

I’m planning this arc like a crazy cookie, but here’s the summary so far… I truly hope y’all will follow me and ”Arc of Hwicce” which is a part with several chapters in my series ”Childhood friends” on Ao3 It’s like a continuation of the game with vili/eivor focus..


Hytham: So Aristotle was Plato’s student. And Aristotle believes that your character is voluntary, because it’s just the result of your actions, which are under your control.

Hytham: For example, right now, you have made the insane choice to ignore the person who is literally trying to save you from eternal damnation.

Eivor: No, yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m listening. Uh, I just are we sure we should be paying attention to these guys? It’s like, who died and left Aristotle in charge of ethics?

Hytham: …Plato.

Source: The Good Place
