#i dont have words


Nix Hydra completely failed with Muriel’s ending and now they are waiting for help from fans? All the fans left them long ago.

American capitalism, brutal and merciless.

silly-things-and-stranger-things: ranyani-arts:The Archfae my players met this last session. It will



The Archfae my players met this last session. It will be interesting as one of them continues down the path of Warlock to see how their relationship (if you can call it that) progresses

Good picture for time before!!! @lunargent-thorn

Hey, I don’t know how to say this without sounding like a total ass but if you want art of a character you should find an artist to commission something original and not take an existing artist’s personal work.

There is a plethora free resources out there and people who make art that is free for use. This is not one of them. This is not fanart. This is an original character of mine and I do not give permission for my personal work to be used by others for any reason.

It may seem silly that something as simple as this would send me into a rage but please understand that any art I make is the product of years of hard work and life experiences. When someone takes art of original content and makes it ‘theirs’ it feels very much that, as an artist, I am simply viewed as some product producing factory and not a person who created something.

I’m posting this publicly so that others can see and understand where I’m coming from and not to blast or shame. I don’t want to have to continue to repeat myself in the future when someone else inevitably decides that my art somehow belongs to them. I’m not interested in dogpiling but please learn from this and know that it is not okay to take someone’s original content for personal use.

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boomchickfanfiction: [Multiple warnings apply. Please check tags if you have concerns, either on thi


[Multiple warnings apply. Please check tags if you have concerns, either on this post or on Ao3!]

[Image description: A dynamic moment. Sephiroth is standing behind Cloud, his left hand resting on Cloud’s right shoulder. It could be a tender moment, but something has gone wrong. Sephiroth’s hand is too tight. Cloud is tense, twisting towards him, mouth open in a pained exclamation. Sephiroth is gripping his own arm tightly, his brows deeply furrowed and startled and afraid. His shaggy shoulder-length hair sways with his attempt to move away. Under Sephiroth’s left hand, Cloud’s shirt is starting to smolder and burn. end image description]

Den of M[arionettes]
Whumptober 2020

Art by @tomowowowo, story by Boomchick

Read on Ao3
Read from Beginning on Tumblr


*~ Two Bonus Images at End of Chapter~*

Day 14: Branding

  Cloud held the fractured half a face in both hands, carefully. Held up as if it were on a body roughly his size. Because it would have been. The reflection had looked so much like him before… 

  Well. Now he looked like one eye, most of a cheek, a few locks of hair, and half a mouth.

  The mouth was the most recent addition. Cloud had pieced together the face over a month of dreams. Finding splintered fragments of him in the middle of nightmares. broken like porcelain, but they still felt like skin, and hair.

  The mouth had come much later. A single visit in the middle of the night during Sephiroth’s long, stretching absence.

  "You’re back!“ Cloud had cried, carrying the rest of the reflection’s broken face wrapped carefully in his jacket.

  The reflection had shaken his head. Whispered “thank you,” and then he’d reached up. Clawed his own fingers into the hole in his head. Tore off one last chunk of his face. Then he had vanished again, just as abruptly.

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i can’t really explain how it was to experience the moments after Ed said ‘what makes me happy…’

i was holding my breath, like this is it, this is the moment, this is the breaking point. now we’ll know if it IS truly a romance or we just got our hopes up again. those moments felt like literally forever. i was bracing myself for some bullshit, like… ‘being myself’ or something. and then he said ‘you’ and it was such a rush of relief. not the ‘he is in love with… humanity’ bullshit again. it was like all of the serotonin and endorphin and dopamin and every other mix of hormones just suddenly got loose in my brain. and then, and then.

i know we say this a lot, but it was really a healing experience. no, you don’t imagine things. no, we don’t both want to keep straight general audiences and still baiting queers. no, it is what it is. it is what you see. we are not tiptoeing around this, this IS a romance. yes it is a gay one, but first and foremost it is a romance.

someone finally gets us.

i really cannot put it into words how this feels.
