
When you sneakily charge your crystals without your parents knowing

When you sneakily charge your crystals without your parents knowing

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cunningfoxwitch: vhixxen: seraphickalmagick: This is a charging board!It is a simple way to charge ucunningfoxwitch: vhixxen: seraphickalmagick: This is a charging board!It is a simple way to charge u




This is a charging board!

It is a simple way to charge up and cleanse your crystals without having to focus on visualisation. Simply put your crystal in the center of a piece of paper, and write around it two categories of words: the things you want to fill your crystal with, and the things you want out of them. Then draw arrows pointing into the crystal for the positives, and away from it for the negatives.

This is a visual way to charge/cleanse without having to maintain focus. I’m certain it could work for any object you want to use, not just crystals!

Good idea!

This is brilliant!

This would be especially useful for beginner witches who are learning. Use it as a visual aid.

Be safe and happy witching~ ❤️

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I often mention the action of charging or empowering an object with your intent. Every time I use it in an answer to an ask, I feel like I should explain exactly what charging is.

I want to point out that this is simply my way of charging an object. Some witches will do it differently, and some witches don’t even charge objects at all.

Charging is, in my opinion, filling up an object with energy. Charging an object with your intent means to fill it up with a certain type of energy that relates to what you’re doing or what you’ll use the object for (i.e. taking an amulet that you want to help attract love and filling it with “romantic energy”). It is also known as empowering.

Think of it as giving an object a purpose. The object itself has its own energy, but this energy can be changed and added to (i.e. a piece of string has energy like a blank slate, and charging it will engrave something onto it; however, remember that it isn’t as permanent as engraving). Some objects already have purposes, such as gemstones (i.e. rose quartz is used for love). When charging these objects, you are basically specifying exactly what you want them to do (i.e. rose quartz can be used for friendship, romance, lust, family relationships, etc.).

I like to think of the object being blank and aura-less when I start. But after I charge it, it has a glow around it. The colour changes depending on my intent (i.e. pink for love, red for lust, black for cursing, etc.).


Literally speaking, every and any object can be charged. Stones, boxes, cups, even people. Usually, people only charge things that will a) be used as a ritual or witchcraft tool, such as a wand or an athame, or b) be carried around as a charm. The most commonly charged objects are:

  • witch bottles
  • jars
  • sachets
  • amulets
  • charms
  • candles
  • water

Like I said earlier, you are giving objects a purpose. If I need a candle for luck, I’ll charge it with green light and the feeling of success and good luck. This, in addition to dressing it with luck-drawing herbs and oils, will cause it to promote and draw in good luck whenever I light it. The same goes for wearing amulets, using water (i.e. purifying water, to me, is sort of like reverse-charging, where you’re cleansing it of all purpose so it’s sort of a blank slate again), and especially carrying sachets or charms.

That’s an opinion question. It all depends on your experiences. Here’s what I’ve experienced.


I see energy as light. The image above is a good example of the “energy bubble” I talk about in the next section. However, I see it as a little more solid than light. I often imagine it as something from a video game. If you’ve played Skyrim or World of Warcraft, you’ll know that spellcasters can conjure up different spells (such as fireballs and lightning bolts) in their hands. It sort of springs from their palms as a bolt or string, very solid and opaque as opposed to loose and transparent. That is how I see energy.


Some people see energy as the image above. Smokey yet coloured with their intent. Some people also see it as electricity or as strings. All of these are correct. Nobody is wrong when it comes to how they see and feel energy.

To understand how energy feels, rub your hands together quickly and for a long time. Your hands will get hot and tingly. Spread your hands apart slowly. You will feel a bubble of energy form. That is what energy feels like.

Charging isn’t difficult if you have good visualization skills and a good grip on energy. Here is how I charge objects:

Before you begin, you may want to cleanse the object in question of any other energies that are clinging to it. This is optional.

Ground and centre. Breathe deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Let all of your muscles relax. Try to be seated on a solid surface, the ground being the best option.

Have the object in front of you. If you’re on the ground, have it on the ground too. If you’re seated somewhere else, place the object on a flat surface.

There are three ways of going about charging, all of which are great:

  1. This way is great for beginners. Rub your hands together quickly. They’ll get hot and tingly, but that’s what you want to happen. Close your eyes and keep rubbing. After a moment, slowly spread your hands apart. You should feel a bubble form between them. This is the energy you’ve just produced. While it feels stretchy (and it is), don’t suddenly fling your hands far apart, especially if it’s your first time doing this. You’ll have to start over. In your mind, see this as a simple transparent bubble between your hands. Now, begin to concentrate on your intent. Murmur what you want the object to do, focus on what you want the outcome to be. You may want to move your hands while doing this, feeling the bubble. As you focus, the bubble changes colour. You can decide the colour (i.e. pink for love spells, green for money spells, gold for protection spells). Once you have this image clearly in your mind, push that energy bubble into the object. Holding your hands over the object, visualize the energy entering it. Feel it leaving your fingers. When finished, imagine the object glowing with its light.
  2. This way isn’t for beginners, but for people who are familiar with charging. Close your eyes and concentrate on your intent. See the desired outcome in your mind. Now hold your hands around your solar plexus area as if you’re saying, “The fish I caught was this big!” Your inner wrists should almost be touching your ribs. Now, begin to move your hands as if you’re feeling a bubble form in between them. As you focus on your intent, the energy begins to manifest itself in your hands. Its colour depends on your intent. You can feel the energy, and it starts to take bubble form. Keep going until you feel like you’re holding a ball. Next, hold your hands over the object and visualize the energy entering it. Feel it leaving your fingers. When finished, imagine the object glowing with its light.
  3. This way is more for people who have good visualization skills. Take the object into your hands and close your eyes. Concentrate on your intent. Visualize your desired results. Let yourself feel the emotion closest related to your intent (i.e. if you’re cursing, let yourself be filled with hate; if you’re creating protection, let yourself become shielded and feel safe). Breathe in deeply, and as you do so, visualize energy being created either in your solar plexus area or your forehead area. This energy glows with whatever light you imagine. As you concentrate on your intent, visualize this energy travelling slowly to your hands. Next, imagine that energy going into the object through your hands (i.e. strings of energy flowing through your palms to the object). Once this is done, visualize the object glowing. The light streams through your closed fingers, and when you open up your hands the light shines in your face. Open your eyes. The object is now charged.

Grounding and centring afterwards is recommended. This can take a lot of energy to do, and is especially draining for beginners. The more you do it, the easier it will become. The smaller the object the faster and easier it will be. I still have trouble charging objects bigger than my fist.


I hope this answered your questions about charging. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me. Happy charging! :)

(1st Image Credit)
(2nd Image Credit)
(3rd Image Credit)
(4th Image Credit)

I’m pretty sure I’ve reblogged this before, but just in case, here it is again. In my opinion, this is a fantastic guide to energy work. ❤️

designcookhouse: Here I was on the hunt for a dock for my iPad mini when I had one all along. I espe


Here I was on the hunt for a dock for my iPad mini when I had one all along. I especially like this b/c it’s DIY.


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I’ve noticed that a lot of people have been asking on how to this or that with sigils, so I’m making the huge list of resources we have on our blog a rebloggable post for any that would like to have it compiled on their own blog for easy access and use. As I update the references page, this post too will be updated, so keep an eye out for any future additions / modifications.

Please note that many methods of creation and charging will overlap within these articles; you do not need to read all of them, we are just providing a variety for you to choose from; pick whichever you like, and read until you find a method you like / have enough information to come up with your own method(s).

Please be aware that some articles suggested here were not thoroughly read by us (the moderators of this blog), and any information within should be read critically and with a grain of salt.

*The ~ symbol means those articles are posts on Tumblr

Sigil Crafting:

Sigil Charging:

Chaos Magic:

*We, the moderators of this blog, are not responsible and will not be held accountable for any actions taken as a result of reading these articles; any action taken, and any potential consequence due to, is the responsibility of the party performing said acts. We do not condone the use of these methods, particularly to minors (due to sexual nature); any minor performing anything found within these articles is doing so of their own free will and choice


I’ve directed some of you to this post recently so I thought I’d reblog it! It has a ton of awesome information, I learned most of what I know from this post. ♥



Moon Water

Moon water is water that’s been charged by the Moon. Different phases and the position of the moon have different properties/correspondents ex Aquarius Full Moon. You can make your own moon water very easily, the only required supplies are water and a glass container.

  • use any kind of water; creek/stream, rain, even just plain bottled/tap water.
  • place glass container under the moonlight (a windowsill works if you cannot leave the water outside)
  • collect moon water before sunrise ensuring no sunlight touches it

*Optional* you can also add water-safe crystals or herbs to the moon water to charge it with extra magickal properties.

Once you have your moon water there’s a variety of ways you can use it

  • add it to your bath
  • blessings
  • power spells
  • charge/cleanse your crystals/tools
  • water your herbs/plants
  • drink (be sure you used clean water/a clean sealed container)

Enchanting Jewelry


First cleanse your jewelry especially if it comes from a thrift or antique store, or has been owned by anyone else. The reason you want to cleanse your item is because it may have energies clinging from that last owner or even through shipping and handling.

A common way to cleanse your item is by setting it in a little bowl of salt. This grounds and absorbs the negative energy from your item. I like to leave it over night in the full moon or new moon.

Another method of cleansing is by waving it through smoke of incense or any kind of smoke of cleansing herbs you may have available to you. This is my favorite method.

You can also use cleansing sprays that you may have or hold it in running water, like a creek or river, or running fountain. Just make sure there is no chlorine in the water as that can damage your jewelry.

It’s important to visualize the energy dissipating, or melting off of your item during the cleansing.

Time & Place:

Set your time and place. This could be during a certain phase of moon, a certain day of the week, or holiday, or certain time of the day. It’s important to plan ahead for your spell or ritual.

If you cast circles, then this is your time to do so, as well as calling in any of your spirits, deities or ancestors that you’re working with.


Now write down and focus on your intent or say it out-loud. I found writing down your intent helps you focus and solidify your intention as well as saying it out-loud, it makes it more solid (in my opinion).

Now when you cast your spell be sure your intention is in a positive form instead of a negative form, and that it’s in the present tense. For example if you say “I will be protected” say “I am protected”. It’s important to be confident in your working.


Now that you have your intention said out-loud or written down, and you know exactly what you’re going to charge this piece for, and you’re in your sacred space and ready to work. You’re going to hold the item in your hand and center and ground yourself and focus on your intention. Visualize your outcome working. For example if your item is to protect you, then you want to visualize that item protecting you.

You’re now going to build up that energy from either the earth or yourself or both. Once you have that energy centered inside your body, you’re then going to visualize that energy coming up to your arm and into your hand and into the item that you’re holding. You want to be kind of like a battery, you want to fill that piece up as much as possible until it can no longer hold anymore energy of your intention.

Now close it off with whatever you feel will seal it. For example I like to say out-loud “So it is done” then I kiss it to seal it off.

Now you’re ready to wear it and go about your day.

Cleansing:Cleansing is removing any negative or unwanted energy You can cleanse your altar, your tools, a room, your house, your self, etc. 

Some ways to cleanse are burning incense, sprinkling salt around a room,  burying the object in the ground, hold it under running water, visualize all the negative energy leaving the space/object, ring bells, soak it in saltwater, banish negative energy by sweeping with a besom, run it over a candle flame, bury it in a bowl of salt, and leave it in the sunlight for a few minutes. Be careful though. Don’t put toxic crystals in water, bury objects safely, and be careful with fire (obviously).

Charging:Charging is empowering something with energy or intent.

Some ways to charge are putting the object/tool in the sun/moon, put it next to a living plant/herb and let the object absorb some of its energy, put a crystal on the object, use your own or the earth’s energy, or run it over a candle flame. 

1: You could use it to make coffee or tea, cook with it, drink it as is, and water your plants/animals.. 

2: Charge and cleanse your crystals with it, just make sure your they’ll be safe around water beforehand. 

3: Add a few drops to essential oils before a spell. 

4: Put a little in your bathwater or liquid makeup.

5: Leave it as offerings to the fae, your gods/goddesses, or the earth. 

6: Use it in spell workings and rituals. 

7: Sprinkle it on your third eye chakra to enhance your psychic abilities. 

8:Use it to make potions and tonics. 

9: Fill a bowl or a glass and use it for scrying. 

10: Carry some in a small bottle in your car, on your person, in your purse, in your pockets, etc.

Step One: You could find a stick lying on the ground or pick a very small branch from a tree. If you do the latter, I would recommend that you form a bond with the tree, ask for its permission beforehand, and leave an offering. You could also choose a wand from your birth tree or from a tree you have a connection to. You also shouldn’t kill or seriously harm a tree for a wand. 

Step Two: Now for the fun part! When/if your wand is dried, you can remove the bark and decorate it. You could paint sigils on it, put crystals on the end(s), carve in symbols, wrap wire around it, etc. Get creative! 

Step Three: You should cleanse your wand of any negative energy it might’ve picked up. You could cleanse it by running it through incense smoke, placing it in a bowl of salt overnight, ring a bell over it,  smudge it with herbs, place it in sunlight for a while, or burying in the ground. Just be careful with the last one though. 

Step Four: Remember; your wand doesn’t make energy by itself; you need to charge it. Your wand is an extension of the energy it was charged with. You can charge it with crystals, your own energy, sunlight, moonlight, herbs, gods and goddesses, soil, planets, and smoke. 

Some Witches and Wiccans don’t use wands, so if you don’t feel connected to the tool you don’t have to have it. That goes for all tools, don’t let anyone tell you how to practice. 

Thank you :) 


  • Make Pickle Popsickles! They help with heat and muscle cramps and make for a refreshing treat in the summer (I learned this from a softball coach)
  • Perform Shufflemancy while listening to your music while working out. 
  • Tell yourself Affirmations like stretching. Examples are such like, “This does not define my confidence, but will bring more to me.” “This workout will help me achieve my goal.” “I will build endurance.”
  • Charm your shoes! Charge them by running.
  • On that note, charm anything witchy by using the energy created while working out. Think of it like powering a generator by bicycling.
  • If running is mind-numbing, meditate while on a treadmill (be careful though!)
  • Infuse your water with fruit, taking into considering each fruit’s correspondences.
  • Charm your sweatbands to bolster confidence.
  • Build wards to protect yourself from the influence of judgement of other gym-goers.
  • Perform spells to help build healthy work-out routines and habits. 
  • Use epsom salts to both ease muscle aches and to cleanse yourself at the same time!


⚡  In witchcraft we talk about energy a lot, especially in the context of “charging” objects, or filling them with energy, whether personal or external, as the moving force behind magic and spells. 

⚡  Old energy becomes stagnant and bleh. Kinda like old food in the fridge. You gotta clean that out of it, so it doesn’t make the new good you put in “stink” too. So cleanse first before you charge!

⚡  Think of it like batteries! Things lose their charges, and then they kinda feel useless. So you gotta plug it back in to its metaphysical roots.

⚡  there are many ways to charge objects:  ⚡

  • moonlight
  • sea water
  • moon water
  • sunlight
  • fire
  • wind
  • soil
  • planetary influence
  • electricity
  • and many more! almost anything you can come up with

⚡  You can even charge one object with another, like charging a coffee cup with a crystal before breakfast. The magical energy stored in the crystal will transfer to the coffee, and then you have charmed and charged your drink!

⚡  When new energy is introduced to an object with correspondences, and it sits in there, it takes on those new properties of itself and

Regular water (no corres) + sunlight = sun water, water that has taken on the magical properties of the sun.

Amethyst (healing) + moonlight = boosts the existing healing properties of the amethyst, and has moons magical properties too

⚡  You can charge almost any object, with anything that has an energy.

french-baby-witch:I feel the need to protect my house, so I prepared a few sigils (all found on @sigfrench-baby-witch:I feel the need to protect my house, so I prepared a few sigils (all found on @sig


I feel the need to protect my house, so I prepared a few sigils (all found on @sigilathenaeum , great blog btw)

I went for a black and white style, but it didn’t feel right to let them like that. Plus, I didn’t feel like grounding to charge them and my crystals are kind of exhausted (oopsie). Watercolor seemed the best idea to me.

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I believe that many of the methods used to cleanse items can also be used to charge them - the difference lies within your intention. 

To cleanse, visualize negative energy actually leaving the object. To charge, visualize the object being filled with the energy from your chosen source.

Cleansing & Charging Methods:

  • Visualization -imagine a ball of energy forming around the item to either cleanse it or give it power (the color of the ball could correspond to your intent, i.e. white or blue for cleansing, red for power, etc.)
  • Earth -bury the object in soil or sand - a potted plant will also work
  • Water -submerge the item in running water 
    • Salt Water-anoint or submerge the item in a salt water solution 
    • Gem Water - anoint or submerge the item in a corresponding crystal elixir 
    • Herbal & Floral Water - anoint or submerge the item in a solution of corresponding herbs or flowers 
  • Sea Salt - sprinkle sea salt over/around the item or submerge it in a container of sea salt 
  • Essential & Infused Oils-anoint item with corresponding oil 
  • Smoke - pass the item through incense smoke 
  • Fire -pass the item through an open flame 
  • Storms -leave item outside during a thunderstorm
  • Wind & Breath-leave item outside when it’s windy or use your breath to essentially breathe your intent into the item
  • Crystals/Crystal Grid -surround the item with crystals of corresponding intent (can be arranged in a pattern to form a crystal grid and enhance energy) or simply pass the crystal over the item
  • Dried/Fresh Herbs & Flowers - sprinkle mixture over/around item or submerge the item in a mixture of herbs and/or flower petals 
  • Sound - use a bell, whistle, or something similar to clear the space and associated items of negativity; alternatively, you can place the item near a set of speakers to absorb the energy from music and other sounds 
  • Sigils - craft and use sigils that correspond with your intent (you can set the item on top of the sigil, draw the sigil on the item, etc.)
  • Technology -set the item near your phone/tablet/etc while it’s charging 
  • Moonlight & Starlight -leave item in the path of these natural lights, either outside or in a windowsill overnight 
  • Sunlight -leave item in the path of sunlight for a few hours during the day (before sunset, of course), either outside or in a windowsill 
  • Divination -pair the item with a rune or tarot/oracle card that matches your intent in a small container 
  • Incantations - create an incantation that states your intent and speak it aloud while holding the item
  • Physical Energy-engage in physical activity of some sort (exercise, dancing, sex, etc.) and direct that energy into the item
  • Actual cleaning-physically and literally clean any items with an appropriate solution (soap, alcohol, etc.); the energy put into cleaning can also be used to charge the item

Caution: some items, especially crystals, are not suitable for exposure to sunlight, water, or salt. 

Cleansingis:removing negative* energy from an item or space

Chargingis:instilling energy into an item with specific intentions

(*Note: cleansing will remove all attached energy from an object unless it is a talisman that possesses power naturally on its own, such as a crystal or herb. A talisman’s natural energy will remain in tact after a cleansing but any prior chargings, blessings, enchantments, etc. will be removed along with any negative energy)


Directing energy involves concentration, focus and energy. After raising energy, it can be taxing. It’s important for the beginning practitioner to pace themselves. Baby steps lovelies, there’s no shame in it.

After raising the energy, focus on your intent. Infuse that intent with the energy you have and begging ‘moving’ it towards your goal. There are many mediums in which to achieve this; charging an object, casting out, imbuing it in a tool (poppet, charm, etc.) or simple a direct method.

Charging objects is an easy way to begin. Hold a stone or an item that represents your intent in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize the energy pouring from you and into that object. Hold the visualization, allowing the energy to become strong within that object. I like to use obsidian, charged with neutralizing energy and carry it with me, I touch it when I feel overwhelmed and allow myself to be neutralized.

Casting out requires a good deal more focus. I learned to cast out in a previous coven of mine. It works well when you need energy to reach someone or something you cant have contact with. Such as a sick loved one who lives far from you. Find yourself in a comfortable position. Visualize the energy forming almost solidly around you. Keep your intent in you thoughts. Begin visualizing that energy rising up into the sky or earth depending on your preference. As it rises, allow to to begin traveling in the direction of your intent. Release it and hold your focus for a few more moments, then rest, ground.

My personal favorite is to create a medium for directing energy. Such as allowing the energy to travel through a wand. Creating a doll, charm or other such item is a great way to continue sending energies certain way. I like to see poppet dolls for certain needs. With each stitch I can focus on my intent and imbue it with energy. Its almost as if you fill the object energy and it releases it slowly. Or quickly sometimes. These items will eventually become ‘empty’, usually after your goal has been met.

french-baby-witch: I feel the need to protect my house, so I prepared a few sigils (all found on @sifrench-baby-witch: I feel the need to protect my house, so I prepared a few sigils (all found on @si


I feel the need to protect my house, so I prepared a few sigils (all found on @sigilathenaeum , great blog btw)

I went for a black and white style, but it didn’t feel right to let them like that. Plus, I didn’t feel like grounding to charge them and my crystals are kind of exhausted (oopsie). Watercolor seemed the best idea to me.

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Charging is a technique used to implement your own energy into an object. This allows you to program crystals, create charms, or even fill whole rooms full of the energy you choose.

When thinking of charging in a mundane sense, you think of charging up your phone or computer, this is a perfect analogy of what I’m talking about. You charge your phone battery, just like you can charge things like crystals.

Almost anything can be charged, things like stones/crystals, doors, CARS, etc. The possibilities are endless.

First thing you need to know before charging is what kind of energy you’re working with and what you’re using it for.

Now we decided where we are storing the energy in.

Sit down comfortably, holding the item you wish to store the energy in. Focus that energy you want to store, take a deep breath, feel it building within you. When the energy peaks, send it rushing through your arms and into your object.


rb to have a very gay 2022


This is no where near all the ways you can charge things so feel free to add to the list or send me other methods. I intend to go back and add to it occasionally.

Edited 12/10/16


  • Draw it on paper (or something safe to burn) and burn it
  • Draw it on a firework and set it off
  • Carve it into a candle, light it, and let the sigil melt away
  • Place it close to a flame to absorb the light and heat


  • Draw it on wind chimes and hang them up
  • Hang it up somewhere it can blow around in the breeze by a fan
  • Draw it on a balloon, blow the balloon up, and pop it
  • Draw it on a kite and fly it


  • Draw it on something soluble and dissolve it in water
  • Draw it on a rock (or something non-soluble) and place it in running water
  • Draw it with something food safe on a tea bag and drink it (It’s more using a sigil to charge the tea, but whatever)
  • Draw it on yourself then take a shower and let it wash away
  • Draw it in chalk on the sidewalk to wash away in the rain


  • Draw it on something biodegradable and bury it
  • Transfer energy from previously charged crystals
  • Draw it in the dirt somewhere it will be worn away


  • Place it in the sun or moonlight
  • Draw it with/in something that will disappear: lemon juice on paper, fog in a mirror, etc.
  • Paint it with glow in the dark paint, the light used to charge the paint and its own glow charges the sigil


  • Place it on/under a device that is plugged in and charging
  • Open the image on your computer and play a video game on top of it
  • Use the sigil as your background or screensaver or just leave it up for a while to be charged by the screen’s light and energy of the computer
  • Open the sigil in a paint or photo editing program, cut it to pieces, and delete them (like you would tear up a piece of paper)
  • Place the sigil on/near speakers and play music (match the music to the intent of the sigil)
  • Post the sigil on social media with the intent that it charge with every like/reblog/thumbs up/etc.

Personal Energy (Mental and Physical)

  • Direct your own personal energies into the sigil (How to)
  • Draw it on yourself or something you have on you as you exercise: dance, run, play sport, etc.
  • Have the sigil on/near you and focus on it as you have sex/masturbate and orgasm
  • Have the sigil on/near you and focus on it while experiencing pain
  • Have the sigil on/near you and focus on it while experiencing extreme emotion
  • Add a drop of blood to the sigil


  • Sing or play an instrument to it
  • Place it in a music box, wind it up and let the music charge it
  • Draw it on paper and tear the paper up
  • Draw the sigil with food or carve it into food and eat it (bonus if it’s baked/cooked/etc.)
  • Draw it on the bottom of your shoes and walk around
  • Draw it on yourself with lotion or makeup and blend it in