


Hello hey hi I’m gonna be writing things I did during hypochondriatic episodes, this may help some of u guys. !!im not a medical professional, please see one if you’re worried!!

1. Wait it out. I know when you discover a new symptom it feels like you WILL die and nothing can stop it. If it’s something like a headache, think “if it’s still there is 8 days I’ll go to the doctor.” This feels a lot more ordered, and it’s something u can focus on. For me, the headache would go away within a few days and I wouldn’t need the doctor.

2. *tell* someone. I know it’s really scary, but it can help. If you have any family members with medical knowledge they can reassure you. Do that instead silently worrying to the verge of hysteria. We all know that’s not fun.

3. Stay logical. Much easier said than done, yes. But if you give in to the fear, it’s like being sucked into a whirlpool. You can start grasping at straws and we all know where that leads.

4. Googling. Now, I won’t say “do not go on the internet” because most of us aren’t able to resist it. But, what you can do is search for ways to relieve this pain. Instead of searching “causes of tibia pain” search “how to relieve tibia pain.” This was kind of a win win for me because it would quench my need for googling as well as usually stop the pain.

Stay safe my hypochondria buddies. I know that it’s awful, I know how much of an impact it has on our lives. It’s truly unfair that we have to live with this. It’s the worst. If ur reading this drink some water rn pls <3


my body: literally just doing human functions

my brain: wtf you have tonsils?? you feel tired cause you haven’t slept?? you get stomach aches?? you can feel your own heartbeat?? I diagnose you with Dead

me, booboo the fool:



I would give anything to not have health anxiety



[Image Description 1: Comic, digital art cartoon style. To the left is a blue character and to the r[Image Description 1: Comic, digital art cartoon style. To the left is a blue character and to the r[Image Description 1: Comic, digital art cartoon style. To the left is a blue character and to the r[Image Description 1: Comic, digital art cartoon style. To the left is a blue character and to the r[Image Description 1: Comic, digital art cartoon style. To the left is a blue character and to the r[Image Description 1: Comic, digital art cartoon style. To the left is a blue character and to the r[Image Description 1: Comic, digital art cartoon style. To the left is a blue character and to the r[Image Description 1: Comic, digital art cartoon style. To the left is a blue character and to the r[Image Description 1: Comic, digital art cartoon style. To the left is a blue character and to the r[Image Description 1: Comic, digital art cartoon style. To the left is a blue character and to the r

[Image Description 1: Comic, digital art cartoon style. To the left is a blue character and to the right is a red character. “People are sick!” Blue yells with a concerned expression and a sweat drop forming. “People are hypochondriacs!” Red yells back while rolling their eyes with an annoyed vein next to their eye. Below a tiny purple arrow points to two dots.]

[Image Description 2: “PEOPLE! ARE! SICK!!!” Blue yells, their brow furrowed. “PEOPLE! ARE! HYPOCHONDRIACS!!!!!” Red yells back in their face. The purple arrow pointing to to dots is slightly larger, unnoticed by Blue and Red.]

[Image Description 3: The words “PEOPLE ARE SICK)(HYPOCHONDRIACS” are extremely large, in a motion blur as they swirl around the yelling heads of Blue and Red. Their heads against each other like a yin-yang symbol, eyes budging, saliva dripping. Below the purple arrow is bigger and we can see the dots are silhouettes.]

[Image Description 4: Below the purple arrow are two characters. On the left, a short character, tan skin, wearing blue pants, an oversized sweat-shirt with a heart mirrored by an upside down heart. Their head is half shaved and half short, curly, pale indigo color. They look shocked and annoyed, bags under their eyes.“Has a degenerative condition that took 5 years to get diagnosed” is written above their head. 

To the right, a girl nervous hold her hands in front of her chest, tears in her eyes, sad and frightened expression. She has on light green pains and a dark green tang-top dress shirt that ends above her navel. She has deep purple hair, long that fans out behind her head, and micro-bangs. Above her head “Has hypochondria, now called Somatic Symptom Disorder or Illness Anxiety Disorder.]

[Image Description 5:"Hey-” The short character says to the girl, their face still looking annoyed. “Yes?” Our hypochondriac responds startled, pupils tiny, forehead blue, and sweat forming on her arms. Afraid she’s about to be ridiculed for her anxiety disorder.]

[Image Description 6: The short character holds out a hand towards our hypochondriac, looking more relaxed. “Ya wanna get away from this noise and learn how to support each other in healthy ways?” They say. Turns out they have resting annoyed face, making them difficult to read. Hypo is more relaxed, but still has her hands to her chest nervously, her body closed off, more sweat, tears still in her eyes, looking at the short person.]

[Image Description 7: A close up of our hypochondriac. Covered in sweat, her pupils shrinking again as she processes what the short character proposed. She did not expect a person with a physical illness to see her as someone who wasn’t an enemy- to see her as more than just a person who made it more difficult for those with rare disorders to receive diagnosis or be taken seriously, or to be treated with respect and even love. She’s not smiling, but she is blushing as a sense of trust takes hold.]

[Image Description 8: *sniff* “I would love that.” Our hypochondriac says, now smiling and taking the hand of the also blushing short character.]

[Image Description 9: They fly into the sky holding hands, a rainbow trailing behind them. *Ghibli type music starts to play* *laughter of relief* They are pretty far away from us now.  “I think I’m getting altitude sickness” our hypochondriac says, the short person responding “That might actually be happening, we’ll go lower.”]

[Image Description 10: Downward at the bottom of the rainbow in script font are the words “Have fun with your word wars, ya Butts!”. Blue and Red have their backs to us as their looking at it. “What do you think those people were talking about?” says Blue, to which Red says “No idea. Wasn’t listening.”]

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just neurodivergent things: not knowing whether you’re actually sick or if you were wishing to get sick so much that it’s psychosomatic and hating being cared for because it might not be real.

Psychologically unhealthy people are usually FANATICS of a healthy lifestyle. They are constantly looking for the right food and drinks, they do not smoke or drink wine, they need a lot of salt and are obsessed with pharmacies.

(…) This striking passion, for example, to drink certain water, comes from constant fear in them, that is, fear of death.

Because something inside says: “Lord, don’t let me die, because I have not lived yet.”

Karl Gustav Jung Dream Analysis Winter semester. Lecture III, February 5, 1930


i think another reason is they find it easier to pick this water over other water instead of working on their real problems. so it’s a dumb self delusion like “since i picked quality water to drink now, i did something meaningful” nevermind the HUGE problems they never even begin to work towards.



this is killing me

i’m literally so fucking stupid. i don’t know why my hypochondriatic ass went on fucking google to google why the fuck i’ve been itching for two days—bitch—it might just be because i’m having a reaction to something, but fucking google wants to go and say, “oh, it’s fucking liver disease!” bitch, so do you know where i’m going right now? i’m going to the fucking ER, because it cannot be liver disease. no, no, no. honestly, like, i just, i just can’t move. get the fuck out of my way, bitch, i’m turning on my hazards. this is ridiculous. this is a fucking emergency—liver disease!—li—google, wh—liver disease? why are you, what? what do you mean? li—oh, no, no no no, not the liver disease, yeah (oh my fucking gosh)
