Can’t you see that we’re all hurting?”
“I wouldn’t fall for someone I thought couldn’t misbehave.”
“I waited all year just so y'all would wanna see me.”
“Maybe things don’t end the way we thought they always might.”
“I would give you my body but I’m not sure that you want me.”
“The only heaven I’ll be sent to is when I’m alone with you.”
“Somebody who has a whole lot of subscribers please come and beef with me.”
“Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me.”
“Each side is a loser so who cares who fired the gun?”
“You must accept that I’m a little out my mind.”
“Tom Holland- number one Spiderman, hands down, bitch.”
“You know what happens after dark.”
“There’s nothing wrong with me. This is how I’m supposed to be.”
“Am I more than you bargained for yet?”
“I know I’ve been acting like a dick.”
“I could lie and say I like it like that.”
“I won’t deny I’ve got in my mind now all the things we’d do.”
“I always thought I would sink, so I never swam.”
“Game’s over for y'all when I get my license.”
“Say anything. Anything hurts less than the quiet.”
“Hope that you’re good to me, baby.”
“How I wish the world was different.”
“People have high expectations of me.”
“I’m not over you but I’m trying.”
“You don’t have to sing it nice, but honey sing it strong.”
“Come check out my vape tricks.”
“I don’t wanna be alone on New Years Eve.”
“Somebody new is gonna comfort you like you want me to.”
“I keep catching little words but the meaning’s thin.”
“Pretend we’re in one of those movies they rent in the back of every seedy place we pass on the interstate.”
“If they could see me they’d be so proud.”
“I can’t tell you how much I wish I didn’t wanna stay.”
“I finally felt like I could feel for the first time when I met you.”
“I’m going to get married today.”
“Let’s stop running from love.”
“Even if you know that you don’t own me, I’ll let you play the role.”
“When you come back, I bet you’re gonna be pretty confused.”
“The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.”
“Mostly I’m fine. Most of the time I get by.”
“I’m coughing- I’m bleeding.”
“Why do girls like ‘em bad?”
“Kiss me hard just like you did at the start.”
“I need you to run to me.”
“I don’t need a xanny to feel better.”
“I’m a little bit unholy. So what? So is everyone else.”
“You’re such a mess but you’re always beautiful to me.”
“I turned and ran to save a life I didn’t have.”
“You’re faking all your pain. You’re bleeding on a stage.”

change pronouns as needed. nsfw and language. possible triggers including violence, sexual abuse, eating disorders, and minor drug usage.

“I’m just looking out the window.”
“I’m trying not to look across the aisle.”
“Trying to ignore it, it’s fucking boring.”
“I’m saying nothing.”
“No one’s watching us- don’t give a fuck.”
“Puff‚ puff and pass it.”
“Don’t be a dick and babysit. C'mon, just pass it over here.”

“It was the middle of class and the teacher wasn’t looking.”
“I fell in love with him, but he wasn’t in my life.”
“She  was kissin’ _____, I got jelly.”
“I  wanted to be in her shoes for one day.”
“Why do I feel sad?”
“Should I give him away or feel this bad?”
“No, no, no, don’t you choke.”
“Go for the throat.”
“Her face was fucked up and my hands were bloody.”
“My one true love called me a monster.”

“What if I had told your mother her son was a cruel motherfucker?”
“It’s not just me, it’s everybody who thinks that you’re fucking ugly.”
“I’ve tried to make you listen, but you won’t.”
“All you want is cash and hype.”
“Fuck all of your rules and guidelines.”
“Can’t you see that we’re all hurting?”
“Excuse me, how much are you earning?”
“You don’t know the pain that you are causing.”
“Your actions hurt, so do your words.”
“The more you try to fuck us over we will be there yelling at your front door.”

“Tell me you love me, but you treat me like I’m never there.”
“You say the cruelest words, and yes, they break my heart.”
“I’m over here working my ass off.”
“I’m just like you, you’re like me.”
“Imperfect and human are we.”
“I’m on display for all you fuckers to see.”
“Art don’t sell unless you’ve fucked every authority.”
“It’s really hard for me to say just how I feel.”
“I’m scared that I’ll get thrown away like a banana peel.”
“Why can’t you fucking hear me?”
“Are you listening yet?”

“I’m coughing. I’m bleeding.”
“Band-Aids won’t heal it.”
“They hate me.”
“I’m faking all of this so they take me home.”
“This is old.”
“I’m tired of wishing I was ditching.”
“This bitch behind me is cutting my hair.”
“I faked up a seizure and left then and there.”

“Everyone’s so soft, everyone’s so sensitive.”
“Do I offend you?”
“I'ma take a bow so you can kiss my ass.”
“I never signed up for your drama.”
“They try to feed you lines that you have to memorize.”
“Do you even have a brain?”
“You’re faking all your pain.”
“I don’t wanna be an actress, living by a script.”
“Who cares about practice?”
“I don’t give a shit.”
“You’re over-analyzing every word I say.”

“Feeling unsure of my naked body.”
“Wondering why I don’t look like Barbie.”
“My mama’s preaching to make sure I’m pure.”
“I never really cared about this shit before.”
“Got boys acting like they ain’t seen skin before.”
“Got sent home to change ‘cause my skirt is too short.”
“That’s my bad, no one told them not to grab.”
“The boys want a taste of the strawberry shortcake.”
“People all around me are watching closely.”
“It’s how I look and not what I think.”
“I’m stuffing my bra so that mine look the best.”
“Instead of making me feel bad for the body I got just teach him to keep it in his pants and tell him to stop.”
“Just teach him to keep it in his pants and tell him to stop.”
“Stop saying it’s my fault.”

“Hey, girl, will you sit with me?”
“We can be friends if you want to be.”
“We can be friends if you want to be but only 'til the clock hits three.”
“After lunch, we can walk to class.”
“Talk about the boys that we want to smash.”
“After that I’ll ignore your ass.”
“They talk shit though.”
“I want someone who understands.”
“Come to my house, let’s die together.”
“That isn’t the life for me.”
“People have high expectations of me.”
“Wanna be my best friend, then judge me if I smoke a little weed.”
“Makes no fucking sense to me.”

“Stick it down your throat.”
“Fooling those around of your bulimia.”
“Your body is imperfectly perfect.”
“Everyone wants what the other one’s working.”
“Please say that you won’t continue ordering oranges off the menu.”
“Please say that you won’t continue stuffing up your mouth with tissue.”
“The way you look is not an issue.”
“I wish I could give you my set of eyes 'cause I know your eyes ain’t working.”
“I wish I could tell you that you’re fine.”

“I’m not a bad guy.”
“Don’t treat me bad if I’m feeling sad, alright?”
“If I fuck up my words, don’t think I’m absurd.”
“I’m physically exhausted.”
“You’re too busy seeking selfish wishes.”
“I can feel your blood pressure rise.”
“Fuck this tension.”
“Let me crawl up into your mind.”
“Pretending everything’s alright is detention.”
“Fuck how I feel as long as I make money.”
“They let them do whatever they want to me.”
“They’re the customer, I’m chopped meat.”

“Caught the teacher giving his eyes to a student.”
“He’s fucking in sin.”
“It’s for all the right reasons, baby.”
“If I pass this quiz, will you give me your babies?”
“Don’t call me crazy.”
“You love me, but you won’t come save me.”
“Don’t know why you even need me.”
“If I’m so special, why am I secret?”
“Do you regret the things we shared that I’ll never forget?”
“I know I’m young, but my mind is well beyond my years.”
“I knew this wouldn’t last.”
“Fuck you, don’t you leave me here.”
“She’s feeling like a spider in a cage.”
“You were her desire now she wants to light you on fire.”
“Fuck it, she’ll still give you a call.”
“Didn’t learn a damn thing, honey, from you, except how to lie and cheat.”
“You don’t own me, do you? I bet you think you do. Well, you don’t.”

“Can we just be honest?”
“These are the requirements if you think you can be my one and only true love.”
“You must promise to love me.”
“If you fuck me over I will rip your fucking face apart.”
“You must accept that I’m a little out my mind.”
“This is a waste if you can’t walk me down the finish line.”
“Give me passion.”
“If you can’t handle a heart like mine don’t waste your time with me.”
“If you can’t handle the choking, the biting, the loving, the smothering till you can’t handle it no more, go home.”
“Shut up if you’re not my type.”
“You can’t be scared to show me off and hold my hand.”
“If you can’t put in the work, I don’t know what you think this fucking is.”
“If you cheat, you will die.”
“Could you hold me through the night?”
“Could you be my first time?”
“Make me not wanna die.”
“Don’t be a waste of my time.”

“I was too young to see the truth.”
“If you need a break, someone’ll take your place.”
“Don’t let them fuck you, honey.”
“Don’t let them hurt you, baby.”
“Recess- I’m tired.”
“Everything I wanted has come to fruition.”
“I should be happy but I can’t get out my bed.”
“Stressing 'bout the voices screaming inside my head.”
“Where has my time gone and my mind gone?”
“I can’t find euphoria.”
“When I get upset, I think in my head back to what she said.”

taken from various movies, tv, music, etc. change pronouns as needed.

“You never struck me as the diapers and midnight feedings type.”
“It is a monstrous love and it makes monsters of us all.”
“You’re too shallow to dig on me.”
“Are you a G-string? No! So stay out of my ass!”
“I was trying to protect you. I was trying to keep you safe.”
“I distinctly remember, your birthday was last year.”
“I can’t quite tell what I’m hoping for.”
“There are some wounds that can never heal.”
“He doesn’t deserve to die in an overpriced Spanish revival.”
“That probably would have sounded more commanding if I wasn’t wearing my yummy sushi pajamas.”
“It sounded like when the grim reaper slips past your ear.”
“Please don’t go. I love you so.”
“Listen, I prefer the ladies but I’m an equal opportunity lover.”
“I’m gonna give you all a nice, fun, normal evening if I have to kill every, single person on the face of the Earth to do it.”
“I want to play a video game where you just love the shit out of other people.”
“Looks like that dresser has eyes. I just saw him looking at me.”
“Ain’t it hard keeping it so hardcore?”
“If I’m going down, I’m taking everybody with me.”
“Look at you! Aren’t you just as pretty as a magnolia in May?”
“If you do it right, their blood will paint the walls.”
“Hate is always foolish, and love is always wise.”
“This is not your destruction. This is your birth.”
“If my calculations are correct, we’re in big ass trouble.”
“It doesn’t always make sense and most of it never happened. But that’s what kind of story this is.”
“Do not for one second think I am weak.”
“How many times have you watched Pac-Man die? Doesn’t bother him. He just tries again.”
“I wanna be the star of the show.”
“All you will get from me is my support. And my respect.”
“I know you love me, baby, but I fucking hate you, dear.”
“You cry every time somebody talks about Titanic.”
“Sorry if I scared you. I know I have somewhat ghost-like features.”
“There’s no point in responding ‘cause it will not make them stop.”

❝for the one who sows to his own flesh                           will from the flesh reap corruption,

In a world which is slowly falling apart, where is the rescue?

The year is 2123 and nothing is like it was.

A taste of their own medicine     the people in the world got careless, greedy, lazily wasting money, air, and power. You reap what you sow has never been this accurate, and without an intervention it is expected to get much worse. In a desperate attempt of pulling the splinters of an unbalanced world together where the rich get richer, and the poorer just poorer the government decided to create a shielded little bubble on the deserted countryside. Known as ‘The school of the damned’ and formally called Barlow Academy. The school where the ones with promise would learn to shine, and those who needs to be saved gets saved.

Annabelle Barlow believed they should go back to how things were in the good ol’ days, thus creating a traditional boarding school for a great amount of lucky students to live. The point was to save them from themselves, create a new beginning, make sure there would be a bright future. So the only question which remains is, will the students actually learn to reap what they sow? Or is it too late?

home~plot~barlow academy~rules~characters~audition~ask

Welcome to Barlow Academy, dear,

  • a newly opened and already very active roleplay.
  • a lot of open and interesting characters + more in the making.
  • welcoming and friendly roleplayers!

We’d love to have you as a student!

just remember, you reap what you sow,