#i love each and every one of you


I Just Wanna Say A Huge Thank You To Everyone Who Is Following Me, I Have Just Reached 100 Followers, I’m Just Super Happy, Honestly I Didn’t Think I Would Get This Many So Thank You Everyone.

(I Know It Might Now Seem A lot, But It Is To Me Lol)


Hello Sunflowerkru!

For once, I’m not posting a picture today. The news is too heavy, and all my thoughts go to all those who are suffering at the moment. It’s too hard to be positive, even though I try to be positive in general.

But I wanted to mark the occasion today. It’s not about naming the “good guys” from the “bad guys”. It should never come down to “them” versus “us”… It’s just a reminder that there shouldn’t be a rule of the strongest, and that there are aggressors and aggressed, even though our ancestors fought to prevent this from happening.

Let’s try to help everyone we can.  Let’s not forget what makes us human: fear, love. Before pointing out what separates us, let us recognize what connects us.

I tag all those who will join me in this reminder.

This relates nothing to my blog what so ever.


It’s Pride month and that makes your girl here very happy. (In case you didn’t know, Hi I’m Bi)

Though this is one of the only places I can come to talk about this, because my parents would absolutely hate me if I came out to them and told them. They hate the idea of anything like that.

I first came out here on my blog a few months ago, and I had so much support from you lot. It made me feel great and loved. Like I belonged.

I’ve never felt more at home than I do, when I’m on here. Though I don’t really post all that much, you all are still here. (Sometimes I forget I have requests tbh)

So thank you to anyone who has ever made me smile or has even just dropped in to say Hi. You probably made my day.

Also I’m here if any of you ever want to talk to anyone. My inbox is always open. I love talking to you guys.

I tend to delete ones that are blatantly ableist, racist, transphobic, or homophobic. I also have my fair share of violence that I will not share. This is a safe space for good folks who love fallout and always will be. Don’t be hateful that’s the only rule loves.
