#i have the good shit


Day Four:

This is going to be similar to last year in that I am stringing the days together to create a longer love story that takes place over several years.  You have Em to thank for that.  And also for the tattoos.

So I suppose that these are dedicated to her.

(This chapter is suggestive and I am going to tag it as NSFW just to be safe.)


“Are you sure…?”


“We could wait…”

Matthew laughed and dragged Gilbert towards his unmade bed.

“I’m ready.  We’re ready.  I want to do this.”

“What if…  What if it’s bad?”  Gilbert hissed anxiously.  “What if I hurt you?  Or you hurt me?  Or I pull a muscle and start crying and you’re not attracted to me anymore and, and, and…”

He trailed off as Matthew pulled his sweater over his head and raised a challenging eyebrow. Why was he always shirtless when they had important conversations?  That hardly seemed fair.

He gulped.  

“That’s not fair. You’re cheating.”

“I am.  You’re being ridiculous, Gilbert.”

He stared at the tattoo crawling up his arm and felt a swell of pride for his work.  He had done that.  Matthew had lethimdo that.  He had let him pierce his skin with needles for hours upon hours upon hours.

He had let him paint stained glass pieces and birds and flowers on him.  He had asked him to colour the tangled strings red.

He had trustedhim.

“I don’t want to disappoint you,” Gilbert whispered.  Matthew melted a little and cupped his face in both hands.

“You could never disappoint me,” he said, and he sounded so sure that it pulled on his heartstrings.  “Never. We can take it slow.  We can be careful.  But I want to do this.”

“…  Okay,” Gilbert breathed, reaching for his shoulders. “Okay.  We can try.”

And then he pushed Matthew backwards onto the mattress.

“Hey!”  He laughed, bouncing where he landed. Gilbert kneeled between his legs and started blowing raspberries on his stomach.  “Hey, that tickles!”

“You’re the one who wanted to do this.”

Matthew hauled him further up and kissed him.

“I do.  I want this.  I want you.”

Matthew nipped at his lips and slipped his tongue into his mouth and ran his fingers through his hair. Gilbert broke the kiss just long enough to toss his shirt across the bedroom and wiggle out of his jeans.  He touched his chest with shaking hands and ghosted over his nipples.

It was different than when he was tattooing him.  It was even different from when they cuddled or held hands.  They had been close for most of their lives but this was new and exciting and Gilbert wanted more of it.

He reached into his trousers and swallowed the little noise Matthew made when he palmed his erection.

“I can tell,” he chuckled, and Matthew must have forgotten what they were talking about earlier because he just blinked at him.  His eyes were hazy and unfocused.  It was cute.

Gilbert pressed a bit harder and laughed when he bucked.

“You’re such a tease,” Matthew growled impatiently.

“You haven’t seen anything yet.  You want to go slow?  I waited years for you.  I can drag this out all…  Night… Long…”

“Why do I have to do everything around here?”  Matthew shimmied out from under him and kicked off his trousers, socks, and underwear. He pulled a bottle of FINE BOTANICAL LUBRICANT out from under his pillow.  He tossed it to Gilbert.  “I said ‘I like you’ first.  I said ‘I love you’ first.  So hurry up and dosomething about it!”

Gilbert fumbled with the bottle.

“Uhh…  You want me to…?  You?  Me?”

Matthew rolled his eyes but there was a flush spreading down his chest now.

“You can do me tonight.”

“Tonight…”  He repeated faintly as Matthew flipped onto his stomach and raised his ass in the air.  Gilbert stared at the tattoo in the centre of his back and tried not to think too much about what he was doing when he spread his knees a little further.  

“I, uh, I stretched earlier,” Matthew mumbled into his pillow.  “It’ll be easier.  Probably.”

Gilbert coated his fingers and studied the stained glass halo they were adding behind the skull and antlers to tie the design to his arm.

He slipped one finger inside of Matthew and kissed his tattoo.

He slipped another finger inside him and traced the lines with his tongue.  He started rocking his fingers in and out.

He slipped a third finger inside and bit Matthew on the shoulder when he cried out.

“Are you okay?” Gilbert asked, and he was surprised how much deeper his voice sounded.  He continued to bite and lick his shoulder as he worked.  He was going to leave bruises.  “We can stop at any time.  If you want.”

“I’ll kill you if you even think about stopping,” Matthew panted.  His hips kept jerking forward before pushing back and he keened when Gilbert curled his fingers.  

Gilbert grinned against his skin.

“I love you too.”
