#hisuian voltorb



Flower Orbs

bynineb: my ideas for hisuian voltorb and hisuian electrode! both grass/fire types, these possessed bynineb: my ideas for hisuian voltorb and hisuian electrode! both grass/fire types, these possessed


my ideas for hisuian voltorb and hisuian electrode! both grass/fire types, these possessed pokeballs are made of wood and full of gunpowder. when provoked they’ll explode into gorgeous but violent fireworks. hisuian electrode enjoy detonating in groups

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no thoughts head empty just arceus

December Pokémon Challenge 2021, 7/31: Hisuian Voltorbnew orb friend + shiny prediction!(wanna suggeDecember Pokémon Challenge 2021, 7/31: Hisuian Voltorbnew orb friend + shiny prediction!(wanna sugge
December Pokémon Challenge 2021, 7/31: Hisuian Voltorb

new orb friend + shiny prediction!

(wanna suggest a pokémon for me to draw? check this post!)

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Hisuian Voltorb is precious
