#how to charge


Cleansing:Cleansing is removing any negative or unwanted energy You can cleanse your altar, your tools, a room, your house, your self, etc. 

Some ways to cleanse are burning incense, sprinkling salt around a room,  burying the object in the ground, hold it under running water, visualize all the negative energy leaving the space/object, ring bells, soak it in saltwater, banish negative energy by sweeping with a besom, run it over a candle flame, bury it in a bowl of salt, and leave it in the sunlight for a few minutes. Be careful though. Don’t put toxic crystals in water, bury objects safely, and be careful with fire (obviously).

Charging:Charging is empowering something with energy or intent.

Some ways to charge are putting the object/tool in the sun/moon, put it next to a living plant/herb and let the object absorb some of its energy, put a crystal on the object, use your own or the earth’s energy, or run it over a candle flame. 
