#ibn al xuffasch


Okay, so after working through a timeline and sorting through when everyone is born and how everyone works around main events, I have a pretty solid list of ages. I’m still going to be working on making a thorough timeline, but the one I worked on today was just to get their ages sorted out. I’ll start designing everyone for this AU soon enough.

The ages I’m about to list are the ages that each character is at when they all know about each other, and everyone is either living with Bruce, living on their own, or living with other Guardians 

Barbara Gordon-34

Dick Grayson -31

Jason Todd-26

Cassandra Cain-26

Stephanie Brown-25

Carrie Kelley - 25

Tim Drake-24

Duke Thomas-23

Harper Row-22

Damian Wayne-20

Athanasia al Ghul-20

Cullen Row-20

Terry McGinnis-16

Alina Wayne-15

Ibn al Xu’ffasch-12

Tallant Wayne-10

Helena “Hel” Kyle-9

Matt McGinnis-7

Helena “Lena” Wayne-5
