#beginner witches


Cleansing:Cleansing is removing any negative or unwanted energy You can cleanse your altar, your tools, a room, your house, your self, etc. 

Some ways to cleanse are burning incense, sprinkling salt around a room,  burying the object in the ground, hold it under running water, visualize all the negative energy leaving the space/object, ring bells, soak it in saltwater, banish negative energy by sweeping with a besom, run it over a candle flame, bury it in a bowl of salt, and leave it in the sunlight for a few minutes. Be careful though. Don’t put toxic crystals in water, bury objects safely, and be careful with fire (obviously).

Charging:Charging is empowering something with energy or intent.

Some ways to charge are putting the object/tool in the sun/moon, put it next to a living plant/herb and let the object absorb some of its energy, put a crystal on the object, use your own or the earth’s energy, or run it over a candle flame. 

Using Crystals: Use them for Meditating, grounding, cleanse them,  spellwork, carry it for good luck or other intentions, spell jars, scrying, charge something with the crystal’s energy, charge it with your energy and intention, and use it for spell oils (make sure it’s safe to use, some crystals are toxic when exposed to liquid)   

Storing Crystals: You can place them on your altar, carry them on your person, put them in your car, if they’re jewelry you can wear them (duh), charge them with your intention and put them under your pillow, and place them in different places around your house. 

Buying Crystals: Crystals can be found online and at Witchcraft shops. I’ve gotten all of mine off of eBay. If you buy them at auction, and they go for a low bid, the seller may not send them. That’s happened to me a few times. 

If you have an interest in or are striving for something, like psychic abilities or prosperity; you can research crystals that correspond to. 

Thank you for reading this and have a magickal day  ❤❤

I hope you had a great Yule and a merry Christmas! 

Even though New Year’s Eve is not part of the witches’ sabbats, or the pagan’s wheel of the year, many witches still decide to celebrate December 31st. Here are a few ideas to make this night a bit more witchy and magical… 

Make New Year’s resolutions, and note them in your grimoire or book of shadows. Draw magical sigils to ensure strength and success. 

Use kitchen witchcraft to infuse all your ambitions and good intentions for the new year into baked goods and NYE cocktails. 

Make a 12-card Tarot spread, to reveal what you should focus on every month of next year. 

Cleanse your home. If you want inspiration, find here my post on cleansing using the 4 elements

Practice candle magic by lighting a white candle, which represents purity and new beginnings, at midnight and whispering your hopes for 2021 to the flame. 

Write a letter to your future self, to open next New Year’s Eve, as a way to reflect on what you hope to happen within the year. You can write a physical letter or use FutureMe.org

Be loud! Make as much noise as possible, especially at midnight, to scare away bad energies for the new year. 

Open windows and/or doors at midnight, to let the old energies of 2020 go, and to bring in new and positive intentions. 

  • The Athame: a knife with a black handle, which is used to cast a circle. Represents masculine energy and the element of fire. Should not be used for cutting or to cause physical harm to others!!
  • The Chalice: these can come in goblet styles, or simply any mug or cup. This is used  to hold water or wine, which is to be drank after a ritual. The chalice represents water.
  • The Wand: your wand can be made out of anything you feel connected to: bone, wood, metal, etc. A witch’s wand is very personal, which means you can fashion your wand to your own personal style. The wand is used to direct energies during a ritual, and represents the element of air
  • The Pentacle: This is a very powerful and protective symbol in Wicca. On an altar, your pentacle can come in the form of a pendant or a platen. You can also use a pentacle necklace on your altar. This represents earth, and used to cleanse yourself, your surroundings, and all items on your altar. 
  • Candles:Different colored candles can represent different uses for the candles. The candles clearly represents the element of fire. A pair of candles represents a Goddess and a God
  • The Cauldron: Like the chalice, the cauldron represents water. The cauldron is used to hold things such as water, incense, herbs, and candles. This is very useful when it comes to rituals and burning small fires. Cast iron is the best material for your cauldron but isn’t mandatory. 
  • Bells: Bells are often used to mark passages in a ritual. Many spells ask for you to ring the bell once or twice and the bells can mark the beginning and then end of a ritual.
  • Incense: Incense is used to clear energy, cleanse, and call in energies. Most incense will work with whatever you’re doing.
  • The Bowls: The bowls on your altar represents earth. It is important to have a bowl of sea salt because the sea salt can cleanse your other magick tools on your altar. Smudging bowls are very important in magick.
  • Crystals: There are many different crystals that hold different energies. Keeping a variety of crystals on your altar can help with various different rituals. These crystals cane enhance the power of your spells.
  • The Broom: The broom is very symbolic of sweeping energy and keeping negativity away 

Before using these tools, you should clear and cleanse it. The more you grow in your witchcraft, the more tools you can add to help yourself thrive in your magick ✨

These are just things I’ve found that helped me when I began witchcraft. Most of these things are not a necessity, but can help. Please do not give me hate for this. This is a Wiccan blog, hence the name. 

Protection Spell: Circle of Salt

Love Spell: Herbal Bath of Love

Success Spell: Candle of Power

Health Spell: Healing Hands

Intuition Spell: Increase My Dreams Sachet 

You can ask me about what you need and the instructions! 

Simple things you can do to bring more love and positivity into the world: 

 • enchant the bus or train you’re on, so that everybody has a pleasant day or a safe travel home 

• paint protective sigils in the misty windows of buses or shops when it rains, and leave words of encouragement and praise on public bathrooms’ mirrors bless passing ambulances and firefighter trucks with speed and safety for their patients/destination wear an enchanted lipstick/gloss for your smile to brighten the day of everybody you meet enchant your spare change so that it gives luck to the beggars you donate it to; they need it, don’t they? actually, just enchant your money, so that retail and low-wage workers can have a better day when they serve you 

• leave blessed acorns and harmless trinkets in various places like buses or waiting rooms; give other people something to wonder about and make their day, and kids an item to roll in their hands mindlessly 

• bless food and leave it for stray animals; let birds be messangers of hope and miraclous event for everybody that sees them whisper encouragement to trees and grass you pass by; let them know someone cares, someone sees their beauty, and awaits their bloom 

• smile at children and pets; provide them with the positive energy that the world is trying to kill in them 

• leave motivational notes, praise and silly drawings charged with love and hope on post-it notes as you go; they can brighten the day of those that find them


Saying mental illness is a sign of psychic powers is romanticizing mental illness.
