#i should be asleep


I posted Stoveguard again, because thinking about superhero comics, surprise, breathes passion back into this unfinished project. Here’s hoping I actually start it someday.


Caretakers who simply…do not care.

Sure, they tend to whumpee’s wounds and make sure they don’t die… Maybe they offer them somewhere to sleep.

But they don’t act kind. They don’t act nurturing. They don’t act like anything at all.

Perhaps they only tend to Whumpee’s wounds via direct orders, or obligation.

They don’t comfort them, they don’t talk to them, and they certainly don’t help them escape.

But Whumpee clings to them nonetheless.

Whumpee is desperate to see them. Desperate to be cared for. They create a sort of scenario in their heads to cope with their loneliness, wherein Caretaker actually offers them some sort of peace of mind. They act affectionate towards them despite getting absolutely nothing in return.

Does Caretaker eventually open up more? Do they grow to resent Whumpee? Or do they just continue their usual behavior?

What happens when Whumpee’s feelings become clear? Does Caretaker laugh in Whumpee’s face, admitting that they just do this because it’s their job?

Do they pity Whumpee? Do they tell Whumper? Or do they just stop visiting?

What happens when they don’t show up anymore?

Caretaker works for Whumper. They acc care about Whumpee, but are threatened into acting like they don’t. At first they can easily keep up the stoic appearance, but over time that gets much more difficult as they realize just how vulnerable and broken Whumpee is.

That’s when Whumper steps in, manipulating caretaker into hurting Whumpee, either through threat against caretakers love ones, caretaker themself, or Whumpee.

Maybe caretaker had finally started to soften, but then that change back to brutal is the little tap that tips Whumpee over the edge.

Of course they don’t know about the threats, and caretaker isn’t able to tell them, the betrayal ‍
