#i think this counts

galazybunny: guiltyidealist:guiltyidealist:distinct-disability-flags:Queer Cis and Trans Straigalazybunny: guiltyidealist:guiltyidealist:distinct-disability-flags:Queer Cis and Trans Strai





Queer Cis and Trans Straight Flags

Some of my friends have been expressing that they can’t make combo flags displaying the entirety of their identity due to the virtual absence of non-satirical cis and straight flags, so I decided to take a whack at it! Please note that straight people cannot use the Queer Cis flag and cis people cannot use the Trans Straight flag. These flags are for individuals who are still part of the LGBTQIA+ community in some way.


Read more for creative process and meanings:

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Okay, so. Why does a cis queer flag need to exist? That’s just a variant of “CiS pRiDe”. You don’t need to be proud to be a CIS queer. There’s no pride in that. That’s like making a white queer flag alongside existing black queer flags. It’s ???????

Straight trans is fine. Straight trans people should absolutely have pride in being straight trans people, because they get othered for being straight in LGBT spaces (e.g. “straights DNI”).

But “queer CIS pride” is offensive.

Like. Imagine if someone started yelling, “But!! But!!!!!! White trans people deserve pride too!!!!” or “But!!!! Cis PoC deserve positivity too!!!!” in a positivity post for trans PoC

There’s really nothing wrong with cis queer pride. Cis queer pride and straight trans pride are two sides of the same coin, to get upsets at one but not the other is rather hypocritical. Cis and straight are both majorities, they’re both considered the ‘norm’ by many. There is pride in breaking the ‘norm’ one way and not another, no matter what part of the ‘norm’ you keep. You can personally find this offends you, but your opinions are not universal fact

And your comparison of cis black people and white trans people on a trans poc post makes no sense, because you’re the one derailing a post in this situation. Op made this post as a positivity thing for his friends and you’re derailing it. White trans people and cis black people derailing a trans poc post? Annoying, unnecessary, not a good thing. Op making his own post? Thats what this site is for

I made these flags so my friends could make combination flags describing the whole of their identities. It wasn’t necessarily about pride, but the ability to have a simple visual representation, and for my queer cis friend, toacknowledge being cis as to not other her friend group. Like cis people who put their pronouns in their bios, she wanted a flag to at least personally normalize: “Hey, I’m cis. Other people aren’t. And a couple of my non-cis friends felt like their flags gave them a tacked-on ‘otherness’ quality because being cis is so 'normal’ that I only have to visually mention my orientation.” She doesn’t want a queer cis flag for pride, but simply for her personal friends’ comfort in their pride. It’s an act of solidarity for her, and I support it.

Also, gay trans PoC here, I know that derailing, and you’re the one doing it. I get where you’re coming from, but where theseflags are coming from are not “CiS/sTrAiGhT pRidE”. Please notice how I specifically avoided the word pride to refer to these flags.

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being in your twenties is such a thing because there are people who haven’t left their own state and people who go to college and people who have babies and are married and people who haven’t kissed anyone and people completely independent and people who still sleep with the nightlight on and we’re all…peers or comrades or whatever and yet we all feel like we’re doing everything absolutely wrong. 
