#my feelings


Para : El hombre del que me estoy enamorando.

Sé que te pregunto diario si quieres continuar conmigo, si no estás confundido o deseas detenerte, si aun deseas que esté contigo, no es por indecisión mía, es por desconfianza hacía mi, no veo en mi todo lo que tu si ves, me desconcierta el cariño que me profesas, me siento perdida en un lugar desconocido. Todos los días me despierto pensando que ese será el último día que sientas atracción hacía mi, preguntandome ¿Cuál es el truco? ¿Porqué las cosas sólo marchan bien? No sé manejar la estabilidad por mucho tiempo, no estoy acostumbrada, busco caos y autosabotaje, no es que lo quiera pero es mi ser. ¿Cómo es que una persona maravillosa como tu termino con alguien como yo? ¿Ahora entiendes lo difícil que es estar contigo? No porque no lo desee, si no por lo incomprensible que me resulta que las cosas sean tal cual las quiero. Te quiero, realmente lo hago, y si no llega a funcionar desde ahora sé que será por mi, pero agradeceré el que lo hayas intentado y me hicieras sentir querida, deseada, estarás siempre en mi. Pero, una pequeña parte de mi si quiere que funcione, quiere que por alguna extraña y espontánea razón las cosas sucedan tan cual las deseo, que te quedes y me ayudes con el caos que otros hicieron, te entregaré cada mínima y recóndita parte de mi ser, no fallare, seré la persona más leal que hayas tenido a tu merced, seré tuya y nadie podrá quitarte eso.



Deepfake Star Trek TOS/AOS by FuturingMachine. Check it out, it’s magnificent!

Part One
Part Two
Part Three

/me wheezes

Check out my Insta for some vids & pics from the Van Gogh Experience. Was like you were experiencing everything he must have been feeling while painting. Like you were *inside* his paintings. Like they were alive & you were one with them. It brought me to tears. https://www.instagram.com/dodger_sister/


“It has never been easy”

Telling to yourself your own love story.

“It has never been easy”

To see how, slowly, you destroyed your self.

Watching how everyone else did it too.

Feeling the pain of words stabbing their hearts.

It has never been easy: washing your hands off.

Avoiding "offensive” expressions I guess,

ignoring word-laden feelings.

“It’s never easy” you tell to yourself

again and again.

While you know that you’re sinking

a little bit more each time.

“It’s never easy” you reflect.

To smell the stink of defeat

without haven’t even aspired to victory.

To skip the people you’ve never cared about.

Go unnoticed through their minds.

“It’s easy” you say.

Send it all to hell

Throw all the shit away .

Knowing that their words make you stronger

while your smile weakens them.

Translation of the poem: “Nunca ha sido fácil”


Check out my Insta for some vids & pics from the Van Gogh Experience. Was like you were experiencing everything he must have been feeling while painting. Like you were *inside* his paintings. Like they were alive & you were one with them. It brought me to tears. https://www.instagram.com/dodger_sister/

masterofthelivingforce:kurtssingh:He smiled like nothing happened.He tried to grow his beard and



He smiled like nothing happened.

He tried to grow his beard and hair like Qui-gon. He thought it was a good idea.


Post link

Do you ever pass an incredibly hot guy and somehow forget how to flipping walk

so fucking over negative people and their negative drama. some people are trying to grow up and make the rest of their life, the best of their life, so if you can’t bring anything good into our friendship or relationship, see yourself out. i don’t have time for stupid drama and immature adults. i have goals and like to surround myself with people that want the best for me and for themselves☮☮☮

straynstay talk (I need to get this off my chest)

it’s late at night and I can’t stop thinking about him

how’s he doing, if he’s eating well, if he’s drinking enough water, if he’s resting properly, if his hair grew a lot or if he cut it, if he’s doing fine mentally and emotionally…

tbh this whole situation is so unfair and frustrating, I’m so tired of this already, I just want him back

I just want Hyunjin back, please…..

I love you and I’m here for you always

I’ll keep counting the days until we meet again ❣️
