#how to be a witch


The following will address how I would teach people to activate their witchy sides. There are of course other methods and different strategies. This post is very small and I will probably write a better one eventually but right now I need a nap.

The First Steps

1. Interest and What You Want to Learn

To become a witch all you have to have is intent and interest!

There are so many different aspects of witchcraft and even more kinds of witches. You have to find something that you love and enjoy doing and practicing. The term “baby witch” is a modernized name for beginner witches, finding posts with these tags are good for beginners. You DO NOT want to dive headfirst into experienced witchcraft without first developing an understanding of what you’re dealing with. You risk offending your deities, the universe or the nature that surrounds you.

This being said there are a LOT of “witch” posts that are outright wrong, you do not want to get guidance from a witch who has put little to no research into what they’re teaching. So ALWAYS check what you’re reading especially in relation to potion brewing, you NEVER want to ingest poisonous plants. In addition to fact checking always be weary of blood magick, practices like these do more than harm your physical body, they hurt your mentality and they can hurt the people around you. If you are using blood or any other bodily fluid, because some people will do it despite the warnings, always sanitize the area and correctly treat the wound.

 There are also a large range of books that are directed at witches or plants for green witches. The books that I currently have in my possession are “The Good Witch’s Guide” by Shawn Robbins and Charity Bedell and “The Languages of Flowers” by Mandy Kirkby. I have downloaded “The Green Witch” by Arin Murphy-Hiscock and “Moon Spells” by Diane Ahlquist. Best of luck in your adventures!


2. Information and Research

By finding this post you’ve already taken the first step. Tumblr has a massive platform for all different forms of witchcraft, you can find some on Instagram and YouTube but I’ve never found them as accessible due to the misinterpretation of witchcraft for views. This section ties in with the first one but I felt that it deserved it’s own section as I feel that the research side of witchcraft never ends, there are always new things to learn and different perspectives to see so never limit yourself on what you want to know.


(A Common Informational Witch Tag)

3. A Book of Shadows or A Book of Mirrors

A Book of Shadows is practically a text book of magick. It can also be called a Grimoire as a Grimoire is a book of magic, although in many cultures, other sacred texts that are not grimoires such as the Bible, have been believed to have supernatural properties intrinsically. In this manner, while all books on magic could be thought of as grimoires, not all magical books should be thought of as grimoires.

A Book of Mirrors can be used to jot all of your thoughts and experiences if you don’t want to include them in your Book of Shadows.


(The Origin of Books of Shadows)

Some Links For Witches
