#hq oneshots



pairing: oikawa tooru x fem! reader

warnings: swearing, suggestive content (17+), college drinking, college partying, breakdown

genre: fluff (?), angst, best friends, aged up characters

word count: ~2k words

a/n:hello friends!! enjoy this glimpse into what’s going on in my life through fanfiction bc writing is how i cope :) im glad to be writing for the first time in forever ! [btw, yes, this is about the boy i was talking about on here <3 ] pls reblog and enjoy xx

“hey… you shouldn’t sleep on the floor.”

you nudged his shoulder, hoping to wake him up. he let out a small groan, causing you to chuckle. the soft music echoed throughout your dorm room, only he was too tired to notice. you patted him again. instead of getting up, he moved closer to you and rested his head in your lap.

you didn’t expect to be spending your friday night like this. you didn’t think your friday night would lead to this. yet, it did.

it started out as every innocent weekend does. you were just looking to have a good time. one of your good friends, bokuto kotaro, always seemed to have something going on in his room, so you decided to go there.

however, you didn’t go alone.

you went with your best friend.

oikawa tooru.

you first went to his room. oikawa opened the door with a dashing smile as he always did and let you inside. he handed you a water bottle.

“i already made you your mix,” he said.

“what a good friend you are.”

“the best, i know.”

the two of you made your way to bokuto’s dorm, already feeling the affects of your drink. you could hear the music from down the hall.

“yooo! we got y/n and tooru here!” shouted kuroo, bokuto’s roommate. you laughed and joined in on the fun.

you liked these little dorm parties. they were harmless. just a group of friends getting together. however, every time you went to one of those dorm parties, there seemed to be something in the air.

“take a shot y/n!” insisted makki. you smiled, taking the small glass and downing it.

“that’s my girl!” said oikawa, causing your face to grow warm.

“hey now you gotta take one,” you teased. oikawa smirked, pouring himself a shot and taking it as if it were water.

as the night progressed and people began to reach their limits, you found yourself snuggled up on a bean bag with your best friend.

your best friend whom you’ve liked since the day you met him.

you stared up at the ceiling, watching the l.e.d lights above you blur onto one color. you looked over your shoulder at oikawa, who was on the brink of passing out. you patted his chest.

“don’t fall asleep.”

oikawa opened his eyes and chuckled.

“im wide awake.”

you could finally feel some clarity as the alcohol was wearing off. you looked around the darkened room as your friends held back each other’s hair and people were passed out on the futon. you looked at oikawa.

“we should go.”

you wobbled your way to the elevator, holding oikawa’s hand as you went in. he was practically begging for your attention. you clicked the button back to your floor, where he also lived.

you couldn’t just leave him like this. his roommate wouldn’t help him and you knew he’d be a wreck all alone. so, you led him to your room instead.

your roommate went home every weekend. you honestly liked having the room to yourself. it made situations like this easier.

and that led you to where you were now. sitting on your bedroom floor as he slept besides you. his soft breathing tickled your thighs. you ran your fingers through his brown hair, something you never thought would happen out of a platonic context. was all this platonic? you didn’t know. you soon would.

tooru shifted closer to you, nestling into your lap. you felt his hands snake under your shorts as he played with your underwear. you sighed.

the two of you laid there for hours it seemed. he was fast asleep while you pondered what was happening. he had to have known what he was doing.

suddenly, tooru got up and stretched out his arms. you looked at him with widened eyes. he yawned.

“your bed is probably way more comfortable than the floor.”

oikawa made his way to your bed, climbing up and getting under the covers as if he owned it. you took a deep breath and got into bed with him.

“hey,”you whispered. oikawa looked at you and gave you a tired smile.

“hey pretty girl.”

you felt your stomach clench at his words. why did he have to say that. you gulped.

“tooru i…i like you,” you whispered. oikawa sat up, placing his hand on your cheek.


“yes really. i like you,” you admitted. oikawa leaned in a bit closer to you, making your heart flutter.


oikawa pulled you towards him into a kiss. you had been waiting for this moment, so what else were you to do but kiss him back. kiss him like your life depended on it. you kissed him and everything felt perfect. like this was how things were supposed to be.

you stared into his eyes. his eyes that seem to encapsulate every reason why you liked him so much. so much more than just as your best friend. you memorized every sound he made and how he made you feel. you memorized every word he said and how you believed them to be true. as you dug your nails into his soft skin, you couldn’t help but realize how beautiful he was. you wondered if he thought you were beautiful in this moment too.

you pulled the covers over your bare body and snuggled into his chest. as the two of you caught your breath and he turned off the lights, you thought what could happen next. what will come of this night? certainly you couldn’t stay best friends now. there was something there. there had to be something between you two, or so you hoped.


you asked to talk to him. he asked why. you said you just thought it was best to speak in person. he said okay.

you made your way to his room, just as you had a million times before. why was this time different?

“hey,” he said. you smiled, letting yourself in. you sat down on his couch, fiddling with the sleeves of your sweater.

“so what’s up?”

you took a deep breath.

“i just wanted to talk and see where your head is at since…um…these last two weeks have been kinda weird,” you explained. oikawa chuckled.

“i kinda figured that’s what you wanted to talk about.”

two weeks. this has been going on for two weeks. staying in his room, sending flirty texts, confessing how much you missed him when he would leave. and he played along. for two weeks.

“look, y/n, i like you and you’re one hundred percent my type,” he began, “but, im just not in the place for a relationship right now. i think we should just stay friends. but hey, if anything happens in the future that’s cool too.”

you nodded at every word he said, even though it went in one ear and out the other. once you finally realized what he had said, you felt your heart crack.

but you couldn’t let him know that.

“right. that’s for the best.”

oikawa smiled and patted you on the back.

“i knew you’d understand. wanna watch a movie?”


it was another friday night, except this time you were alone. you laid in your bed, alone. he was just down the hall. you could go and see him. you missed him, and he was only a couple hundred feet away. what you wanted was for him to just hold you. not platonically.

you got up from your bed and walked over to his room. it was normal for you to come over unannounced. you were best friends after all.

you gave his door your signature knock and waited for his response.

“oh hey,” he smiled.

“can i come in?”

“of course”

as the credits of the movies rolled, you couldn’t help but look over at tooru every few seconds just to check if he was looking at you too.

he was.

oikawa moved closer to you on the couch, wrapping his arm around you. you slowly made eye contact with him and as he shot you that look, you knew what was happening next.

his lips felt like a cloud, his kisses a dream. everytime you tried to back away, he drew you back in. he was always drawing you back in.

“w-wait-“ you insisted. oikawa gave you a confused look.

“everything okay?”

“tooru…i thought you wanted to be just friends.”

“i do.”

“then why are we doing this?”

oikawa scratched the back of his head, chuckling nervously.

“come on y/n…all this is just friendly.”

you felt your heart crack again.


oikawa gave you a pat on the back.

“it’s just platonic.”

you stared at him for at least two minutes. blank expression. you got up from the couch and began to pace back and forth.

“uh y/n-“

“so you like me, but not enough to date me, and you think everything we’ve been doing has just been out of friendship?” you shouted. tooru’s face was now blank.

“look y/n-“

“you have been toying with me for weeks, tooru! and i let you! you know why?”


“because im fucking in love with you! oh my god tooru im in love with you and you treat me like shit!” you screamed. your anger turned to sadness as you felt tears roll down your cheek. oikawa got up and stood in front of you.

“y/n you have to know i never meant to hurt you. i just wasn’t thinking and i didn’t expect this to happen the way it did…like i didn’t even know you liked me-“

“how! how did you not know? i even told you!”

“well i didn’t think you were so serious…”

you looked into those dark brown eyes, something you used to love to do. now, you looked into his eyes and saw yourself. a crying mess in front of him.

“why don’t you love me?” you pleaded. oikawa sighed.

“you know i care about you y/n. you’re my best friend and i can’t lose you. but i just can’t give you what you want. i’m sorry.”

your heart finally broke.

he wasn’t sorry. you didn’t believe him. you wanted him to lie. fake being in love with you because you were so in love with him. so in love it drove you insane.

“im gonna go.”

“y/n don’t go-“

“tooru, i need a minute. please.”

oikawa grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him. your red eyes stared him down.

“come in y/n. you’re my best friend. you can’t be mad at me, right?”

you trembled in his grasp. you couldn’t stop crying. you felt like a fool.

“no, i can’t. unfortunately im too in love with you to hate you.”

you broke away from tooru and walked out the door.


it was excruciating.

the pain.

you didn’t even date him. why on earth did it hurt so bad? it was so much worse than anything you had felt before.

you gripped into your pillow, sobbing until the fabric would change color. before, when you were sad, you would go to tooru. now, he was the reason why you were sad. so you had no where to go. you couldn’t avoid him. after all, he lived just a few doors down and he still technically was your best friend. you had no choice but to fake it. fake that you were fine when he asked to study or grab lunch. fake this feeling of happiness to mask your heartbreak. all for him.

everything that happened was meaningless.

it was meaningless in the way you wanted it to be. it meant everything to you and nothing to him.


it was simply just platonic.

reblogs are sexy and so are you <3

wc: 1.3k

a/n: This is a continuation of To Dismiss Affections. Sorry it took so long! I’ve been wanting to work on it but my laptop took forever to ship lol. Thanks for requesting @salty4tsukki​!


You weren’t sure why you were so nervous. It was simply a daily routine at this point. You had been walking with Tsukishima to his volleyball practice and watching since the beginning of the school year. There was absolutely no reason 

You weren’t sure why you were so nervous all of a sudden. It was simply a daily routine at this point; it had been since the beginning of the school year. So, why, you wondered, was it so hard to breathe right now? As you walked down the hall with Tsukishima after school, your backpack over his shoulder as usual, you couldn’t ignore the sweat accumulating on your palms. You tried to wipe the sweat away as discretely as you could, but it came back just as quickly. 

The silence surrounding the two of you was much more deafening than before. It used to be comfortable and usual, but now it made your stomach flutter with anxiety. What was so different about today? You glanced at Tsukishima out of the corner of your eye to see if he was feeling the same way you were at the moment. If he was, it didn’t show. The same indifferent expression sat on his face as it always did. 

“So where’s my jacket?” You nearly jump out of your skin at the sudden burst in the silence. Your breath catches in your throat for a moment. Shit. 

“Oh, uh… I accidentally left it at home…” You were so caught up in trying the ease the blush on your face and calm your beating heart that night that you had completely forgotten about the jacket he leant you. 

Tsukishima clicks his tongue at your response. “Typical.” He side eyes you for a moment. “Did you at least remember to study for that test today? I’d rather not have to tutor you again.” 

You gasp in mock offense as you quickly turn to face him. “I’ll have you know I would have done very well on that test even if I didn’t study!” Tsukishima doesn’t bother with a reply, only responding by pushing your face away from him. Before you have a chance to get your revenge, a voice pipes up behind you.

“Tsukishima! It’s not nice to shove your girlfriend!” 

Though this kind of teasing was nothing but routine at this point, your face flushed uncontrollably. Before yesterday, you were able to brush off such jokes and ignore the light flutter in your stomach. Tsukishima grimaces, turning to face Tanaka. “I thought I told you that she wasn’t my girlfriend,” he states coolly. Despite it being the truth, the swiftness of his denial brought a pang to your chest. You weren’t his girlfriend, so why were your feelings hurt? Why should he have any reaction other than his usual indifference?

As Tsukishima bickered with Tanaka, you found yourself doubting the possibility of Tsukishima returning your new found feelings. As you swam through the uncertainties, you found yourself drowning. “Ah!” you call out suddenly, “I totally forgot! My mom needs me home right after school. Sorry, Tsukishima. Looks like I won’t be able to watch your guys’ practice!” Without waiting for a reply, you quickly walk in the opposite direction. You toss a wave over your shoulder before disappearing around the corner. 

Maybe it was immature of you to sulk about the unrequited nature of your feelings, but that’s what you were going to do nonetheless. 


You hum to yourself as you click through Netflix aimlessly. After a bit of moping around, you were able to push Tsukishima to the back of your mind. You made yourself comfortable on the couch, curled up in your most comfortable pajamas. This was going to be a nice movie-filled night.

Or it was going to be until the doorbell rang.

You huff, checking your phone for the time. Who could possibly show up at your house right now? 

“Hel- Oh. Tsukishima.” He towers over you in the doorway. Under his gaze, you suddenly feel very conscious of your current choice of clothing. You shift awkwardly and avert your eyes. “What are you doing here?”

“I needed my jacket. We have a match tomorrow,” he states simply. 

“O-Oh! Right. Shit, sorry. I’ll go grab it. You can come in if you want.” He nods, stepping into the house and shutting the door behind him. Before he can say anything else, you quickly disappear into your room. You scour your room, finding the jacket neatly hung on the back of your desk chair. You pick it up, examining it closely. Was it too wrinkled? Would he be able to tell you slept in it? Oh, God. If he found out you slept in it, you would never hear the end of it. Or he’d be completely freaked out. And then he’d never talk to you again. What? No! Stop stop stop. Just give him the jacket.

As you go to return to Tsukishima, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror in your room. Lord, your face is so red! Chill out, (Y/N)! Oh, God, your hairrrr. No time to fix it. He’s waiting. Plus it’d be weird if you fixed your hair. It’s not like you care.Ugh, yes you do. Gah! Just go give him the jacket!

You clear your throat as you return to Tsukishima, praying that your flustered appearance will go unnoticed. “Here ya go!” you cheerily declare, offering it to him. He gives you an odd look as he slowly takes it from you. Ah! His fingers brushed against yours! 

“You’re acting weird.”

“Wha- No I’m not!”

“You are. Very weird.”

“Pshh. As if. Why would I even be acting weird?” Would he just dropit? You wanted him to leave so you could forget this ever happened. But you also didn’t want him to leave. You wanted him to stay and kiss you and- Pay attention, (Y/N)!

“Is it the jacket? Because you can’t keep it. I need it.” Before you even have the chance to rebuke his comment, he continues, “Unless you go to the game wearing it.”

You shoot up instantly to meet his gaze. “W-what?” 

He rolls his eyes annoyedly, looking away from you. “I’m just saying that the only way you can keep the jacket is if you come to the match tomorrow wearing it.”

You smile as you catch a tint of pink dusting his cheeks. “Is that your way of asking me to come tomorrow?” He glares at you. “Because if so, that’s stupid. I always come to your games,” you laugh. 

“Yeah, never mind. I’m taking that jacket.” He turns and reaches for the door.

“No, wait! I’m just kidding! Of course I’ll come.” You had grabbed his hand without thinking. You didn’t think such light teasing would scare him off so quickly. 

“Tch. You better.” He gently places the jacket back in your hands. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Match starts at eleven.”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world!” He turns to leave again. “Oh, wait, Tsukishima!” As he sighs and looks back at you, you grin cheekily. You felt a sudden swell of confidence after witnessing his own coyness. “Did you only come over ‘cause you missed me?”

Before you have a chance to react, he leans over and quickly catches your lips with his own. Your heart leaps in your chest and all the blood in your body rushes to your face. You hardly have enough time to return the kiss before he’s pulling away. As you stutter, searching your mind for any kind of coherent thought, he gently flicks your forehead. You glare up at his fond smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow, idiot.”


warnings: none, just jealous oikawa lol
characters: toru oikawa x reader

request: Hello! I found your blog and really love your work and I was wondering if you could make a oikawa x reader oneshot of him being jealous. Like some guy(s) is/ (are) flirting with the reader and Oikawa gets jealous and things. I really never find one of oikawa being jealous and things. If you can’t do it that’s okay. I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you. (With the (s) and (are) I’m just gonna let you do as you wish if you won’t more then one guy or not idk srry)

a/n: i was gonna make this nsfw but honestly i like it better this way, and hopefully you do too :) but if y’all want this in a smutty version, i will gladly oblige lol

toru oikawa

- oikawa is a fairly confident person as most may know

- some may even say he’s overly confident or possibly even conceited 

- but you don’t see it that way

- you just see a guy who’s comfortable in his own skin and takes pride in his abilities

- and because of oikawa’s confidence, he’s not typically one to get jealous very easily

- maybe a bit defensive, or slightly possessive

- but never fully jealous

- until he meets tetsuro kuroo for the first time that is

- kuroo happens to take quite a liking to you

- and let’s just say oikawa isn’t happy about that

- at all

of course you have shown up to the huge volleyball tournament your boyfriend is currently taking part in, you wouldn’t miss it for the world. you absolutely adore watching oikawa play because you get to witness a side of him that you don’t normally get to see. a more serious and focused side. a side of him solely driven by determination and desire, and you quite like seeing such passion physically radiate from his skin as he plays. it’s captivating really, so captivating that you don’t even notice the presence of the tall figure moving closely beside you until his arm accidentally brushes against yours. 

“oh, my bad. i was just trying to move closer to get a better view of the game.” the stranger says. he’s tall, dark hair, slender yet muscular build. his hazel eyes are looking down at you apologetically as he gives you a quick smile and you return him a smile as well. 

“no worries. you play?” you ask, taking in the man’s appearance. he’s wearing a volleyball uniform so you don’t even know why you asked that, the answer blatantly obvious. but you figured it would be a nice way to make conversation nonetheless. 

“i do, i’m a middle blocker. supposed to play the winning team of this game actually. that’s why i came to watch.” he says tilting his head down to the court where your boyfriend is currently playing. “i’m tetsuro by the way, but you can call me kuroo. or whatever you prefer.” he turns his attention back to you, holding out his right hand for you to shake. you take his hand in yours, shaking it firmly.

“i’m y/n, nice to meet you kuroo.” you say kindly before turning your attention back to the game that you had temporarily forgotten about. you lock eyes with oikawa who’s looking up at you with an expression that you can’t quite read. but what you do know is he does not look happy despite the fact that his team had just scored a point, giving them a five point lead in a round that can win them the whole game. you frown a bit, confused as to why he’s upset. 

“you know him or something?” kuroo asks you, raising an eyebrow as he speaks. 

“who oikawa? yeah, i know him very well. he’s my boyfriend.” you respond and there’s a slight glint of disappointment in kuroo’s eyes. 

“ahh i see, should’ve known a pretty girl like you wouldn’t be single.” kuroo sighs and you can’t help but blush at the nice compliment. 

“haha, thank you. but yes, i’m happily taken.” you smile, glancing down to oikawa who still looks somewhat frustrated. 

“i’ve heard from mutual friends that oikawa can be quite the handful. is that true?” kuroo asks genuinely. 

“mm, i suppose. he can be complicated sometimes, he’s got a very unique personality. but it’s nothing i can’t handle. i think we’re really good together.” you defend your boyfriend and kuroo flashes you a smirk. 

“he’s a lucky dude, that oikawa. you’re stunning and you seem like you have a great head on your shoulders.” kuroo flirts and again you feel yourself start to blush. it’s not that you’re actually interested in this guy. sure, he’s attractive and all, but your heart is with oikawa and it always will be. it’s just that compliments always seem to fluster you, no matter who they’re from. 

oikawa can spot your blush and the way you’re smiling and giggling while speaking to kuroo from his spot on the court. he has no clue what it means, but an intense sensation of heat is building in his chest and he suddenly feels the urge to punch something. better yet, punch someone.he’s up to serve and if anyone in the gym hadn’t known something was up with oikawa’s mood before, they most definitely notice it now. oikawa is infamous for having an insanely powerful serve, even when he isn’t currently seething over the hot shot stranger flirting with his girlfriend in the stands. so you can only imagine the sheer amount of power he serves the ball with while his anger builds within him as he watches you and the dark haired guy from the corner of his eye. the harsh sound of his skin meeting the smooth leather of the ball is like something you’ve never heard before. the frown on his face as he hits it, his eyebrows knitted closely together and his bottom lip tucked tightly between his teeth, it’s clear that he’s mad. really mad. and the sound the ball makes when it smacks the floor on the other side of the net, seemingly not even taking half a second to get there, is gut retching. you’re sure that if anyone had even dared to receive that, they may as well have been asking for death. your eyes go wide and the stadium goes quiet for a solid second before cheers and chants of oikawa’s name echo all throughout the building. that was the winning point, and to the outside viewer they may just suspect that oikawa served the ball like that to solidify his teams’ victory. but you know there’s a deeper routed reason behind that unnecessarily powerful serve. 

“sheesh, does your boyfriend always serve like that at game point? definitely gonna have to warn my teammates about that.”  kuroo says, clearly in awe over the hit. 

“he’s usually powerful, but not like that. that was different. something’s wrong.” you realize and begin to make your way over to the stairs of the stands so you could figure out what’s got your boyfriend so obviously distraught. 

“well it was nice meeting you y/n, thanks for keeping me company throughout the game.” kuroo calls after you and you turn to face him.

“same to you kuroo.” you respond, not knowing that oikawa is glaring at the two of you aggravatedly as he waits for you to finish making your way down the stairs.

“what was that about?”

“what was that about?” 

you two ask in unison as soon as you’re in each other’s presence. 

“you first.” you say, looking into oikawa’s eyes with anticipation. he rolls his eyes at you, placing one hand on his hip and the other on the bridge of his nose. 

“are you serious? you really have no idea of why i’m upset? no ideas at all?” he sighs, removing his hand from his nose and you frown at him in confusion. 

“no? did i do something?” you ask. your voice soft with guilt even though you have no clue what you even feel guilty for. 

“that dude, fucking abercrombie model over there. he was flirting with you the entire game. it was hard to concentrate when he was practically sucking your face right in front of me.” oikawa huffs dramatically and you can’t help but let out a small laugh.

“you mean kuroo? he does kind of look like an abercrombie model huh?” you giggle and oikawa looks like he’s about to blow a fuse.

“you think this is funny? well it’s not y/n. it was seriously annoying watching him make you smile and laugh like that. what’d you say his name is? kuroo? i hate him. i hate kuroo.” oikawa pouts. 

“oikawa babe, are you jealous?” you ask with a teasing smile and he shoots you the most intense look he’s ever given you.

“me? why would i be jealous. literally what is there to be jealous of? like ok yeah, he has cool hair. and he’s tall. and he’s got a nice face. and his volleyball team is actually pretty good. but that does NOT mean i’m jealous y/n. i’m never jealous. ever.” oikawa huffs and you find it painfully difficult not to full on laugh at him. 

“i hate to break it to you pretty boy, but you sound a bit jealous.” you say, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

“yeah whatever.” he mumbles, lifting your hand to his face so he can nuzzle into your touch a bit. “i guess i just felt intimidated by him, and i’ve never really felt like that before so i didn’t know how to react. i just got really angry, as i’m sure you saw.” he continues, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. “but i trust you, and i know you weren’t flirting back. you were just being friendly because that’s who you are, and i love that about you. so i apologize for overreacting like that, that was kind of stupid.” 

your heart.

“it wasn’t stupid toru, everyone falls victim to jealousy at least once. i’m just glad to see that you care enough to get that upset.” you laugh lightly. 

“well duh, i’m too in love with you to not get upset over that.” he says, placing a finger under your chin before lifting your face up for a kiss. the kiss is passionate, far too passionate to be happening in a gym full of tons of people but that’s oikawa for you. he couldn’t care less about what other people think, especially when he’s with you. when he’s with you, it’s just you and him. no one else matters.


“that was a killer serve oikawa, hope to see it again when we play you in a little bit.” a familiar voice rings from beside you. you disconnect the kiss and open your eyes, greeted by a very smug looking kuroo. you thought you had seen oikawa reach peak anger earlier, but you stand corrected. if looks could kill, kuroo would be long deceased by now, already buried six feet under. but kuroo is completely unbothered and just walks away with that trying smirk of his. 

“oh i’ll gladly serve like that again, right at your face.” oikawa whispers with a sadistic grin. 

it’s safe to say that kuroo’s team does not win this game.

not even close. 
